New Releases by Dayton Ward

Dayton Ward is the author of Star Trek - Corps of Engineers 05: Interphase 2 (2014), Star Trek - Corps of Engineers 04: Interphase 1 (2014), Star Trek: Seekers: Second Nature (2014), Have Tech Will Travel (2014), Star Trek: The Fall: Peaceable Kingdoms (2014).

31 - 60 of 76 results
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Star Trek - Corps of Engineers 05: Interphase 2

release date: Nov 30, 2014
Star Trek - Corps of Engineers 05: Interphase 2
Die brandneue Romanserie: Corps of Engineers - exklusiv im E-Book! Jeden Monat eine neue Episode -- Ein gigantisches, verlassenes Raumschiff muss erkundet werden? Das schiffsweite Computersystem ist ausgefallen? Dann rufen Sie am besten die Experten des Ingenieurkorps der Sternenflotte! Vom Hauptquartier der Sternenflotte aus und unter der Leitung von Captain Montgomery Scott kann das I.K.S. alles bauen, reparieren, programmieren, umprogrammieren, neu konstruieren oder einfach herausfinden, um was es sich handelt - seien das fremde Replikatoren oder Planetenkiller. Erwarten Sie nur keine Wunder von ihnen. Es sei denn, es gäbe gar keine andere Möglichkeit ... Captain David Gold, sein Erster Offizier Commander Sonya Gomez und die Besatzung der U.S.S. da Vinci setzen ein ums andere Mal ihr Leben aufs Spiel. Begleiten Sie die Wunderknaben zu einer fesselnden Reise durch die Randgebiete der Galaxis! -- Episode 5: Captain Gold und sein Außenteam sind auf der anderen Seite des interdimensionalen Abgrunds gefangen. Und so sieht Lieutenant Commander Kieran Duffy sich gezwungen, das Kommando über die U.S.S. da Vinci zu übernehmen, als die Tholianer das Schiff angreifen. Der Feind ist mit einer neuen und verbesserten Version des berüchtigten Energienetzes ausgestattet und die da Vinci ist hoffnungslos unterlegen. Doch eine Flucht würde bedeuten, den Captain und die anderen einem unbekannten Schicksal außerhalb dieses Universums zu überlassen ... Der aufregende zweite Teil des packenden Abenteuers!

Star Trek - Corps of Engineers 04: Interphase 1

release date: Oct 27, 2014
Star Trek - Corps of Engineers 04: Interphase 1
Die brandneue Romanserie: Corps of Engineers - exklusiv im E-Book! Jeden Monat eine neue Episode -- Ein gigantisches, verlassenes Raumschiff muss erkundet werden? Das schiffsweite Computersystem ist ausgefallen? Dann rufen Sie am besten die Experten des Ingenieurkorps der Sternenflotte! Vom Hauptquartier der Sternenflotte aus und unter der Leitung von Captain Montgomery Scott kann das I.K.S. alles bauen, reparieren, programmieren, umprogrammieren, neu konstruieren oder einfach herausfinden, um was es sich handelt - seien das fremde Replikatoren oder Planetenkiller. Erwarten Sie nur keine Wunder von ihnen. Es sei denn, es gäbe gar keine andere Möglichkeit ... Captain David Gold, sein Erster Offizier Commander Sonya Gomez und die Besatzung der U.S.S. da Vinci setzen ein ums andere Mal ihr Leben aufs Spiel. Begleiten Sie die Wunderknaben zu einer fesselnden Reise durch die Randgebiete der Galaxis! -- Episode 4: Eine gefährliche Rettungsmission droht die Galaxis in einen Krieg zu stürzen! Vor über 100 Jahren verschwand die U.S.S. Defiant mit der gesamten Mannschaft in einem interdimensionalen Spalt tief in tholianischem Territorium. Nun wurde das verfallene Schiff dabei gesichtet, wie es immer wieder in den Normalraum eintrat. Die tholianischen Behörden haben der Sternenflotte widerwillig gestattet, das Schiff aus dem Spalt zu bergen. Vielleicht kann nun das lang verschollene Schiff geborgen werden, sodass man der tapferen Mannschaft die letzte Ehre erweisen kann. Captain Gold und ein S.I.K.-Team der U.S.S. da Vinci können zwar an Bord der Defiant gehen, aber ihre Untersuchung enthüllt ein gefährliches Geheimnis: Für mehr als hundert Jahre ist eine uralte Superwaffe in dem zerschundenen und leblosen Raumschiff versteckt worden, zusammen mit Hinweisen auf ein langvergessenes Verbrechen - Indizien, die einen gewaltigen, interstellaren Krieg auslösen können!

