Best Selling Books by Charles Stross

Charles Stross is the author of Season of Skulls (2023), Escape from Yokai Land (2022), New Cthulhu 2 (2015), A Conventional Boy (2025), The Web Architect's Handbook (1996).

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Season of Skulls

release date: May 16, 2023
Season of Skulls
Season of Skulls continues Hugo Award-winning author Charles Stross''s Lovecraftian Laundry Files series. Welcome to the sunlit uplands of the 21st century! Britain''s avuncular Prime Minister is an ancient eldritch god of unimaginable power. Crime is plummeting as almost every offense is punishable by death. And everywhere you look, there are people with strange powers, some of which they can control, and some, not so much. Hyperorganized and formidable, Eve Starkey defeated her boss, the louche magical adept and billionaire Rupert de Montfort Bigge, in a supernatural duel to the death. At least, she has reason to hope he''s dead. But though she''s now in charge of the Bigge Corporation, she''s not free of him yet. Through the fecklessness of her brother Imp, combined with the intricate feudal law of a tiny Channel Island, it would appear that unbeknownst to her, she was married to Bigge--and that proving his death and releasing herself from his arcane bindings will take years and cost millions. Then an emissary of the Prime Minister arrives with an offer that she absolutely can''t...well, you know. This is the final novel in the trilogy that began with Dead Lies Dreaming and continued with Quantum of Nightmares. At the Publisher''s request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

Escape from Yokai Land

release date: Mar 01, 2022
Escape from Yokai Land
Regular readers of Charles Stross''s Laundry Files might have noticed Bob Howard''s absence from the events of The Nightmare Stacks, and his subsequent return from Tokyo at the start of The Delirium Brief. Escape from Yokai Land explains what he was doing there. Bob''s been assigned to work with the Miyamoto Group, checking the wards that lock down Japan''s warded sites—a task previously handled by his predecessor Dr. Angleton, the Eater of Souls. This mostly involves policing yokai: traditional magical beings, increasingly grown more annoying and energetic. But then Bob''s simple trip turns into a deadly confrontation with the ultimate yokai. It''s massively powerful. It''s pink. And it says "Hello." At the Publisher''s request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

New Cthulhu 2

release date: Jan 01, 2015
New Cthulhu 2
"Some stories are more explicitly Lovecraftian than others, but all demonstrate how Lovecraft''s dark mythology continues to inspire outstanding tales of modern horror." - Publisher''s Weekly Many of the best weird fiction writers (and creators in most other media) have been profoundly influenced by the genre and the mythos H.P. Lovecraft created eight decades ago. Lovecraft''s themes of cosmic indifference, minds invaded by the alien, and the horrors of history - written with a pervasive atmosphere of unexplainable dread - are more relevant than ever as we explore the mysteries of a universe in which our planet is infinitesimal and climatic change is overwhelming it. A few years ago, New Cthulhu: The Recent Weird presented some of the best of this new Lovecraftian fiction from the first decade of the twenty-first century. Now, New Cthulhu 2: More Recent Weird brings you more eldritch tales and even fresher fiction inspired by Lovecraft.

A Conventional Boy

release date: Jan 07, 2025
A Conventional Boy
In this new Laundry Files adventure the fate of the world will literally depend on the roll of dice... twenty-sided dice, that is. In 1984, Derek Reilly was just another spotty teenage dungeon master growing up in middle England. But then a secret government agency tasked with suppressing magical intrusions received a tip-off – and one midnight raid later, his life was turned upside down by the Satanic D&D Panic. Decades later Derek, now middle-aged and institutionalized, is a long-term inmate at Camp Sunshine, a center for deprogramming captured Elder God cultists. He’s considered safe enough to edit the camp newsletter, and he even has postal privileges – which he uses to run a play-by-mail game. After 25 years, Derek finally has reason to escape: a nearby D&D convention. While Derek’s D&D games were full of fictional elder gods and world-ending threats, a LARP game at the con is a dread ritual designed to summon a great evil into our world, and it’s up to Derek and his players to stop them. The fate of the world may depend on the contents of Derek’s magic dice bag.

