Aboutread Privacy Policy

Aboutread Privacy Policy describes how we handle your personal information. We make our effort to collect only minimum of your personal information. We use and share the information to help the Aboutread website work and to keep it safe (details below).
Information Collection
Information posted on the website is publicly available. If you choose to provide us with personal information, you are consenting to the transfer and storage of that information on our servers. We collect and store the following personal information:
  • Email address;
  • Computer sign-on data, statistics on page views, traffic to and from Aboutread through cookies. You can take steps to disable the cookies on your browser although this is likely to affect your ability to use the site;
  • Other information, including users IP address and standard web log information;
How We Use The Information Collected
We use the collected information to:
  • provide our services and contact you about the website;
  • customize users' experience, measure interest in our services, and inform users about services and updates, monitor or improve the use of the website;
  • communicate marketing and promotional offers to you, customize the advertising and content you see;
  • provide certain functions as described when we collect the information.
With Whom The Information May Be Shared
We don't sell or rent users' personal information to third parties for their marketing purposes without users explicit consent. We may disclose personal information to respond to legal requirements, enforce our policies, respond to claims that a posting or other content violates other's rights, or protect anyone's rights, property, or safety. We may also share the collected information with:
  • corporate affiliates who help detect and prevent potentially illegal acts and provide joint services. (Our corporate affiliates will market only to users who ask them to).
  • service providers who help with our business operations.
We use lots of tools to protect your personal information against unauthorized access and disclosure, but as you probably know, nothing is perfect, so we make no guarantees.
We may update this policy at any time, with updates taking effect when you next post or after 30 days, whichever is sooner. If we or our corporate affiliates are involved in a merger or acquisition, we may share personal information with another company, but this policy will continue to apply. Send questions about this policy to [email protected].

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