Best Selling Books by Scott CAMPBELL

Scott CAMPBELL is the author of The Ten Testaments (2009), J. Scott Campbell Danger Girl Sketchbook: Expanded Edition (2017), Summary: Rage: Bob Woodward (2020), Union Down (2016), The Simple Path to a Debt-Free Life (2023).

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The Ten Testaments

release date: Jan 01, 2009
The Ten Testaments
SEARCHING FOR HAPPINESS AND PEACE OF MIND? A long time ago, by the shore of Galilee, in the prosperous fishing village of Capernaum, a crowd gathered to listen to a dynamic new teacher. He cured the blind, healed the sick, and made paraplegics walk. He taught on topics such as love, wealth, fame and power. One evening, the teacher and his friends were gathered when one of the men asked, How can we better follow you and be more like you? In one way or another, this is the question many still ask: What is the purpose of life? Does God have a special plan for me? How can I bring goodness to the world? Is my life yielding an abundant harvest, or producing sour grapes? What is God''s will for me and how do I discover it? The Ten Testaments: Lessons from the Greatest Teacher of All Time presents ten timeless principles Jesus taught over two thousand years ago for love and happiness, better relationships, increasing self-confidence, genuine enthusiasm, and an understanding of how God

J. Scott Campbell Danger Girl Sketchbook: Expanded Edition

release date: Jan 10, 2017
J. Scott Campbell Danger Girl Sketchbook: Expanded Edition
J. Scott Campbell’s long out of print Danger Girl Sketchbook is back and with all-new additional content! Campbell’s gorgeous preliminary drawings, layouts, and sketches are showcased in this beautifully designed book. Lovely renditions of Abbey Chase, Sydney Savage, Natalia Kassle, and more are Lusciously delineated in the patented Danger Girl style!

Summary: Rage: Bob Woodward

release date: Dec 01, 2020
Summary: Rage: Bob Woodward
NOTE: This is a summary book for RAGE and is not the original book written by Bob Woodward, nor is it intended to replace or substitute for the original book by Bob Woodward . Pouncing on the moment that President Trump became informed in the Oval Office that the Covid-19 pandemic would most likely become the most significant threat to national security, Woodward wove the story and Trump''s other challenges into an anti-Trump tirade that sometimes backfires. Woodard, frustrated often in his interviews with Trump, sometimes yells at him.Woodward has the scoop no one else does because he interviewed Trump 17 times and climbed into his mind and thoughts over seven chaotic months. Trump characterized the way he felt with an apt metaphor: "Dynamite behind every door." Between a rock and a hard place, the American people''s health stood on the line, and most likely, his Presidency. Doubt came into play, as did elements of denial, as Trump put on his combat boots, ready to wage war not only against the virus but the Left and the Chinese who wanted to see him fail.Woodward claims that Trump''s responses to the challenges posed by the virus and its threats to the health of America''s people and the economy were met with the same instincts, character, and patterns that made for survival the previous three years. Trump goes off on tangents, seems continuously distracted, is unpredictable, often lies as a form of persuasion, interrogates everyone, is gruff, thinks many are out to get him, hires and fires staff at a dizzying pace, and loves conflict--but also is surprisingly effective.

Union Down

release date: May 21, 2016
Union Down
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

The Simple Path to a Debt-Free Life

release date: Mar 14, 2023
The Simple Path to a Debt-Free Life
Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck? Do you feel overwhelmed by your debt and don''t know where to start? Are you ready to take control of your finances and live a debt-free life? Look no further than "The Simple Path to a Debt-Free Life: Strategies for Financial Freedom." This comprehensive guide offers practical strategies for achieving financial freedom and living a life free from the burden of debt. With step-by-step instructions, real-life examples, and expert advice, this book will help you: Understand the root causes of debt and how to break the cycle Create a budget and stick to it Reduce expenses and save money Build an emergency fund Pay off debt quickly and efficiently Invest for the future and build wealth Protect your assets through insurance and estate planning Avoid common financial pitfalls and scams Whether you are struggling with credit card debt, student loans, or other financial obligations, "The Simple Path to a Debt-Free Life" will provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to take control of your finances and achieve financial freedom. With a clear and easy-to-follow approach, this book is perfect for anyone looking to improve their financial situation and build a better future for themselves and their families. So why wait? Order your copy of "The Simple Path to a Debt-Free Life: Strategies for Financial Freedom" today and start your journey towards a debt-free life!

