Best Selling Books by Timothy Green

Timothy Green is the author of The American Goliah - And Other Fantastic Reports of Unknown Giants and Humongou Creatures! (2011), Alien Blood Lust (2018), Round Trip to Hell in a Flying Saucer (2011), The Secret Space Program Who Is Responsible? Tesla? the Nazis? NASA? Or a Break Civilization?: Evidence We Have Already Established Bases on the Moon (2012), Discover the Magical Word of God (2017).

161 - 200 of 200 results

The American Goliah - And Other Fantastic Reports of Unknown Giants and Humongou Creatures!

release date: Dec 01, 2011
The American Goliah - And Other Fantastic Reports of Unknown Giants and Humongou Creatures!
WONDERFUL SCIENTIFIC CURIOSITY? HUMAN ODDITY? OUTRAGEOUS HOAX? RELATED TO THE NEPHILM OF GENESIS? A giant of stone of remarkable dimensions was uncovered over a century ago. . . Here is the full report, including scientific statements that when stood upright the figure stood nearly eleven feet high, and its head nearly double the size of any ordinary human. . . Because it was removed from the ground in upstate New York, some confuse it with the much more controversial Cardiff Giant. But this amazing discovery stands by itself among those who dare question its authenticity. . .But where has the giant disappeared to? -- Can it still be viewed by the public, or have archaeological knaves whisked it away so it cannot be examined under today's more favorable laboratory conditions? . . . Here is the original full report as published at the time, plus additional information by today's top Fortean researchers: -- ]+SOUTH AMERICA'S GIANT UFONAUTS BY SCOTT CORRALES -- News of an alleged three-meter-tall non-human entity shambling toward a roadside in Chile (March 2010) brought back memories of the giant UFO occupants commonly reported in the 1950s, and 60s, usually in Argentina, Brazil and Chile, although cases in Spain and even the USA were reported. -- + THE CARDIFF GIANT COMES ALIVE! BY NICK REDFERN -- "Believed to be a hoax, I was lecturing near the museum where the giant is still on display. But, there's a very weird story that goes along with the viewing of this infamous artifact that deals with what sounds like a Tulpa-type sighting of the Cardiff Giant - as if the legend had come to life because of belief in it" -- +ANTHROPOIDS, GIANTS AND MAMMOTHS BY HAROLD T. WILKINS -- Here is evidence that so-called prehistoric monsters and giants were contemporaneous with ancient and perhaps modern man.

Alien Blood Lust

release date: Nov 07, 2018
Alien Blood Lust
WERE HUMAN SACRIFICES DOWN THROUGH THE AGES MADE TO APPEASE AND "NOURISH" THE BLOODTHIRSTY GODS? On the night of March 5th, 1967, two workers in the local Red Cross Bloodmobile in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, were chased by something strange in the sky. Their van was loaded with flesh blood and, despite the fact that they were speeding to get to the hospital with their supply of human plasma, a UFO kept pace and lowered two claw-like projections on either side of their emergency vehicle as if to capture it in its prongs and lift the bloodmobile into the night sky. On Long Island, New York, a well-respected talk show host was taken to a large "meeting hall" which fronted for the secret headquarters of a strange group of alien "androids" who called themselves "The Council of Ten Men." "In the recesses of the building was a hidden laboratory in which what appeared to be several corpses were laid out on examination tables. Next to the 'corpses' were rows of test tubes and bottles filled with blood," the talk show host recounted. "Each bottle was labeled with names, such as 'CHARLES' and 'SUSAN.' The Ten handled some of the bottles and sampled their contents orally and without facial expressions." The whole scene sickened the witness, and she was greatly disturbed by the experience. Blood has always been part of the hidden agenda of the Ultra-Terrestrials, from the days of "ancient astronauts" - and their apparent demand for human sacrifices - to the animal mutilations of today. There are even entire villages in Brazil where most of the town's residents have been "attacked" and suffered large quantities of their blood being drained, leaving hideous scars on the victims' bodies. Veteran investigator Scott Corrales delves into the nightmarish mystery of alien blood lust, concentrating on incidents from Hispanic communities in Puerto Rico, Mexico and throughout South America. Input from other qualified researchers add evidence to a horrifying -- but all-too-true -- aspect of UFOlogy that never gets any attention! Chapters Include: --** Snack Time! Flesh and Blood May Be The Real God Of The Gods. --**The Bloodmobile Chase. --** Human Sacrifice: The Deadly Deed. --**Is Blood The True Nectar And Ambrosia Of The Gods? --** Was Dracula An Alien? --** Blood Is the Life For The Monsters That Seek It. --** Puerto Rico's Moca Vampire. --** Gargoyle Of The Outer Darkness --** Chupacabras Diary.

