New Releases by Chris Roberts

Chris Roberts is the author of 100 Days with Jesus (2015), Overcoming Addictions (2015), Song of Songs (2015), Christian Survival Guide (2015), Holy Spirit (2015).

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100 Days with Jesus

release date: Nov 24, 2015
100 Days with Jesus
100 Days With Jesus, one chapter per page, will encourage you if you are thinking about developing your own ministry in these last days of time. This book considers the events that took place in the gospels, but from Christ''s point of view. That is, the book provides a bird''s eye view of Christ''s life on earth, without getting into too much theology. In other words, 100 Days With Jesus provides a simplified synopsis of events that took place in the life of Christ throughout the four gospels. 100 Days With Jesus does not follow a precise chronology of Christ''s life on earth, simply because events in the four gospels vary from book to book. However, it does attempt to follow a reasonable timeline of Christ''s life, from his birth to his death and resurrection. This book particularly provides you with insights about how Jesus conducted his ministry when he was on earth. These insights will provide you with examples about how you might go about serving God through your own ministry. It does not matter whether you have an established ministry, or whether you are just considering serving God in some capacity, this book will provide you with the encouragement that you need to serve the Lord. If you want to know what Christ''s thinking was behind why he did what he did during his time on earth, then this book is just for you.

Overcoming Addictions

release date: Nov 24, 2015
Overcoming Addictions
This book will consider seven keys on how to deal with addictions that affect Christians today. Dealing with addictions is not an easy subject for Christians to consider because it required us to face up to the difficult issues in our lives. Therefore the seven keys to dealing with addictions will cover the following: The first key will analyse the addictions that operate through our emotions. The second key will consider addictions that lead us to make wrong decisions in life. The third key will discuss how to trust and obey God when dealing with addictions. The forth key will highlight the difficulties of addictions on our lives as we attempt to serve God through ministry. The fifth key will contrast how we might be tempted to solve problems through our own natural abilities rather than trusting in the leading of the Holy Spirit. The sixth key will consider Christ''s example of dealing with addictions; along with the battle he had between obeying God and following his own will. The final key to dealing with addictions will consist of putting ourselves last; along with dealing with religion. It''s is my prayer that God will bless you as you seek God in prayer to overcome whatever it is that has troubled you and your walk with the Lord!

Song of Songs

release date: Nov 24, 2015
Song of Songs
This book has been written to explore the relationship that exists between Jesus and his body the church; as expressed in Song of Songs, between the Shepherd-King and the Shulamite maiden. We will evaluate the self-sacrificing love that God wants to develop within his church, in like fashion to the self-sacrificing love that Jesus displayed on the Cross when he died to take away our sins. We will also analyse the fact that one day Jesus will return for his church, who will be prepared and made ready for that great and glorious day. This book will consider the need for God''s end-time church to turn back from her backsliding, in pretty much the same way that Christ encouraged the Laodicean church to turn back to him in Revelation Chapter 3. In a further chapter of this book we will talk about the need for a greater outpouring of the Holy Spirit, especially if we want to witness more souls turning to Christ. Here we will discuss the importance of following our calling, rather than allowing the opinion of other people to stand between us and the purpose of God for our lives. It is my prayer that this book will help you gain fresh revelations concerning Christ''s dealings with his body the church. May God Bless You In Jesus Name, Amen!

Christian Survival Guide

release date: Nov 24, 2015
Christian Survival Guide
This mini book will provide you with seven steps along the path of righteousness; encouraging Christians that God is with them no matter what. Even though this Christian Survival Guide is short, it will provide readers with a taste of the kind of books I am writing to encourage the body of Christ today; as we prepare for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. It is my prayer that this short book will encourage you to face whatever it is that comes against your life, and turn it into something good that will benefit both you and the Kingdom of God at the same time (Genesis 50:20).

Holy Spirit

release date: Nov 24, 2015
Holy Spirit
My book the ''Holy Spirit'' has been written to encourage Christians about the deeper things of God, particularly when it comes to operating under the anointing and power of the Holy Spirit. God has much more in store for those of us who are willing to draw closer to the Lord as the days grow darker. Therefore, this book will provide the reader with an introduction to the Holy Spirit, but more specifically, it will consider how important it is for Christians to build a firm foundation on Jesus Christ before going into the deeper things of God. We shall discuss subjects such as the baptism in the Holy Spirit; particularly we shall consider that the true baptism in the Holy Spirit is always accompanied with power; in accordance with Christ''s teachings in Acts 1:8. We shall also consider how important it is for Christians to learn how to be led by the Holy Spirit before developing their gifts and ministries, along with some practical examples about how to operate the gifts of the Holy Spirit without having to wait years to do so. This book will also provides you with a very practical application on how to operate the gifts of the Holy Spirit, particularly if you want to learn how to speak into other people''s lives on a day-to-day basis, along with many other subjects relating to the Holy Spirit.

