New Releases by Charles Soule

Charles Soule is the author of Undiscovered Country #15 (2021), Star Wars: Light of Jedi (The High Republic) (2021), Star Wars Vol. 2 (2021), Undiscovered Country Vol. 2: Unity (2021), Star Wars: Light of the Jedi (The High Republic) (2021).

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Undiscovered Country #15

release date: Sep 01, 2021
Undiscovered Country #15
“POSSIBILITY,” Part Three As our team sails deeper into the chain of “possibility” islands, they discover a devastating secret!

Star Wars: Light of Jedi (The High Republic)

release date: Jun 01, 2021
Star Wars: Light of Jedi (The High Republic)
Na Alta República, a organização absoluta dos Jedi é colocada à prova diante de uma catástrofe que extrapola sua capacidade de controle e pode custar bilhões de vidas. Serão eles capazes de reverter os danos resultantes desse desastre e garantir a sobrevivência dos cidadãos livres da galáxia? Muito antes da Primeira Ordem, do Império, das Guerras Clônicas, os Jedi iluminavam os caminhos da galáxia na Alta República. É uma era dourada. Intrépidos exploradores do hiperespaço expandem o alcance da República até as estrelas mais distantes, mundos florescem sob a liderança benevolente do Senado e a paz reina, assegurada pela sabedoria e pelo poder da renomada ordem de usuários da Força, conhecidos como Jedi. Os cidadãos livres da galáxia confiam na capacidade dos Jedi, que estão no auge de seu poder, de enfrentar qualquer tormenta. No entanto, mesmo a luz mais brilhante pode projetar uma sombra, e algumas tormentas desafiam qualquer preparação. Quando uma terrível catástrofe no hiperespaço despedaça uma nave, a enxurrada de estilhaços que emerge do desastre ameaça um sistema inteiro. Assim que recebem o pedido de ajuda, os Jedi se dirigem ao local. O tamanho da emergência, no entanto, basta para levá-los ao limite. Enquanto o céu se rompe e a destruição cai sobre a pacífica aliança que ajudaram a construir, os Jedi devem confiar na Força para atravessar um dia em que um único erro pode custar bilhões de vidas. Enquanto os Jedi enfrentam bravamente a calamidade, algo de fato mortal cresce além dos limites da República. O desastre do hiperespaço é muito mais sinistro do que os Jedi suspeitavam. Uma ameaça se esconde nas trevas, longe da luz dessa era, e guarda um segredo capaz de instilar medo até mesmo no coração de um Jedi. Sobre o autor: Charles Soule é romancista, roteirista de quadrinhos, músico e advogado residente no Brooklyn, Nova York. Embora tenha trabalhado para a DC e outras editoras, é mais conhecido por escrever Demolidor, Mulher Hulk, A Morte de Wolverine e vários quadrinhos de Star Wars da Marvel Comics, além das séries Curse Words (com Ryan Browne) e Letter 44 (com Alberto Jimenez Albuquerque). Leia também: Star Wars – The Mandalorian, Joe Schreiber; Star Wars: Leia – Princesa de Alderaan, Claudia Gray; Star Wars: Ahsoka, K. Johnston; Star Wars: a Resistência renasce, Rebecca Roanhorse; Rogue One: uma história Star Wars, Alexander Freed; Os últimos Jedi – livro oficial do filme, Jason Fry; Star Wars: Phasma, Delilah S. Dawson; Star Wars: Império e Rebelião – Honra entre ladrões, James S. A. Corey. Legends: Star Wars: A velha República – Revan, Drew Karpyshyn; Star Wars: Darth Bane – Caminho de destruição – volume 1, Drew Karpyshyn; Star Wars: Darth Bane – Regra de dois – volume 2, Drew Karpyshyn; Star Wars: Darth Bane – Dinastia do mal – volume 3, Drew Karpyshyn; Star Wars: perseguição ao Jedi, Michael Reaves e Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff; Star Wars: a origem e a lenda de Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ryder Windham; Star Wars: a ascensão e a queda de Darth Vader, Ryder Windham; Star Wars: uma nova esperança – A vida de Luke Skywalker, Ryder Windham; Star Wars: Império e Rebelião – O fio da navalha, Martha Wells. (© & TM 2021 LUCASFILM LTD.)