Star Trek: Seekers: Second Nature

release date: Jul 22, 2014
Star Trek: Seekers: Second Nature
While scouting for new worlds in the vast Taurus Reach, the crew of the Sagittarius tries to save the Tomol--a species whose members all commit ritual suicide just as they reach adulthood--from both themselves and the Klingons.

Have Tech Will Travel

release date: Jun 07, 2014
Have Tech Will Travel
HAVE TECH, WILL TRAVEL STARFLEET CORPS OF ENGINEERS Need a gigantic, marauding starship explored? Is your global computer system starting to break down? Call in the crack team from the Starfleet Corps of Engineers. Overseen by Captain Montgomery Scott from his office at Starfleet Headquarters, the S.C.E. can build, rebuild, program, reprogram, assemble, reassemble, or just figure out everything from alien replicators to doomsday machines. Just don''t expect them to perform miracles -- unless they absolutely have to. Captain David Gold, his first officer Commander Sonya Gomez, and the crew of the U.S.S. da Vinci put their lives on the line to save a colony world threatened by a deadly alien and rescue a ship trappedin the ravages of interphase. Join Starfleet''s miracle workers for a wrenching journey through the new frontier!

Star Trek: The Fall: Peaceable Kingdoms

release date: Jan 01, 2014

The Fall: Peaceable Kingdoms

release date: Dec 31, 2013
The Fall: Peaceable Kingdoms
The final original novel in the electrifying The Next Generation/Deep Space Nine crossover event! Following the resolution of the fertility crisis that nearly caused their extinction, the Andorian people now stand ready to rejoin the United Federation of Planets. The return of one of its founding member worlds is viewed by many as the first hopeful step beyond the uncertainty and tragedy that have overshadowed recent events in the Alpha Quadrant. But as the Federation looks to the future and the special election to name President Bacco’s permanent successor, time is running out to apprehend those responsible for the respected leader’s brutal assassination. Even as elements of the Typhon Pact are implicated for the murder, Admiral William Riker holds key knowledge of the true assassins—a revelation that could threaten the fragile Federation-Cardassian alliance. Questions and concerns also continue to swell around Bacco’s interim successor, Ishan Anjar, who uses the recent bloodshed to further a belligerent, hawkish political agenda against the Typhon Pact. With the election looming, Riker dispatches his closest friend, Captain Jean-Luc Picard, in a desperate attempt to uncover the truth. But as Picard and the Enterprise crew pursue the few remaining clues, Riker must act on growing suspicions that someone within Ishan’s inner circle has been in league with the assassins from the very beginning...

Zombiefied: An Anthology of All Things Zombie

release date: Oct 24, 2013
Zombiefied: An Anthology of All Things Zombie
Zombie crime fighters, politicians, soldiers, rescuers-but a Zombie prom date or bowler? If you''re looking for Zombies, prepare to be ZOMBIEFIED! Two dozen amazing zombie stories sure to breathe life back into the Undead. If you''re looking for stories that shamble, groan, and eat brains, you''re sure to become ZOMBIEFIED. Stories by: Dayton Ward M.H Bonham Gary Jonas David Lee Summers Carol Hightshoe Laura Givens Rie Sheridan Rose Lou Antonelli John Lance And Many More!

Star Trek - Typhon Pact 4: Zwietracht

release date: Sep 02, 2013
Star Trek - Typhon Pact 4: Zwietracht
Captain Picard und die Besatzung der Enterprise werden auf einer diplomatischen Mission zum Planeten Andor Zeuge der völligen Verwüstung, die aus der letzten Borg-Invasion resultierte. Die Fortpflanzungsproblematik, mit der sich das andorianische Volk schon lange geplagt hat, erreicht ein Krisenniveau. Die Föderation ist scheinbar unfähig zu helfen. Zweifel wachsen an ihrem Engagement einem langjährigen treuen Verbündeten gegenüber. Doch andorianische Wissenschaftler lassen erneut auf eine Lösung hoffen. Indes protestieren viele Teile der andorianischen Gesellschaft gegen diesen kontroversen Ansatz, und radikalere Sekten beginnen ihren Unmut auf jede nur erdenkliche Art zu verbreiten. Als Antwort darauf hat Präsidentin Nanietta Bacco die Besatzung der Enterprise und ein Team aus Diplomaten und Wissenschaftlern nach Andor gesandt, um zu veranschaulichen, dass das Versprechen der Föderation, Andor zu helfen, aufrichtig ist. Doch der Typhon-Pakt liegt auf der Lauer ...

