Best Selling Books by Virginia Woolf

Virginia Woolf is the author of Between the Acts (2008), Jacob's Room by Virginia Woolf (2020), Modern Classics To the Lighthouse (2000), The Gentleman from San Francisco, and Other Stories (2018), Orlando (2012).

81 - 102 of 102 results

Between the Acts

release date: Jan 01, 2008
Between the Acts
Between the Acts takes place on a June 1939 day at Pointz Hall, the Oliver family''s country house in the heart of England. In the garden, everyone from the village has gathered for the annual pageant---scenes from the history of England, beginning with the age of Chaucer and ending with "ourselves," the audience. As the story unfolds, the lives of the villagers also take shape. We learn of the strained relationship between Isa Oliver and her husband, Giles, discontented stockbroker and son of the owner of Pointz Hall. After an ominous formation of warplanes passes overhead, the performers and the audience take their leave, and Giles and Isa are finally left alone. In its juxtaposition of interior life and social life, personal history and world history, Woolf''s final novel reveals the richness of what happens between the acts. -- Back cover.

Jacob's Room by Virginia Woolf

release date: Feb 25, 2020
Jacob's Room by Virginia Woolf
Jacob''s Room is the third novel by Virginia Woolf, first published on 26 October 1922. The novel centres, in a very ambiguous way, around the life story of the protagonist Jacob Flanders and is presented almost entirely through the impressions other characters have of Jacob.

Modern Classics To the Lighthouse

release date: Oct 31, 2000
Modern Classics To the Lighthouse
A pioneering work of modernist fiction, using her unique stream-of-consciousness technique to explore the inner lives of her characters, Virginia Woolf''s To the Lighthouse is widely regarded as one of the greatest artistic achievements of the twentieth century. This Penguin Classics edition is edited by Stella McNichol, with an introduction and notes by Hermione Lee. To the Lighthouse is at once a vivid impressionistic depiction of a family holiday, and a meditation on marriage, on parenthood and childhood, on grief, tyranny and bitterness. For years now the Ramsays have spent every summer in their holiday home in Scotland, and they expect these summers will go on forever; but as the First World War looms, the integrity of family and society will be fatally challenged. With a psychologically introspective mode, the use of memory, reminiscence and shifting perspectives gives the novel an intimate, poetic essence, and at the time of publication in 1927 it represented an utter rejection of Victorian and Edwardian literary values. Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) is regarded as a major 20th century author and essayist, a key figure in literary history as a feminist and modernist, and the centre of ''The Bloomsbury Group'', an informal collective of artists and writers that exerted a powerful influence over early twentieth-century British culture. Between 1925 and 1931 Virginia Woolf produced what are now regarded as her finest masterpieces, from Mrs Dalloway (1925) to the poetic and highly experimental novel The Waves (1931). She also maintained an astonishing output of literary criticism, short fiction, journalism and biography, including the playfully subversive Orlando (1928) and A Room of One''s Own (1929) a passionate feminist essay. If you enjoyed To the Lighthouse, you might like James Joyce''s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, also available in Penguin Classics. ''Bears endless re-reading ... the sea encircles the story in a brilliant ebb and flow'' Rachel Billington

The Gentleman from San Francisco, and Other Stories

release date: Oct 13, 2018
The Gentleman from San Francisco, and Other Stories
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. To ensure a quality reading experience, this work has been proofread and republished using a format that seamlessly blends the original graphical elements with text in an easy-to-read typeface. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.


release date: May 20, 2012
Orlando ist jung, gut aussehend – und seine Schönheit soll niemals vergehen. Ein Wunsch, der ihm zum Schicksal wird: Er durchlebt beinahe vier Jahrhunderte und vier verschiedene Lebensentwürfe, ohne merklich zu altern. In diesem furiosen Roman, als Biographie getarnt, geben sich die literarischen Genres ein lustvolles Stelldichein. Sprachlicher Übermut und Stilsicherheit halten sich unübertroffen die Waage. Eine moderne Neuübersetzung, die erstmals den Ton des Originals trifft. Melanie Walz gelingt es, dieses Paradestück der Kunst Virginia Woolfs zu neuem Leben zu erwecken und ein unvergessliches Leseerlebnis zu schaffen.

Mevrouw Dalloway

release date: Dec 28, 2013
Mevrouw Dalloway
Op een mooie zomerochtend gaat Clarissa Dalloway de deur uit om bloemen te kopen. Ze is bezig met de laatste voorbereidingen voor het feest dat ze die avond gaat geven. Terwijl ze door Londen loopt overdenkt ze haar leven. Ze herinnert zich de tijd dat ze even oud was als haar dochter, en haar relatie met Peter Walsh. Elders in London wordt Septimus Smith, zwaar getraumatiseerd teruggekeerd uit de Eerste Wereldoorlog, geplaagd door hallucinaties. Hun levens kruisen elkaar op verrassende wijze. Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) werd bekend door modernistische meesterwerken als Mrs Dalloway (1925), To the Lighthouse (1927) en Orlando (1928). Haar thematiek en haar vloeiende stijl, die prachtig tot uiting komt in vele monologues intérieurs, zijn van blijvende invloed geweest op de wereldliteratuur. Boukje Verheij vertaalde eerder onder veel meer Kim van Rudyard Kipling, Schateiland van Robert Louis Stevenson en werken van Tom Holland.

