Best Selling Books by William GIBSON

William GIBSON is the author of A Brief History of Britain 1660 - 1851 (2011), The Peripheral (Spanish Edition) (2023), Mona Lisa Overdrive (2021), The Church of England 1688-1832 (2012), Tomorrow's Parties (2013).

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A Brief History of Britain 1660 - 1851

release date: Jun 23, 2011
A Brief History of Britain 1660 - 1851
Praise for the author: ''Gibson''s well written and well-documented account of James and the bishops will surely become the new standard authority on these "implausible revolutionaries" for many decades.'' Barbara Brandon Schnorrenberg, Anglican and Episcopal History In 1660, England emerged from the devastation of the Civil Wars and restored the king, Charles II, to the throne. Over the next 190 years Britain would establish itself as the leading nation in the world - the centre of a burgeoning empire, at the forefront of the Enlightenment and the driving force behind the Industrial Revolution. However, radical change also brought with it anxiety and violence. America was lost in the War of Independence and calls for revolution at home were never far from the surface of everyday life. In this vivid and convincing overview of the era in which Britain transformed the world and was itself remade, leading historian of the period William Gibson also looks at the impact of this revolutionary change on the ordinary citizens of Britain. This is the third book in this wonderfully concise four-volume Brief History of Britain which brings together leading historians to tell the story of Britain from the Norman Conquest of 1066 right up to the present day. Combining the latest research with accessible and entertaining story-telling, it is the ideal introduction to British history for students and general readers.

The Peripheral (Spanish Edition)

release date: Feb 07, 2023
The Peripheral (Spanish Edition)
El futuro ya está aquí, y no es un juego. Flynne Fisher vive en una zona rural de una América futura, donde los empleos son escasos, a menos que te dediques a la fabricación ilegal de drogas, algo que ella evita a toda costa. Su hermano Burton vive, o lo intenta, de la subvención que la Administración de Veteranos le otorga por daños neurológicos sufridos en la unidad de Rehabilitación Táctica del cuerpo de élite de los Marines. Flynne intenta sobrevivir con lo que gana trabajando en una cadena de montaje de productos en impresión 3D. Aunque gana más dinero como jugadora de un juego online, donde juega en nombre de un hombre rico. Wilf Netherton vive en Londres, setenta y pico años después, en medio de una lenta apocalipsis. Pero las cosas parecen bastante estables por ahora. Wilf es un reputado publicista, con cierto toque romántico, nostálgico e inadaptado que contrasta con la sociedad en la que vive, en la que los viajes al pasado son simplemente un pasatiempo. Burton ha estado trabajando secretamente en un proyecto online para garantizar la seguridad en un juego ambientado en un mundo virtual que se parece vagamente a Londres, pero con un aire aún más extraño. Flynne y Wilf están a punto de conocerse. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION The New York Times bestselling author of Neuromancer and Agency presents a fast-paced sci-fi thriller that takes a terrifying look into the future. Flynne Fisher lives down a country road, in a rural America where jobs are scarce, unless you count illegal drug manufacture, which she''s trying to avoid. Her brother Burton lives on money from the Veterans Administration, for neurological damage suffered in the Marines'' elite Haptic Recon unit. Flynne earns what she can by assembling product at the local 3D printshop. She made more as a combat scout in an online game, playing for a rich man, but she''s had to let the shooter games go. Wilf Netherton lives in London, seventy-some years later, on the far side of decades of slow-motion apocalypse. Things are pretty good now, for the haves, and there aren''t many have-nots left. Wilf, a high-powered publicist and celebrity-minder, fancies himself a romantic misfit, in a society where reaching into the past is just another hobby. Burton''s been moonlighting online, secretly working security in some game prototype, a virtual world that looks vaguely like London, but a lot weirder. He''s got Flynne taking over shifts, promised her the game''s not a shooter. Still, the crime she witnesses there is plenty bad. Flynne and Wilf are about to meet one another. Her world will be altered utterly, irrevocably, and Wilf''s, for all its decadence and power, will learn that some of these third-world types from the past can be badass.

