Best Selling Books by Dayton Ward

Dayton Ward is the author of Mars Attacks: The Armageddon Directive (2016), Star Trek - The Next Generation: Herz und Verstand (2019), Vanguard #4: Open Secrets (2012), Star Trek: Corps of Engineers: Grand Designs (2007), Interphase Book 2 (2001).

41 - 80 of 96 results
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Mars Attacks: The Armageddon Directive

release date: Mar 22, 2016
Mars Attacks: The Armageddon Directive
When he stumbles upon a Martian''s plot to ignite World War III, FBI agent Nate Tanner must defy orders to get to the truth. Determined to stop a ruthless undercover invader from taking Earth to the brink of oblivion, Tanner engages in a deadly game of cat-and-mouse to unravel alien''s diabolical plans. With the help of a daring and beautiful reporter with secrets of her own, Nate will race against the clock to outwit a monster from outer space and save the world from total annihilation!

Star Trek - The Next Generation: Herz und Verstand

release date: Dec 02, 2019
Star Trek - The Next Generation: Herz und Verstand
Captain Jean-Luc Picard und die Besatzung der Enterprise entdecken etwas, das sie zuerst für eine bisher unentdeckte Welt halten, mit einer Zivilisation, die sich noch von den Auswirkungen eines globalen Nuklearkriegs erholt. Eine erstaunliche Botschaft aus dem Sternenflottenkommando warnt, dass mehr hinter diesem Planeten steckt, als auf den ersten Blick zu erkennen ist, und schnell wird Picard klar, dass die Geheimnisse dieser Welt mit Jahrhunderten geheim gehaltener menschlicher Geschichte in Verbindung steht ...

Vanguard #4: Open Secrets

release date: Feb 20, 2012
Vanguard #4: Open Secrets
The Taurus Reach is in turmoil in this fourth novel in the acclaimed Vanguard saga, based on Star Trek: The Original Series! With tensions mounting between the Federation and the Klingon Empire, Ambassador Jetanien works frantically on Starbase Vanguard to halt the escalation toward war. Commodore Diego Reyes, the station''s former commander, awaits trial for treason, while the shattered mind of his intelligence officer, T''Prynn, becomes the battlefield in a fight for her very life. But even as matters deteriorate, the discoveries made in the Taurus Reach have captured the imagination of one of the Federation''s most promising scientific minds: Dr. Carol Marcus believes she is close to solving a puzzle that will transform her life''s work. Meanwhile, an unexpected defection brings a new perspective to the investigation, and Vanguard''s Lieutenant Ming Xiong is confronted with an artifact that could be the key to decoding the Taurus Meta-Genome. But with Operation Vanguard teetering between its greatest breakthrough and a conflict that could engulf two quadrants, its future may depend on the man Starfleet has selected to replace Reyes as base commander: Admiral Heihachiro Nogura.

Star Trek: Corps of Engineers: Grand Designs

release date: Oct 30, 2007
Star Trek: Corps of Engineers: Grand Designs
The thrilling Star Trek short story collection featuring Starfleet’s Corps of Engineers! Corps of Engineers These are the voyages of the U.S.S. da Vinci. Their mission: to solve the problems of the galaxy, one disaster at a time. Starfleet veteran Captain David Gold, along with his crack Starfleet Corps of Engineers team lead by former Starship Enterprise ™ engineer Commander Sonya Gomez, travel throughout the Federation and beyond to fix the unfixable, repair the irreparable, and solve the unsolvable. Whether it''s an artificial planetary ring that was damaged during the Dominion War, an out-of-control generation ship, a weapons inspection gone horribly wrong, shutting down a crashed probe, solving a centuries-old medical mystery, or clearing a sargasso sea of derelict ships, the S.C.E. is on the case! But the problems they face aren''t just technical; Tev must confront the demons of his past, Lense must confront the demons of her present, Gold faces a crisis of leadership on his own ship, and Gomez must lead an away team into the middle of a brutal ground war. Plus the da Vinci crew must find a way to work with their Klingon counterparts in a deadly rescue mission.