Star Trek: The Original Series: From History's Shadow

release date: Jul 30, 2013
Star Trek: The Original Series: From History's Shadow
"Based upon Star Trek created by Gene Roddenberry."

Star Trek: The Original Series: The Continuing Missions, Volume I

release date: Jan 29, 2013
Star Trek: The Original Series: The Continuing Missions, Volume I
Three original novels set in the universe of Star Trek: The Original Series! This ebook bundle includes: The Rings of Time That Which Divides Department of Temporal Investigations: Forgotten History

In The Name Of Honor

release date: Oct 30, 2012
In The Name Of Honor
The crew of the USS Enterprise arrive on a remote Klingon planet and soon discover that the crew of the USS Gagarin, which was viciously attacked by Klingons ten years ago, have been held prisoner there ever since. With the assistance of the brave and honourable Koloth -- the Klingon captain from the viewer-favourite original series episode, "The Trouble with Tribbles" -- Captain Kirk sets out to rescue them, knowing that, should he fail, the Federation will deny all knowledge of his mission. What''s more, powerful factions in the Klingon goverment are determined not to give up the prisoners, even if it means obliterating every last one of them -- and anyone who attempts to save them! Undeterred by the odds that are stacked against him, Kirk proceeds with his audacious plan. In the course of the rescue he discovers the secrets behind many Klingon mysteries -- mysteries that Star Trek fans have been waiting to find out. Why, for instance, did the Klingons originally encountered by Captain Kirk appear physically different to those encountered by later Starfleet crews? For the first time IN THE NAME OF HONOR answers the question that has puzzled the Star Trek universe for years.

Start Trek: A Time To Sow

release date: Oct 16, 2012
Start Trek: A Time To Sow
Centuries ago a hardy band of survivors, fleeing a planetary catastrophe, took refuge in the inhospitable asteroid belt. Struggling for years to make what had once been short-term mining settlements into suitable colonies for permanent civilization, eventually they succeeded all too well, and their thriving population is approaching critical mass. Now they must make a choice: to go on as they are on the crowded but functional asteroids or to give up all they have worked for in a desperate plan to rebuild their dead home planet. Their dilemma has brought them to the brink of civil war -- and into this volatile standoff comes the Enterprise, assigned a seemingly meaningless mission to chart this sector of space. Faced with an advanced society on the verge of self-destruction, it is up to the Enterprise, still carrying the weight of her demotion and disgrace, to find a way to lead the survivors to peace.

Vanguard: In Tempest's Wake

release date: Oct 02, 2012
Vanguard: In Tempest's Wake
An all-new ebook exclusive adventure in the Taurus Reach with the starship crews, undercover agents, civilian colonists, and alien power players of the Vanguard saga, based on Star Trek: The Original Series. Following the dramatic events as chronicled in Vanguard: Storming Heaven, the U.S.S. Enterprise and other starships that participated in the final battle in the Taurus Reach have been remanded to a remote starbase. While evacuees from the station are processed and the ships repaired, restocked, and re-staffed as needed, Captain James T. Kirk is ordered to report to Admiral Heihachiro Nogura, Starbase 47’s second and final commanding officer. Through flashbacks intercut with the ongoing conversation between Kirk and Nogura, the Enterprise’s involvement in the last days of Operation Vanguard—and the conflict between Starfleet and Tholian forces at Starbase 47—is now told from the perspective of Kirk and his crew.

