Best Selling Books by David Brin

David Brin is the author of Black Cat Weekly #2 (2021), Copy (2017), Existence (2016), Insistence of Vision (2016), Earthclan (1987), Evolution of Polarized Light in an Inhomogeneous Anisotropic Medium (1977).

41 - 80 of 96 results
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Black Cat Weekly #2

release date: Jan 01, 2021
Black Cat Weekly #2
The second issue of Black Cat Weekly presents more tales of the mysterious and fantastic—four mystery shorts, a mystery novel, four science fiction stories, and a fantasy novel, by some of the greatest writers of all time. Here are: IT’S A MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD GIRL! by Jeff Cohen [Barb Goffman Presents - mystery short story] THE MYSTERY OF THE TRUST BUILDER, by Frank Lovell Nelson [Serial story - 2 of 12] ALWAYS READ THE FINE PRINT, by Hal Charles [Solve it yourself mystery!] THE TWISTED INN, by Hugh Walpole [mystery short story] FALSE TO ANY MAN, by Leslie Ford [mystery novel] THE TELL, by David Brin [Paul Di Filippo Presents - sci-fi short story] MRS. PIGAFETTA SWIMS WELL, by Reginald Bretnor [sci-fi short story] THIRTY DAYS HATH SEPTEMBER, by Robert F. Young [sci-fi short story] THE ALIEN DIES AT DAWN, by Randall Garrett and Robert Silverberg [sci-fi short story] THE ENCHANTED CRUSADE, by Geoff St. Reynard [fantasy novel]


release date: Jan 31, 2017
Doppelgänger mit Verfallsdatum Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie könnten eine Kopie Ihres Körpers anfertigen lassen – eine Kopie, die genauso aussieht, genauso handelt und genauso denkt wie Sie. Eine Kopie jedoch, deren Lebenszeit auf wenige Stunden begrenzt ist. Was würden Sie mit dieser Kopie tun? Oder anders gefragt: Was würde diese Kopie mit Ihnen tun? Albert Morris ist Privatdetektiv. Unangenehme oder gefährliche Recherchen überlässt er den Ditos, seinen Kopien, die zwar über seine Erinnerungen verfügen, aber nur 24 Stunden lang überleben. Als Yosil Maharal, einer der Mitbegründer des Konzerns, der die Rohlinge für die Ditos herstellt, erst spurlos verschwindet und dann tot aufgefunden wird, beauftragt dessen Tochter Ritu Morris mit den Ermittlungen. Sie ist davon überzeugt, dass ihr Vater ermordet wurde. Als Morris‘ Ditos anfangen, sich eigenartig zu benehmen, ahnt er, dass weit mehr hinter der Geschichte steckt als nur ein Mord ...


release date: Oct 19, 2016
« Prenez un futur proche inquiétant, ajoutez-y un artefact extraterrestre, saupoudrez le tout d''une pincée de sagesse et d''émerveillement... vous obtenez Existence, essentiel et pertinent. » Stephen Baxter, auteur de Déluge Téléprésence : surveillance généralisée de tous par tous, partout, tout le temps. Le moindre événement s''attire aussitôt dix millions de regards virtuels. Livingstone est un éboueur spatial, chargé de nettoyer un siècle de déchets orbitaux. Jusqu''au jour où il tombe sur un étrange cristal. Une heure plus tard, tous les réseaux bruissent de rumeurs à propos d''un « artefact extraterrestre ». Une bouteille à la mer, avide de communiquer... de bonnes ou de mauvaises nouvelles ? Le monde, lui, réagit comme à son habitude : avec un mélange de peur, d''espoir, d''amour et de violence... David Brin est un scientifique, conférencier, consultant technique et lauréat d''un prix récompensant les défenseurs de la liberté d''expression. Ses romans ont remporté, entre autres, plusieurs prix Hugo et Nebula. Il vit en Californie, près de San Diego.

Insistence of Vision

release date: Jan 01, 2016
Insistence of Vision
"The future is a daunting realm, filled with real and imagined perils. So enter it prepared! Visit a chillingly plausible tomorrow, when prisoners may be sent to asteroidal gulags. Or might prisons vanish and felons roam, seeing only what society allows?" --


release date: Jan 01, 1987
Omnibus edition of the second and third novels in the "Uplift" series: "Startide Rising" (winner, 1983 Nebula Award, 1984 Hugo Award, 1984 Locus Poll Award) and "The Uplift War" (winner, 1988 Hugo, 1988 Locus Poll Award). These novels were preceded by" Sundiver" (1980).

Evolution of Polarized Light in an Inhomogeneous Anisotropic Medium

Evolution of Cometary Nuclei as Influenced by a Dust Component


release date: Jan 17, 2013
A WORLD THREATENED BY ITS PAST, FIGHTING FOR ITS FUTURE Planet Jijo is forbidden to settlers, its ecosystem protected by guardians of the Five Galaxies. Yet, over centuries, refugees of six intelligent races have come, weaving a new society in the wilderness, drawn together by their fear of Judgment Day, when the Five Galaxies will discover their illegal colony. Then a strange starship lands on Jijo. Does it bring the long-dreaded judgment, or worse - criminals bent on destroying the six races of Jijo in order to cover their own crimes? Can the exiles unite and find a way to save themselves . . . and a galaxy beyond? From the multiple award-winning David Brin comes the complete Uplift Storm saga - containing BRIGHTNESS REEF, INFINITY''S SHORE and HEAVEN''S REACH.