Star Wars Vol. 2

release date: Apr 07, 2021
Star Wars Vol. 2
Collects Star Wars (2020) #7-11. Eradicate all resistance! Commander Ellian Zahra has been tasked by the terrifying Darth Vader with the job of tracking down the remnants of the rebel fleet, scattered across the galaxy since the Battle of Hoth. But what is behind her bitter and personal quest for revenge against Leia Organa? When the powerful, dark secret is revealed, the rebels’ Fourth and Seventh Divisions will pay the price! Luke Skywalker, Wedge Antilles and Shara Bey must fly into battle against an onslaught of TIE fighters in one of the greatest dogfights ever witnessed! Meanwhile, the Rebel Alliance’s elite operations team, the Pathfinders, will take on a daring heist right under the nose of the Emperor — with Lando and Lobot along for the ride!

Undiscovered Country Vol. 2: Unity

release date: Mar 24, 2021
Undiscovered Country Vol. 2: Unity
The smash-hit series written by New York Times bestselling writers SCOTT SNYDER (WYTCHES, A.D.: AFTER DEATH) and CHARLES SOULE (CURSE WORDS, the forthcoming novel Anyone) with art by GIUSEPPE CAMUNCOLI (The Amazing Spider-Man, Darth Vader, Hellblazer), newcomer LEONARDO MARCELLO GRASSI, and Eisner Award-winning colorist MATT WILSON (THE WICKED + THE DIVINE, PAPER GIRLS) continues! After barely escaping the deadly clutches of the Destiny Man, the expedition team has crossed over into the strange new zone of ÒUnityÓÑa futuristic world of gleaming technology and artificial intelligence. But will it be a safe haven for our heroes, or are they destined to be absorbed into the hive mind?! Collects UNDISCOVERED COUNTRY #6-12

Star Wars: Light of the Jedi (The High Republic)

release date: Jan 05, 2021
Star Wars: Light of the Jedi (The High Republic)
#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Long before the First Order, before the Empire, before even The Phantom Menace . . . Jedi lit the way for the galaxy in The High Republic It is a golden age. Intrepid hyperspace scouts expand the reach of the Republic to the furthest stars, worlds flourish under the benevolent leadership of the Senate, and peace reigns, enforced by the wisdom and strength of the renowned order of Force users known as the Jedi. With the Jedi at the height of their power, the free citizens of the galaxy are confident in their ability to weather any storm But the even brightest light can cast a shadow, and some storms defy any preparation. When a shocking catastrophe in hyperspace tears a ship to pieces, the flurry of shrapnel emerging from the disaster threatens an entire system. No sooner does the call for help go out than the Jedi race to the scene. The scope of the emergence, however, is enough to push even Jedi to their limit. As the sky breaks open and destruction rains down upon the peaceful alliance they helped to build, the Jedi must trust in the Force to see them through a day in which a single mistake could cost billions of lives. Even as the Jedi battle valiantly against calamity, something truly deadly grows beyond the boundary of the Republic. The hyperspace disaster is far more sinister than the Jedi could ever suspect. A threat hides in the darkness, far from the light of the age, and harbors a secret that could strike fear into even a Jedi’s heart.

The High Republic Free Digital Sampler

release date: Dec 12, 2020
The High Republic Free Digital Sampler
Read the first chapters of the Star Wars: The High Republic launch titles: Light of the Jedi by Charles Soule, Into the Dark by Claudia Gray, A Test of Courage by Justina Ireland, as well as excerpts from the first comic book issues from Marvel and IDW.

Undiscovered Country #9

release date: Oct 28, 2020
Undiscovered Country #9
“UNITY,” Part Three The expedition moves further into UNITY, and discovers more of the secrets of this techno-futuristic paradise version of America.

