New Releases by Antoine de Saint

Antoine de Saint is the author of Mały Książę. Francuski z Antoine’em de Saint-Exupérym (2024), Caves Select : The Little Prince (2023), The Little Prince - De Kleine Prins (2023), 어린 왕자 - 한국어, 프랑스어, 영어 합본 (2022), The Little Prince - Der Kleine Prinz (2022).

1 - 30 of 64 results

Mały Książę. Francuski z Antoine’em de Saint-Exupérym

release date: Jun 20, 2024
Mały Książę. Francuski z Antoine’em de Saint-Exupérym
LE PETIT PRINCE (Mały książę). Francuski z Antoine᾿em de Saint-Exupérym Mały książę – to powiastka filozoficzna autorstwa Antoine’a de Saint-Exupéry’ego. Klasyka światowej literatury. Opowieść o dorastaniu do wiernej miłości, przyjaźni, lojalności i odpowiedzialności za drugiego człowieka. Jest to książka, którą warto mieć w swojej domowej biblioteczce i do której warto wracać. Na małej asteroidzie B 612 mieszka Mały Książę. Pewnego dnia odkrywa, że na jego planecie wyrosła piękna róża. Chłopiec otacza ją troską — regularnie podlewa i osłania przed wiatrem. Niestety kwiat nie docenia jego starań. Rozczarowany zachowaniem róży, Mały Książę wyrusza w podróż na inne planety, gdzie spotyka różne postacie, które poruszają jego refleksję nad światem i życiem. Opis Metody: Metoda Ilyi Franka pozwala uczyć się języka przy okazji czytania ciekawych książek w języku oryginalnym z wplecionym dosłownym tłumaczeniem. Całą zawartość książki podzieliliśmy na akapity i dodaliśmy 100% tłumaczenia, dlatego nie będziesz miał problemów ze zrozumieniem treści. Najpierw czytasz akapit z tłumaczeniem, następnie czytasz ten sam akapit bez tłumaczenia, czyli “płyniesz bez asekuracji”. Właśnie wtedy Twój mózg łączy angielskie i polskie znaczenia w jedną całość, a Ty przyswajasz język. Z serii mogą korzystać zarówno osoby początkujące i średniozaawansowane (czytając najpierw część z tłumaczeniem, a potem bez tłumaczenia). I też osoby zaawansowane (czytając w odwrotnej kolejności albo tylko oryginalną część)

Caves Select : The Little Prince

release date: Apr 30, 2023
Caves Select : The Little Prince
在撒哈拉沙漠中迫降的飛行員,與從B-612星球來的小王子不可思議地巧遇。 小王子住在一個只有房子般的大小的星球上,星球上有兩座活火山、一座死火山,還有一朵美麗的玫瑰花。 有一天他和他珍愛的玫瑰花鬧彆扭,於是賭氣離開故鄉到各星球旅行 ,想找一個可以談心的對象 。 但在其他星球上碰到的卻都是些舉止奇怪可厭的大人 。直到小王子來到地球…