Interphase Book 2

release date: Mar 28, 2001
Interphase Book 2
With Captain David Gold and an away team trapped on the other side of an interdimensional rift, Lieutenant Commander Kieran Duffy Þnds himself in command of the U.S.S. da Vinci just as the ship comes under attack by the Tholians. The enemy is armed with a new and improved version of their infamous energy web, and the da Vinci is badly outnumbered, but þeeing the battle means abandoning the captain and the others to an uncertain fate outside this universe. There, marooned aboard a derelict vessel, Gold and his S.C.E. team struggle to keep the madness -- inducing effect of the rift from driving them to suicide and murder before they can Þnd a way to escape the realm of Interphase. The exciting conclusion of an all-new two-part adventure!

Star Trek - Typhon Pact 4: Zwietracht

release date: Sep 02, 2013
Star Trek - Typhon Pact 4: Zwietracht
Captain Picard und die Besatzung der Enterprise werden auf einer diplomatischen Mission zum Planeten Andor Zeuge der völligen Verwüstung, die aus der letzten Borg-Invasion resultierte. Die Fortpflanzungsproblematik, mit der sich das andorianische Volk schon lange geplagt hat, erreicht ein Krisenniveau. Die Föderation ist scheinbar unfähig zu helfen. Zweifel wachsen an ihrem Engagement einem langjährigen treuen Verbündeten gegenüber. Doch andorianische Wissenschaftler lassen erneut auf eine Lösung hoffen. Indes protestieren viele Teile der andorianischen Gesellschaft gegen diesen kontroversen Ansatz, und radikalere Sekten beginnen ihren Unmut auf jede nur erdenkliche Art zu verbreiten. Als Antwort darauf hat Präsidentin Nanietta Bacco die Besatzung der Enterprise und ein Team aus Diplomaten und Wissenschaftlern nach Andor gesandt, um zu veranschaulichen, dass das Versprechen der Föderation, Andor zu helfen, aufrichtig ist. Doch der Typhon-Pakt liegt auf der Lauer ...

The 4400: Wet Work

release date: Oct 28, 2008
The 4400: Wet Work
1992: For nearly a decade, the international assassin known only as "the Wraith" has eluded authorities. Political leaders, powerful heads of business, terrorists known and suspected have numbered among the many victims until -- without explanation -- the Wraith disappears.... 2005: Tom Baldwin and Diana Skouris are investigating Jordan Collier''s murder, but they''re pulled off the case. Washington believes the Wraith -- a onetime freelance agent for the U.S. government -- is active again. A high-ranking CIA officer, who oversaw the rogue operator''s activities, is killed. Evidence at the scene points to the Wraith and that this highly efficient killer is now a 4400. The NTAC agents only have thirteen-year-old leads to follow an assassin who was never caught. Suddenly, the Wraith kills another returnee. Why? What does this mean? Can the mounting fears of the 4400 be right? Or is this just one returnee who has gone off the track. Baldwin and Skouris need to know -- but will they find out before the Wraith completes this deadly covert objective?

Star Trek: Grand Designs

release date: May 03, 2004
Star Trek: Grand Designs
Tensions between two planets in the Rhaax system have abated to the point where the sides have agreed to disarmament. The S.C.E. crew on the U.S.S. da Vinci is sent along with a Federation diplomat to act as weapons inspectors to make sure that the terms of the cease-fire and disarmament are followed. But soon the S.C.E. learns that neither side has any intention of truly disarming -- and then Tev, P8 Blue, and Soloman are captured by one side. Captain Gold must find a way to rescue his crew, and keep the peace, before both planets explode!

Miracle Workers, S.C.E. Book Two

release date: Mar 14, 2002
Miracle Workers, S.C.E. Book Two
STARFLEET CORPS OF ENGINEERS Their motto: Have tech, will travel Need to build a subspace accelerator while under attack by a deadly local predator? Need to rescue a starship from interphase without getting trapped there yourself? Call in the Starfleet Corps of Engineers team, specifically the crack team from the U.S.S. da Vinci. Under the guidance of Captain David Gold and his first officer, former Starship Enterprise™ engineer Commander Sonya Gomez, the crew of the da Vinci can construct six impossible things before breakfast. Overseen by Captain Montgomery Scott from his office at Starfleet Headquarters, the S.C.E. crew put their lives on the line to rescue a space station from catastrophe, and face off against a deadly alien race of technology thieves with the aid of Lieutenant Nog from Space Station Deep Space 9 ™. MIRACLE WORKERS, SCE #2 contains the complete eBook editions of S.C.E. adventures #5-8.