SCE Foundations

release date: Aug 28, 2012
SCE Foundations
In the twenty-fourth century, the USS da Vinci and its S.C.E. team led by Commander Sonya Gomez roam the galaxy, solving the technical problems of the universe in a state-of-the-art ship. But back in the twenty-third century, for the newly-formed Starfleet Corps of Engineers, things did not always run so smoothly. ...And on board the da Vinci, Captain Montgomery Scott recalls his younger days as the chief engineer of the legendary USS Enterprise, under the command of Captain James T. Kirk, and his encounters with a very different Corps of Engineers. From the edge of the Romulan Neutral Zone to the uncharted regions of deepest space, Scotty joins forces with a battered old vessel, the USS Lovell, to bring the S.C.E. into the future.


release date: Jul 01, 2012
The gods have returned. All of them! The change promised by the ending of the Mayan Calendar in 2012 manifested itself in an unexpected manner. Every pantheon of gods and goddesses, from every belief the world over, has returned ... changing the world forever. As the pantheons settle into their ancestral lands, they vie for worshippers, gaining or losing power along the way. They find the world of man a bewildering, crazy quilt, and each wishes to remake their lands in their own image. Come and meet some of the inhabitants of this strangely familiar world in eleven new tales that explore what it means to worship in this new reality. A Knight Templar hunting mysteries. A rookie pitcher with a unique belief system. A wounded solider returned to battle by a goddess. A reporter who isn''t sure what to believe. A homicide detective on the Manhattan beat. A man out to kill the gods. A single father trying to survive in a world without Santa Claus. And many more! Chronicling this new tomorrow are Dave Galanter, Allyn Gibson, Phil Giunta, Robert Greenberger, Paul Kupperberg, William Leisner, Scott Pearson, Aaron Rosenberg, Lawrence M. Schoen, Dayton Ward, and Steven H. Wilson. Join them and discover a world where everything old is new again-even the gods themselves.

That Which Divides

release date: Feb 28, 2012
That Which Divides
An original novel set in the universe of Star Trek: The Original Series! The Xondaii system—located in an area of non-aligned space near Federation and Romulan territory—is home to a unique stellar phenomenon: a spatial rift which opens every 2.7 Earth years, remains open for a period of approximately twenty-one Earth days, and allows access to a small planetoid that orbits in proximity to the system’s fourth planet. During this brief window, the people of Xondaii undertake a massive interplanetary operation: mineral ore is ferried from the mining operation while supplies, crew replacements, and so on are transported from the planet. Also, communications with the mining colony on the planetoid are possible only when the rift is open. Science vessel U.S.S. Robert Ballard is severely damaged during its mission to the system, and the U.S.S. Enterprise is dispatched to investigate and render assistance. But Kirk, Spock, and Sulu also collect the data about the rift, and the evidence they’ve gathered regarding its artificial nature is compelling. How has this not been discovered by anyone from Xondaii, especially when considering the extensive mining operations that have been in place for decades? And what can prevent enemies of the Federation from exploiting this newfound power?

Vanguard #4: Open Secrets

release date: Feb 20, 2012
Vanguard #4: Open Secrets
The Taurus Reach is in turmoil in this fourth novel in the acclaimed Vanguard saga, based on Star Trek: The Original Series! With tensions mounting between the Federation and the Klingon Empire, Ambassador Jetanien works frantically on Starbase Vanguard to halt the escalation toward war. Commodore Diego Reyes, the station''s former commander, awaits trial for treason, while the shattered mind of his intelligence officer, T''Prynn, becomes the battlefield in a fight for her very life. But even as matters deteriorate, the discoveries made in the Taurus Reach have captured the imagination of one of the Federation''s most promising scientific minds: Dr. Carol Marcus believes she is close to solving a puzzle that will transform her life''s work. Meanwhile, an unexpected defection brings a new perspective to the investigation, and Vanguard''s Lieutenant Ming Xiong is confronted with an artifact that could be the key to decoding the Taurus Meta-Genome. But with Operation Vanguard teetering between its greatest breakthrough and a conflict that could engulf two quadrants, its future may depend on the man Starfleet has selected to replace Reyes as base commander: Admiral Heihachiro Nogura.

Star Trek: Vanguard: What Judgments Come

release date: Sep 27, 2011
Star Trek: Vanguard: What Judgments Come
An adventure in the Taurus Reach with Starfleet crews, undercover agents, civilian colonists, and alien power players of the Vanguard saga—based on Star Trek: The Original Series. Operation Vanguard has risked countless lives and sacrificed entire worlds to unlock the secrets of the Shedai, an extinct alien civilization whose technology can shape the future of the galaxy. Now, Starfleet’s efforts have roused the vengeful Shedai from their aeons of slumber. As the Taurus Reach erupts with violence, hundreds of light-years away, Ambassador Jetanien and his counterparts from the Klingon and Romulan empires struggle to avert war by any means necessary. But Jetanien discovers their mission may have been designed to fail all along.u200b Meanwhile, living in exile on an Orion ship is the one man who can help Starfleet find an ancient weapon that can stop the Shedai: Vanguard’s former commanding officer, Diego Reyes.