The Little Prince - De Kleine Prins

release date: Feb 27, 2023
The Little Prince - De Kleine Prins
Der kleine Prinz ist ein modernes Kunstmärchen und wird fast immer als Plädoyer für Freundschaft und Menschlichkeit interpretiert. Englisch oder Niederländisch lernen mit „Der kleine Prinz“. Vollständige zweisprachige Ausgabe mit nebeneinander angeordneten Übersetzung. Der englische Text und die niederländische Übersetzung sind in diesem Buch in Spalten satzweise nebeneinander angeordnet (Paralleler Text, Zweisprachig), mit den farbigen Zeichnungen des Autors. Die Geschichte ist besonders geeignet da sie auch nach mehrmaligem Lesen nicht langweilig wird. Ihre Vorteile - Sie können sofort kontrollieren ob Sie etwas verstanden haben ohne lange suchen zu müssen. - Sie können so den Englisch oder Niederländisch Text lesen und brauchen nur kurze Zeit um eine fehlende Übersetzung zu finden. So geraten Sie nicht aus dem Lesefluss und können die Geschichte wirklich genießen. - Die sinngemäße Übersetzung orientiert sich sehr dicht am Original. - Dies macht eine Zuordnung von Englisch - Niederländisch einfach. - Zum Verbessern einer Fremdsprache, zum Auffrischen einer Fremdsprache oder einfach zum Lesen einer Fremdsprache (Umfangreicher Wortschatz). - Das Buch ist zum Vorlesen geeignet. Sie können zum Vorlesen die englische oder niederländische Variante wählen, zwischen den Sprachen wechseln oder nur jeweils ein paar englische Wörter beim Vorlesen einstreuen. - Wegen des großen Wortschatzes werden wichtige Wörter automatisch wiederholt, da sie im Text öfter vorkommen. Ein langweiligess Auswendiglernen entfällt. - Enthält als Anhang Schlusswort-Erzählung von Wirton Arvott und einige zusätzliche persönliche Zeichnungen des Autors. Extensives Lesen und Englisch oder Niederländisch lernen mit parallelen Texten: Warum? Extensives Lesen bedeutet hier Lesen, sehr viel Lesen in einer Fremdsprache. Dabei kommt es nicht darauf an jedes Wort zu verstehen sondern der Handlung zu folgen und herauszufinden was als nächstes passiert. Der Spaß am Lesen steht im Vordergrund. Der amerikanische Linguist Stephen Krashen bezeichnet extensives Lesen als das wirksamsten Mittel zum Spracherwerb.

어린 왕자 - 한국어, 프랑스어, 영어 합본

release date: Sep 02, 2022
어린 왕자 - 한국어, 프랑스어, 영어 합본
많은 집의 서재나 책꽂이가 그렇듯, 우리 집에도 ‘여러 권의 어린 왕자’가 있습니다. 가족 누군가 선물 받았거나, 이전부터 갖고 있던 것들, 그리고 시간이 지나 아이들을 위한 책까지 늘어났습니다. 어느 날, 이렇게 모인 ‘어린 왕자’들을 모두 함께 모아 보면서 많은 생각이 들었습니다. 너무 오래전의 번역 문장들이 지금은 어색해진 경우도 있었고, 영문 번역본을 통한 재번역으로 인해 간혹 잘못된 경우도 보이곤 했습니다. 언어가 다른 만큼이나, 문화와 생각의 차이도 분명한 만큼 무조건적인 직역, 사전대로의 번역이 작가의 생각을 그대로 전달하는 것도 아닐 것임은 너무도 당연할 것입니다. 이에, 편집부서 직원들이 함께 머리를 맞대어 프랑스어 원문과, 영문 번역본, 이전까지의 한글 번역본을 모두 살펴보고, 현시점에서 작가의 의도와 원문을 최대한 훼손하지 않는 범위에서 조금이라도 더 자연스러운 한글 문장으로 다듬고자 했습니다. 몇 번을 봐도 아직 만족스럽지 않은 부분이 여전히 존재하지만, 이후로는 독자분들의 의견에 귀 기울여가며 더욱 다듬어 가고자 합니다. 그래서, 본 전자책에는 프랑스어 원문과 영문 번역본까지 함께 실었습니다. 천천히 살펴보시고 번역이 어색하거나 더 나은 표현이 떠오른다면 누구라도, 언제든 ‘편지’를 보내주시기 바랍니다. 지구의 모든 이들에게 너무도 소중한 이 ‘어린 왕자’를 더 많은 분들의 힘을 빌려 이 한국어판도 두고두고 함께 가꾸어 갈 수 있기를 바랍니다.

