Best Selling Books by J. M. Coetzee

J. M. Coetzee is the author of Truth in Autobiography (1984), The Schooldays of Jesus (2017), Stranger Shores: Essays 1986-1999 (2021), The Death of Jesus (2021), Mr. Cruso, Mrs. Barton und Mr. Foe (1998).

41 - 67 of 67 results

The Schooldays of Jesus

release date: Oct 24, 2017
The Schooldays of Jesus
LONGLISTED FOR THE MAN BOOKER PRIZE 2016 Observer and Daily Telegraph Book of the Year 2016 David is the small boy who is always asking questions. Simón and Inés take care of him in their new town, Estrella. He is learning the language, he has begun to make friends and he has the big dog Bolívar to watch over him. But he''ll be seven soon and he should be at school. And so, Davíd is enrolled in the Academy of Dance. It''s here, in his new golden dancing slippers, that he learns how to call down the numbers from the sky. But it''s here too that he will make troubling discoveries about what adults are capable of. The Schooldays of Jesus is a mesmerising tale about growing up, and about the choices we are forced to make in our lives.

Stranger Shores: Essays 1986-1999

release date: Mar 30, 2021
Stranger Shores: Essays 1986-1999
The first of three volumes featuring Nobel Prize winner J. M. Coetzee''s essays on some of the world’s most celebrated writers.

The Death of Jesus

release date: May 25, 2021
The Death of Jesus
A NEW YORK TIMES NOTABLE BOOK OF 2020 After The Childhood of Jesus and The Schooldays of Jesus, the Nobel Prize-winning author completes his haunting trilogy with a new masterwork, The Death of Jesus In Estrella, David has grown to be a tall ten-year-old who is a natural at soccer, and loves kicking a ball around with his friends. His father Simón and Bolívar the dog usually watch while his mother Inés now works in a fashion boutique. David still asks many questions, challenging his parents, and any authority figure in his life. In dancing class at the Academy of Music he dances as he chooses. He refuses to do sums and will not read any books except Don Quixote. One day Julio Fabricante, the director of a nearby orphanage, invites David and his friends to form a proper soccer team. David decides he will leave Simón and Inés to live with Julio, but before long he succumbs to a mysterious illness. In The Death of Jesus, J. M. Coetzee continues to explore the meaning of a world empty of memory but brimming with questions.

Mr. Cruso, Mrs. Barton und Mr. Foe

release date: Jan 01, 1998
Mr. Cruso, Mrs. Barton und Mr. Foe
Auf den ersten Blick scheint dieser Roman nichts mit Schwarzafrika zu tun zu haben. Susan Barton, von meuternden Matrosen auf einer Insel irgendwo im Atlantik ausgesetzt, trifft auf Robinson und Freitag. Doch anders als in dem berühmten Roman von Defoe gibt es auf der Insel keine Abenteuer zu bestehen, gibt es keine wilden Tiere und keine Kannibalen. Robinson, bei Coetzee ein alter Mann, ist nicht sonderlich erfolgreich bei der Feldbestellung. Er konnte Freitag auch nichts beibringen, denn Freitag war stumm. Schließlich wird das Trio gerettet (Robinson hat gar keine Lust mehr, in die Zivilisation zurückzukehren und stirbt auf der Rückreise nach London). Susan Barton, in Begleitung von Freitag, will jetzt vom Schriftsteller Foe ihre Geschichte aufschreiben lassen, die Geschichte der ''ersten englischen Schiffbrüchigen''. Mr. Foe hat als professioneller Schreiber freilich ganz andere Vorstellungen von der (Aus-)Gestaltung der Geschichte als die Erzählerin. Eigentliche Hauptperson ist Freitag, der wichtigste Zeuge, der steht aber nicht zur Verfügung, er kann nicht sprechen. Ihm hatte man - wie den Schwarzen in Südafrika - die Sprache gestohlen.

African Pens

release date: Jan 01, 2007
African Pens
Moral and creative courage marks these new stories from young writers of the SADC region - They say what they want and confront what they must, unconstrained by past notions of what can or should be voiced.


release date: Jan 01, 2009
Novel based on the relations between a father and his daughter in South Africa.