End Times

release date: Nov 13, 2015
End Times
In this book we shall consider the fact that Jesus highlighted deception as being a major sign of the end times. We shall analyse the development of a one world government. We will also discuss whether or not there has been an increase in famines and earthquakes across the earth today. We shall evaluate whether or not persecution is taking place across the globe and we shall discuss the fact that in the last day''s people will turn away from the faith. We will also analyse crime rates across the world and we will encourage ourselves with the fact that the gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. We shall consider a short history of events leading up to the revealing of the antichrist in the last days of time; we shall also consider who will be invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb; and how the rapture might relate to this event in Revelation Chapter 19. Finally we shall discuss a warning Jesus gave us in Matthew 24:45-51 that church leaders should not become decided by any delay in christ''s coming.


release date: Nov 13, 2015
I have based the contents of this book on both the theory and practice of deliverance. Therefore, some of the chapters provide the theory that people will need to help them engage in spiritual warfare, while other chapters will consider my own personal and practical experience relating to casting out devils. Because some Christians are afraid of deliverance, they have presumed that such experiences have been relegated to the land of make-believe. But this is where the devil has lied to people, making them think that the contents of this book are fictional. But I''ve got news for you! Jesus is alive, and so is the devil. Fear is at the heart of those who suggest that Christ did it all at the Cross; therefore, there''s no more for us to do, particularly when it comes to casting out devils. However, for those who need the help of this book, I pray that God will lead you by his Holy Spirit, so that you may discover a new freedom and authority in Christ Jesus

Armor of God

release date: Nov 13, 2015
Armor of God
When I was researching this book I recognized that, in certain parts of the church, Christians may not be ready for an increase in spiritual warfare that is heading towards them. This is because many people have ignored Paul''s entreaty, in Ephesians Chapter 6, to put on the full armor of God and to enter the battle field; a battle field that exists in heavenly places. We sometimes fail to perceive that the difficult circumstances we face can be a direct consequence of the work of the evil one behind the scenes of our lives in the spiritual realm. However, with the right encouragement concerning spiritual warfare, such Christians can discover God''s help in times of crisis. Therefore, let me encourage you to continue reading this book with an open mind, and a willingness to deal with the difficulties that you might be facing in the days to come

Christian Home Group Activities

release date: Nov 06, 2015
Christian Home Group Activities
This book provides you with fifty-two Christian cell group activities; one for every week of the year. It is a vast resource that will save you the trouble of having to plan and prepare your cell group activities every week. Most activities are both practical and spiritual in nature; activities that will help you to develop a deeper walk with God in the days to come. A full list of activities can be found on the contents page, which includes subjects on the gifts of the Holy Spirit, God''s promises, evangelism, mentoring, dealing with church bullies, sermon preparation, works of service, acts of faith, the trials of life, women in the bible, a bible quiz, decision-making, healing, men in the bible, missions and many more interesting topics. This resource can be used in cell groups, bible study classes, as an individual study guide, for sermon outlines or in any way that suits you best; you do not need to be a member of a cell group to use this book. Each week''s activities include an introduction, which the group leader can use to set the scene for each week''s activities. This is followed by a warm up activity, which can be undertaken by the whole group. The main activity can be completed in small sub-groups, and again the conclusion can be used by the group leader to close the meeting with. The two-weekly activities will take about twenty minutes each to complete. It is not necessary to complete all the tasks each week; I have provided more questions for each activity than is probably needed. It is my prayer that in some way you that this resource will be of use to anyone in cell groups; to the glory and extension of God''s kingdom.