The Little Prince - Der Kleine Prinz

release date: Jul 07, 2022
The Little Prince - Der Kleine Prinz
Der kleine Prinz ist ein modernes Kunstmärchen und wird fast immer als Plädoyer für Freundschaft und Menschlichkeit interpretiert. Englisch lernen mit „Der kleine Prinz“. Vollständige zweisprachige Ausgabe mit nebeneinander angeordneten Übersetzung. Der englische Text und die deutsche Übersetzung sind in diesem Buch in Spalten satzweise nebeneinander angeordnet (Paralleler Text, Zweisprachig), mit den farbigen Zeichnungen des Autors. Die Geschichte ist besonders geeignet zum Englisch lernen da sie auch nach mehrmaligem Lesen nicht langweilig wird. Ihre Vorteile - Sie können sofort kontrollieren ob Sie etwas verstanden haben ohne lange suchen zu müssen. - Sie können so den Englisch Text lesen und brauchen nur kurze Zeit um eine fehlende Übersetzung zu finden. So geraten Sie nicht aus dem Lesefluss und können die Geschichte wirklich genießen. - Die sinngemäße Übersetzung orientiert sich sehr dicht am Original. - Dies macht eine Zuordnung von Deutsch - Englisch einfach. - Zum Englisch verbessern, Englisch auffrischen oder einfach Englisch lesen (Umfangreicher Wortschatz). - Das Buch ist zum Vorlesen geeignet. Sie können zum Vorlesen die deutsche oder englische Variante wählen, zwischen den Sprachen wechseln oder nur jeweils ein paar englische Wörter beim Vorlesen einstreuen. - Wegen des großen Wortschatzes werden wichtige Wörter automatisch wiederholt, da sie im Text öfter vorkommen. Ein langweiligess Auswendiglernen entfällt. - Enthält als Anhang Schlusswort-Erzählung von Wirton Arvott und einige zusätzliche persönliche Zeichnungen des Autors. Extensives Lesen und Englisch lernen mit parallelen Texten: Warum? Extensives Lesen bedeutet hier Lesen, sehr viel Lesen in einer Fremdsprache. Dabei kommt es nicht darauf an jedes Wort zu verstehen sondern der Handlung zu folgen und herauszufinden was als nächstes passiert. Der Spaß am Lesen steht im Vordergrund. Kato Lomb, eine ungarische Dolmetscherin die viele Sprachen fließend beherrschte, beschrieb in ihrem Buch „Wie lerne ich jede Sprache“ wie sie extensives Lesen benutzte um schnell ihren Wortschatz zu erweitern. Der amerikanische Linguist Stephen Krashen bezeichnet extensives Lesen als das wirksamsten Mittel zum Spracherwerb und veröffentlichte viele Artikel zu diesem Thema.

The Little Prince Where Are You, Fox?

release date: Apr 05, 2022
The Little Prince Where Are You, Fox?
Perfect to awaken young children's senses! The Little Prince plays hide-and-seek with his friend the fox. Help him find where he is! This adorable sensory lift-the-flap book is perfect to awaken young children's senses with its different materials to touch. The flaps will make them curious and laugh. A perfect book to share a funny and soft reading moment with your child. Little ones will be curious to lift-the-flaps to find it's touch and feel element; Colorful images will keep your child engaged; The Little Prince is a timeless and enchanting tale that captures the hearts of readers of all ages.

The Little Prince (El Principito)

release date: Apr 04, 2022
The Little Prince (El Principito)
The Little Prince (El Principito) in Spanish and English for Children and Readers of All Ages Revisit the charming tale of The Little Prince, a well-loved story by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Fall in love with the story all over again while you improve your Spanish or English language skills. Perfect for All Readers---Both Young and Old Introduce the love of stories to the next generation of readers by sharing this timeless tale with young readers. The Little Prince (El Principito) is perfect for sharing with the entire family: children will adore the lovely fairy tale that the story is wrapped in while older readers would appreciate it for what it truly is---rife with thought-provoking allegories and metaphors that will change the way you look at life. Written in Parallel Text to Boost Comprehension Each paragraph is written in both Spanish and English---first in Spanish, followed by its English equivalent. You can also read the stories in Spanish only or in English only: perfect for bilingual children whether native Spanish or English speakers! The story is recorded in two ways---an English version narrated by a native English speaker, and a Spanish version narrated by a native Spanish speaker. The audio is designed as a perfect supplement to help you learn the proper Spanish and English pronunciation and improve your listening skills while you're enjoying the story. Grab your copy today and be bilingual in Spanish and English!

12 Classic Books You Need to Read Before You Grow up. Illustrated

12 Classic Books You Need to Read Before You Grow up. Illustrated
This carefully compiled collection for young readers includes: Antoine de Saint-Exupery The Little Prince Lewis Carroll Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Robert Louis Stevenson The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde J.M. Barrie Peter Pan Frances Hodgson Burnett The Secret Garden Mark Twain The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Eleanor H. Porter Pollyanna Jules Verne Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol Jack London The Call of the Wild Lyman Frank Baum The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Margery Williams The Velveteen Rabbit