Visions of the Future

release date: May 29, 2018
Visions of the Future
Visions of the Future is a collection of stories and essays including Nebula and Hugo award-winning works. In this anthology, you''ll find stories and essays about artificial intelligence, androids, faster-than-light travel, and the extension of human life. You''ll read about the future of human institutions and culture. But these literary works are more than just a reprisal of the classical elements of science fiction and futurism. At their core, each of these pieces has one consistent, repeated theme: us. Other Lifeboat Foundation books include The Human Race to the Future: What Could Happen - and What to Do and Prospects for Human Survival.

The Crystal Spheres

release date: Jan 01, 2011
The Crystal Spheres
In a universe filled with habitable worlds why have we had no contact with extraterrestrial intelligence? David Brin''s short story, "The Crystal Spheres," offers a fantastic explanation for the Great Silence. Instead of being late-comers - might humanity have come upon the scene too early? This haunting tale was voted one of the "most beautiful" of the eighties. Winner of the 1985 Hugo Award.

Uplift War -Lib

release date: Jun 01, 1987
Uplift War -Lib
The inhabitants of Garth, a dying planet, battle brutal alien invaders, with the survival of Earth and the fate of the entire five galaxies at stake


release date: Jan 01, 2020
In all the universe, no species reached for the stars without "uplift" guidance, except possibly humankind. Did some cryptic patron race begin the job long ago, then abandon us? Or did we leap all by ourselves? That question burns, yet a greater mystery looms ahead, in the furnace of a star. Under the caverns of Mercury, Expedition Sundiver prepares for the most momentous voyage of our history - into the boiling inferno of the sun, seeking our destiny in the cosmic order of life.This freshly revised re-issue includes a substantial author''s introduction about the personal and scientific journeys leading to his now-classic first novel.Sundiver is the first book in David Brin''s magnificent Uplift series, among the most thrilling and extraordinary science fiction ever written, comprising one of the most beloved sagas of all time. David Brin''s other novels in the Uplift Series include: Startide Rising, The Uplift War, Brightness Reef, Infinity''s Shore, and Heaven''s Reach.

Alas, Babylon

release date: Jul 10, 2009
Alas, Babylon
The classic apocalyptic novel that stunned the world.

Postman a Book Club

release date: Oct 31, 1997

Dr. Pak's Preschool

release date: Jan 01, 1989


release date: Jun 22, 1998
Il a fallu à la Terre des siècles pour rompre son isolement galactique et des siècles encore de manipulations génétiques pour que le Streaker, vaisseau d''exploration, dispose de l''équipage essentiel à sa mission : sept Terriens de haute expérience spatiale, un étonnant néo-chimpanzé et des dauphins rompus à la technique et au langage. Aussi, quand une avarie force le Streaker à faire halte, le commandant choisit-il Kithrup, un monde nautique où les dauphins peuvent agir aussitôt. Tous, en effet, savent que des Flottes galactiques, venues de planètes rivales, veulent s''emparer du vaisseau. C''est que le Streaker, lors d''une étonnante découverte, a fourni à ses banques de données un savoir secret qui peut ébranler la cohésion de l''univers...

Through Stranger Eyes

release date: Jan 01, 2008


release date: Jan 01, 1985

The Life Eaters

release date: Jan 01, 2015
The Life Eaters
Imagine a world in which the Axis forces of World War II suddenly were propelled to victory over the Allies...prompted by aid from the ancient gods of Norse mythology! Welcome to the alternate reality of The Life Eaters.


release date: Nov 01, 1998
-- David Brin is a famous science fiction author, winner of multiple awards. -- Steve Jackson is one of today''s best-known game creators. -- This game has been acclaimed as an educational simulation! In this critically-acclaimed game, the players take the part of primitive men and women, trying to hunt and gather food and protect their children. In the process, they build a society!

Tomorrow Happens

release date: Jan 01, 2003

David Brin Mixed A/Hb D/Bx19

release date: Jun 09, 1994

Sun Diver a Special

release date: Apr 01, 2001

River of Time a Pbp

release date: Aug 01, 2001

Science Fiction Theater

release date: Sep 01, 1999

The Ancient Ones

release date: Jan 01, 2020
The Ancient Ones
We never expected that inventing Star-Drive would lead to this. We were first! Bold explorers who brought light and movement to the galaxy, teaching others and forging a grand alliance with all races. (Well, most of them.) It seemed the galaxy would be ours to lead and to share! Till we met demmies. Oh, they''re not so bad. They mean well. Impulsive and exasperating, sure. Often brilliant, puckish, idiotic, mercurial, always astonishing... did I mention exasperating? And lucky. Gradually, it dawned on humanity -- Hey, that''s what WE wanted to be! In ancient myths and sci-fi dreams, it''s how we pictured ourselves. As the impulsive-lucky ones. Only now... they reverently call Earthlings "the Ancient Ones." And demmies are having all the fun! The adventure begins when the crew unreels a humungous hose down to the surface and hurries down to discover a whole lot of somethings weird. Life... death... and the living dead... will never be the same.A new science fiction comedy from David Brin -- author of award-winning science fiction novels, such as The Postman, Earth, Existence, Startide Rising, Sundiver and The Practice Effect.

Future Sports, Felt Pen, David Brin, Age Twelve, Male, Toronto, Ontario, 1978

Kil'n Time

release date: Aug 04, 2005
Kil'n Time
Al Morris is a private investigator - an exceptionally busy private investigator. Luckily, he lives in a world where it is possible to produce disposable clones or multiple copies of yourself for a million and one essential tasks. However, Al''s ''dittos'' aren''t coming up with enough answers, some aren''t coming back at all and Al is becoming increasingly worried. As he penetrates deeper into the seedy underside of international commerce and corruption, self-reliance with a dash of immortality may no longer be enough .

Heaven?'s Reach a D/Bx36 2 For 10

release date: May 06, 1999

Stratos ?'C?' Format

release date: Dec 31, 1994

New Uplift Trilogy

release date: Jan 01, 1996
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