Best Selling Books by Andrew David

Andrew David is the author of The Growth of Television Ownership in the United Kingdom Since the War (1964), Becoming a Student of Teaching (1995), Teacher Unionism in the 1980s (1986), The Radcliffe Observatory, 1772-1972 (1972), Industrial Relations and State Education in Australia (1986).

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The Growth of Television Ownership in the United Kingdom Since the War

Becoming a Student of Teaching

release date: Jan 01, 1995
Becoming a Student of Teaching
Bullough and Gitlin's book is a thoughtful and readable text written for all teacher educators and teacher education students as well as university teachers and cooperating teachers.

Teacher Unionism in the 1980s

release date: Jan 01, 1986
Teacher Unionism in the 1980s
Teacher unions are a prominent feature of the Australian education scene. More than 80 per cent of teachers in government schools (and a growing proportion in nongovernment schools) are members of teacher unions, and union representatives are influential in many policy areas. This review examines the structure and role of teacher unions in three states (New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia), and analyses the rapidly changing shape of teacher unionism at the federal level. Each of the four authors has a detailed knowledge of the operations of Australian teacher unions. The challenging views they present should help to stimulate research and debate on this important aspect of Australian education.

Industrial Relations and State Education in Australia

release date: Jan 01, 1986

The 1985 Physical and Social Survey of Houses in Multiple Occupation in England and Wales

release date: Jan 01, 1986


release date: Jul 24, 2017
Sophia is fantasy fiction with spiritual themes in the lineage of C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, or G. K. Chesterton. It's a novel that explores timeless themes in the context of our modern world where girls are, quite literally, divine! Mother and Sophia have no beginning and no ending. They simply are. They didn't come from anywhere, and they aren't going anywhere. This might sound boring, but it isn't, because Mother and Sophia know what to do with their eternity. They write, and they sing. And when they do, whole worlds spring into existence. They're about to write another world into life, but this one is different. This one has characters that they want to welcome into their own world. But how are they supposed to do that? Sophia has an idea.

Options Trading Strategies

release date: Nov 23, 2019
Options Trading Strategies
Are you looking for the best tips and tricks that can help you learn how to trade for a living? The world of trading is constantly in motion with constant changes to stock prices and fluctuations. Those who can predict those fluctuations and buy and sell according to those upcoming trends are the ones who are most successful. Those who are most successful have been able to take control of their finances, their lives, and have been able to make a sustainable income that leaves them answering to no one in life. Experienced and successful traders are able to live the lives they want to live. If this is something you want for your life, then you need to learn how trading works. Learning the ins and outs of trading, how trends are created, how to read them, how to make your decisions regarding your investments and more will be the ways in which you will find the success you need. If you are interested in learning how to make trading lucrative for you and how to make a living off of it, then you need this book bundle. In this bundle, you will receive: The Complete Crash Course of Options Trading How to Swing Trade Secret Strategy, Tips and Tricks for a Living These are the two texts that will take you from a beginner's knowledge of how stocks and trading work, all the way to the expert level of a seasoned professional. With the information and practical applications outlined in these texts, all the guesswork will be taken out of the equation. In this book bundle, you will learn: All the terminology of the trading world so you'll be able to follow the tips and information you get when trading How to weigh the risks and the rewards of a trade How to choose the broker that is right for you How to capitalize on a minimal investment for maximum capital gain Understanding and manipulating Forex trading How to analyze the information in front of you So much more! I am new to trading - will I be able to understand the information in this bundle? Yes! This book bundle is meant for those who are new to the world of trading. The information in these books is meant to show you how trading works, what all the aspects of trading mean in layman's terms, and how you can actually put the stocks to work for you! How do I know I'm not at risk of losing money in my investments? The information in this book will give you all the tools you need in order to properly evaluate the risk in a trading option so you can pick the option that is most ideal for you and your portfolio. Buy your copy Now and start Winning at trading!

Drug & Alcohol Reasonable Suspicion Testing

release date: Mar 16, 2021
Drug & Alcohol Reasonable Suspicion Testing
This book is published as a supplement to the DOT Supervisor Reasonable Suspicion Training Course and is designed to be both a learning tool and an ongoing reference guide for supervisors. This book will assist in understanding the regulations involved for each applicable DOT subagency including the FMCSA, FAA, FRA, FTA, PHMSA and USCG.