The Little Prince

release date: Aug 31, 2021
The Little Prince
The Little Prince and nbsp;(French: and nbsp;Le Petit Prince) is a and nbsp;novella and nbsp;by French aristocrat, writer, and aviator and nbsp;Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. It was first published in English and French in the US by and nbsp;Reynal and amp; Hitchcock and nbsp;in April 1943, and posthumously in France following the and nbsp;liberation of France and nbsp;as Saint-Exupéry''s works had been banned by the and nbsp;Vichy Regime. The story follows a young prince who visits various planets in space, including Earth, and addresses themes of loneliness, friendship, love, and loss. Despite its style as a children''s book, and nbsp;The Little Prince and nbsp;makes observations about life, adults and human nature. The Little Prince and nbsp;became Saint-Exupéry''s most successful work, selling an estimated 140 million copies worldwide, which makes it one of the and nbsp;best-selling and nbsp;and and nbsp;most translated books and nbsp;ever published. and nbsp;It has been translated into 301 languages and dialects. and nbsp;The Little Prince and nbsp;has been adapted to numerous art forms and media, including audio recordings, radio plays, live stage, film, television, ballet, and opera.

Il Piccolo Principe

release date: Aug 18, 2021

Au centre du désert

release date: Jan 12, 2021
Au centre du désert
"One day I decided to attempt a long-distance flight from Paris to Saigon. When, on December 29, 1935, I took off, I had no notion that the sands were preparing for me their ultimate and culminating ordeal." This is how Antoine de Saint-Exupéry begins his account of three days in the heart of the desert without water and people, which allowed the insights to mature in him that found expression six years later in the “Little Prince”. – With documentary photos before and after his accident.

Penguin Readers Level 1: The Little Prince

release date: Dec 29, 2020
Penguin Readers Level 1: The Little Prince
Penguin Readers is an ELT graded reader series for learners of English as a foreign language. With carefully adapted text, new illustrations and language learning exercises, the print edition also includes instructions to access supporting material online. Titles include popular classics, exciting contemporary fiction, and thought-provoking non-fiction, introducing language learners to bestselling authors and compelling content. The eight levels of Penguin Readers follow the Common European Framework of Reference for language learning (CEFR). Exercises at the back of each Reader help language learners to practise grammar, vocabulary, and key exam skills. Before, during and after-reading questions test readers' story comprehension and develop vocabulary. Visit the Penguin Readers website Exclusively with the print edition, readers can unlock online resources including a digital book, audio edition, lesson plans and answer keys. A man crashes in the desert and meets the little prince. Through his pictures and stories, the man learns about the important things in life - like love and friends.

Penguin Readers Level 2: The Little Prince (ELT Graded Reader)

release date: Nov 05, 2020
Penguin Readers Level 2: The Little Prince (ELT Graded Reader)
Penguin Readers is an ELT graded reader series. Please note that the eBook edition does NOT include access to the audio edition and digital book. Written for learners of English as a foreign language, each title includes carefully adapted text, new illustrations and language learning exercises. Titles include popular classics, exciting contemporary fiction, and thought-provoking non-fiction, introducing language learners to bestselling authors and compelling content. The eight levels of Penguin Readers follow the Common European Framework of Reference for language learning (CEFR). Exercises at the back of each Reader help language learners to practise grammar, vocabulary, and key exam skills. Before, during and after-reading questions test readers' story comprehension and develop vocabulary. The Little Prince, a Level 2 Reader, is A1+ in the CEFR framework. Sentences contain a maximum of two clauses, introducing the future tenses will and going to, present continuous for future meaning, and comparatives and superlatives. It is well supported by illustrations, which appear on most pages. A man crashes in the desert and meets the little prince. Through his pictures and stories, the man learns about the important things in life - like love and friends. Visit the Penguin Readers website Register to access online resources including tests, worksheets and answer keys. Exclusively with the print edition, readers can unlock a digital book and audio edition (not available with the eBook).

The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

release date: Nov 04, 2019
The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
As one of the most translated books in the world, and possibly the most popular children's book, The Little Prince holds a unique place in the world of literature. With guidance from the original watercolors, the story is straightforward. A young traveler visits several planets, including earth. On these planets he meets grownups, who don't make sense, and eventually the author, who has crash-landed in the Sahara desert. Along the way he makes friends and discovers the meaning of love. Throughout are the themes of imagination, loneliness, and remembrance. With clear and succinct prose that hews to the original while avoiding becoming awkward and obscure, after 80 years, this new translation makes the work come alive.