Legacies: Book #3: Purgatory's Key

release date: Aug 30, 2016
Legacies: Book #3: Purgatory's Key
"Based on Star trek created by Gene Roddenberry."

Interphase Book 1

release date: Feb 28, 2001
Interphase Book 1
STARFLEET CORPS OF ENGINEERS More than a century ago, the U.S.S. Defiant ™ disappeared with all hands into an interspatial rift deep in Tholian territory. Now the derelict ship has been seen drifting in and out of ordinary space, and the Tholian authorities have reluctantly agreed to let Starfleet retrieve the Defiant from the rift. Perhaps, at long last, the lost ship can be brought home and its valiant crew paid their final respects. Captain David Gold and an S.C.E. team from the U.S.S. da Vinci succeed in boarding the Defiant, but their investigation soon uncovers a dangerous secret. For more than a hundred years, an ancient super-weapon has been hidden away within the scarred and lifeless starship, along with evidence of a long-forgotten atrocity -- evidence that could ignite a vast interstellar war!

Star Trek: Waypoint #2

release date: Nov 16, 2016
Star Trek: Waypoint #2
This month, two stories from different ends of the galaxy! First, a GOLD KEY homage from New York Times best-selling Star Trek author Dayton Ward, with Trek novelist and collaborator Kevin Dilmore, and art by Gordon Purcell (Star Trek), where Kirk and Spock find an uncharted planet inhabited by monstrous robots! And finally, a story by Sam Maggs, bestselling author of The Fangirl�s Guide to the Galaxy, with art by Rachael Stott (Star Trek, Doctor Who). Learn the backstory of Yeoman Leslie Thompson, the first and ONLY female redshirt to die in the ORIGINAL SERIES!

Star Trek: SCE: What's Past

release date: Aug 24, 2010
Star Trek: SCE: What's Past
Chronicles the early adventures of the Starfleet Corps of Engineers throughout the galaxy.

Star Trek: Mirror Universe: Glass Empires

release date: Feb 20, 2007
Star Trek: Mirror Universe: Glass Empires
There are moments glimpsed only in shadow, where darkness rules and evil incarnate thrives. You hope against hope that in your lifetime, evil is relegated to the shadows. But what if it wasn''t? What if you lived in a universe where your life was measured only by what you could do for the Empire? What would you do to survive? Would you sell your soul to free yourself? If you were offered the chance to rule, would you seize it? If you could free your universe from the darkness but only at the cost of your life, would you pay that price? Star Trek: Enterprise®—she seized power in a heartbeat, daring to place herself against all the overlords of the Empire. Empress Hoshi Sato knows the future that could be; now all she has to do is make sure it never happens. For her to rule, she must hold sway not only over the starship from the future but also over her warlords, the resistance, and her Andorian husband. As quickly and brutally as Hoshi seized power, imperial rule is taken from her. Her only chance to rule again is to ally herself with a lifelong foe, and an alien. Star Trek® One man can change the future, but does he dare? Spock, intrigued by the vision of another universe''s Federation, does what no Vulcan, no emperor, has ever done: seize power in one blinding stroke of mass murder. And at the same instant he gains imperial power, Spock sows the seeds for the Empire''s downfall. Is this a form of Vulcan madness, or is it the coolly logical plan of a man who knows the price his universe must pay for its freedom? Star Trek: The Next Generation®—Humanity is a pitiful collection of enslaved, indentured, and abused peoples. No one dares to question the order, except at peril of their lives. One man survives by blinding himself to the misery around him. However, Jean-Luc Picard resists, just once. And in that one instant he unlocks a horror beyond the tyranny of the Alliance. Can a man so beaten down by a lifetime of oppression stop the destruction?