DV8, Neighborhood Threat

release date: Jan 01, 2002
DV8, Neighborhood Threat
A superteam with a serious difference: they are not exactly the good guys. Super-powered, super-cool, holed up in luxury apartments in a run-down part of New York City, they''re re-entering a world they think they can understand - but do any of them truly realize what they''ve gotten into?

The Rats Beneath the Walls

release date: Jul 05, 2024
The Rats Beneath the Walls
A spiritual successor to H. P. Lovecraft''s 1924 short horror story The Rats in the Walls. A young man, living on his own after a lifetime of orphanages, finally discovers his true family name - Delapore. From this infamous family tree, he finds a tangled history of intrigue, dark secrets, and unfathomable horrors in the ancient family estate of Exham Priory. A modern take on a beloved work, The Rats Beneath the Walls expands on the concepts and madness of the original story, bringing it lovingly into the Cthulhu Mythos. This novel was written for the 100 year anniversary of the original story''s first publishing in Weird Tales magazine.

Some Die Twice

release date: Mar 01, 2002
Some Die Twice
Police Chief Roger Danner thought it wasn''t anything sinister, just some odd happenings. Then he began to investigate and discovered Something evil has come to Baker. A serial killer, but this one is different. Not all of his victims stay dead!

Hickee Vol. 3 #1

release date: Apr 27, 2005
Hickee Vol. 3 #1
Consisting of really funny stories by tremendously talented cartoonists, Hickee is an anthology like no other. What started out loosely as a group of friends hanging around in San Francisco coffee shops on Sunday afternoons, Hickee has become a major contributor to the underground comics scene. Grickle creator Graham Annable knew that the humorous talents of this gang could find a larger audience through comics. Hickee is the vehicle that ties all their Sunday afternoon sessions together - stories that emerge from doodles or from musings about life - resulting in a raw comic book. No censoring, no test audience, and no laugh track. Made to entertain themselves, Hickee will undoubtedly draw you into their world and provide lots of laughs along the way.

Integrating Economic and Environmental Planning

release date: Jan 01, 1992

The Team That Brought Down the Deep State

release date: Oct 30, 2020
The Team That Brought Down the Deep State
Preesayer and his overgrown German Shepherd, Crusher, are recruited by the Alliance to help take down the Deep State. To say that he is motivated is an understatement. He holds the Deep State responsible for the tragic death of his wife. They also thwarted his work as a career policeman and DEA agent working against global trafficking rings. Preesayer has skills--and lots of them. A deadly sniper and an effective interrogator from his time in Afghanistan, he also has tremendous experience in how the Deep State profits from various types of trafficking and war. He experienced it first hand. He first has to prove that he will kill on the Alliance''s command. The Alliance has a viable master plan and Preesayer plays a key role. With a clever ruse, and the help of state-of-the-art technology, and a little luck, they get what they need to expose who is behind the Deep State and take it down for good.