Typhon Pact #4: Paths of Disharmony

release date: Jan 25, 2011
Typhon Pact #4: Paths of Disharmony
The next novel in the Typhon Pact adventure set in the universe of Star Trek: The Next Generation. On a diplomatic mission to the planet Andor, Captain Picard and the crew of the Enterprise-E bear witness to the rank devastation resulting from the Borg invasion. With the reproductive issues that have long plagued the Andorian people reaching crisis level, avenues of research that at first held great promise have proven largely unhelpful, and may well indeed be worsening the problem. Despite the Federation''s seeming inability to provide assistance and growing doubt over its commitment to a staunch, longtime ally, Andorian scientists now offer renewed hope for a solution. However, many segments of Andorian society are protesting this controversial new approach, and more radical sects are beginning to make their displeasure known by any means available. In response, President Nanietta Bacco has sent the Enterprise crew and a team of diplomats and scientists to Andor to convene a summit, in the hope of demonstrating that the Federation''s pledge to helping Andor is sincere. But the Typhon Pact is watching, and their interests may very well lead the Andorian people down an even more treacherous path...

Star Trek: SCE: What's Past

release date: Aug 24, 2010
Star Trek: SCE: What's Past
Chronicles the early adventures of the Starfleet Corps of Engineers throughout the galaxy.

Counterstrike: The Last World War, Book 2

release date: Apr 27, 2010
Counterstrike: The Last World War, Book 2
COUNTERSTRIKE When the alien war engulfing a distant planet spilled to Earth through a network of hidden portals, humankind was plunged into an apocalyptic, generations-old conflict between the Plysserians and the Chodrecai. Now, months after Earth’s most powerful military forces formed a tenuous alliance with the Plysserians and countered a devastating, three-pronged Chodrecai offensive, alien survivors continue to wreak havoc on a shell-shocked Earth. Martial law and civil unrest run rampant. Resistance cells and pockets of Chodrecai sympathizers are gathering strength. And two U.S. Marines—Sergeant Major Simon DiCarlo and Sergeant Belinda Russell— remain trapped on the alien planet of Jontashreena. Now, as human and Plysserian scientists and engineers race to unlock the intergalactic portals and harvest alien technology, Earth prepares for the most explosive battle for its existence. Joining the war effort are recruits like young Colin Laney, who will advance from Marine boot camp to the forefront of a massive invasion on alien terrain—with the fate of two worlds hanging in the balance.

Star Trek: Vanguard #4: Open Secrets

release date: Apr 28, 2009
Star Trek: Vanguard #4: Open Secrets
A latest installment in the Vanguard series follows the events of Reap the Whirlwind and follows the establishment of a new commander at Starbase 47 during the former commander''s trial for treason, a situation that is further complicated by escalating tensions with the Klingons. Original.

Open Secrets

release date: Apr 11, 2009
Open Secrets
The Taurus Reach is in turmoil in this fourth novel in the acclaimed Vanguard saga, based on Star Trek: The Original Series! With tensions mounting between the Federation and the Klingon Empire, Ambassador Jetanien works frantically on Starbase Vanguard to halt the escalation toward war. Commodore Diego Reyes, the station''s former commander, awaits trial for treason, while the shattered mind of his intelligence officer, T''Prynn, becomes the battlefield in a fight for her very life. But even as matters deteriorate, the discoveries made in the Taurus Reach have captured the imagination of one of the Federation''s most promising scientific minds: Dr. Carol Marcus believes she is close to solving a puzzle that will transform her life''s work. Meanwhile, an unexpected defection brings a new perspective to the investigation, and Vanguard''s Lieutenant Ming Xiong is confronted with an artifact that could be the key to decoding the Taurus Meta-Genome. But with Operation Vanguard teetering between its greatest breakthrough and a conflict that could engulf two quadrants, its future may depend on the man Starfleet has selected to replace Reyes as base commander: Admiral Heihachiro Nogura.