Start Trek: A Time To Sow

release date: Oct 16, 2012
Start Trek: A Time To Sow
Centuries ago a hardy band of survivors, fleeing a planetary catastrophe, took refuge in the inhospitable asteroid belt. Struggling for years to make what had once been short-term mining settlements into suitable colonies for permanent civilization, eventually they succeeded all too well, and their thriving population is approaching critical mass. Now they must make a choice: to go on as they are on the crowded but functional asteroids or to give up all they have worked for in a desperate plan to rebuild their dead home planet. Their dilemma has brought them to the brink of civil war -- and into this volatile standoff comes the Enterprise, assigned a seemingly meaningless mission to chart this sector of space. Faced with an advanced society on the verge of self-destruction, it is up to the Enterprise, still carrying the weight of her demotion and disgrace, to find a way to lead the survivors to peace.

Star Trek - Corps of Engineers 18: Fundamente 2

release date: Dec 28, 2015
Star Trek - Corps of Engineers 18: Fundamente 2
Die Trilogie um die Gründung des Ingenieurkorps der Sternenflotte! Vor über einem Jahrhundert traf die U.S.S. Enterprise einen Computer, der eine ganze Welt beherrschte - und schaltete ihn ab: Landru auf Beta III. Nach dem Zwischenfall wird ein Team von Ingenieuren unter der Leitung von Montgomery Scott damit beauftragt, Beta III wieder aufzubauen. Aber selbst im Tod ist Landrus Einfluss noch zu spüren ...

Star Trek - Corps of Engineers 17: Fundamente 1

release date: Nov 30, 2015
Star Trek - Corps of Engineers 17: Fundamente 1
Der Beginn einer Trilogie um die Anfänge des S.I.K.! Einhundertundzwölf Jahre vor der Jungfernfahrt der da Vinci nahm Montgomery Scott einen Auftrag in der romulanischen Neutralen Zone an, um mit der Besatzung der U.S.S. Lovell und ihrem Team vom Ingenieurkorps der Sternenflotte zusammenzuarbeiten. Aber dieses S.I.K. unterscheidet sich stark von der heutigen Version: Es ist eine Bande von rauen Technikern, denen man nur die ungeliebtesten Arbeiten in der Sternenflotte überlässt. Als die Reparatur des Außenpostens in der Neutralen Zone schiefläuft, müssen Scotty und das aufstrebende S.I.K.-Team sich zusammenraufen, um die Raumstation intakt zu halten ...

Star Trek: Kirk Fu Manual

release date: Mar 03, 2020
Star Trek: Kirk Fu Manual
In unabashed celebration of Captain James T. Kirk’s singular fighting skills, Star Trek: Kirk Fu Manual is every Starfleet cadet''s must-have training guide for surviving the final frontier. As captain of the legendary U.S.S. Enterprise, James T. Kirk engaged in his share of fisticuffs, besting opponents with a slick combination of moves and guile that remains unmatched. Is there anyone you’d rather have watching your back as you take on Klingons, alien gladiators, genetically engineered supermen, and even the occasional giant walking reptile? Kirk Fu is a series of unarmed combat techniques developed by one of Starfleet’s most celebrated starship captains over several years of encounters with alien species on any number of strange new worlds. A blend of various fighting styles, Kirk Fu incorporates elements of several Earth-based martial arts forms as well as cruder methods employed in bars and back alleys on planets throughout the galaxy. It is as unorthodox in practice as it is unbelievable to behold. Including excerpts from Kirk’s own notes and personal logs, the Star Trek: Kirk Fu Manual is the perfect training guide for surviving the depths of space. With proper training and practice, every Starfleet cadet can become one with Kirk Fu.

