Best Selling Books by Scott Campbell

Scott Campbell is the author of NCEA Accounting - A Next Step Teacher's Guide (2012), Henry VIII and His Six Wives (2003), Satan's Socialists and Communists (2020), Double Fine Action Comics (2013), Teens and Mobile Phones (2010).

161 - 200 of 200 results

NCEA Accounting - A Next Step Teacher's Guide

release date: Jan 01, 2012
NCEA Accounting - A Next Step Teacher's Guide
This teacher''s edition is an overprinted version of the NCEA Accounting A Next Step a Accounts Receivable student book. Solutions to all of the exercises are provided. This format has proved to be particularly useful in catering for a class where students are working at their own pace. An electronic copy of the Teacher Guide is included for use as visual media.

Henry VIII and His Six Wives

release date: Jul 01, 2003

Satan's Socialists and Communists

release date: Feb 16, 2020
Satan's Socialists and Communists
Karl Marx (1818-1883) became the most well-known author and progenitor of early Socialist and Communist movements which had first started with Adam Weishaupt of the Illuminati in 1776. The theories of early Communism apply today to our Democratic Party which has become infested with Marxism. Marx''s penchant for destruction and Satanism, his racism, and his employment by the rich, are just some of his characteristics that today''s Marxists don''t want you to know about. The identity and callous nature of the "Satanists" behind the Radical Socialist and Communist movements will shock you. We can define "Satan" as the symbol of "the destructive forces forming the antithesis to the Christian God." Communism uses a form of Satanism to take not only souls but also wealth and the control of the labor force and government. With this definition, all Communists, relative to Christian nations, can be labeled "Satanists." One doesn''t have to be sacrificing animals, babies, or virgins in Demonic rituals chanting "Hail Satan" and participating in orgies afterward to be a "Satanist." However, "High Priest" Karl Marx demonstrated considerable knowledge about Satanic rituals in his poetry and dramas and rejected "the one who ruled from above" as he was admittedly destined for hell.SUMMARY OF EVIDENCE THAT KARL MARX WAS A SATANIST001 Marx''s Communist Manifesto specifically attacked Christianity as a big part of what needed to be destroyed to establish a Communist State. The goal was to destroy everything about Christian societies.002 Marx received letters from his son with the salutation "Dear Devil." Marx''s wife in letters referred to him as "Bishop" and "High Priest"--which is specific to Satanic cults. A letter from his father showed concern that Marx had been possessed by a demon. These letters suggest Marx was a Satanic cult member.003 Although writing about Satanism doesn''t make one a Satanist, Marx demonstrated his extensive knowledge of Satanic rites and wrote a drama about making a pact with the Devil.004 To add to Communist Manifestos, Marx was hired to update Adam Weishaupt''s work who was a prominent Illuminati, who were, in turn, occultists.005 Marx wrote extensively that he sided with Satan over God, and had a personal vendetta against God.006 Nesta Webster claimed that "the cult of Satan flourished in Bavaria at the same time as illuminism" which dominated Weishaupt''s work.007 Marx''s economic theories were proven by history to be patently wrong, but his argument for violent terrorism and revolution resulted in up to 150 million deaths and untold suffering as part of regime change.008 Marx had a motive to detest Christianity, it had forced his family, with a long history of rabbi members, to convert from Judaism to have a chance to succeed in society.009 Marx was an expert in the "Heart and Soul" of Communism, the art of Dialectical Materialism, that also underlies Satanism as the antithesis of God.010 Marx had close friends who were admitted Satanists, such as Proudhon and Bakunin, who were in frequent correspondence with him.Marx''s prescription for never-ending violent revolution and destruction for the world alone meets our definition of Satanism which is bent on destroying Christianity. When we add in all of the circumstantial evidence from the documented writings concerning the Devil, and especially those of his family and close friends, it would be hard to argue that Marx was not an occult Satanist as well. History proved Marx''s economic and class warfare theories patently wrong but his penchant for revolution through violence for the sake of destruction of nations resulted in up to 150 million deaths steeped in oppression, imprisonment, and torture...Scott Campbell...November 19, 2019

Double Fine Action Comics

release date: Apr 30, 2013
Double Fine Action Comics
Knight, Strongman, Captain, Thompson, and all the rest return in this the second exciting, amazing, and thrilling volume of DOUBLE FINE ACTION COMICS! This volume collects 200 strips that include the Black Pyramid Interdimensional Adventure, Knight Turns Inventor, Tower Story, Gold Digger Adventure, The Uncle Black Knight Experience, The White Orb Space Adventure, and more! If you''ve never read the DOUBLE FINE ACTION COMICS before, don''t worry because you can just jump right the heck in and enjoy the adventures running. Also included is an in depth, world exclusive review of DOUBLE FINE ACTION COMICS by the fairly good-looking Erik Wolpaw! Is this the greatest collection of all time and space? Buy DOUBLE FINE ACTION COMICS VOLUME 2 and find out!

