New Releases by James Marsh

James Marsh is the author of IMPROVING YOUR TIMING (2024), SIMPLE SQUEEZES (2023), TO RUFF OR NOT TO RUFF (2023), I, Radiologist, and the Evolution of Medicine in ‘West’ West Broward County, Florida (2023), I, Radiologist, and the Evolution of Medicine in 'West' West Broward County, Florida (2023).

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release date: Jul 02, 2024
Timing is everything. Playing a bridge hand, either as declarer or defender is often difficult enough. But in addition, knowing when to do whatever it is you are supposed to do adds another perspective to the game. Card play includes recognition of deal types that can guide you to the best plan. This book examines which of the tasks you hope to accomplish must be done when. Whether you declare or defend, you must make some useful plays promptly, but others can or must wait. After studying and absorbing the lessons in the deals in this book, you will find your timing to have improved whether playing a simple part score or defending against a complicated slam.


release date: Dec 07, 2023
Squeezes. Just the word strikes fear into the heart of many bridge players. But simple squeezes are actually quite simple. The single or simple squeeze accounts for 90% of squeezes and 90% of this book deals with simple squeezes. If you wish to become more than just a mediocre bridge player mastering the techniques of basic simple squeeze play is a must. In any session of bridge of twenty or so deals, the opportunity of some form of squeeze invariably arises on three to four deals even if unrecognized. Don’t worry about the other types. They are usually only discovered in post-mortem analysis. The purpose of this book is to guide you thru what you can easily master. You will find that the feeling of executing your first squeeze is a “once in a lifetime thrill” at the table.


release date: Oct 04, 2023
To ruff or not to ruff. The question seems so easy. To draw trumps promptly or is there something else to do first? Declarer has so many options. Ruff in dummy, a ruffing finesse, a crossruff, a dummy reversal, even a trump coup or scoring a trump ‘en passant’. And preventing the opponents from obtaining ruffs. What about the defenders? Should they be the ones to draw trumps? Can they spin straw into gold and manufacture some trump tricks? Sometimes it’s wrong to ruff. There’s a whole lot going on, many strange wonders that befall thee in the trump suit. You will see all of these in the instructive deals presented in quiz format, first thru the eyes of the declarer, then the defenders.

I, Radiologist, and the Evolution of Medicine in ‘West’ West Broward County, Florida

release date: May 02, 2023
I, Radiologist, and the Evolution of Medicine in ‘West’ West Broward County, Florida
This is a true story. A young radiologist, fresh out of training, starts working in south Florida but has difficulty establishing himself in a practice. Finally, working alone in west Broward county, he sees the vast empty spaces, west of what is currently considered west. Knowing the future must lie west, the doctor becomes an entrepreneur and starts to push medicine to where now only cows walk. Does he succeed? Read how what starts as cow pastures becomes transformed into a thriving community.

I, Radiologist, and the Evolution of Medicine in 'West' West Broward County, Florida

release date: May 02, 2023
I, Radiologist, and the Evolution of Medicine in 'West' West Broward County, Florida
This is a true story. A young radiologist, fresh out of training, starts working in south Florida but has difficulty establishing himself in a practice. Finally, working alone in west Broward county, he sees the vast empty spaces, west of what is currently considered west. Knowing the future must lie west, the doctor becomes an entrepreneur and starts to push medicine to where now only cows walk. Does he succeed? Read how what starts as cow pastures becomes transformed into a thriving community.

Solving the Mystery of the Redouble

release date: Apr 20, 2023
Solving the Mystery of the Redouble
More often than any other calls in bridge, redoubles produce confusion. When they do, the resulting disasters are more catastrophic than any others. Many doubles originally treated as penalty have been supplanted by conventional doubles. So also many "business" redoubles, originally used to quadruple the stakes, have been diverted to other uses. In this book we shall show you how to tell the different kinds of redoubles apart, and what agreements to make with partners to avoid confusion and its tragic consequences. An understanding of the use of these redoubles should be an essential part of your bidding system to improve your contracts and your results.