Round Trip to Hell in a Flying Saucer

release date: Dec 01, 2011
Round Trip to Hell in a Flying Saucer

The Secret Space Program Who Is Responsible? Tesla? the Nazis? NASA? Or a Break Civilization?: Evidence We Have Already Established Bases on the Moon

release date: Mar 01, 2012
The Secret Space Program Who Is Responsible? Tesla? the Nazis? NASA? Or a Break Civilization?: Evidence We Have Already Established Bases on the Moon
IS A COVERT "BREAKAWAY CIVILIZATION" RESPONSIBLE FOR A SECRET "INVISIBLE" SPACE PROGRAM? DID THE NAZIS LAND ON THE MOON AND MARS DURING THE FINAL DAYS OF WORLD WAR II? HAVE ASTRONAUTS PLANTED THE MASONIC FLAG ON BOTH INTERPLANETARY BODIES? ARE THE BOOMERANG AND TRIANGULAR UFOS OBSERVED WORLDWIDE PART OF A GLOBAL SURVEILLANCE PROGRAM, OFFERING EVIDENCE THAT "SOMEONE ELSE" IS CAPABLE OF TAKING OVER OUR SKY? WAS THE LATE SUPER SCIENTIST NIKOLA TESLA INVOLVED IN THE EARLY DEVELOPMENT OF THIS SECRET SPACE PROGRAM? WHAT RED BLOC NATION HAD AN ASTRONAUT PROGRAM NEARLY TWENTY YEARS BEFORE NASA LANDED ON THE MOON? IS THE FACE ON MARS DIRECT EVIDENCE THAT AN UNKNOWN "EMPIRE" HAS BEATEN US TO THE PUNCH AND ALREADY ESTABLISHED A VANGUARD ON THE RED PLANET? The Secret Space Program is among the most clandestine efforts ever undertaken and the questions are many as to who is responsible for its adaptation. Did the aliens establish colonies on the Lunar and Martian surfaces that we have seen and photographed despite attempts by NASA to eradicate them from photographic prints? Yes, the answers are of utmost importance despite the fact that the American public is being kept in the dark about a subject so intriguing, so controversial, that its mere utterance creates a frustrating clash among skeptics and those in opposition who claim they have access to undeniable proof. Indeed, are scientists and others traveling back and forth between colonies already established in space? Have their memories been erased so they have only dream-like recollections of such "adventures?" Even Jules Verne - and other early science fiction pioneers - might have hinted that secret societies had developed "advanced" technologies that enabled them to venture beyond our atmosphere.

Discover the Magical Word of God

release date: Aug 19, 2017
Discover the Magical Word of God
A TRULY INSPIRATIONAL WORK BASED ON THE UNIVERSAL PRINCIPLES OF VIBRATION OF THE MOST IMPORTANT WORD IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE Guaranteed This MAGIC WORD Will Bring You INFINITE POWER And A Realization Of ALL Your Desires, So Saith Our Lord All words have great power - but one word in the entire universe has more power than any other word and can actually evoke the presence of God who can hear our clarion call and respond by providing us with what we desire the most - or are currently missing - in our daily lives. William Delbert Gann - or WD Gann as he is best known was born June 6, 1878 in Lufkin, Texas. His father was a cotton farmer. He was a religious man by nature who believed in the power of the Lord, as well as the scientific value of the Bible as the greatest book ever written. This can be repeatedly observed in his books that he authored, but in particular in the pages of this unique work you are invited to read. Gann was a 33rd degree Freemason of the Scottish Rite Order, to which some have attributed his knowledge of ancient mathematics, though he was also known to have studied the ancient Greek and Egyptian cultures in order to uncover the invisible vibrations of the universe that he adapted so rigorously to every aspect of his daily routine. He insists that he came across in his research a cosmic principle that incorporated geometry, astronomy, astrology, and ancient mathematics and that when combined properly reveal a rhythm to the cosmos that acts as a catalyst to open a grand gateway to the dimension where God resides. Once opened, this gateway acts as a bridge across the cosmos and allows our Lord to come into our lives on a very personal basis. The author provides the unique - the ONLY word - that will grant us a one on one assemblage with the Creator of all that is and was and will be. In his travels, Gann says he discovered that men of renown were long searching to find the Lost Word that they knew must exist. Some individuals spent their entire lives trying to find such an utterance without any success. The author of this vital work says this unique word was "probably lost through the fall or disobedience of man" who strayed from God's core teachings. Gann was convinced that the Word still existed and is "just as great and powerful" today as it ever had been before it was lost. NOW YOU CAN USE THIS WORD TO YOUR TOTAL ADVANTAGE