Atlas of Refugees, Displaced Populations, and Epidemic Diseases

release date: Jan 01, 2018
Atlas of Refugees, Displaced Populations, and Epidemic Diseases
Full colour atlas containing more than 400 maps, charts, photographs, and associated text examining epidemics within displaced populations over the past 150 years, including coverage of disease transmission and abatement strategies during war and natural disasters.--

Practical Manual of Intraocular Inflammation

release date: Jan 01, 2008
Practical Manual of Intraocular Inflammation
Filling the need for a succinct, up-to-date guide in the management of sight-threatening disorders, this source provides a clear and practical approach to the treatment and analysis of posterior segment intraocular inflammatory conditions. Practical Manual of Intraocular Inflammation includes:full coverage of diagnosis, clinical assessment, and management of symptomsdescriptions of external inflammatory conditions, as well as uveitisfull-color algorithms, scientific charts, schematic illustrations, and clinical photographsWith over 60 color images, ophthalmologists, optometrists, and primary care physicians will find this source well-illustrated and documented, making this reference indispensable to any eye and vision practice.

Co-operative Rehousing

release date: Jan 01, 1988

Melbourne, the Water's Edge

Melbourne, the Water's Edge
This book looks at Melbournes waterfront history and local landmarks.

Teachers' Voices for School Change

release date: Jan 01, 1992


release date: Jan 01, 2024
"In this addition to the Short Studies in Systematic Theology series, the author carefully examines the doctrine of predestination and encourages believers to respond in worship"--

The Story of Israel Between Settlement and Exile


release date: May 22, 2017
Embracing the reality of hell means setting aside moderation. It means admitting that our sin is dark and heinous to the point of eternal damnation; that the white light of God's character and glory justly destroys those who have fallen short of his glory; and that that our non-Christians friends have nothing greater to fear. That's tough to do when you havemoderate views of your sin, your friend's sin, and of God's glory.Embracing the reality of hell also means going against the fallen cultural structures and belief systems of this world, all of which conspire together with our own hearts to repeat the serpent's promise of a moderate outcome, "You will surely not die."As hard as it is to stare at the doctrine of hell, surely it must be salubrious to our faith to do so from time to time. It forces us to once again reckon with who God is and who we are. We hope this issue of the 9Marks Journal will help all of us to do just that.

Effects of Water Availability and Uniconazol on Loblolly Pine (P̲i̲n̲u̲s̲ T̲a̲e̲d̲a̲ ̲L.)

release date: Jan 01, 1992

Income Inequality, Polarization and Electoral Politics in the United States

release date: Jan 01, 2019
Income Inequality, Polarization and Electoral Politics in the United States
This paper uses data aggregated from a multitude of publicly available sources, including the U.S. Census Bureau, the Bureaus of Labor Statistics and Economic Analysis; as well as the accessible repositories of economists Thomas Piketty, Emmanuel Saez and Mark Frank to evaluate what relationship exists, if any, between income inequality and Presidential election results, at the state level, from 1972 to 2016. Isolating inequality by holding constant electorally predictive and sociological variables including unemployment and poverty rates, median household income, state GDP per capita change, population density and urban population, race, education and religiosity; as well as year and state fixed effects, I found that a statistically and substantively significant relationship exists between the Gini coefficient and partisan electoral preference, using both an ordinary least squares regression and more tellingly, a fixed effects regression. My analysis suggests that a 1% increase in a state's Gini coefficient is associated with an increase in the Democratic two-party vote share of 0.119%, holding all other factors in the regression constant. Based on my empirical results and again controlling for fixed effects, I project a 2020 Electoral College Map in which Democrats take back control of the Executive Branch, winning 369 of 538 electoral votes.

Short Term Creep Testing of A516 Steel in a Hydrogen Environment

release date: Jan 01, 1990

Trichloroethylene Exposure and Traumatic Brain Injury Interact and Produce Dual Injury Based Pathology and Pioglitazone Can Attenuate Deficits Following Traumatic Brain Injury

release date: Jan 01, 2011

The Cloning of Rous Sarcoma Virus and the Characterization of Transformation by the Src Gene Via Transfection