Entre les actes

release date: Jan 01, 2012
Entre les actes
Une nouvelle traduction française de 2023 de "Entre les actes" de la célèbre romancière anglaise Virginia Woolf, avec une introduction du traducteur. Adeline Virginia Woolf était une romancière et critique victorienne, largement considérée comme l''une des plus importantes romancières féministes de tous les temps. Ses techniques de flux de conscience et son style poétique comptent parmi les contributions les plus importantes à la fiction moderne. En raison de l''importance de Woolf en tant qu''innovatrice de la forme du roman moderne et commentatrice de la quasi-totalité de la littérature anglaise et européenne, sa vie a fait l''objet de nombreuses recherches. Woolf a écrit neuf romans majeurs ainsi que des essais sur la théorie de l''art, l''histoire littéraire, l''écriture des femmes et la politique du pouvoir. Les tentatives de Woolf pour capturer les moments fugaces de la vie à travers les modèles, les structures et les images de son écriture, probablement les plus influentes utilisées dans les monologues internes pour communiquer des couches de pensées, de sentiments et de perceptions. Pour la première fois, tous ses romans sont disponibles en français moderne. Le dernier roman de Virginia Woolf, "Between the Acts", est considéré comme l''une de ses œuvres les plus novatrices et est connu pour son approche expérimentale de la structure narrative. Situé dans l''Angleterre rurale de l''été 1939, le roman raconte l''histoire d''une petite communauté qui se prépare pour un spectacle local. Alors que les villageois mettent au point leur spectacle, la menace imminente de la guerre jette une ombre sur les événements. À travers les interactions des personnages et le récit du spectacle, Woolf explore les effets de l''histoire sur le présent et l''avenir. Au centre du roman se trouve le spectacle de l''histoire de l''Angleterre qui se joue. Il commence dans un passé lointain et culmine à l''heure actuelle, avec l''arrivée de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. À travers ce récit, Woolf réfléchit à l''héritage du passé et aux conséquences de la guerre. Elle examine les façons dont le passé affecte le présent, et les façons dont nos actions d''aujourd''hui auront un impact sur l''avenir. En présentant le récit de la reconstitution historique de manière fragmentée et décousue, Woolf transmet l''idée que l''histoire est un processus continu et que notre compréhension de celle-ci est incomplète.

Les ones

release date: Sep 21, 2023
Les ones
Les ones és un clàssic intemporal i una obra mestra de la narrativa de Virginia Woolf Des que es va publicar el 1931, Les ones ha estat considerada una de les obres cabdals de la narrativa del segle XX, tant per l''originalitat i hipnòtica bellesa de la seva prosa com per la perfecció de la seva revolucionària tècnica, i, amb el pas dels anys, la seva influència en la literatura contemporània no ha parat de créixer. La novel·la desenvolupa, al compàs de l''anar i venir de les ones de la platja, sis monòlegs interiors que, com un tapís a cada moment teixit i desfet, formulen el relat calidoscòpic de la vida de sis personatges des de la seva infància fins a la vellesa. La novel·la està traduïda per Maria Antònia Oliver, Premi d''Honor de les Lletres Catalanes.

Tres guineas

release date: Jun 06, 2013
Tres guineas
Setenta y cinco años después de su primera publicación, Tres guineas, que puede leerse como una elaboración de los temas ya planteados en Un cuarto propio, es un texto que aun se disfruta con placer e interés, y no solo por la espléndida prosa de Virginia Woolf, sino también por su vigencia: si es verdad que hoy en día las mujeres en Occidente hablan y opinan, quien oye su voz sigue siendo un caballero que no ha aprendido a escuchar. «Me desagrada dejar sin contestación una carta tan notable como la suya, una carta que quizá sea única en la historia de la humana correspondencia, pues ¿cuándo se ha dado el caso, anteriormente, de que un hombre culto pregunte a una mujer cuál es la manera, en su opinión, de evitar la guerra?» Así empieza este espléndido ensayo de Virginia Woolf, planteado como repuesta a las preguntas de un caballero que pedía su opinión sobre las maneras de evitar la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Como era habitual en ella, la gran autora aprovecha esta ocasión para analizar en profundidad la discriminación de que era víctima la mujer y reivindicar el derecho a tener la misma educación y oportunidades profesionales que el hombre. Solo así se llegaría a la realidad de un mundo racional y pacífico, donde una dama podría contestar libremente a cualquier pregunta.