Active or Passive

release date: Aug 24, 2022
Active or Passive
Innumerable books have been written on declarer play. Far less attention has been paid by bridge writers to defense, which is the weakest part of most players’ game. This book presents a series of problems in defensive play, the central theme being active versus passive defense. This problem may start with the opening lead, arise at Trick Two, or be a decision later during the play of the hand. Going ‘active’ when one should have remained ‘passive’ and vice versa is probably the most common defensive error players make, allowing contracts to slip thru. Some of the deals shown are more difficult than others, but they all contain a principle that can be applied in similar situations. After working on these problems and answers, the reader will find his defensive skills are enormously improved.

Suit Preference

release date: Jun 16, 2022
Suit Preference
SUIT PREFERENCE SIGNALS If there was ever an area in bridge that resembles walking thru a mine field this is it. No topic causes more confusion and arguments than suit preference signals. “Partner, I played a deuce. Why didn’t you switch to a club?” is heard everywhere all the time. Most signals in bridge are attitude and some are count. At the end of the line are suit preference signals. And yet, they can be found in the most unusual and useful opportunities, often overlooked. The authors here thru the use of many deals explain the do’s and don’ts of suit preference signals. The history of suit preference and it’s present methods are clearly explained. After reading this book with your partner, your defensive signaling will improve so you will be able to traverse the minefields unafraid, and put fear into your opponent’s, defeating contracts that others are making.

Trump Promotion

release date: May 16, 2022
Trump Promotion
How do defender’s win trump tricks? Other than having high honors, natural winners, it’s by getting an early ruff of a short suit. Far more fulfilling and intriguing possibilities arise in poking away at declarer’s trump suit and plucking out an unexpected trick. Trump promotion has been described as the magic of creating trump tricks that didn’t exist at the beginning of the deal. The basis for this is simple. By putting declarer in a position where to win the trick he must ruff high, he promotes one of defender’s cards to a winner. At times this can be surprising and clever. Often when it seems you have no possibility of further defensive tricks, along comes a trump trick seemingly out of thin air. A trump promotion, often referred to as an uppercut, creates a trump trick in a defender’s hand where one doesn’t exist. A couple of actions to note involve giving a ruff/sluff where declarer has no losers to discard. But partner is also void and ruffs high enough to force the next hand, either dummy or declarer, to ruff with a relatively high trump. In this book, Jim takes you thru the various techniques of how defenders achieve trump promotion. There are many example deals followed by quiz deals to help you when you face these problems at the bridge tables.

From Zero to Three Hundred

release date: Feb 28, 2022
From Zero to Three Hundred
Three hundred. What''s so special about the number 300? It''s the magic number all serious bridge players seek, often unsuccessfully. It takes three hundred masterpoints of varying types to become a Life Master in the American Contract Bridge League (ACBL). When Dr James Sternberg took up the game, he had never played, but thought it was a game that could be learned in a few weeks and would provide a recreational outlet. Wow, was he In for a surprise. Fortunately he met one of the foremost bridge teachers in the country, Allan Cokin, and together they began the journey of zero to three hundred. This book tells of their adventures as Jim studying under and playing with Allan, wins 377 masterpoints to become the first player to become Life Master in less than one year, winning the ACBL''s Rookie of the Year Award.

Elimination & Endplays

release date: Feb 17, 2022
Elimination & Endplays
Card play at bridge embraces both declarer play and defense. Hundreds of books have been written about it. Our approach here, as in our previous books, is to focus on a particular deal type. Repeated experience with a theme makes it easier to recognize deal types and employ the appropriate techniques for each. A common and important line of play is elimination play, eliminating the side suits to removes an opponent’s safe exit cards before throwing him in to make a fatal lead. More than most other deal types, endplays require planning and preparation. In this as in our previous books, we show deals as they were misplayed at rubber bridge or its sister form of contest, team play at IMPs. Usually you will see a deal in which declarer falls short of his contract by one trick. Do not concern yourself with overtricks. In the forms of contest assumed here, making and breaking contracts is the objective. Take each misplayed deal as a challenge to find a better line---usually one that works, but no guarantees. An 80% play fails 20% of the time, but is significantly better than a 60% play and much better than a 40% play.