Undiscovered Country #8

release date: Sep 23, 2020
Undiscovered Country #8
"UNITY," Part Two JOURNEY DEEPER INTO THE UNDISCOVERED COUNTRY...guided by a familiar but unexpected face, our group treks into what was once the Pacific Northwest a strange land where every living thing is networked together into a bizarre matrix built amid massive monuments to American technology. Hardwired secrets lurk deep in this dark place...

Star Wars

release date: Aug 12, 2020
Star Wars
Collects Darth Vader (2017) #13-25, Darth Vader (2016) Annual #2. Darth Vader’s imperious rise continues! As the Empire’s grip on the galaxy tightens, the stirrings of a rebellion begin in the Mon Cala system. The fearsome Darth Vader knows that order must be maintained at all costs — but bringing Mon Cala to heel means finding the surviving Jedi that foment this unrest. As Vader, Tarkin and their Inquisitors hunt their targets, the seas will weep! Meanwhile, Vader discovers a theft — and when the thief faces the consequences, Emperor Palpatine rewards his disciple with a chilling gift! Seeking the path to destiny, Vader returns to the place of his greatest defeat. Darkness rises above Mustafar as Vader’s brutal design begins to take shape — but will the planet’s inhabitants stand for this desecration? And what can they do against the Dark Lord?

Undiscovered Country #7

release date: Aug 05, 2020
Undiscovered Country #7
"UNITY," Part One The smash hit series written by New York Times bestselling writers SCOTT SNYDER (WYTCHES, AD: AFTER DEATH) and CHARES SOULE (CURSE WORDS, the forthcoming novel Anyone) with art by GIUSEPPE CAMUNCOLI (The Amazing Spider-Man, Darth Vader, Hellblazer), newcomer LEONARDO MARCELLO GRASSI, and Eisner-award winning colorist MATT WILSON (THE WICKED + THE DIVINE, PAPER GIRLS) continues! After barely escaping the deadly clutches of the Destiny Man, the expedition team has crossed over into the strange new zone of ÒUnityÓÑa futuristic world of gleaming technology and artificial intelligence. But will it be a safe haven for our heroes, or are they destined to be absorbed into the hive mind?!

Star Wars Vol. 13

release date: Mar 18, 2020
Star Wars Vol. 13
Collects Star Wars (2015) #73-75, Star Wars: Empire Ascendant (2019) #1. It’s the end of the era of hope! Rebels and rogues take center stage as this volume of Marvel’s STAR WARS comes to a close! Who exactly is Dar Champion, and how far can Leia trust him when Han’s life is on the line? What shocking lesson will Luke learn when Warba finally reveals her true self? When faced with his lost past, can C-3PO seize control of his destiny — and be the hero of his own story? And Chewbacca takes on Darth Vader in vicious hand-to-hand combat! Meanwhile, the Rebellion’s search for a new home — a base safe from the reach of the Empire — leads them to the planet Hoth! Doctor Aphra and Beilert Valance lend a hand as the Rebellion’s fate is set - and the Empire ascends!


release date: Feb 26, 2020
Collects material from Marvel Comics Presents (2019) #1-9. Wolverine stars in a story that stretches across the decades! What bizarre threat could require Logan to do what he does best every ten years? Who is the woman he is fated to keep reacquainting himself with? And how deep a connection do they share? Find out as Charles Soule — the writer who killed Wolverine and brought him back — unveils a hidden chapter in Logan’s long history! It begins in the final days of World War II as Nazis force a French sorceress to conjure a demon. But all hell soon breaks loose and reverberates into the decades to come. As the years pass, who is the strange woman who steps forward to aid Logan’s grim vigil? Could she be…Wolverine’s daughter?