Men of Mystery: Nikola Tesla and Otis T. Carr: Weird Inventions of the Strangest Men Who Ever Lived!

release date: May 01, 2012
Men of Mystery: Nikola Tesla and Otis T. Carr: Weird Inventions of the Strangest Men Who Ever Lived!
HERE IS THEIR STORIES... THE UNTOLD STORIES OF INVENTOR AND WIZARD NIKOLA TESLA AND FREE ENERGY FLYING SAUCER BUILDER OTIS T. CARR Here are plans for a "Telephone" to call other planets. . .An apparatus that can read the human aura. . .a disc-shaped craft that can take us to the moon in under an hour. NIKOLA TESLA - Though chosen to share the 1912 Nobel Prize in Physics with Edison, Tesla refused the award and during his life tore up royalty contracts which would have earned him millions of dollars. Not much is known about this "strange" loner as Tesla spent most of his life in total seclusion. However, those who did know him even slightly say he was not a normal human, but a real SUPERMAN, either a reincarnated master -- or a spaceman with superior mental powers placed here to assist in earth's technological development. OTIS T. CARR - A student of Tesla's, the Baltimore-based engineer believed that every person should have the opportunity to travel to other planets which he believed to be inhabited by human-looking space people as physical as you and I. Based on conversations with his mentor, Carr constructed a flying saucer-shaped device that he believed would take us to the moon and beyond. He received much ridicule and harassment that eventually landed him in jail under bogus charges of fraud -- the government claiming that it is impossible to create an operational free energy device. History has made Tesla out to be merely a scientist and an engineer when he was really MUCH MORE. There is an entirely different part of his live story -- and it is an UNEARTHLY ONE!

UFOs, Time Slips, Other Realms, and the Science of Fairies: Another World Awaits Just Beyond the Shadows of Consciousness

release date: Aug 01, 2012
UFOs, Time Slips, Other Realms, and the Science of Fairies: Another World Awaits Just Beyond the Shadows of Consciousness
LITTLE MEN ARE NOT FROM MARS An attempt has been made by the self-styled luminaries of the UFO community to convince the public that the entire phenomenon can be explained in terms of craft visiting Earth from outer space. The truth is exceedingly more complex and weirder than anything you might imagine! CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING: The occupants of these craft come in all shapes and sizes and have the ability to mesmerize those they encounter...THEY are able to cloak themselves in various disguises and have made deceitful attempts to convince those who observe their activities that they are visitors from another planet; even if their claims are contrary to the evidence. A HUNDRED YEARS ago the good citizenry might have identified these denizens are fairies or leprechauns, whereas in this technological age the term "alien" might be more applicable. . . THESE BEINGS often behave more like specters, phantoms or spooks, rather than flesh and blood creatures from another planet. They can materialize as inter-dimensional shape-shifters able to change form at will. FREQUENTLY, THEY "abduct" humans and take them to "another land" where a slippage in time occurs. When the hapless mortals return to this "state of being" hundreds of years may have gone by, while to the experiencers it may seem like only a brief period of time has expired. THEY DELIGHT in tempting humans into sexual intercourse, often impregnating females, but later snatching up their offspring without warning, often in the dead of night, all the while making those who tell their stories seem delusional. UFOS, TIME SLIPS, OTHER REALMS AND THE SCIENCE OF FAIRIES incorporates a rare manuscript by Ed Hartland on the existence of a kingdom of elementals consisting of fairies, dwarfs, fire sprites and earth light, as well as the most updated research of Tim Beckley, Sean Casteel, Brent Raynes and Tim R. Swartz. Their investigations into this "alternative reality" reach conclusions that will astound and amaze.