When Michaels Met the Unusual

release date: Jan 27, 2022
When Michaels Met the Unusual
In the earlier days of bridge, a direct cue bid of the opponent’s opening bid was traditionally played as a ‘strong cue bid’, a hand too strong for an ordinary take-out double, and forcing to game. A typical hand was any 4-4-4-1 hand with 18 – 19+ HCP. These occurred so seldom and players found they could be handled by starting with a take-out double anyhow that the direct cue bid was finally put to better use. The most popular use is to show some form of a two-suited hand. The Michaels cue bid is one of the most popular conventions among players in the United States. You pick up your hand in second seat and you have a nice hand. You have eleven HCP but nice distribution, 1=5=2=6. And of course, you are going to open your long suit first. But hey, wait a minute. Your RHO is pulling something out of his bidding box. That’s not fair. This isn’t going to be so easy. But we have lots of tools to describe 2-suited hands. The two most popular are the Michaels Cue Bid, and the Unusual Notrump. The parameters for both conventions are the same. One should have at least 5-5 distribution to start. Some partnerships restrict their use of both for hands that are either ‘weak’ or ‘strong’ but not in the ‘middle’ range. This idea however has been losing favor with most expert partnerships who rightly feel shape trumps strength. The more modern feeling is that the distributional nature of their hand outweighs any disadvantage. They prefer entering the auction as soon as possible regardless of strength. That can be worried about later. We will discuss this more in later chapters

Who is the Third who Walks Always Beside You? Representations of Non-binary Gender in Modernist Literature

release date: Jan 01, 2022

The Search for a Second Suit

release date: Dec 03, 2021
The Search for a Second Suit
Becoming a good declarer starts with some basic principles. All the books tell you the same thing; before playing to Trick 1, think and form a plan. But what should you think about? Players often look at a deal and see a new mystery, a complex problem. They become overwhelmed. Of all the ways of winning tricks, cashing high cards and taking finesses are easiest. But establishing a long suit requires effort and care. To set up intermediate cards, lose tricks you cannot avoid losing. The most common type of deal is a second suit. This book will focus entirely on variations of second suit type deals. It is divided into chapters, including one on defense, but there is some overlap. I show all four hands for convenience, but try covering the hands except dummy''s and your own until you have played the deal through mentally.


release date: Aug 29, 2021
Just what is LOL? Yes, a common abbreviation for Laughing Out Loud, and often used to refer to a Little Old Lady, but in bridge it means a Loser-On-Loser play. At times a declarer can improve his/her situation by playing a losing card from one hand on a loser in a different suit from the hand opposite. This occurs when a player has a loser in two suits but can arrange to lose them both on one trick, thereby reducing the number of losers from two to one. Often this looks like a Ruff-and-Sluff play, but instead of ruffing, declarer or dummy discards a loser in each hand. When and why would one do this? This technique has many uses. One example is to keep the ‘Danger’ hand off lead. Often in the end game it serves as the exit in assisting the process of elimination and placing the lead in the hand of the desired opponent for an endplay. The advantage of this procedure is that declarer divests himself of two losers while simultaneously placing the lead in the desired quarter.

“Second Hand High, Third Hand Not so High”

release date: Jul 13, 2021
“Second Hand High, Third Hand Not so High”
“Second hand low” and “third hand high” are adages we learned in Bridge 101 along with others like “cover an honor with an honor” and “always return your partner’s suit.” These so-called rules will get you by, but they won’t see you very far. Second hand must become familiar with certain basic positions to try to foil declarer’s plans, often by playing second hand high. Likewise, many contracts are decided by the play of third hand at trick one. While your play may at first seem so obvious, a little thought may help you find the right card. Being a slave to either “second hand low” or “third hand high” can only lead you down the road to many disasters. Take time to review what you know from the bidding. Think about the hand type. Does it call for passive or aggressive defense? Hopefully after reading the examples in this book you will become more attuned to the variety of options available. The hands are placed in chapters by themes, but of course there is some overlap. We’re sure you will recognize situations from your own experiences at the table. We’re sure after reading this book you will be more attuned to becoming a thinking bridge player, and less a player just following old nursery rhymes.