The 4400: Wet Work

release date: Oct 28, 2008
The 4400: Wet Work
1992: For nearly a decade, the international assassin known only as "the Wraith" has eluded authorities. Political leaders, powerful heads of business, terrorists known and suspected have numbered among the many victims until -- without explanation -- the Wraith disappears.... 2005: Tom Baldwin and Diana Skouris are investigating Jordan Collier''s murder, but they''re pulled off the case. Washington believes the Wraith -- a onetime freelance agent for the U.S. government -- is active again. A high-ranking CIA officer, who oversaw the rogue operator''s activities, is killed. Evidence at the scene points to the Wraith and that this highly efficient killer is now a 4400. The NTAC agents only have thirteen-year-old leads to follow an assassin who was never caught. Suddenly, the Wraith kills another returnee. Why? What does this mean? Can the mounting fears of the 4400 be right? Or is this just one returnee who has gone off the track. Baldwin and Skouris need to know -- but will they find out before the Wraith completes this deadly covert objective?

Star Trek: Corps of Engineers: Grand Designs

release date: Oct 30, 2007
Star Trek: Corps of Engineers: Grand Designs
The thrilling Star Trek short story collection featuring Starfleet’s Corps of Engineers! Corps of Engineers These are the voyages of the U.S.S. da Vinci. Their mission: to solve the problems of the galaxy, one disaster at a time. Starfleet veteran Captain David Gold, along with his crack Starfleet Corps of Engineers team lead by former Starship Enterprise ™ engineer Commander Sonya Gomez, travel throughout the Federation and beyond to fix the unfixable, repair the irreparable, and solve the unsolvable. Whether it''s an artificial planetary ring that was damaged during the Dominion War, an out-of-control generation ship, a weapons inspection gone horribly wrong, shutting down a crashed probe, solving a centuries-old medical mystery, or clearing a sargasso sea of derelict ships, the S.C.E. is on the case! But the problems they face aren''t just technical; Tev must confront the demons of his past, Lense must confront the demons of her present, Gold faces a crisis of leadership on his own ship, and Gomez must lead an away team into the middle of a brutal ground war. Plus the da Vinci crew must find a way to work with their Klingon counterparts in a deadly rescue mission.

Star Trek: Mirror Universe: Glass Empires

release date: Feb 20, 2007
Star Trek: Mirror Universe: Glass Empires
There are moments glimpsed only in shadow, where darkness rules and evil incarnate thrives. You hope against hope that in your lifetime, evil is relegated to the shadows. But what if it wasn''t? What if you lived in a universe where your life was measured only by what you could do for the Empire? What would you do to survive? Would you sell your soul to free yourself? If you were offered the chance to rule, would you seize it? If you could free your universe from the darkness but only at the cost of your life, would you pay that price? Star Trek: Enterprise®—she seized power in a heartbeat, daring to place herself against all the overlords of the Empire. Empress Hoshi Sato knows the future that could be; now all she has to do is make sure it never happens. For her to rule, she must hold sway not only over the starship from the future but also over her warlords, the resistance, and her Andorian husband. As quickly and brutally as Hoshi seized power, imperial rule is taken from her. Her only chance to rule again is to ally herself with a lifelong foe, and an alien. Star Trek® One man can change the future, but does he dare? Spock, intrigued by the vision of another universe''s Federation, does what no Vulcan, no emperor, has ever done: seize power in one blinding stroke of mass murder. And at the same instant he gains imperial power, Spock sows the seeds for the Empire''s downfall. Is this a form of Vulcan madness, or is it the coolly logical plan of a man who knows the price his universe must pay for its freedom? Star Trek: The Next Generation®—Humanity is a pitiful collection of enslaved, indentured, and abused peoples. No one dares to question the order, except at peril of their lives. One man survives by blinding himself to the misery around him. However, Jean-Luc Picard resists, just once. And in that one instant he unlocks a horror beyond the tyranny of the Alliance. Can a man so beaten down by a lifetime of oppression stop the destruction?

Star Trek: Corps of Engineers: Turn the Page

release date: Dec 28, 2006
Star Trek: Corps of Engineers: Turn the Page
Relaunching the adventures of the U.S.S. da Vinci, as Captain David Gold, Commander Sonya Gomez, and the rest of Starfleet''s miracle workers solve the problems of the galaxy, one disaster at a time. At first, Dr. Sarjenka -- the first Dreman to graduate from Starfleet Medical Academy -- thought her posting to the da Vinci as deputy chief medical officer was a dream assignment. But her new boss, Dr. Elizabeth Lense, doesn''t want her there, her mentor, Captain Gold, is surly and unapproachable, and she finds the atmosphere on the da Vinci to be radically different from what she expected. Sarjenka''s trial by fire comes when the da Vinci is sent to Betrisius, where neural implants that are used to rehabilitate criminals in lieu of prisons are malfunctioning. The S.C.E. team must find a way to repair the damage -- and learn the truth behind why the implants aren''t working before the planet devolves into chaos.... Beginning all-new adventures of the S.C.E.!