Mona Lisa Overdrive

release date: Feb 13, 2021
Mona Lisa Overdrive
»Der Geist war das Abschiedsgeschenk ihres Vaters. Ein schwarz gewandeter Sekretär hatte es ihr in einer Abflughalle von Narita überreicht.« Die Megakonzerne streiten in der Matrix weiterhin um die neueste Technologie, doch im Hintergrund wird ein ganz anderes Spiel gespielt. Die KIs haben sich unbemerkt längst verselbstständigt und machen sie sich nun auf die Suche, nach der nächsten Stufe ihrer Existenz. Mona ist ein junges Mädchen mit einer dunklen Vergangenheit und einer unsicheren Zukunft. Als ihr Zuhälter sie an einen New Yorker Chirurgen verkauft, stellt das nicht nur ihr Leben auf den Kopf, über Nacht wird sie auch zu einer ganz anderen Person. Angie Mitchell ist eine Hollywood Sense/Net Berühmtheit mit einem sehr speziellen Talent. Und trotz aller Bemühungen ihrer Studio-Bosse sie im Dunkeln zu lassen, beginnt Angie sich zu erinnern. Bald schon wird sie herausfinden, wer sie wirklich ist ... und warum sie kein Deck braucht um in den Cyberspace einzutauchen. In der Matrix werden Pläne ins Rollen gebracht und Menschen wie Spielfiguren hin- und hergeschoben. Und hinter all dem lauert der Schatten der Yakuza, der mächtigen japanischen Unterwelt, deren Anführer Menschen und Ereignisse rücksichtslos für ihre eigenen Zwecke manipulieren. Denken sie zumindest ...

The Church of England 1688-1832

release date: Oct 12, 2012
The Church of England 1688-1832
A wide ranging new history of a key period in the history of the church in England, from the ''Glorious Revolution'' of 1688-89 to the Great Reform Act of 1832. This was a tumultuous time for both church and state, when the relationship between religion and politics was at its most fraught. This book presents evidence of the widespread Anglican commitment to harmony between those of differing religious views and suggests that High and Low Churchmanship was less divergent than usually assumed.

Tomorrow's Parties

release date: Aug 22, 2013
Tomorrow's Parties
"Colin Layne habite un carton dans les couloirs du métro à Tokyo, en partie détruite par un séisme et reconstruite grâce aux nanotechnologies. Son don et son expérience du réseau lui permettent, en s’immergeant dans les flux de données en transit sur la toile, de déchiffrer intuitivement les évènements en devenir...« Sans quitter les rives de la cyberculture, dont il fut un des pionniers, William Gibson renouvelle le genre avec ce roman, qui, sur fond de fracture sociale, navigue entre thriller et romance. » Frédérique Roussel, Libération"

Working with Qualitative Data

release date: May 18, 2009
Working with Qualitative Data
Working with Qualitative Data provides a practical and accessible introduction to how to develop and apply strategies for the analysis of qualitative data by exploring the ways in which analysis is related to all aspects of research. By situating analysis in the context of the whole research process, this book helps the reader to introduce an analytical component to every stage of doing research: from designing a project, reviewing the literature, through the various stages of gathering data, to the process of writing-up. Through practical examples the book maps out strategies for developing analytic frameworks in relation to all aspects of research, and demonstrates the ways in which such frameworks can be used in relation to various sorts of data. In contrast to existing qualitative data analysis texts, this book offers a unified approach to the process of analysis within qualitative research. It will be of great use to students and researchers across the full range of social, health and education sciences.

American Acropolis

release date: Jan 01, 2002


release date: Apr 01, 2014
De tweede cyberpunkroman van Gibson speelt zich tien jaar na het driemaal bekroonde Zenumagiër af in de supersnelle hightechsamenleving van ontzagwekkende metropolen, van alles en iedereen beheersende multinationals, op de meest linkse van de tienbaans snelwegen, waar één fout voldoende is om de gebruiker levenslang te ontregelen. In die wereld proberen een freelance huurling, een uitgerangeerde galerie-eigenaar en een zogenaamde computercowboy niet alleen te overleven, maar ook de beste te worden in wat ze doen en succes te behalen. Zinderende spanning, actie en intrige maken Biochips tot een doolhof waarin de lezer tot de laatste bladzijde wil verdwalen.