Learn French Verbs with The Little Prince

release date: Oct 08, 2019
Learn French Verbs with The Little Prince
Learn to conjugate French verbs with the help of The Little Prince! Inside this volume, you will find unforgettable quotes and illustrations from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s literary masterpiece.Learners are given present-tense conjugation tables of many common French verbs (“avoir”, “être”, “aller”). Each verb is taken from a quote from the original novel. Above each conjugation table is the Little Prince himself, demonstrating the verb in question.

The Little Prince for Young Children

release date: Oct 08, 2019
The Little Prince for Young Children
Follow The Little Prince as he travels from Asteroid B-612 to Planet Earth. This re-telling of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s classic novella focuses on the Little Prince’s relationships with the people and places he comes across on his adventure. Illustrations from the original work are joined by new designs, showing the Little Prince as he flies his plane, watches the sunset with the Fox, and spends time with his beloved Rose.

Learn Colors in French with The Little Prince

release date: Oct 08, 2019
Learn Colors in French with The Little Prince
Learn the colors of the rainbow with the Little Prince! This volume includes illustrations and quotes from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's masterpiece. Each illustration is labeled on the following page, naming the colors that appear in French and English. These descriptions include the nouns present in the picture, adding even more learning opportunities!

Le petit prince - The Little Prince + audio download

release date: Aug 20, 2019
Le petit prince - The Little Prince + audio download
The Little Prince in French and English for Children and Readers of All Ages Revisit the charming tale of the Little Prince, the well-loved story by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Fall in love with the story all over again while you improve your French language skills.

El-Ameer El-Saghir

release date: Jan 30, 2019

Le Petit Prince (French Edition)

release date: Jul 25, 2018
Le Petit Prince (French Edition)
Imaginez-vous perdu dans le désert, loin de tout lieu habité, et face à un petit garçon tout blond, surgi de nulle part. Si de surcroît ce petit garçon vous demande avec insistance de dessiner un mouton, vous voilà plus qu''étonné ! À partir de là, vous n''aurez plus qu''une seule interrogation: savoir d''où vient cet étrange petit bonhomme et connaître son histoire. S''ouvre alors un monde étrange et poétique, peuplé de métaphores, décrit à travers les paroles d''un "petit prince" qui porte aussi sur notre monde à nous un regard tout neuf, empli de naïveté, de fraîcheur et de gravité. Très vite, vous découvrez d''étranges planètes, peuplées d''hommes d''affaires, de buveurs, de vaniteux, d''allumeurs de réverbères. Cette évocation onirique, à laquelle participent les aquarelles de l''auteur, a tout d''un parcours initiatique, où l''enfant apprendra les richesses essentielles des rapports humains et le secret qui les régit: "On ne voit bien qu''avec le coeur, l''essentiel est invisible pour les yeux." Oeuvre essentielle de la littérature, ce livre de Saint-Exupéry est un ouvrage que l''on aura à coeur de raconter à son enfant, page après page, histoire aussi de redécouvrir l''enfant que l''on était autrefois, avant de devenir une grande personne !

The Little Prince: Le Petit Prince

release date: Jan 21, 2018
The Little Prince: Le Petit Prince
The Little Prince [Le Petit Prince], is a novella and famous work of the French writer, poet and pioneering aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900-1944). The work is both the most-read and most-translated book in the French language, and was voted the best book of the 20th century in France. After the outbreak of the Second World War, Saint-Exupéry became exiled in North America. In the midst of personal upheavals and failing health, he produced almost half of the writings for which he would be remembered, including a tender tale of loneliness, friendship, love and loss, in the form of a young prince fallen to Earth. An earlier memoir by the author had recounted his aviation experiences in the Sahara Desert, and he is thought to have drawn on those same experiences in The Little Prince.Since its first publication in the United States, the novella has been adapted to numerous art forms and media, including audio recordings, radio plays, live stage, film screen, television, ballet, and operatic works.