Giants and the Lost Lands of the Gods

release date: Apr 03, 2017
Giants and the Lost Lands of the Gods
TRAVEL BACK INTO THE DISTANT PAST WITH PETER KOLOSIMO AND NICK REDFERN GIANTS AND THE LOST LANDS OF THE GODS A TIMELESS EARTH - GIANTS, MONSTERS AND ALIENS IN HISTORY "Creatures from outer space have not only walked among us, they have shaped the path of our history," states Peter Kolosimo, an award winning Italian author who preceeded author Erich von Daniken by several years in popularizing what has become known as the "Ancient Alien Theory" of human evolution and contact with extraterrestrial beings. Here is a new, updated version of "Timeless Earth" - considered to be one of the most remarkable books you will ever read on Ancient Astronauts and how they assisted in the development of civilization throughout the world. Kolosimo founded and coordinated the Italian Association for Prehistoric Studies. His findings were considered so important that they were published in over 50 countries, including Russia and China, which were still isolated from Western society at the time of the book's initial publication. PARTIAL CONTENTS OF A BOOK THAT SHOULD SHOCK THE WORLD - The Origins of Mankind: An intelligent, scholarly overview of the developing picture of man's evolution as anthropologists struggle to make sense of the fossils and bones left behind. - Cosmic Catastrophes: How "extraterrestrial" disasters like crashed meteors affected the ancient Earth. - The Age of Giants: How cosmic rays from outer space may have created giants and modern anthropological evidence that bears this out. - The Mark Of The Titans: Biblical and mythological references to giants, some of whom were cannibals while others were benevolent. Did they come from "extraterrestrial space?" - Nightmares In Stone: Huge Figures Circle The Planet In A Grid. - The Lost World Of Mu: A Vast Civilization Existed In The Pacific. - Legends Of The Stars: Who Were The "Strangers" Who Came Here? - Secrets Of The Pyramids: Who Built Them And Why? - The Wandering Masters. - The Mystery Of Atlantis: Where Did It Exist? - The White Gods: They Intermingled With The Native. Were They From Earth Or The Far Fields Of Space? - Children Of The Sun. - The Lords Of Fire. - The Spaceships of Tiahuannaco: South America Was Visited As Well! - Unthinkable Journeys! This book rewrites history. It is "forbidden archeology" in the extreme. Whatever your feelings, this is a "lost book" about lost lands and the occupants from space that time has simply forgotten!

Count Saint Germain

release date: Jan 01, 1990

Issues of Identity for Christians of a Muslim Background in Pakistan

release date: Jan 01, 2014

The Spirit of Prayer, Or, A Discourse Wherein the Nature of Prayer is Opened, the Kinds of Prayer are Handled, and the Right Manner of Prayer Discovered

The UFO Silencers

release date: Jan 01, 1990

A Cushioned Transit Frame for Paintings

release date: Jan 01, 1991

By the Honorable Jonathan Trumbull, Esq ; Governor and Commander in Chief of the English Colony of Connecticut in New-England. A Proclamation. The Race of Mankind ...

Independent Review of the Paddock to Reef Modelling Program

release date: Jan 01, 2019

Beating Balaam's Ass

release date: Jan 01, 2007

Bill, 1769 August 16, to the Colony of Connecticut

Bill, 1769 August 16, to the Colony of Connecticut
Itemizes charges for printing, addressing and mailing official publications of Connecticut; includes statement approving payment by both Houses.

Graphs of Groups

release date: Jan 01, 2012
Graphs of Groups
Graphs of groups were first introduced by Jean-Pierre Serre in his book entitled Arbres, Amalgames, SL2 (1977), whose first English translation was Trees in 1980. In 1993, Hyman Bass wrote a paper called Covering theory for graphs of groups which discussed such concepts in the category of Graphs of Groups as morphisms, fundamental groups, and infinite covers. Hence, this area of geometric group theory is typically referred to as Bass-Serre Theory. The contents of this dissertation lie within this broad area of study. The main focus of the research is to try to apply to the category of Graphs of Groups what John Stallings did in the category of Graphs in his paper Topology of finite graphs. In that paper, he explored in graphs a vast number of topics such as pullbacks, paths, stars, coverings, and foldings. The goal of this dissertation is to apply many of those concepts to the category of Graphs of Groups. In this work, we develop our notion of paths, links, maps of graphs of groups, and coverings. We then explore the resultant path-lifting properties.
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