Sex and the Church in the Long Eighteenth Century

release date: Feb 28, 2017
Sex and the Church in the Long Eighteenth Century
The Long Eighteenth Century was the Age of Revolutions, including the first sexual revolution. In this era, sexual toleration began and there was a marked increase in the discussion of morality, extra-marital sex, pornography and same-sex relationships in both print and visual culture media. William Gibson and Joanne Begiato here consider the ways in which the Church of England dealt with sex and sexuality in this period. Despite the backdrop of an increasingly secularising society, religion continued to play a key role in politics, family life and wider society and the eighteenth-century Church was still therefore a considerable force, especially in questions of morality. This book integrates themes of gender and sexuality into a broader understanding of the Church of England in the eighteenth century. It shows that, rather than distancing itself from sex through diminishing teaching, regulation and punishment, the Church not only paid attention to it, but its attitudes to sex and sexuality were at the core of society''s reactions to the first sexual revolution.

The Butterfingers Angel, Mary & Joseph, Herod the Nut, & the Slaughter of 12 Hit Carols in a Pear Tree

The Butterfingers Angel, Mary & Joseph, Herod the Nut, & the Slaughter of 12 Hit Carols in a Pear Tree
THE STORY: Dealing with the story of Mary and Joseph and the birth of Jesus from a fresh and richly creative point of view, the author combines a series of deftly constructed short scenes, traditional Christmas music, and often antic characterizati

A Season in Heaven

A Season in Heaven
This book is Gibson''s third volume in the chronicle of his life, following The Seesaw Log and Mass for the Dead. He had long been concerned about his son Tom, who found a measure of peace and happiness after taking the course in Transcendental Meditation with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in Spain. Unlike most fathers at the time, Mr. Gibson was nothing if not grateful, and went so far as to take his own course with the Maharishi. This book is the result of that exploration, and of his openness to the experience that made so much difference to his son.

The Farrier's New Guide ... Illustrated with Figures ... Engrav'd on Copper-plates ... The Eighth Edition Corrected


release date: Jul 04, 2018
Le futur de l’humanité se joue dans son passé 2016. Suite aux mauvaises décisions de ses dirigeants, la planète entière est devenue un enfer radioactif. Le dernier espoir de l’humanité a un nom : le Splitter, une colossale machine à remonter le temps conçue pour changer le cours de l’histoire. À moins que les paradoxes temporels qu’elle risque de produire n’aboutissent à un désastre plus terrible encore... Alors qu’une lutte de pouvoir s’immisce pour le contrôle du Splitter dans le présent, en 1945, l’agent du renseignement de la Royal Air Force Naomi Givens enquête sur des faits troublants et leurs répercussions sur sa réalité... Découvrez le premier comics de William Gibson, auteur culte de science-fiction, dessiné par le grand Butch Guice ! Entre uchronie apocalyptique et thriller militaire, Archangel nous propulse dans un voyage aux multiples temporalités et nous fait retrouver les thématiques littéraires chères à l’auteur du Neuromancien.

The Seesaw Log a Chronicle of the Stage Production


release date: Jan 01, 1987

Johnny Mnemonic

release date: Jan 01, 1993


release date: Apr 24, 1998
Dans un Tokyo chrome et acier reconstruit sur les ruines du séisme, le groupe rock Lo/Rez triomphe, quand tout à coup le scandale éclate : Rez annone ses fiançailles avec Rei Toei, l''idoru la plus populaire des petits écrans nippons. Idole, intelligence artificielle, image de synthèse, quelle est cette femme qui a séduit la pop-star ? Fans comme ennemis, visiblement résolus au pire pour éliminer le chanteur, s''interrogent. Et via net, ondes ou transes subliminales, tous s''élancent, par delà réel et artificiel, à la poursuite des amants virtuels. Dans une débauche psychédélique de couleurs tropicales, leur cavalcade métissée aboutira, à la croisée du polar et du cyberpunk, derrière les apparences, au cœur du Gibson-land. " Avec Idoru, l''inventeur du terme " cyberspace " se penche en moraliste sur la réalité virtuelle. " Jacques Baudou, Le Monde


release date: Jan 01, 1985

Mona Liza turbo

release date: Jan 01, 2009

Code source

release date: Sep 28, 2023
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