Undiscovered Country #2

release date: Dec 11, 2019
Undiscovered Country #2
As the team goes on the run from the deadly Destiny Man, the focus shifts to Charlotte''s brother, Daniel. Until this expedition, he was the only person on Earth to successfully infiltrate the black box that is the United States. What secrets did Daniel learn that might keep the team alive, and what did they cost him?


release date: Dec 03, 2019
Soon to be adapted for television by Carnival, creators of Downton Abbey An Indie Next Pick • A Science Fiction Book Club Pick Bestselling author of The Oracle Year, Charles Soule brings his signature knowledge—and wariness—of technology to his new novel set in a realistic future about a brilliant female scientist who creates a technology that allows for the transfer of human consciousness between bodies, and the transformations this process wreaks upon the world. Inside a barn in Ann Arbor, Michigan, a scientist searching for an Alzheimer’s cure throws a switch—and finds herself mysteriously transported into her husband’s body. What begins as a botched experiment will change her life—and the world—forever… Over two decades later, all across the planet, “flash” technology allows individuals the ability to transfer their consciousness into other bodies for specified periods, paid, registered and legal. Society has been utterly transformed by the process, from travel to warfare to entertainment; “Be anyone with Anyone” the tagline of the company offering this ultimate out-of-body experience. But beyond the reach of the law and government regulators is a sordid black market called the darkshare, where desperate “vessels” anonymously rent out their bodies, no questions asked for any purpose - sex, drugs, crime... or worse. Anyone masterfully interweaves the present-day story of the discovery and development of the flash with the gritty tale of one woman’s crusade to put an end to the darkness it has brought to the world twenty-five years after its creation. Like Blade Runner crossed with Get Out, Charles Soule’s thought-provoking work of speculative fiction takes us to a world where identity, morality, and technology collide.

Curse Words #22

release date: Jun 19, 2019
Curse Words #22
"FAIRY TALE ENDING," Part Two Wizord and Ruby Stitch, their memories finally restored, head to the Hole World to help their daughter Margaret in her epic battle against the forces of the demon Sizzajee. It''s all coming to a head, and heads will roll!

Curse Words #21

release date: May 08, 2019
Curse Words #21
"FAIRY TALE ENDING," Part One (of Five) That''s right, CURSE WORDS is barreling to its epic conclusionÑonly five issues left. All questions will be answered, all spells will be cast it''ll be just plain magical. In this issue, see Wizord and Ruby Stitch vanquish many enemies, only to face one they can''t sorcerize into submissionÉ the truth!

Curse Words Vol. 4: Queen Margaret

release date: Mar 06, 2019
Curse Words Vol. 4: Queen Margaret
The fourth arc of the cult hit series returns to our world for an all-out assault on Wizord and his burgeoning sorcerous family. Wizord''s made plenty of enemies during his time on Earth, and now the chickens have come home to roost. ItÕs bad news for Wizord but he probably (definitely) deserves it. Collects CURSE WORDS #16-20, CURSE WORDS SUMMER SWIMSUIT SPECIAL

Star Wars: Darth Vader

release date: Jan 30, 2019
Star Wars: Darth Vader
Collecting Darth Vader (2017) #19-25. Continuing the imperious rise of the Dark Lord! A Jedi makes a desperate deal. The Inquisitorsu0092 mission evolves. And Darth Vader discovers a theft! And when the thief faces the consequences of the crime, Emperor Palpatine rewards Vader with a gift and a voice. Seeking the path to his destiny, Vader returns to the place of his greatest defeat. There, echoes from the past reach out to him u0097 both his own and the dark history of the Sith! Darkness rises above Mustafar as a brutal design begins to take shape. But the planetu0092s inhabitants will not take this desecration lightly and formulate plans of their own. Vaderu0092s fortress will stand u0097 but at a terrible cost. The fire will come to Mustafar u0097 and all will burn!

Daredevil: Back in Black Vol. 7

release date: Dec 19, 2018
Daredevil: Back in Black Vol. 7
Collects Daredevil (2015) #601-605. Daredevilu0092s plan to enlist the heroes of New York City to take down Mayor Fisk has crumbled. But with Hornhead captured and Fisk high on victory, neither of them can see the bigger picture: a looming threat that will change the entire landscape of the city! When the former Kingpin falls victim to a deadly ambush by the Hand, Daredevil finds himself back in the fight. Now, he must gather allies u0097 both as Daredevil and Matt Murdock u0097 in the face of an overwhelming enemy. Enter: the Order of the Dragon! Will these new players help DD stem the chaos u0097 or unleash fresh horror? Meanwhile, Wilson Fisk rarely stays down for long. But when he finds his feet once more, who will he discover sitting at his desk?