Why Am I Not Healed?

release date: Nov 06, 2015
Why Am I Not Healed?
This book will investigate the type of sicknesses that God wants to heal based on examples from the bible. Five specific miracles will be considered from the Old Testament, along with five miracles recorded in the New Testament. Therefore, we shall consider how God can heal: barrenness; skin diseases; terminal illnesses; mental health conditions and schizophrenia; paralysis; diseases caused by oppression, demonic activity and curses; viruses; epilepsy; blindness and birth defects; and the extraordinary miracles performed by Paul the apostle in the New Testament. It is my prayer that this book will encourage and strengthen your faith, no matter what sickness you may be facing today


release date: Oct 23, 2015
This book has been written to provide you with a timeline of events that will take place during the last days of time, relating to end time prophecy. Obviously, it is almost impossible to predict the precise order in which some of the end time events will take place. However, by studying scripture closely, it is possible to gain a basic chronology relating to the end times. By providing a timeline it should help you to gain a good understanding of biblical prophecy, especially if you are approaching the subject afresh or for the first time. In Matthew Chapter 24, Jesus clearly stated that the Son of Man would not appear, at his Second Coming, until after the tribulation of the last days. In Matthew 24:29-10 NKJV, Jesus said, "Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory." By searching scripture, it did not take long to figure out that end time events will take place in a certain order. For example, the great tribulation will not take place until the antichrist appears on the stage of world events. Obviously, there is one event that is impossible to predict, and that is the rapture. All that we know is that the rapture will possibly take place before the time of the tribulation, and before the antichrist appears on the world scene. Therefore, by using scripture to provide a reference point for when end time events might take place, I was able to put together a book that would help you to gain an understanding of end time prophecy, without getting bogged down with too much detail. I pray that you will enjoy reading this book as much as I have enjoyed writing it.


release date: Oct 08, 2015
You cannot imagine how difficult it is for a Christian like me to write a book about visiting heaven. Because we are surrounded by so many voices proclaiming the need to be careful, concerning false prophets and false doctrines, it is hard to share something which is completely out of the ordinary. Paul himself said in Galatians 1:8 NIV, "But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God''s curse!" I can tell you that, although I have an unusual testimony, God saved me from my sins when I gave my heart to Jesus one Sunday evening; just before my eighteenth birthday way back in the Summer of 1974. Because I was so concerned that no one would ever believe my story about going to heaven, I kept it all to myself for many years. It was only when I became an after dinner speaker that I plucked up the courage to share what had happened to me so many years earlier. But I cannot deny what happened to me, even though it has taken a generation to write a book about my experiences. I fear God so much that I would not dare lie about such an experience; I would not want to say something that I would have to retract once we reach heaven. I have divided this book into short chapters about the various encounters, which I have had with God and his holy angels. I start with a short explanation about my life before I became a Christian, followed by a description of my first visit to heaven. This is followed with an account concerning how God supernaturally led me by his Holy Spirit, and how he sent an angel to rescue me from the middle of nowhere on a cold winter''s night. Finally I share with you events surrounding my second visit to heaven, followed by guidance for those who might want to become a Christian; after reading this book. I pray that you will be encouraged as you enjoy reading what God has done for me since I became a Christian.

The Landing at ANZAC 1915

release date: Mar 05, 2015
The Landing at ANZAC 1915
The Landing at ANZAC, 1915 challenges many of the cherished myths of the most celebrated battle in Australian and New Zealand history – myths that have endured for almost a century. Told from both the ANZAC and Turkish perspectives, this meticulously researched account questions several of the claims of Charles Bean’s magisterial and much-quoted Australian official history and presents a fresh examination of the evidence from a range of participants. The Landing at ANZAC, 1915 reaches a carefully argued conclusion in which Roberts draws together the threads of his analysis delivering some startling findings. But the author’s interest extends beyond the simple debunking of hallowed myths, and he produces a number of lessons from the armies of today. This is a book that pulls the Gallipoli campaign into the modern era and provides a compelling argument for its continuing relevance. In short, today’s armies must never forget the lessons of Gallipoli.

The Ultimate Binge-Watching Guide

release date: Mar 03, 2015
The Ultimate Binge-Watching Guide
Watching a smartly written, well-acted, top-tier TV series is like immersing yourself in a great novel. It''s addictive. And more and more people are gobbling up shows in big bites--sometimes bingeing on an entire season in a weekend. From classics like Seinfeld and Twin Peaks, to Breaking Bad and Sherlock, to Denmark''s Borgen and France''s Les Revenants, here are 100 of the very best, all worth spending hours of time on the couch. In addition to insightful, informative, and spoiler-free overviews of storylines, themes, and characters, you''ll get enough recommendations, trivia, and teasers to make you want to catch the shows you haven''t yet seen--and revisit the ones you have

Kate Moss

release date: Jan 01, 2014
Kate Moss
Kate Moss has achieved something that no other model has. She has worked in fashion for over three decades, launching trends, defining styles, but never becoming dated. Today, Kate is one of the most recognisable - and, against all odds, durable - stars alive. To more than one generation, she''s the rebel queen, the model who made herself the embodiment of the rock''n'' roll spirit, the stylista and the unconventional mother and wife. In celebration of her 26-year career and 40th birthday in January 2014, this book looks back at her life in beautiful images and revealing text.