The Web Architect's Handbook

release date: Jan 01, 1996
The Web Architect's Handbook
If you''re planning to create a professional presence on the World Wide Web you need to master the tools and tactics the experts use. Treat yourself to a copy of the grand plan with The Web Architect''s Handbook and find out how they do it. Basic HTML and graphics techniques will only get you part of the way; when it comes to creating a large web site, different methods are needed. The Web Architect''s Handbook will provide you with an overview of web structure and show you how different types of web site have differing requirements. Along the way you will learn about maintaining large publications, creating dynamic documents, and building a site that is durable and useable.

The Year's Top Ten Tales of Science Fiction 4

release date: Jun 29, 2012
The Year's Top Ten Tales of Science Fiction 4
An unabridged collection of the “best of the best” science fiction stories written in 2011 by current and emerging masters of the genre, edited by Allan Kaster. In “Dying Young,” by Peter M. Ball, cyborgs, clones and post-humans collide with a dragon bent on revenge in a post-apocalptic space western. “Martian Heart,” by John Barnes, chronicles a teenage couple taken to Mars as indentured servants in a “rags to riches” tale. In “Canterbury Hollow,” by Chris Lawson, two lovers on a planet orbiting a killer sun share their few remaining weeks together before they die. “The Choice,” by Paul McAuley, set in the author’s Jackaroo universe, follows two boys who set sail to investigate a beached alien vessel on the English coast. In “After the Apocalypse,” by Maureen McHugh, a mother and daughter traverse a ravaged U.S. in a tale that takes on McCarthy’s, The Road, from a female viewpoint. “Purple,” by Robert Reed, tells of a blind and maimed young man convalescing in an off-world menagerie of wayward alien species, prior to returning to Earth. In “Laika’s Ghost,” by Karl Schroeder, a Russian and an American search the steppes of the former U.S.S.R. for metastable weapons that terrorists could use to make nuclear bombs. “Bit Rot,” by Charles Stross, follows post-humans struggling to survive after their generation ship is struck by a Magnetar ray in this clever zombies-in-space tale. In “For I Have Laid Me Down on The Stone of Loneliness and I’ll Not Be Back Again,” by Michael Swanwick, Irishmen plot to strike back against alien occupiers by enlisting an Irish American tourist to their cause. Finally, Steve Rasnic Tem, tells of a young man awakened from suspended animation, on a future Earth, with the technological know-how of plant-like aliens in “At Play in the Fields.”

Three Tales from the Laundry Files

release date: Jul 01, 2014
Three Tales from the Laundry Files
Enjoy two short stories and a novella from the Laundry Files. Originally published on, these stories by Charles Stross continue the adventures of the Laundry, a secret division of the British government dedicated to tracking down and containing breaches of reality by occult and otherworldly threats. "An entertaining mash-up of Lovecraftian mythology and an extremely twisted take on a fantasy trope."--Publishers Weekly (on Equoid: A Laundry Novella) At the Publisher''s request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

The Bloodline Feud

release date: Jan 07, 2014
The Bloodline Feud
The Bloodline Feud: an omnibus edition of the first two novels in Charles Stross''s The Merchant Princes series The six families of the Clan rule the kingdom of Gruinmarkt from behind the scenes. They are a mixture of nobility and criminal conspirators whose power to walk between their world and ours makes them rich in both. Miriam, a hip tech journalist from Boston, discovers her alternate-world relatives with explosive results that shake three worlds. Now, as the prodigal Countess Helge Thorold-Hjorth, she finds herself ensnared in schemes and plots centuries in the making. She is surrounded by unlikely allies, lethal contraband, and—most dangerous of all—her family. To avoid a slippery slope down to an unmarked grave, Miriam must build a power base of her own—with unexpected consequences for three different time lines, including the quasi-Victorian one exploited by the hidden family. At the Publisher''s request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