release date: Sep 10, 2020
WARNING!: The current administration would rather that you not read these summary book because it reveals the darkest side of President Trump as testified by his personal attack dog and consigliere for over a decade, Michael Cohen and his disowned niece, Mary. This is a summary book and is not intended to replace the original books by Michael Cohen and Mary L. Trump. Michael Cohen admits he was mesmerized by Trump like a cult member, began to see himself breaking his moral code, but stuck with Trump for money, power, and fame. Cohen boasts that he knew Trump better than his own family and it was not a pretty sight. He saw Trump as a sociopathic mobster boss who would do anything to win and destroy anybody who challenged him in his quest for success.Cohen dumps a truck load of Trump family skeletons at the reader''s feet and then picks them up one by one and executes a meticulous show-and-tell. Pornstar Stormy Daniels and Playboy centerfold favorite Karen McDougall are unforgettable pains in the ass for Trump and he enlists Cohen, the "fixer," to "take care of it."Cohen cites examples to show that Trump was a bully, a likely adulterer, a pathological liar, an amoral cheat, a bigot regarding homosexuals and religion, and an occasional racist. He also shows Trump''s uncanny strengths, skills, and abilities and why he thought, originally, that Trump would be a good President. Cohen spent years encouraging him to run.This story is a must-read because it has new, insider information about how the most powerful person in the world is a most ugly personality and how he nevertheless ascended to his position of authority--and what might lay in sight for the future.Mary claims Trump is an unlovable, bullying, cruel, crass, racist, sociopathic fraud with delusions of grandeur. Rather than working for the American people, Mary suggests he is only out for Trump and his children, for the empire, for more power, riches, and fame. He wants to be the "greatest" and the "best" American President in history. The American people are but tools to reach their personal goals. He would never associate with the type of people who voted for him-- middle-class Bible Belt Republicans.One irony is that Donald''s father, Fred Trump, used New York Democrat political machines to finance his real estate empire. Fred became rich from construction paid for by FHA Roosevelt-branded subsidies post WWII, a Democrat proposal that made many developers extremely wealthy.Mary discusses her interaction with journalists from the New York Times and even cites one of their articles as her primary source of financial background information on Trump after giving them some critical documents from her grandfather''s estate.In one section, Mary recalls witnessing her father pointing a rifle at their mother''s head and other childhood memories. In another, she becomes a sophisticated political analyst ripping apart Trump, reminiscent of a Democrat New York Times columnist. Is Mary, as a psychologist, qualified to make statements like Hillary, well-known for "Pay to Play" corruption, was the most qualified candidate ever to run for President? Has she studied all of the candidates ever to run for President, or did she just read it in the New York Times? Or did a ghostwriter toss this in to slam Trump? Towards the end of the book, we read page upon page of sophisticated political analysis, which discredits Trump. It makes the reader wonder how much of the book is her material and how much could have been written by professional political character assassins as a high-profile op-ed.Could Mary be out for revenge and the money she lost from her inheritance? Is she wittingly being used by the Left to attack Trump and paid handsomely through book royalties?In any case, the information presented is shocking and unforgettable, like when Donald has a bowl of mashed potatoes dumped on his head at age 12 for teasing his younger brother, Robert.


release date: Jun 08, 2020
Antifa represents organized and continuous intimidation and physical violence against whoever is against their credence of anarchy with no government. Antifa arose from para-military factions and has been likened to a militia. Marxist Antifa-progenitors first arose in the Russian Revolution starting in 1917 and were instrumental in bringing down the Russian government. Antifa groups then migrated to Germany.The goal was to establish a communist dictatorship through violence. They wanted to do to Germany what they had done to Russia, help overthrow the government through Marxist violent revolution. The largest Antifa organization was officially named in 1932 as an affiliate of the Communist Party of Germany and also had paramilitary roots. Antifa was under the leadership of the committed Stalinist and leader of the Communist Party of Germany, Ernst Thälmann.The terrorist group was so ruthless and violent that they drove many Germans to vote for Hitler''s National Socialist Workers Party instead, which would become their sworn enemy and downfall. Thalmann''s fate was alleged to be shot in a Nazi concentration camp after a long prison term.Antifa members today are also Satanists, like the Dayton Shooter, and/or members of the Democrat Socialists of America, which are some 50,000 strong. The Dayton shooter''s vest bears "Against All Gods" and occult patches.The Dayton shooter''s notebook shows the devil''s pentagram and "Lucifer" references.Modern Antifa groups in the United States and Europe have been documented to receive funding and support from Leftist radicals such as George Soros'' Open Society groups. Antifa''s behavior has been likened to the intimidating goon squads of Hitler''s Brown Shirts or Mussolini''s Black Shirts. Recently they tried to shut down any free speech or protests by conservatives in the United States and Europe. East Germany is another Antifa epicenter much like Portland, Oregon. Antifa joined the Occupy Wall Street movement in America.Antifa, if anything, are Communists but who don''t want organized government at all. Communism was invented by rich bankers and industrialists of England, France, and the United States to topple governments and replace them with a totalitarian rule. The Rothschilds banking magnate family funded two Communist authors to create Communism out of concepts of Satanism, Adam Weishaupt of the Illuminati around 1776, and Karl Marx in the mid 19th century.This book not only explores the history of Antifa and its ideology and its main actions but also explores in depth the origin and nature of Marxism as arising from a foundation of Satanism directed against the Christian Church.