Teens and Mobile Phones

release date: Jan 01, 2010
Teens and Mobile Phones
Daily text messaging among American teens has shot up in the past 18 months, from 38% of teens texting friends daily in February of 2008 to 54% of teens texting daily in September 2009. And it''s not just frequency--teens are sending enormous quantities of text messages a day. Half of teens send 50 or more text messages a day, or 1,500 texts a month, and one in three send more than 100 texts a day, or more than 3,000 texts a month. Older teen girls ages 14-17 lead the charge on text messaging, averaging 100 messages a day for the entire cohort. The youngest teen boys are the most resistant to texting--averaging 20 messages per day. Text messaging has become the primary way that teens reach their friends, surpassing face-to-face contact, email, instant messaging and voice calling as the go-to daily communication tool for this age group. However, voice calling is still the preferred mode for reaching parents for most teens. This study is based on the 2009 Parent-Teen Cell Phone Survey which obtained telephone interviews with a nationally representative sample of 800 teens age 12-to-17 years-old and their parents living in the continental United States and on 9 focus groups conducted in 4 U.S. cities in June and October 2009 with teens between the ages of 12 and 18. The survey was conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates International. The interviews were done in English by Princeton Data Source, LLC from June 26 to September 24, 2009. Statistical results are weighted to correct known demographic discrepancies. (Contains 2 tables and 57 footnotes.) [This project was undertaken in collaboration with researchers in the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.].

Danger Girl Preview

release date: Jan 01, 1997

Danger girl: Hawaiian punch

release date: Jan 01, 2004

Crystal Engineering Approaches to Solid-state Pharmaceutical Systems

release date: Jan 01, 2012

The Links in the Chain, Or, Who Killed Judge Noble?

A Pragmatic Overview of Presbyterians and Presbyterianism

release date: Jan 01, 1985

A Conceptual Framework for Capture, Retention and Utilization of Pathologist Knowledge Using Whole Slide Imaging

Summary of Live Free Or Die by Sean Hannity: Add-Ons: AOC and Ilhan Must Go!

release date: Oct 29, 2020
Summary of Live Free Or Die by Sean Hannity: Add-Ons: AOC and Ilhan Must Go!
WARNING!: If you are a Democrat don''t read this book. The facts about your party, now led by radical socialists, are embarrassingly despicable. If you are a Conservative or Independent and want to survive, then this book and Sean Hannity''s are must-reads. Be aware that your family will always live under constant attack by socialists. Know why.This is a Best Seller Summary and Analysis of LIve Free or Die by Sean Hannity. It is not the original book. Sean Hannity did not write AOC: INFLAMING AMERICA WITH COMMUNISM AND FLAWED LEADERSHIP or ILHAN MUST GO!: CIVILIZATION JIHADIST, COMMUNIST, AND FRAUD which are add-on books by Scott Campbell that relate to Live Free or Die.Important books demand widespread readership and understanding. Live Free or Die is one of them.Use this Best Selling Summary and Analysis book to:#1 Decide if the original book is for you. Hint: it is!#2 Get chapter-by-chapter main points and takeaways.#3 Gain a better understanding, #4 Learn what you must know in 15-60 minutes.#5 Refresh your memory of the parent book.By publishing his first book in a decade which is guaranteed to be a top bestseller--it already appeared as #1 or #2 in Amazon rankings--Sean Hannity continues to battle the radical socialists and the Left who would just love to eliminate our long tradition of freedom framed by the Founding Fathers.In Live Free or Die: America (and the World) on the Brink, Hannity explores the rugged individualism, self-sufficiency, and the tenets of freedom that propelled America to greatness in a short time. No other nation ever amassed more wealth and power and created more means to advance the human condition.Like an infectious and festering boil, Leftwing resentment, radicalism, and elaborate plans for theft and graft grew in the shadows to undermine democracy beginning in the turbulent 1960s. After 60+ years of sustained effort, they comprise a formidable army of social justice warriors aided and abetted by such institutions as academia, the mainstream media, and the diabolical Deep State which Hannity calls the Leftist Juggernaut.Hannity warns us of a victory in November of 2020 for the Democrats. We can count on even more socialism and its accompanying plans for economic dysfunction and alienation of our populations. The result? A nation nearly unrecognizable from the great America most of us grew up in, appreciated, and loved, the freest and most successful country in the world.Hannity''s book explores the Russian collusion hoax in detail as well as the fake Whistleblower hoax about Trump''s telephone call to the President of Ukraine. He leaves no stone unturned in revealing the impeachment hoax. He covers just about everything important about Trump''s time in office so far. There could not be a more timely and important book.Hannity makes his argument for a viable solution. First: Vote! Second: Inform others of the truth. Third: Support Trump in all ways possible to be re-elected.There are few people from the Left who better represent the infectious and festering boil of divisive anti-Americanism and socialism than AOC and Ilhan Omar. The add-on books are about their communist history and common goal of dismantling the American way of life, Christianity, the Constitution, and our freedom.