Star Trek: Things Fall Apart

release date: Aug 01, 2006
Star Trek: Things Fall Apart
MERE ANARCHY A new six-part epic covering thirty years of Star Trek® history, continuing with an adventure that takes place during the historic five-year mission! Book 1: THINGS FALL APART Mestiko: a world on the brink of interstellar space travel -- and under covert Federation observation. When the Payav, Mestiko''s dominant nation, learns of a rogue pulsar sweeping through their star system and threatening to destroy all life on their planet, the Federation is faced with a daunting choice: stand by and witness the extinction of a thriving civilization, or violate the Prime Directive and mount a desperate effort to protect the planet from total devastation. The Starship Enterprise, newly under the command of James T. Kirk, is sent to aid the doomed planet. Kirk and his officers -- Spock, Mitchell, Kelso, Scott, Sulu, and Dr. Piper -- must use an experimental, untested technology to save the planet before it''s too late! A new eBook from the authors of A Time to Sow, A Time to Harvest and Summon the Thunder

Vanguard #2: Summon the Thunder

release date: Jul 01, 2006
Vanguard #2: Summon the Thunder
The second novel from the acclaimed Vanguard saga, based on Star Trek: The Original Series! The Taurus Reach: a remote interstellar expanse that holds a very old and potentially cataclysmic secret, the truth of which is feared by the Tholians, coveted by the Klingons, and dubiously guarded by the Federation. At the center of this intrigue is Vanguard, a Federation starbase populated by an eclectic mix of Starfleet officers and civilians, whose lives are forever altered as they explore the layers of mystery surrounding the Reach and steadily peel them after another. In the aftermath of Harbinger, Commodore Diego Reyes commands Vanguard while waging an intensely personal struggle, tasked to uncover the true significance of the Taurus Reach while simultaneously concealing that mission from his fellow officers—and even his closest friends. As the Daedalus-class U.S.S. Lovell brings some of Starfleet''s keenest technical minds to help, the U.S.S. Endeavour makes a find that could shed further light on the enigmatic meta-genome that has captured the Federation''s interest—if its crew survives the discovery... Deep within the Taurus Reach, an ancient and powerful alien mind has awakened prematurely from aeons of hibernation, alerted to the upstart civilizations now daring to encroach upon the worlds in her care. With the stakes for all sides escalating rapidly, the alien lashes out with deadly force against the interlopers, propelling the Vanguard crew on a desperate race to understand the nature of the attacker, and to prevent the Taurus Reach from becoming a war zone.

Star Trek: Vanguard #2: Summon the Thunder

release date: Jun 27, 2006
Star Trek: Vanguard #2: Summon the Thunder
The Taurus Reach: a remote interstellar expanse that holds a very old and potentially cataclysmic secret, the truth of which is feared by the Tholians, coveted by the Klingons, and dubiously guarded by the Federation. At the center of this intrigue is Vanguard, a Federation starbase populated by an eclectic mix of Starfleet officers and civilians, whose lives are forever altered as they explore the layers of mystery surrounding the Reach and steadily peel them after another. In the aftermath of Harbinger, Commodore Diego Reyes commands Vanguard while waging an intensely personal struggle, tasked to uncover the true significance of the Taurus Reach while simultaneously concealing that mission from his fellow officers -- and even his closest friends. As the Daedalus-class U.S.S. Lovell brings some of Starfleet''s keenest technical minds to help, the U.S.S. Endeavour makes a find that could shed further light on the enigmatic meta-genome that has captured the Federation''s interest -- if its crew survives the discovery.... Deep within the Taurus Reach, an ancient and powerful alien mind has awakened prematurely from aeons of hibernation, alerted to the upstart civilizations now daring to encroach upon the worlds in her care. With the stakes for all sides escalating rapidly, the alien lashes out with deadly force against the interlopers, propelling the Vanguard crew on a desperate race to understand the nature of the attacker, and to prevent the Taurus Reach from becoming a war zone.
31 - 60 of 76 results
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