The Book of Cthulhu

release date: May 03, 2022
The Book of Cthulhu
Tales of tentacles, terror, and madness from the publisher who brought you Wastelands, The Living Dead, and Brave New Worlds First described by visionary author H. P. Lovecraft, the Cthulhu mythos encompass a pantheon of truly existential cosmic horror: Eldritch, uncaring, alien god-things, beyond mankind’s deepest imaginings, drawing ever nearer, insatiably hungry, until one day, when the stars are right.… As that dread day, hinted at within the moldering pages of the fabled Necronomicon, draws nigh, tales of the Great Old Ones—Cthulhu, Yog-Sothoth, Hastur, Azathoth, Nyarlathotep, and the weird cults that worship them—have cross-pollinated, drawing authors and other dreamers to imagine the strange dark aeons ahead, when the dead-but-dreaming gods return. Now, intrepid anthologist Ross E. Lockhart has delved deep into the Cthulhu canon, selecting from myriad mind-wracking tomes twenty-seven sanity-shattering stories of cosmic terror. Featuring fiction by many of today’s masters of the menacing, macabre, and monstrous, including Laird Barron, Caitlín R. Kiernan, and Thomas Ligotti, The Book of Cthulhu goes where no collection of Cthulhu mythos tales has gone before: to the very edge of madness... and beyond! Do you dare open The Book of Cthulhu? Do you dare heed the call?

The Labyrinth Index

release date: Jul 10, 2018
The Labyrinth Index
Britain is under New Management. The disbanding of the Laundry - the British espionage agency that deals with supernatural threats, has culminated in the unthinkable - an elder god in residence in 10 Downing Street. But in true ''the enemy of my enemy'' fashion, Mhairi Murphy finds herself working with His Excellency Nylarlathotep on foreign policy - there are worse things, it seems, than an elder god in power, and they lie in deepest, darkest America. A thousand-mile-wide storm system has blanketed the midwest, and the president is nowhere to be found - Mhari must lead a task force of disgraced Laundry personnel into the storm front to discover the truth. But working for an elder god is never easy, and as the stakes rise, Mhari will soon question exactly where her loyalties really lie.

Speaking of the Fantastic III

release date: Jul 09, 2012
Speaking of the Fantastic III
Darrell Schweitzer interviews seventeen science fiction writers. Included are scintillating conversations with: George R. R. Martin, James Morrow, Jack Dann, Geoffrey A. Landis, Joe W. Haldeman, Zoran Zivkovic, Esther M. Friesner, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Harry Turtledove, Gregory Frost, Tom Purdom, D. G. Compton, Robert J. Sawyer, Charles Stross, Brian Herbert, Kevin J. Anderson, and Howard Waldrop.


release date: Oct 30, 2014
Der Verschwörung auf der Spur Nach der Singularität haben sich die Menschen über die Galaxis verstreut – nicht ganz freiwillig, und nicht ohne Konflikte. Als die noch junge Zivilisation auf dem Planeten Moskau von einer Supernova bedroht wird, werden die Bewohner eilig evakuiert, darunter auch die junge Wednesday. Der neugierige Teenager erkundet das Transportschiff, das sie in Sicherheit bringen soll, auf eigene Faust – und entdeckt zuerst geheime Dokumente und dann eine Leiche. Noch ahnt sie nicht, wie brisant ihre Entdeckung ist, doch schon bald wird ihre Familie getötet und sie selbst gnadenlos verfolgt. Zeitgleich nimmt die Agentin Rachel Mansour ihre Ermittlungen auf, denn es scheint, als wäre Moskaus Sonne mittels einer geächteten Waffe zur Explosion gebracht worden. Die Hauptverdächtige ist die Regierung Neu-Dresdens, und nur Wednesdays Dokumente könnten Licht in diesen verworrenen Fall bringen...

Du bist tot

release date: Jan 01, 2010
Du bist tot
Mit diesem Buch beginnt die Zukunft 2.0 Dein Name: Sue Smith. Dein Job: Police Sergeant in Edinburgh. Dein Auftrag: Herausfinden, was bei Hayek Associates, einer kleinen Softwarefirma, bei einem Einbruch gestohlen wurde. Dein Problem: Der Überfall wurde in einer Online-Spielewelt von einem Dutzend Orks ausgeführt - doch der Schaden geht in die Millionen. Je weiter du ermittelst, umso deutlicher wird dir, dass du hier auf eine hochbrisante Intrige rund um illegale Informationstechnologie und Industriespionage gestossen bist. Und du begreifst: Dies ist kein Spiel ... Der definitive Roman über die Internet-Spielewelten, an denen Millionen von Menschen beteiligt sind.