release date: Jun 01, 2019
LIES is about Jussie Smollett and his most entertaining and politically significant scandal. Democratic and black LGBTQ poster boy, Jussie Smollett, is in big trouble. Updates in eBook form will be available periodically for a nominal fee. The date at the end of this description is the book ending date for you.Jussie''s hoax and court case gripped the nation. His charges were dismissed and the case sealed into secrecy only to be reopened a month later after petitions were filed. The Deep State hid something that they don''t want you to know about. LIES attacks those secrets directly and with evidence.Unusual, unpredictable and sometimes unbelievable, it''s a story that continues to get bigger and more important. Jussie''s circus is not going away because it tripped over itself into a quagmire of legal and political issues underlying the elections in 2020. President Trump is slamming "third rate actor" and "national disgrace" Smollett in his rallies because Jussie slandered millions of white male Trump supporters.LIES presents the facts about Jussie''s scandal, summaries of important news articles, and provides insight, added meaning and opinions.Here is a brief summary of what you get with LIES. A Detailed Timeline, Deep State and Legal Analysis, Police Report and Bond Summaries, Opinions, Slams, and Motives. The full cast of characters- and suspects- includes Jussie Smollett, Jussie''s sister, Jurnee Smollett-Bell, Kim Foxx, Tina Tchen, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Ola Osundairo, Bola Osundairo, George Soros, Lori Lightfoot, Rahm Emmanuel, Michael Skolnik, Joseph Magats, Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, President Trump, and Empire''s executives and stars. Jussie''s story becomes a detective mystery full of intrigue and pits the Deep State and its well-paid puppets against the American public. Anchoring the entire book is a detailed timeline that begins with Jussie''s birth. When you study his family tree, Jussie and Kamala Harris appear to be first cousins, once removed. The timeline continues with the start of his career and then the important background information leading up to the alleged attack by two white Trump supporters in the middle of a freezing Chicago night. LIES begins with the attack itself and the emotional national reaction it received in the news and social media. Then comes the turnaround. A team of a dozen or more detectives and police arrest two subjects, brothers Ola and Bola "Abel" Osundairo as the assailants. Far from white attackers, they are dark-skinned African-Americans of Nigerian descent who were extras on Empire.The Osundairo brothers tell a very different story to a grand jury than Jussie''s story. They say, under oath, that they knew Jussie, and that the attack was staged and a hoax. Jussie paid them and plotted with them.Instead of the victim, Jussie suddenly became the defendant, with sixteen felony charges of lying to the police.Jussie hired high-profile attorneys to join his circus act that came to the Chicago justice system and the charges were dropped which caused outrage and accusations of impropriety and corruption. Next comes a thorough account and analysis of the legal issues and research into the roles of Kim Foxx, George Soros, and Kamala Harris played in setting the stage for the scandal with "alternative justice." It''s a fun ride into one of the most fascinating and unusual scandals in recent memory and is infused with some of the most important issues confronting America today. Several relevant history lessons are included about race relations. Since Trump will bring up Jussie''s case when the timing is right, Jussie will undoubtedly play a role in who wins in 2020....6/1/2019

The Role of Overt Visual Attention and Information Processing Fluency in False Memory

release date: Jan 01, 2019

The Lion of the Law, Or, The Helena Street Puzzle

Sustainability Planning Using an Energy-based Model

release date: Jan 01, 1995

Great Great Grand Show

release date: Jan 01, 2008

What Kabila is Hiding

release date: Jan 01, 1997

An Energy Performance Index for Historic Buildings

release date: Jan 01, 1991

Computer Modeling to Evaluate Capital and Operating Costs Associated with Aggregate Resource Potential of Subsurface Northern Missouri Limestone Units

release date: Jan 01, 1994

The Potential Use of Otolith Shape Or Structure to Infer Environmental Divisioning Within the Icelandic Cod (Gadus Morhua L.) Stock

release date: Jan 01, 2005

Azathioprine Use in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

release date: Jan 01, 2003

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr

release date: Jan 01, 1994

Knowledge Acquisition in a Knowledge-based Intelligence Analysis System

release date: Jan 01, 1988

Holy Ghost Hunters

release date: Nov 21, 2013
Holy Ghost Hunters
How much do you really know about the Holy Spirit? Does the subject of God''s Spirit leave you a little bit confused? Relax. You are not alone. Many people have a hard time understanding or explaining the Holy Spirit. This book is intended to define and illustrate who the Holy Spirit is in relation to our everyday life. More importantly, this book is intended to help people clearly recognize the presence of God in their life. If the presence of God is not obvious in your life, we will address the problem and give practical help for the solution. Just enjoy the read and ask the Lord to have mercy as you learn.
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