Curse Words #18

release date: Dec 05, 2018
Curse Words #18
"THEM BLUE WIZARD BLUES," Part Three Margaret has decided it''s time to find out what she is, come hell or high water. Jacques Zacques begins building his Wizord Takedown Team, we reconnect with some familiar faces, and Wizord and Ruby Stitch are still sitting on the couch. It''s exciting, we promise! Offered with another "magical"

Hunt For Wolverine

release date: Oct 10, 2018
Hunt For Wolverine
Collecting: Hunt For Wolverine 1, Hunt For Wolverine: Weapon Lost 1-4, Hunt For Wolverine: Adamantium Agenda 1-4, Hunt For Wolverine: Claws Of A Killer 1-4, Hunt For Wolverine: Mystery In Madripoor 1-4, Where''s Wolverine Pages. Wolverine is back - but where is he? Just as the X-Men have finally come to terms with Logan''s death, a terrible secret means old wounds are reopened, truths are questioned, and an epic quest begins across the Marvel Universe. But who will solve the puzzle first? Will it be Daredevil and his crack squad of investigators, including Misty Knight? Or Logan''s former fellow New Avengers, Iron Man, Spider-Man, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage? Or perhaps Sabretooth, Lady Deathstrike and Daken will be the ones to track him down! With mystery in Madripoor and around the globe, the return of Wolverine will keep you guessing!

Astonishing X-Men By Charles Soule Vol. 2

release date: Aug 01, 2018
Astonishing X-Men By Charles Soule Vol. 2
Collecting Astonishing X-Men (2017) #7-12.Charles Xavier is back! And he has a plan. Heu0092s going to save the world u0097 whether the world likes it or not! But Charles may have made the greatest mistake of his life: Proteus, one of the most terrifying adversaries the X-Men have ever faced, has returned as well! But evil doesnu0092t always know itu0092s evil. Still reeling from their narrow escape from the Shadow King and the loss of a crucial ally, how will the mutant heroes face an enemy with the power to remake the world? As a reality storm batters London and its inhabitants, Psylocke must decide between trusting the mysterious man called X and letting her beloved city fall into ruin. Meanwhile, with the fate of the planet at stake, the X-Men choose their field commander for the looming battle against Proteus!


release date: Jul 25, 2018
Collects Daredevil (2015) #595-600. New York has fallen to Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin of Crime: Daredevilu0092s greatest and deadliest adversary is now the cityu0092s newly elected mayor! And the stage is set for their most unbelievable showdown yet. Matt Murdock has the law and his incredible abilities in his arsenal u0097 but Fisk has an entire city on his side. As the mayor declares Daredevil Public Enemy No. 1, Matt Murdock receives the most incredible offer of his legal career! And while Fisk pursues a crusade against costumed vigilantes, a new player joins the resistance against him: the psychopathic murder artist Muse! Can Daredevil withstand assaults from both sides of this terrible conflict? As tensions build to a climax, the heroes and villains of New Yorku0092s streets join the fray as the city is shaken to its very core.

Curse Words #13

release date: Apr 18, 2018
Curse Words #13
"THE HOLE DAMNED WORLD," Part Three It''s the social event of the season! Ruby Stitch is throwing the biggest shindig New York City has ever seen, a true wizard partyÑconsequences be damned! Meanwhile, Margaret is making friends in prison, and the demon Sizzajee reveals a fundamental, shocking truth about the nature of the Hole World.