Dark State

release date: Aug 09, 2018
Dark State
Dark State is the second book in a thrilling series - set in the same world as Charles Stross'' Merchant Princes series. This book follows Empire Games.In the near future, one America is experiencing its first technological revolution - whilst in a parallel world, the United States is a hi-tech police state. But both timelines are poised for conflict. Miriam Burgeson''s America is heading for civil war. However, a high profile defection might avert this crisis, if only Miriam and her agents can arrange it in time. And Rita Douglas, rival US spy, arrives during this turmoil. Rita''s world is rocked when she realizes Miriam is her birth mother, changing her own mission irrevocably. Then her United States discovers yet another parallel earth, and the remains of an advanced society. Something destroyed that civilization, Rita''s people are about to rouse it - and two worlds will face the consequences.

Empire Games

release date: Jan 26, 2017
Empire Games
Rita Douglas is plucked from her dead-end job and trained as a reluctant US spy. All because she has the latent genetic talent to hop between alternate timelines - and infiltrate them. The United States is waging a high-tech war, targeting assassins who can move between worlds to deliver death on a mass scale. And Rita will be their secret weapon. Miriam Beckstein has her own mission, as a politician in an industrial revolution US. She must accelerate her world''s technology before their paranoid American twin finds them. It would blow them to hell. After all, they''ve done it before. Each timeline also battles internal conspiracies, as a cold war threatens to turn white hot. But which world is the aggressor - and will Rita have to choose a side?This new series is set in the same world as Charles Stross'' ''Merchant Princes'' series.

Scratch Monkey

release date: Aug 07, 2016
Scratch Monkey
There are standard methods for lifting material out of brains. Everyone, everywhere in human space, is riddled with nanotech Dreamtime encoders. They''re in the air, in the soil, in their cells and reproducing like bacteria. They constantly monitor cerebral activity, transmitting updates of their host personality to the encoders, that upload minds into the Dreamtime when their bodies cease to support them. It even makes a neat debriefing tool, if you have the equipment to interrogate the brain encoders directly. (Only Distant Intervention, that I know of, is allowed to play with this kind of kit.Charles David George "Charlie" Stross (born Leeds, October 18, 1964) is a writer based in Edinburgh, Scotland. His works range from science fiction and Lovecraftian horror to fantasy. Stross is sometimes regarded as being part of a new generation of British science fiction writers who specialise in hard science fiction and space opera. His contemporaries include Alastair Reynolds, Ken MacLeod and Liz Williams. Obvious inspirations include Vernor Vinge, Neal Stephenson, William Gibson, and Bruce Sterling, among other cyberpunk and postcyberpunk writers. His first published short story, "The Boys," appeared in Interzone in 1987: his first novel, Singularity Sky was published by Ace in 2003 and was nominated for the Hugo Award. A collection of his short stories, Toast: And Other Rusted Futures appeared in 2002. Subsequent short stories have been nominated for the Hugo Award, Nebula Award, and other awards. His novella "The Concrete Jungle" won the Hugo award for its category in 2005. Most recently, Accelerando won the 2006 Locus Award for best science fiction novel, was a finalist for the John W. Campbell Memorial Award for the year''s best science fiction novel, and was on the final ballot for the Hugo Award in the best novel category. Glasshouse is on the final ballot for the Hugo Award in the best novel category.

The Regicide Report

release date: Jul 01, 2025

The Revolution Trade

release date: Jan 27, 2015
The Revolution Trade
The Revolution Trade: an omnibus edition of the fifth and sixth novels--The Revolution Businessand Trade of Queens--in Charles Stross''s Merchant Princes series. Miriam Beckstein has said good-bye to her comfort zone. The transition from journalist to captive in an alternative timeline was challenging to say the least, she discovered that her long-lost family, the Clan, were world-skipping assassins. Now, while civil war rages in her adopted home, she''s pregnant with the heir to their throne and a splinter group want her on their side of a desperate power struggle. But as a leader or figurehead? Meanwhile, unknown to the Clan, the US government is on to them and preparing to exploit this knowledge. But it hadn''t foreseen a dissident Clan faction carrying nuclear devices between worlds—with the US president in their sights. The War on Terror is about to go transdimensional. But Mike Fleming, CIA agent, knows the most terrifying secret of all: His government''s true intentions. "These books are immense fun."--Locus