Star Trek: Vanguard #2: Summon the Thunder

release date: Jun 27, 2006
Star Trek: Vanguard #2: Summon the Thunder
The Taurus Reach: a remote interstellar expanse that holds a very old and potentially cataclysmic secret, the truth of which is feared by the Tholians, coveted by the Klingons, and dubiously guarded by the Federation. At the center of this intrigue is Vanguard, a Federation starbase populated by an eclectic mix of Starfleet officers and civilians, whose lives are forever altered as they explore the layers of mystery surrounding the Reach and steadily peel them after another. In the aftermath of Harbinger, Commodore Diego Reyes commands Vanguard while waging an intensely personal struggle, tasked to uncover the true significance of the Taurus Reach while simultaneously concealing that mission from his fellow officers -- and even his closest friends. As the Daedalus-class U.S.S. Lovell brings some of Starfleet''s keenest technical minds to help, the U.S.S. Endeavour makes a find that could shed further light on the enigmatic meta-genome that has captured the Federation''s interest -- if its crew survives the discovery.... Deep within the Taurus Reach, an ancient and powerful alien mind has awakened prematurely from aeons of hibernation, alerted to the upstart civilizations now daring to encroach upon the worlds in her care. With the stakes for all sides escalating rapidly, the alien lashes out with deadly force against the interlopers, propelling the Vanguard crew on a desperate race to understand the nature of the attacker, and to prevent the Taurus Reach from becoming a war zone.

Star Trek - Corps of Engineers 04: Interphase 1

release date: Oct 27, 2014
Star Trek - Corps of Engineers 04: Interphase 1
Die brandneue Romanserie: Corps of Engineers - exklusiv im E-Book! Jeden Monat eine neue Episode -- Ein gigantisches, verlassenes Raumschiff muss erkundet werden? Das schiffsweite Computersystem ist ausgefallen? Dann rufen Sie am besten die Experten des Ingenieurkorps der Sternenflotte! Vom Hauptquartier der Sternenflotte aus und unter der Leitung von Captain Montgomery Scott kann das I.K.S. alles bauen, reparieren, programmieren, umprogrammieren, neu konstruieren oder einfach herausfinden, um was es sich handelt - seien das fremde Replikatoren oder Planetenkiller. Erwarten Sie nur keine Wunder von ihnen. Es sei denn, es gäbe gar keine andere Möglichkeit ... Captain David Gold, sein Erster Offizier Commander Sonya Gomez und die Besatzung der U.S.S. da Vinci setzen ein ums andere Mal ihr Leben aufs Spiel. Begleiten Sie die Wunderknaben zu einer fesselnden Reise durch die Randgebiete der Galaxis! -- Episode 4: Eine gefährliche Rettungsmission droht die Galaxis in einen Krieg zu stürzen! Vor über 100 Jahren verschwand die U.S.S. Defiant mit der gesamten Mannschaft in einem interdimensionalen Spalt tief in tholianischem Territorium. Nun wurde das verfallene Schiff dabei gesichtet, wie es immer wieder in den Normalraum eintrat. Die tholianischen Behörden haben der Sternenflotte widerwillig gestattet, das Schiff aus dem Spalt zu bergen. Vielleicht kann nun das lang verschollene Schiff geborgen werden, sodass man der tapferen Mannschaft die letzte Ehre erweisen kann. Captain Gold und ein S.I.K.-Team der U.S.S. da Vinci können zwar an Bord der Defiant gehen, aber ihre Untersuchung enthüllt ein gefährliches Geheimnis: Für mehr als hundert Jahre ist eine uralte Superwaffe in dem zerschundenen und leblosen Raumschiff versteckt worden, zusammen mit Hinweisen auf ein langvergessenes Verbrechen - Indizien, die einen gewaltigen, interstellaren Krieg auslösen können!

The Aliens Are Coming!

release date: Jun 15, 2002
The Aliens Are Coming!
1969: Captain John Christopher of the U.S. Air Force has just returned from a most peculiar mission to investigate a UFO sighting. But even though the mission took only a few minutes, the captain has vague memory flashes of futuristic humans, a pointy-eared alien named Spock, and a ship called The U.S.S. Enterprise™.... Government agent James Wainwright has waited for this fateful day ever since he encountered the conquering Ferengi Marauders Quark, Rom, and Nog in Roswell in 1947. Now he will stop at nothing to use Captain Christopher''s secret knowledge to bring his campaign to defend Earth against alien attack to the forefront once again! A dramatic sequel to classic Star Trek episodes from two generations by the critically acclaimed author of In the Name of Honor!