Diary of a Bad Year

release date: Sep 01, 2007
Diary of a Bad Year
An eminent, seventy-two-year-old Australian writer is invited to contribute to a book entitled Strong Opinions. It is a chance to air some urgent concerns. He writes short essays on the origins of the state, on Machiavelli, on anarchism, on al Qaida, on intelligent design, on music. What, he asks, is the origin of the state and the nature of the relationship between citizen and state? How should the citizen of a modern democracy react to the state''s willingness to set aside moral considerations and civil liberties in its war on terror, a war that includes the use of torture? How does the state handle outsiders? The treatment of asylum seekers at the Baxter facility in the South Australian desert brings to his mind Guantanamo Bay. He is troubled by Australia''s complicity with America and Britain in their wars in the Middle East; an obscure sense of dishonour clings to him. In the laundry-room of his apartment block he encounters an alluring young woman. When he discovers she is ''between jobs'' he claims failing eyesight and offers her work typing up his manuscript. Anya has no interest in politics but the job provides a distraction, as does the writer''s evident and not unwelcome attraction toward her. Her boyfriend, Alan, an investment consultant who understands the world in harsh neo-liberal economic terms, has reservations about his trophy girlfriend spending time with this 1960s throwback. Taking a lively interest in his affairs, Alan begins to formulate a plan. Diary of a Bad Year is an utterly contemporary work of fiction from one of our greatest writers and deepest thinkers. It addresses the profound unease of countless people in democracies across the world.

Doubling the Point

release date: Dec 31, 1992
Doubling the Point
Nadine Gordimer has written of J.M. Coetzee that his vision goes to the nerve-centre of being. What he finds there is more than most people will ever know about themselves, and he conveys it with a brilliant writer''s mastery of tension and elegance. Doubling the Point takes the reader to the center of that vision. These essays and interviews, documenting Coetzee''s longtime engagement with his own culture, and with modern culture in general, constitute a literary autobiography.

White Writing

release date: Jul 01, 1990

Life and Times of Michael K

release date: Jan 01, 2006

Home lent

release date: Jan 01, 2005
Home lent
Quan el fotògraf Paul Rayment perd una cama en un accident de bicicleta, la seva solitària vida canvia de manera irrevocable. Amb tossuderia, rebutjant una pròtesi, Paul torna al seu apartament de solter a Adelaida, incòmode per la seva nova situació de dependència dels altres. Entre successius atacs de desesperació i resignació, Paul comença a repassar els seus seixanta anys de vida, però aviat s’anima en enamorar-se de la Marijana, la infermera croata pràctica i realista que lluita per pujar la seva família en una terra estrangera. Mentre Paul pensa com conquistar el seu cor, el visita la misteriosa escriptora Elizabeth Costello, que el desafia a prendre un paper actiu en la seva pròpia vida.A Home lent, la veu clara i inflexible de J.M. Coetzee ofereix una meditació profunda sobre el que ens fa humans, sobre què vol dir fer-se gran, i reflexiona sobre com hem viscut les nostres vides. Una història profundament commovedora sobre l’amor i la mortalitat que sorprèn el lector a cada pàgina. J. M. Coetzee (Ciutat del Cap, 1940) va estudiar ciències informàtiques i filologia a Sud-àfrica i als Estats Units. La seva primera novel·la va ser Dusklands, seguida d’In the Heart of the Country, que va guanyar el premi literari més important de Sud-àfrica, el CNA. És autor també d’Esperant els bàrbars —guardonada amb el CNA, el Geoffrey Faber Memorial Prize i el James Tait Black Memorial Prize—, Vida i època de Michael K (Booker Prize i Prix Étranger Fémina), The Master of Petersburg, Les vides dels animals, Desgràcia (Booker Prize), L’Edat de ferro (Premi Llibreter 2003) i Elizabeth Costello, i és autor dels llibres de memòries Boyhood: Scenes from Provincial Life i Youth. A J. M. Coetzee li van concedir el Jerusalem Prize l’any 1987, el Lannan de Ficció el 1998 i, recentment, el Premi Nobel de Literatura 2003 en reconeixement a una llarga trajectòria d’una qualitat literària indiscutible.

Ho archontas tēs Petroupolēs

release date: Jan 01, 2004

Skēnes ap' tē zōē henos paidou

release date: Jan 01, 2003

Youth Header

release date: Feb 06, 2003

Barbarosnerin spaselis

release date: Jan 01, 2021

He and His Man

release date: Jan 01, 2003

Excerpt from J.M. Coetzee's Opening Address at the 'Linguistics at the Millenium' Conference, UCT, January 2000

release date: Jan 01, 2000
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