Cthulhu and the Coeds Or Kids and Squids

release date: Apr 01, 2003
Cthulhu and the Coeds Or Kids and Squids
Myths for the New Millennium. The old Gods are going to have to get some new tricks, if they''re going to make it in the new century. and this gang of writers puts Cthulhu and his pals through their paces, with Gods as pets, mobsters, tricksters, carnivores and whinny, snirelling nerds. If the Mythos mob is going to make it in the new millennium they''re going to have to learn to laugh at themselves or we''ll do it for them.


release date: Jan 01, 2014
For Bob Howard, a working day tends to alternate between desperately trying not to fall asleep in committee meetings and being menaced by tentacular horrors from beyond spacetime. That''s because Bob works for the Laundry, the secret British government agency tasked with protecting the realm from occult nightmares. So when his manager Iris sends him off to the countryside to liaise with a veterinary inspector from the Department of the Environment, Fisheries, and rural Affairs, at first he takes it as a pleasant vacation. But why is Edgebaston Farm''s livery stable buying a hundred kilos of raw meat per day? Why does his briefing file contain the death-bed confession of that old fraud, H. P. Lovecraft? And why is his contact from DEFRA so deathly afraid of unicorns

Fables from the Fountain

release date: Mar 16, 2018
Fables from the Fountain
Eighteen stories from some of the biggest names in genre fiction, written in honour of Arthur C. Clarke. The Fountain, a traditional London pub where a group of friends - scientists, writers and SF fans - meet to swap anecdotes, reveal secrets from their past, tell tall tales, and maybe, just maybe, save the world...


release date: Dec 08, 2016

Iron Sunrise

release date: Jan 01, 2005

Saturn's Children

release date: Jan 01, 2008
Saturn's Children
Sometime in the twenty-third century, humanity went extinct leaving only androids behind. Freya Nakamichi 47 is a femmebot, one of the last of her kind still functioning. With no humans left to pay for the pleasures she provides, she agrees to transport a mysterious package from Mercury to Mars. Unfortunately for Freya, she has just made herself a moving target for some very powerful, very determined humanoids who will stop at nothing to possess the contents of the package.

Jennifer Morgue

release date: Jan 01, 2006
Jennifer Morgue
Bob Howard est employé par l''agence de renseignements la plus secrète du monde : la Laverie, située dans les sous-sols pouilleux d''une banlieue de Londres - en fait, une administration ubuesque où l''agent Howard, quand il n''est pas occupé à sauver le monde, est forcé d''assister à de fastidieuses réunions. Cette fois, sa mission sera d''une importance cruciale. Un milliardaire américain de l''informatique, Ellis Billington, ayant réussi à s''emparer d''une arme secrète enfermée dans un sous-marin soviétique échoué au fond du Pacifique, Bob est chargé de s''introduire dans son yacht, mouillé en mer des Caraïbes, afin de le neutraliser. Comme l''illustre agent 007, Bob dispose de quelques atouts et gadgets technologiques, et, comme Bond, il doit résister aux charmes d''une redoutable créature, Ramona Random, une beauté fatale qui travaille pour la Chambre noire, l''équivalent US de la Laverie... Un roman époustouflant, hommage à ceux de lan Fleming, qui, à la manière de X-files ou de Men in Black, transcende les genres, mêlant allègrement espionnage, fantastique et nouvelles technologies, avec une touche d''érotisme d''autant plus torride qu''il est souvent aquatique.

The Family Trade

release date: Jan 01, 2007

Rhesus Chart (La Laverie 5, Tome 6)

release date: Jan 01, 2021

Timelike Diplomacy

release date: Jan 01, 2004

Japan 2007

release date: Jan 01, 2007

Brecha nuclear

release date: Mar 01, 2012
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