Structural Analysis in the Coast Range Ophiolite Near Paskenta, California

release date: Jan 01, 2008
Structural Analysis in the Coast Range Ophiolite Near Paskenta, California
California has been a site of subduction since about 155 Ma. The Franciscan complex accumulated in front of, and beneath, the crystalline leading edge of the North American Plate: a belt of oceanic crust and mantle known as the Coast Range Ophiolite. Near Paskenta, California, the blueschist facies Franciscan rocks (South Fork Mountain Schist) are juxtaposed against the ophiolitic rocks along the Coast Range Fault. These Franciscan rocks have risen ~15 km and the ophiolitic rocks at least 3 km and perhaps as much as 10 km. The intervening Coast Range Fault has a near vertical dip. It has previously been interpreted as a rotated east-dipping thrust fault that formed by subduction underthrusting, an east-dipping décollement to a series of out-of-sequence imbricated thrusts, and a high-angle west-dipping reverse fault that formed by collisional overthrusting. To explain the unroofing of the Franciscan rocks, it has been interpreted as a high-angle normal fault. Notably, fault-related kinematic data in support of tectonic models for Coast Range Fault movement and ophiolite emplacement are sparse. To constrain the geometry and kinematics of the Coast Range Fault and ophiolite emplacement, three geologic transects were made along sinuous roads near Paskenta. Approximately 30 km of roadcut is present along the ~60 km length of road. Exposures are typically less than two meters high, but locally as tall as 20 m, along roadcuts that extend for tens to a few hundred meters. Lithologies were mapped in the roadcut exposures and the attitudes of fault planes and direction and sense of slip was measured. Data were obtained on 275 faults traceable for e" meter. Within serpentinite shear zones, the attitudes of 1159 minor faults were measured. Mapping revealed that although all parts of the ophiolite suite are present near Paskenta, the pieces are well shuffled. For example, slabs of layered radiolarian chert are found in the western part of the ophiolite near the Franciscan rocks and masses of serpentinite are present in the eastern part near the steeply eastwards dipping strata of the depositionally overlying Great Valley Group (Knoxville Formation). In addition, faults and serpentinite shear zones are heterogeneously distributed. In the Paskenta area, the ophiolite is not simply an upturned slab of oceanic crust. It is well described as an ophiolitic mélange. Stereographic analysis reveals the pattern of faulting along each transect is similar with most faults striking roughly north-south and steeply dipping - near-parallel to the Coast Range Fault. For major faults with full kinematic observations, normal offsets (n = 226) dominate over those with reverse offset (n = 97). Movement patterns recorded in the minor faults found in the serpentinite shear zones are less defined, but overall patterns appear similar. Uplift of the Franciscan complex and Coast Range Ophiolite near Paskenta was accomplished not just by normal, near-vertical movement along the Coast Range Fault, but also by slip along the numerous faults and shear zones within the ophiolite belt. However, faulting associated with the ascent of Franciscan rock does not appear to be sufficient to account for the thorough disruption of the ophiolite terrane in this area. The ophiolitic mélange was probably generated prior to ophiolite emplacement in an oceanic transform setting

RNA Synthesis Along the Crypt-villus Axis of the Rat Small Intestine Epithelium

Intolerance of Uncertainty and the Physiological Correlates of Anticipation and Appraisal of Affective Stimuli

release date: Jan 01, 2021
Intolerance of Uncertainty and the Physiological Correlates of Anticipation and Appraisal of Affective Stimuli
Intolerance of uncertainty (IU) is an important transdiagnostic construct found across many psychiatric conditions. This construct is thought to reflect a general tendency to interpret uncertainty as overly aversive, and often results in individuals engaging in atypical cognitive, behavioral, and affective processes. While the effects of IU are well documented in clinical contexts, the ability to capture and assess these abnormalities through the use of physiological measures in laboratory settings remains limited. Better understanding the association between IU and physiological measures is important, as it may speak to the underlying mechanisms responsible for what is overtly observed in clinical settings. In order to better understand the effect IU on emotional processes, the current study relied on an S1-S2 image viewing paradigm were S1 cues were manipulated to either provide information about the S2 image valence, or to provide no information about the S2 image valence. Cue-related stimulus-preceding negativity (SPN) and image-related late positive potential (LPP) were captured and assessed as measures of emotional anticipation and emotional reactivity, respectively. Self-reported arousal and valence ratings following image presentation were also captured to provide additional support of the physiological data. Data were compared between High- and Low-IU individuals. Results reveal that High- compared to Low-IU individuals exhibited greater emotional anticipation, as reflected by SPN, for certain affective cue conditions, as well as the uncertain cue condition. Between-group analyses for LPP data failed to reveal an effect of IU-group, but did reveal important trends revealing greater emotional reactivity for uncertain relative to certain conditions, and negative relative positive content; further discussion of these contrasts are provided in this document. Lastly, self-reported valence rating demonstrate that the effect of uncertainty is specific to negative images, with greater negativity reported for uncertain-negative compared to certain-negative images, and no observed differences of positive image conditions. Self-reported arousal ratings largely demonstrate greater arousal for affective relative to neutral, negative relative to positive, and certain relative to uncertain conditions; further discussion of these contrasts are provided in the document. Implications of these findings in the context of existing literature, as well as limitations and future directions are discussed.

Secular and Christian Leadership in Corinth

release date: Jan 01, 1991

Development of Site Index Curves for High Value Trees on Reclaimed Surface-mined Land

release date: Jan 01, 2005

Investigating the Investigators

release date: Jan 01, 2008

Laboratory and Field Investigation of Reflective Crack Mitigation in Layered Asphalt Concrete Pavements

release date: Jan 01, 2015

Paul's Use of Isaiah 40:13 and Job 41:3a (eng. 41:11a) in Romans 11:34-35

release date: Jan 01, 2010

A Public Place of the People, by the People, and for the People

release date: Jan 01, 1994
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