A Union List of Appellate Court Records and Briefs

release date: Jan 01, 1999
A Union List of Appellate Court Records and Briefs
Court records and briefs offer researchers a wealth ofbackground information on cases. This book brings togetherthe appellate courts, federal and state, so that legalresearchers do not have to go to multiple sources to findthis information. The book is arranged in four sections:United States Supreme Court, State Final Appellate Courts,United States Circuit Courts of Appeals, and StateIntermediate Appellate Courts.

Absolute Danger Girl

release date: Mar 01, 2004
Absolute Danger Girl
A limited-edition, signed-and-numbered, two-volume hardcover set, ABSOLUTE DANGER GIRL is a high-octane adventure series that is sure to appeal to fans of the Charlie''s Angels movies. Including an amazing sketchbook, this beautiful collector''s item tells the tale of an ultra-secret spy group called Danger Girl and their fight against an evil organization obsessed with world domination. With the fate of the planet in the balance, four beautiful female adventurers must travel the globe to secure several mystical artifacts before the Hammer Syndicate obtains the relics and their ultimate power.

Danger girl, J. Scott Campbell

release date: Jan 01, 1999

The Perpetual Retirement Income Machine

release date: Jun 09, 2017
The Perpetual Retirement Income Machine
Having sufficient income that you cannot outlive is #1 retirement concern. The solution to that problem, based on current evidence and research, incorporates a number of income strategies and sources, all dependent on a person''s risk style. When complete, that solution creates a machine like source of income, a Perpetual Retirement Income Machine known as a PRIM. Learn how you can build your own PRIM, and why it works so well, in this full color version, step-by-step modern approach to retirement income planning.

The Descendants of Dr. Nathaniel Saltonstall of Haverhill, Massachusetts

release date: Jan 01, 2013

Double Summary of Live Free Or Die by Sean Hannity and United States of Socialism by Dinesh D'Sousa

release date: Aug 27, 2020
Double Summary of Live Free Or Die by Sean Hannity and United States of Socialism by Dinesh D'Sousa
WARNING!: If you are a Democrat don''t read this book. The facts about your party, now led by radical socialists, are embarrassingly despicable. If you are a Conservative or Independent and want to survive, then these books are must-reads. Be aware that your family will always live under constant attack by socialists. Know why.This is a Best Seller Double Summary of LIve Free or Die by Sean Hannity and United States of Socialism by Dinesh D''Sousa. The summary books are not the original books. Important publications demand widespread readership and understanding. Live Free or Die and United States of Socialism are two of them.Use this Best Seller Summary book to:#1 Decide if the original books are for you. Hint: they are!#2 Get chapter-by-chapter main points and takeaways.#3 Gain a better understanding, #4 Learn what you must know in 15-60 minutes.#5 Refresh your memory of the parent book.Sean Hannity continues to battle the radical socialists and the Left who would just love to eliminate our long tradition of freedom framed by the Founding Fathers.In Live Free or Die: America (and the World) on the Brink, Hannity explores the rugged individualism, self-sufficiency, and the tenets of freedom that propelled America to greatness in a short time. No other nation ever amassed more wealth and power and created more means to advance the human condition.Like an infectious and festering boil, Leftwing resentment, radicalism, and elaborate plans for theft and graft grew in the shadows to undermine democracy beginning in the turbulent 1960s. After 60+ years of sustained effort, they comprise a formidable army of social justice warriors aided and abetted by such institutions as academia, the mainstream media, and the diabolical Deep State which Hannity calls the Leftist Juggernaut.Hannity and DSousa both warn us of a victory in November of 2020 for the Democrats. We can count on even more socialism and its accompanying plans for economic dysfunction and alienation of our populations. The result? A nation nearly unrecognizable from the great America most of us grew up in, appreciated, and loved, the freest and most successful country in the world.Hannity''s book explores the Russian collusion hoax in detail as well as the fake Whistleblower hoax about Trump''s telephone call to the President of Ukraine. He leaves no stone unturned in revealing the impeachment hoax. He covers just about everything important about Trump''s time in office so far.Dinesh D''Sousa, in United States of Socialism, writes to expose the Democrat socialists, their Socialist Dream'' for what a racket it is and then proceeds to bury them. He shares how the socialists first arose, how their diabolical techniques are infused with a divisive and antagonistic form of Identity Socialism, and how we must rally behind Trump''s lead and American Conservatism to stop them. Both authors explore American history and the framing of core beliefs that we must protect from our Founding Fathers but with a slightly different perspective and choice of details. There could not be two more timely and important books, and when understood together, give you the tools you need to fully understand and put up a fight.