Star Trek - Corps of Engineers 05: Interphase 2

release date: Nov 30, 2014
Star Trek - Corps of Engineers 05: Interphase 2
Die brandneue Romanserie: Corps of Engineers - exklusiv im E-Book! Jeden Monat eine neue Episode -- Ein gigantisches, verlassenes Raumschiff muss erkundet werden? Das schiffsweite Computersystem ist ausgefallen? Dann rufen Sie am besten die Experten des Ingenieurkorps der Sternenflotte! Vom Hauptquartier der Sternenflotte aus und unter der Leitung von Captain Montgomery Scott kann das I.K.S. alles bauen, reparieren, programmieren, umprogrammieren, neu konstruieren oder einfach herausfinden, um was es sich handelt - seien das fremde Replikatoren oder Planetenkiller. Erwarten Sie nur keine Wunder von ihnen. Es sei denn, es gäbe gar keine andere Möglichkeit ... Captain David Gold, sein Erster Offizier Commander Sonya Gomez und die Besatzung der U.S.S. da Vinci setzen ein ums andere Mal ihr Leben aufs Spiel. Begleiten Sie die Wunderknaben zu einer fesselnden Reise durch die Randgebiete der Galaxis! -- Episode 5: Captain Gold und sein Außenteam sind auf der anderen Seite des interdimensionalen Abgrunds gefangen. Und so sieht Lieutenant Commander Kieran Duffy sich gezwungen, das Kommando über die U.S.S. da Vinci zu übernehmen, als die Tholianer das Schiff angreifen. Der Feind ist mit einer neuen und verbesserten Version des berüchtigten Energienetzes ausgestattet und die da Vinci ist hoffnungslos unterlegen. Doch eine Flucht würde bedeuten, den Captain und die anderen einem unbekannten Schicksal außerhalb dieses Universums zu überlassen ... Der aufregende zweite Teil des packenden Abenteuers!

Star Trek - The Next Generation: Absturz

release date: May 06, 2019
Star Trek - The Next Generation: Absturz
Beim Vermessen eines Nebels stoßen Captain Jean-Luc Picard und die Mannschaft des Raumschiffs Enterprise auf einen Einzelgängerplaneten. Auf der Oberfläche der unwirtlichen Welt messen sie Lebenszeichen und erhalten plötzlich eine verstümmelte Botschaft: eine unvollständige Warnung, um jeden Preis fernzubleiben. Entschlossen, seine Hilfe anzubieten, schickt Picard Commander Worf und ein Außenteam los, um die Angelegenheit zu untersuchen, doch ihr Shuttle wird zu einer Notlandung auf der Oberfläche gezwungen, jeder Kontakt bricht ab und dann verschwindet der Planet komplett.

Star Trek - Corps of Engineers 19: Fundamente 3

release date: Jan 25, 2016
Star Trek - Corps of Engineers 19: Fundamente 3
Abschluss der Trilogie um die Anfänge des Ingenieurkorps der Sternenflotte! Ein Jahrhundert vor dem Jungfernflug der da Vinci verschlägt ein Maschinenschaden auf einem Testflug mit einem experimentellen kelvanischen Raumschiff Scotty und ein S.I.K.-Team in eine unbekannte Region des Alls. Als eine fremde und feindliche Rasse verlangt, ihr Territorium zu verlassen, muss das S.I.K. das Schiff im Wettlauf mit der Zeit reparieren ... oder ihnen droht die Vernichtung!