The Oracle Year

release date: Apr 03, 2018
The Oracle Year
From bestselling comic-book franchise writer Charles Soule comes a clever and witty first novel of a twentysomething New Yorker who wakes up one morning with the power to predict the future—perfect for fans of Joe Hill and Brad Meltzer, or books like This Book Is Full of Spiders and Welcome to Night Vale. Knowledge is power. So when an unassuming Manhattan bassist named Will Dando awakens from a dream one morning with 108 predictions about the future in his head, he rapidly finds himself the most powerful man in the world. Protecting his anonymity by calling himself the Oracle, he sets up a heavily guarded Web site with the help of his friend Hamza to selectively announce his revelations. In no time, global corporations are offering him millions for exclusive access, eager to profit from his prophecies. He''s also making a lot of high-powered enemies, from the President of the United States and a nationally prominent televangelist to a warlord with a nuclear missile and an assassin grandmother. Legions of cyber spies are unleashed to hack the Site—as it''s come to be called—and the best manhunters money can buy are deployed not only to unmask the Oracle but to take him out of the game entirely. With only a handful of people he can trust—including a beautiful journalist—it''s all Will can do to simply survive, elude exposure, and protect those he loves long enough to use his knowledge to save the world. Delivering fast-paced adventure on a global scale as well as sharp-witted satire on our concepts of power and faith, Marvel writer Charles Soule''s audacious debut novel takes readers on a rollicking ride where it''s impossible to predict what will happen next.

Curse Words #12

release date: Mar 14, 2018
Curse Words #12
"THE HOLE DAMNED WORLD," Part Two Wizord''s wizard-for-hire business has gotten itself a little competition as a mysterious new wizard opens up a shop down the way! Our hero is less than pleased, especially since he''d rather be searching for his still-missing friend Margaret. Meanwhile, Sizzajee lays out the surprising origins of the Hole World.

Astonishing X-Men By Charles Soule

release date: Feb 21, 2018
Astonishing X-Men By Charles Soule
Collects Astonishing X-Men (2017) #1-6. Charles Soule and a stellar roster of superstar artists unite to put the Astonishing back in the X-Men! An ancient evil is attacking the world''s most powerful minds. It will have them by the time you finish this sentence, and a moment later, it will have us all. A band of X-Men discovers the truth behind the threat, but is there any time left for Psylocke, Old Man Logan, Bishop, Archangel, Fantomex, Rogue and Gambit? In an action-packed X-epic, they must head to the astral plane in pursuit of...the Shadow King! But in this brain-bending mindscape, not everything is as it seems, and reality is a relative concept. Will this impromptu squad of X-Men be able to contain the chaos from spilling out into the world?

Inhumans vs. X-Men 2

release date: Dec 05, 2017
Inhumans vs. X-Men 2
Der Angriff der Mutanten hat die königliche Familie überrascht. New Attilan ist erobert und die X-Men ziehen aus, um die Welt vom Terrigen zu befreien. Sind zwei Teenager die letzte Hoffnung der Inhumans? Und am Ende läuft alles auf das finale Duell zweier starker Frauen hinaus: Medusa vs. Emma Frost!

Letter 44 V5: Blueshift

release date: Nov 15, 2017
Letter 44 V5: Blueshift
The crew of the Clarke may just be humanity''s last hope. Sent to investigate an alien construction in the asteroid belt, they''re hoping to make discoveries, establish first contact, and—though it''s a long shot—stay alive for as long as they can. They all came aboard knowing it would be a one-way trip. So what propelled them to sign up? For some, it was a choice. For others, it was a chance. Learn the extraordinary story about how the crew of the Clarke came together, featuring one-shots by guest artists Joëlle Jones, Drew Moss, Ryan Kelly, and Alise Gluškova, as well as the origins of the mysterious Builders, from guest artist Langdon Foss.

Curse Words #9

release date: Oct 18, 2017
Curse Words #9
"EXPLOSIONTOWN," Part Four The evil wizards of the Hole World have been engaged in an epic tournament to see who will be next to travel to Earth to battle our "hero" Wizord. In this issue: winner winner chicken dinner! Meanwhile, our "heroine" Ruby Stitch takes her first steps along a new path. As always: IT''S MAGIC.
31 - 60 of 79 results
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