The Box Set Guide

release date: Jan 01, 2014

Michael's Absolution

release date: Jul 04, 2013
Michael's Absolution
Michelle, a troubled young Columbian student trying to find her way in an amoral America gives solace to Robert, an old American sheltered in a shattered life near its end. They discover the wherewithal within themselves and their God to go beyond what even they expect of each other. In doing so begin a journey of deceit, deception, mayhem and murder that began decades before she even existed.

Tom Jones

release date: Jan 01, 2013
Tom Jones
A visual chronicle of the legendary performance artist''s career demonstrates how he has creatively reinvented himself throughout the decades and includes coverage of his early years in UK clubs through his Las Vegas successes and recent appearances on The Voice.

Pension Confidential

release date: Dec 03, 2012
Pension Confidential
The media says you should be worried about your pension, the banks and financial advisors say Canadians aren''t saving enough for their retirement, and Ottawa says drastic cuts to the Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security lie ahead. Is the future sounding a little ominous? In the face of all this negativity, just what are you supposed to do? Pension experts Robert Drummond and Chris Roberts have nothing to sell, and they aren''t trying to undermine government programs. This means they can provide unbiased and reliable advice, which is what they do in this no-holds-barred book.

Talk Talk Spirit

release date: Mar 01, 2012
Talk Talk Spirit
Many ''rock'' bands are forgotten with time. The legacy of Talk Talk lives on as fresh generations find in their albums a rare level of inspiration, candour and adventure. Combining the incomparable artwork of James Marsh with a retrospective of the band''s career, influence and a discussion of their landmark albums by respected music journalist Chris Roberts, plus heartfelt tributes from many of today''s most admired musicians, the book will finally give one of the UK''s most respected cult outfits the overdue kudos they deserve.

Living Fantasy

release date: Jan 31, 2012
Living Fantasy
Poems of a small town kid. About his life and the world around him. Suicide, Love, Faith. Hard choices, And much more you will find in the words of Living Fantasy

Lost English

release date: Jan 30, 2012
Lost English
Lost English illuminates all these terms and many more. It''s a fantastic gift for all those interested in history and the English language and a fascinating look at times past.

Poetry with Precision

release date: Jan 01, 2012

Dollar Dreadfuls Volume One

release date: Jan 01, 2012

Development and Implementation of a Population Estimation Protocol to Provide an Estimate of East Coast Population Numbers for Grey Nurse Sharks (Carcharias Taurus)

release date: Jan 01, 2010

Football Voodoo

release date: Jan 01, 2010

Pioneers of the Hospitality Industry

release date: Jan 01, 2009
Pioneers of the Hospitality Industry
The hotel sector is highlighted by pioneers Conrad Hilton, Howard Johnson, Richard Kessler, J.W. Marriott, Isadore Sharp, Kemmons Wilson in the U.S. and Che-Woo Lui of China and Rai Bahadur Mohan Singh of India (Oberi Group). The food service sector highlights the quick service segment. Also represented are the casino resort segment, the club segment, the cruise sector and the hotel investment segment.

Heath Ledger

release date: Jan 01, 2009

A Tribute to Heath Ledger

release date: Jan 01, 2008
A Tribute to Heath Ledger
From the time he first appeared in a school production of PETER PAN, aged just 10, Heath Ledger knew that he wanted to be an actor. His journey from his home in Perth, Western Australia, to international stardom in Hollywood was tragically brief, yet eventful. Ledger lived his entire adult life as a sought-after celebrity in the full and unrelenting glare of the media spotlight. The book follows Ledger''s rise to fame from his early beginnings as a teenager on Australian TV to critical acclaim and international box-office success, detailing his many high-profile romances along the way. Heath ledger was one of Hollywood''s most promising stars, having appeared in the movies 10 THINGS I HATE ABOUT YOU, THE PATRIOT, MONSTER''S BALL, A KNIGHT''S TALE and BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN.

The Pilo Family Circus

release date: Jan 01, 2008
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