The Little Prince - Large Print Edition

release date: Dec 02, 2017
The Little Prince - Large Print Edition
The Little Prince is one of the most famous books ever written. It is said to have been translated into 300 languages and dialects. The original in French has also been reprinted by Ishi Press as Le Petit Prince - grande Edition imprimEe ISBN 4871879275 It was first published by Reynal & Hitchcock, New York, 1943. Copies of the first edition are rare and will sell for more than one thousand dollars. Here we have used for this reprint the original translation by Katherine Woods. There are at least six other published English Language translations and so many translations in other languages that it is difficult to count them. For example, there are said to be 70 translations into Chinese. The book was written in French. The English translation was dictated by the publisher. The Little Prince describes his travels to ten planets. The other little planets are asteroids that circle the Sun between Mars and Jupiter. The asteroids have numbers rather than names. The Little Prince lives on one of these asteroids and visits the others. It appears to be similar to and a predecessor of the "Star Treck" TV series involving a space ship that goes from one planet to another finding different life forms and new adventures on each planet.

Le Petit Prince, Illustre

release date: Nov 23, 2017
Le Petit Prince, Illustre
I converted to ePub this book I found on the Project Gutemberg Australia website.

The Little Prince - Le Petit Prince (English - French) Dual Language Edition

release date: Sep 07, 2017
The Little Prince - Le Petit Prince (English - French) Dual Language Edition
Discover a new edition of the Little Prince

The Little Prince (Illustrated)

release date: Jul 24, 2017
The Little Prince (Illustrated)
The Little Prince, first published in 1943, is a novella, the most famous work of French aristocrat, writer, poet, and pioneering aviator Antoine de Saint-Exup�ry (1900-1944).The novella is one of the most-translated books in the world and was voted the best book of the 20th century in France. Translated into 300 languages and dialects (as well as Braille), selling nearly two million copies annually with sales totaling over 140 million copies worldwide, it has become one of the best-selling books ever published.

The Little Prince - El Principito with Audio

release date: Jun 19, 2017
The Little Prince - El Principito with Audio
The Little Prince in French and English for Children and Readers of All Ages Revisit the charming tale of the Little Prince, the well-loved story by Antoine de Saint-Exup�ry. Fall in love with the story all over again while you improve your French language skills.Perfect for All Readers---Both Young and Old Introduce the love of stories to the next generation of readers by sharing this timeless tale with young readers. The Little Prince is perfect for sharing with the entire family: children will adore the lovely fairy tale that the story is wrapped in while older readers would appreciate it for what it truly is---rife with thought-provoking allegories and metaphors that will change the way you look at life. Written in Parallel Text to Boost Comprehension Each paragraph is written in both French and English---first in French, followed by its English equivalent. You can also read the stories in French only or in English only: perfect for bilingual children whether native French or English speakers! The story is recorded in two ways---an English version narrated by a native English speaker, and a French version narrated by a native French speaker. The audio is designed as a perfect supplement to help you learn the proper French and English pronunciation and improve your listening skills while you're enjoying the story.

Le Petit Prince - the Little Prince with Audio

release date: May 13, 2017
Le Petit Prince - the Little Prince with Audio
The Little Prince in French and English for Children and Readers of All Ages Revisit the charming tale of the Little Prince, the well-loved story by Antoine de Saint-Exup�ry. Fall in love with the story all over again while you improve your French language skills. Perfect for All Readers---Both Young and Old Introduce the love of stories to the next generation of readers by sharing this timeless tale with young readers. The Little Prince is perfect for sharing with the entire family: children will adore the lovely fairy tale that the story is wrapped in while older readers would appreciate it for what it truly is---rife with thought-provoking allegories and metaphors that will change the way you look at life. Written in Parallel Text to Boost Comprehension Each paragraph is written in both French and English---first in French, followed by its English equivalent. You can also read the stories in French only or in English only: perfect for bilingual children whether native French or English speakers! The story is recorded in two ways---an English version narrated by a native English speaker, and a French version narrated by a native French speaker. The audio is designed as a perfect supplement to help you learn the proper French and English pronunciation and improve your listening skills while you''re enjoying the story. Technical Details 160 pages Total of four hours of audio (two hours in English, two hours in French) Grab your copy today!

The Aviator

release date: Apr 08, 2017
The Aviator
The Aviator is the first story by writer Antonie de Saint-Exupéry. In 1926, Antoine de Sainte-Exupéry la publie dans la Navire d’argent, la revue don’t Jean Prévost est secrétaire de rédaction.
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