The Waves by Virginia Woolf (19th Century Classics Illustrated Edition)

release date: Aug 12, 2021
The Waves by Virginia Woolf (19th Century Classics Illustrated Edition)
"I am made and remade continually. Different people draw different words from me." Innovative and deeply poetic, The Waves is often regarded as Virginia Woolf''s masterpiece. It begins with six children--three boys and three girls--playing in a garden by the sea, and follows their lives as they grow up, experience friendship and love, and grapple with the death of their beloved friend Percival. Instead of describing their outward expressions of grief, Woolf draws her characters from the inside, revealing their inner lives: their aspirations, their triumphs and regrets, their awareness of unity and isolation.


release date: Jan 01, 1991
This story of Elizabeth Barrett Browning''s cocker spaniel, Flush, enchants right from the opening pages. Although Flush has adventures of his own with bullying dogs, horrid maids, and robbers, he also provides the reader with a glimpse into Browning''s life. Introduction by Trekkie Ritchie.

To the Lighthouse

release date: Nov 30, 2017
To the Lighthouse
To the Lighthouse, which Virginia Woolf published in 1927, was her fifth novel. In her two previous works, Jacob''s Room (1922) and Mrs Dalloway (1925), she had already tested readers'' expectations about the nature of fiction. In them, as in To the Lighthouse, the centre of consciousness shifts from one character to another, and from their perceptions of the external world at any given moment to their inner life, their associations and memories. As Woolf wrote in her 1921 essay ''Modern Fiction'', she wanted to show how ''an ordinary mind on an ordinary day'' receives and organises ''a myriad impressions''. She abandons the neat ordering of life into fictional chapters, and sidelines the usual staples of novels - marriage plots, death bed scenes, coincidences and suspense. The overt story of To the Lighthouse, indeed, is slender. It is set on a Hebridean island, in a holiday house occupied by a large family and their guests. Contemporary novelist Arnold Bennett - one of Woolf''s critical targets - wrote, scathingly: ''A group of people plan to sail in a small boat to a lighthouse. At the end some of them reach the lighthouse in a small boat. That is the externality of the plot.'' But what mattered to Woolf, far more than any strong story line, was her presentation of how individuals see and experience life. ''The proper stuff of fiction does not exist,'' she concludes. ''Everything is the proper stuff of fiction, every feeling, every thought; every quality of brain and spirit is drawn upon; no perception comes amiss.


release date: Mar 28, 2021
Moby-Dick is an 1851 novel by Herman Melville. The story tells the adventures of the wandering sailor Ishmael and his voyage on the whaling ship Pequod, commanded by Captain Ahab. Ishmael soon learns that Ahab seeks one specific whale, Moby-Dick, a white whale of tremendous size and ferocity. Comparatively few whaling ships know of Moby-Dick, and fewer yet have encountered him. In a previous encounter, the whale destroyed Ahab''s boat and bit off his leg. Ahab intends to exact revenge.

The Voyage Out

release date: Feb 17, 2013
The Voyage Out
Purchase one of 1st World Library''s Classic Books and help support our free internet library of downloadable eBooks. Visit us online at www.1stWorldLibrary.ORG - - As the streets that lead from the Strand to the Embankment are very narrow, it is better not to walk down them arm-in-arm. If you persist, lawyers'' clerks will have to make flying leaps into the mud; young lady typists will have to fidget behind you. In the streets of London where beauty goes unregarded, eccentricity must pay the penalty, and it is better not to be very tall, to wear a long blue cloak, or to beat the air with your left hand. One afternoon in the beginning of October when the traffic was becoming brisk a tall man strode along the edge of the pavement with a lady on his arm. Angry glances struck upon their backs. The small, agitated figures - for in comparison with this couple most people looked small - decorated with fountain pens, and burdened with despatch-boxes, had appointments to keep, and drew a weekly salary, so that there was some reason for the unfriendly stare which was bestowed upon Mr. Ambrose''s height and upon Mrs. Ambrose''s cloak. But some enchantment had put both man and woman beyond the reach of malice and unpopularity. In his guess one might guess from the moving lips that it was thought; and in hers from the eyes fixed stonily straight in front of her at a level above the eyes of most that it was sorrow. It was only by scorning all she met that she kept herself from tears, and the friction of people brushing past her was evidently painful. After watching the traffic on the Embankment for a minute or two with a stoical gaze she twitched her husband''s sleeve, and they crossed between the swift discharge of motor cars. When they were safe on the further side, she gently withdrew her arm from his, allowing her mouth at the same time to relax, to tremble; then tears rolled down, and leaning her elbows on the balustrade, she shielded her face from the curious. Mr. Ambrose attempted consolation; he patted her shoulder; but she showed no signs of admitting him, and feeling it awkward to stand beside a grief that was greater than his, he crossed his arms behind him, and took a turn along the pavement.

La Señora Dalloway

release date: Jan 01, 1998
La Señora Dalloway
Clsico de la novela del siglo XX, Mrs. Dalloway, publicada en 1925, es una de las obras maestras de Virginia Woolf: en su delicada arquitectura narrativa, Clarissa, la mujer sin importancia, y Septimus, el loco desplazado, se encuentran sin tocarse. Una extraordinaria reflexin sobre el tiempo, la muerte y la condicin femenina llevada a cabo con la gracia satrica y el irnico lirismo de la autora de Las olas, Entre actos, Orlando y Tres guineas.
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