Time #4: A Time to Harvest

release date: May 01, 2004
Time #4: A Time to Harvest
In the fourth of the thrilling A Time to… series, the untold story of what compelled longtime and trusted members of Captain Jean-Luc Picard’s crew to seemingly abandon the USS Enterprise on the cusp of an epic battle—perfect for longtime and new fans of Star Trek: The Next Generation. Still reeling from the disastrous events that have rocked all of Starfleet and tarnished the career of one of the Federation’s most decorated captains, Jean-Luc Picard and his crew must now endure scandal, ostracism, and an uncertain future. But despite all that has occurred, none aboard the USS Enterprise have forgotten their duty as Starfleet officers. Assigned to assist a small colony of refugees who maintain a precarious existence on a rapidly disintegrating asteroid, Picard’s crew must somehow aid this alien race in terraforming a nearby planet into a new home for their kind. But violent acts of sabotage soon turn a humanitarian crisis into a deadly confrontation. To save the them from extinction, Picard must uncover the presence of an old adversary and prevent a catastrophic disaster.

Captain America: Steve Rogers Declassified

release date: Jun 25, 2024
Captain America: Steve Rogers Declassified
Millions of comic fans root for Steve Rogers as Captain America. Now here’s their chance to know the man behind the shield like never before. Get to know one of the world’s most iconic superheroes through rare interviews, personal letters, declassified government documents, and more. Experience World War II through Steve’s own words. Witness his relationships with comrades and enemies alike, from allies like Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson to foes like the Red Skull. Go inside Steve’s internal struggle to find purpose in the modern world after being frozen for decades—and learn what continues to drive this enduring symbol of hope, courage, and justice today. Featuring in-universe content as written by Captain America and his friends, allies, and foes from across the Marvel Universe, this new archival collection delivers an unprecedented glimpse into the life and mind of an American legend—and is the perfect read for any Cap or Marvel fan.

Iron Man: Tony Stark Declassified

release date: Nov 14, 2023
Iron Man: Tony Stark Declassified
Millions of comic book fans know Tony Stark as Iron Man. But few, if any, truly know the man inside the armor. He’s a genius entrepreneur, an inventor, a business mogul, and a super hero—not to mention an Avenger reassembled in his physical form and reunited with his humanity. And now Tony Stark is ready to talk about it all. Revisit the story of one of Marvel Comics’ most heroic, heralded, and complex characters in his own words, as well as through notes, interviews, and files assembled from the Avengers’ archives. An unprecedented, comprehensive firsthand chronicle, Iron Man: Tony Stark Declassified draws on more than a half century of classic tales to present an insightful, personal take about—and by—one of the most talked-about heroes of all time. Featuring Tony’s perspective on his most important friends, allies, and enemies including Captain America, Pepper Potts, Happy Hogan, James Rhodes, Ironheart, Bruce Banner, and Arno Stark, and his thoughts on the Marvel Universe’s most memorable moments, this first-of-its-kind archival collection is a must for fans of all eras.

The Fall: Peaceable Kingdoms

release date: Dec 31, 2013
The Fall: Peaceable Kingdoms
The final original novel in the electrifying The Next Generation/Deep Space Nine crossover event! Following the resolution of the fertility crisis that nearly caused their extinction, the Andorian people now stand ready to rejoin the United Federation of Planets. The return of one of its founding member worlds is viewed by many as the first hopeful step beyond the uncertainty and tragedy that have overshadowed recent events in the Alpha Quadrant. But as the Federation looks to the future and the special election to name President Bacco’s permanent successor, time is running out to apprehend those responsible for the respected leader’s brutal assassination. Even as elements of the Typhon Pact are implicated for the murder, Admiral William Riker holds key knowledge of the true assassins—a revelation that could threaten the fragile Federation-Cardassian alliance. Questions and concerns also continue to swell around Bacco’s interim successor, Ishan Anjar, who uses the recent bloodshed to further a belligerent, hawkish political agenda against the Typhon Pact. With the election looming, Riker dispatches his closest friend, Captain Jean-Luc Picard, in a desperate attempt to uncover the truth. But as Picard and the Enterprise crew pursue the few remaining clues, Riker must act on growing suspicions that someone within Ishan’s inner circle has been in league with the assassins from the very beginning...


release date: Jan 01, 2004
In the twenty-fourth century, the USS da Vinci and its S.C.E. team led by Commander Sonya Gomez roam the galaxy, solving the technical problems of the universe in a state-of-the-art ship. But back in the twenty-third century, for the newly-formed Starfleet Corps of Engineers, things did not always run so smoothly. ...And on board the da Vinci, Captain Montgomery Scott recalls his younger days as the chief engineer of the legendary USS Enterprise, under the command of Captain James T. Kirk, and his encounters with a very different Corps of Engineers. From the edge of the Romulan Neutral Zone to the uncharted regions of deepest space, Scotty joins forces with a battered old vessel, the USS Lovell, to bring the S.C.E. into the future.