The Need for Spiritual Formation Training in Seminary Education and Basic Features of a Spiritual Formation Curriculum

release date: Jan 01, 1993

Growth and Development of Florunner Peanuts as Affected by Temperature

Religion and Morality of the Latter-day Saints

Interactive Analysis of Large Network Data Collections UsingQuery-Driven Visualization

release date: Jan 01, 2005
Interactive Analysis of Large Network Data Collections UsingQuery-Driven Visualization
Realizing operational analytics solutions where large and complex data must be analyzed in a time-critical fashion entails integrating many different types of technology. Considering the extreme scale of contemporary datasets, one significant challenge is to reduce the duty cycle in the analytics discourse process. This paper focuses on an interdisciplinary combination of scientific data management and visualization/analysis technologies targeted at reducing the duty cyclein hypothesis testing and knowledge discovery. We present an application of such a combination in the problem domain of network traffic data analysis. Our performance experiment results, including both serial and parallel scalability tests, show that the combination can dramatically decrease the analytics duty cycle for this particular application. The combination is effectively applied to the analysis of network traffic data to detect slow and distributed scans, which is a difficult-to-detect form of cyber attack. Our approach is sufficiently general to be applied to a diverse set of data understanding problems as well as used in conjunction with a diverse set of analysis and visualization tools.

Teens and Mobile Phones

release date: Jan 01, 2010
Teens and Mobile Phones
Daily text messaging among American teens has shot up in the past 18 months, from 38% of teens texting friends daily in February of 2008 to 54% of teens texting daily in September 2009. And it''s not just frequency--teens are sending enormous quantities of text messages a day. Half of teens send 50 or more text messages a day, or 1,500 texts a month, and one in three send more than 100 texts a day, or more than 3,000 texts a month. Older teen girls ages 14-17 lead the charge on text messaging, averaging 100 messages a day for the entire cohort. The youngest teen boys are the most resistant to texting--averaging 20 messages per day. Text messaging has become the primary way that teens reach their friends, surpassing face-to-face contact, email, instant messaging and voice calling as the go-to daily communication tool for this age group. However, voice calling is still the preferred mode for reaching parents for most teens. This study is based on the 2009 Parent-Teen Cell Phone Survey which obtained telephone interviews with a nationally representative sample of 800 teens age 12-to-17 years-old and their parents living in the continental United States and on 9 focus groups conducted in 4 U.S. cities in June and October 2009 with teens between the ages of 12 and 18. The survey was conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates International. The interviews were done in English by Princeton Data Source, LLC from June 26 to September 24, 2009. Statistical results are weighted to correct known demographic discrepancies. (Contains 2 tables and 57 footnotes.) [This project was undertaken in collaboration with researchers in the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.].

Danger girl: Hawaiian punch

release date: Jan 01, 2004

Crystal Engineering Approaches to Solid-state Pharmaceutical Systems

release date: Jan 01, 2012
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