Have Tech Will Travel

release date: Jun 07, 2014
Have Tech Will Travel
HAVE TECH, WILL TRAVEL STARFLEET CORPS OF ENGINEERS Need a gigantic, marauding starship explored? Is your global computer system starting to break down? Call in the crack team from the Starfleet Corps of Engineers. Overseen by Captain Montgomery Scott from his office at Starfleet Headquarters, the S.C.E. can build, rebuild, program, reprogram, assemble, reassemble, or just figure out everything from alien replicators to doomsday machines. Just don''t expect them to perform miracles -- unless they absolutely have to. Captain David Gold, his first officer Commander Sonya Gomez, and the crew of the U.S.S. da Vinci put their lives on the line to save a colony world threatened by a deadly alien and rescue a ship trappedin the ravages of interphase. Join Starfleet''s miracle workers for a wrenching journey through the new frontier!

Star Trek: Vanguard #4: Open Secrets

release date: Apr 28, 2009
Star Trek: Vanguard #4: Open Secrets
A latest installment in the Vanguard series follows the events of Reap the Whirlwind and follows the establishment of a new commander at Starbase 47 during the former commander''s trial for treason, a situation that is further complicated by escalating tensions with the Klingons. Original.

Jurassic World: the Official Cookbook

release date: Apr 01, 2022
Jurassic World: the Official Cookbook
Based on the blockbuster film series, this official in-world cookbook takes you straight to Isla Nublar and serves up some mighty meals inspired by the T. rex, velociraptors, and other unforgettable dinosaurs of the Jurassic World film series. Lunch finds a way with this deluxe cookbook inspired by the epic films of Jurassic Park and Jurassic World. Designed to look like an in-world souvenir sold at the park, this colourful cookbook features approachable at-home recipes for treats and dishes inspired by the different regions of the iconic park -- and the miraculous dinosaurs that live there. Cook up some Tricera-tots from the Triceratops Territory. Nosh on some Grilled Shark Skewers inspired by the Mosasaurus Show. And for those whose appetites run to the truly gargantuan, try the T. Rex T-Bone -- the king of all steaks! Filled with real-world dinosaur facts and data and bursting with gorgeous photography, Jurassic World: The Official Cookbook is the perfect cookbook for fans of the Jurassic World films and dinosaur lovers everywhere.

All Eve's Hallows

release date: Jan 01, 2005
All Eve's Hallows
On July 8, 1860, Dallas, Texas burned. Three slaves were accused of arson and hanged without a trial. Today, most historians attribute the fire to carelessness. Texas was the darkest corner of the Old South, too remote and violent for even the bravest abolitionists. Yet North Texas newspapers commonly reported runaway slaves, and travelers in South Texas wrote of fugitives heading to Mexico. Perhaps a few prominent people were all too happy to call the fire an accident. Silent We Stood weaves the tale of a small band of abolitionists working in secrecy within Dallas’s close-knit society. There’s Joseph Shaw, an undertaker and underground railroad veteran with a shameful secret; Ig Bodeker, a charismatic, melancholic preacher; Rachel Bodeker, a fierce abolitionist, Ig’s wife, and Joseph Shaw’s lover; Rebekah, a freed slave who’ll sacrifice everything for the cause; Samuel Smith, a crypto-freedman whose love for Rebekah exacts a terrible cost; and, towering above them all, a near-mythical one-armed runaway who haunts area slavers and brings hope to those dreaming of freedom. With war looming and lives hanging in the balance, ideals must be weighed against friendship and love, and brutal decisions yield secrets that must be taken to the grave.

In the Name of Honor

release date: Jan 01, 2002

Star Trek - Zeit des Wandels

release date: Jan 01, 2023
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