Blocking & Unblocking

release date: Mar 01, 2021
Blocking & Unblocking
In this book, we will see a variety of examples of how to unblock your suits and how to block theirs. Mastering these will lessen your frustrations. The plays are easy, it’s the anticipation in sufficient time that is a good deal more tricky. I’m sure you will recognize some of these situations from your own times at the tables where you may have found yourself blocked. There is some overlap; some of the hands could belong in more than one chapter. Learning to unblock, wrote Louis Watson in “Play Of The Hand”, is akin to the fellow who paints himself into a corner, or the chap who sits on the outer edge of a limb while sawing it off from the main trunk.

The Finesse

release date: Feb 04, 2021
The Finesse
How much do you really know about finesses? A finesse is one of the most common techniques in bridge and yet one of the most abused. The term “finesseaholic” describes a player who never met a finesse he/she didn’t want to take. So often the finesse is really a last resort, only when other more promising lines of play are not available or have failed. As a common technique, so much is often taken for granted. Often there are questions that need be resolved. Is it a two-way guess? Which suit should be finessed first? Who is it safe to finesse into? Which card should be led may make the difference between success and failure. Are there clues in the bidding or lack of bidding? One definition of “experience” is what we get when we don’t get what we want. After you play bridge for a while, you will learn that the finesses you desperately need to work are the ones that fail. Profit from experience. Avoid an unnecessary finesse that may lead to disaster if it loses.


release date: Dec 22, 2020
The trump suit adds a dimension that makes bridge so different from other card games. In a suit contract, play is complicated by declarer’s need to keep control. If control is lost, it may be almost impossible to make proper use of one’s strength in the side suits. Before playing to trick one, one should ask what might go wrong? If playing a suit contract, is there a reason not to draw trumps? Or maybe just some of the trumps? Safety plays apply to all suits. Focus is on the trump suit, but the same general principles can be applied elsewhere. The skillful player displays pessimism: Suits will break badly, all fi nesses will lose, that’s the starting point, and things will probably get worse. We will look at a series of hands both from the declarer’s perspective and the defenders’, with focus on the trumps, and see how some of these problems might be managed. With bad trump splits, or playing 4/3 or 5/2 fi ts, it’s easy to lose control. Timing is crucial. On defense, we will look at trump promotion, shortening declarer’s trump holding, the importance of the ace of trumps on defense, when to ruff, when not to ruff, falsecarding, and other weapons available.

Playing to Trick One

release date: Oct 07, 2020
Playing to Trick One
Bridge is a game of mistakes.The best players make fewer mistakes. It’s not a matter of being brilliant The real expert players never make basic mistakes,they keep the ball in the court, in the fairway. Sure there is an occasional hand where they make a brilliant play but that’s not what distinguishes the true expert from the good player. One often hears an expert say I’ve seen this hand before”. What does he mean? No,he hasn’t seen the hand record;he recognizes the hand type. After all, there are only a finite number of hand types in bridge. For example,second suit hands,cross-ruffs,ruffing in dummy,a simple finesse,an elimination,a dummy reversal and a couple of others. You can’t reinvent bridge every time a hand comes down. If you recognize the type,then you have some idea or plan of how to go about trying to make your contract. But one of the biggest mistakes non-expert players make is playing to trick one, then looking around and deciding what to do next. And in many cases,it’s already too late. The key to the hand was trick one. But sorry,no mulligans in bridge. So this book will present a series of hands,all as quizzes but of course you have a big clue from the title. Nevertheless,I hope you will find the hands and following discussions interesting enough to help you learn to do your thinking before not after you play that first card. Speed kills.

Spirit of Talk Talk

release date: Jul 03, 2019
Spirit of Talk Talk
A richly illustrated, beautifully designed and now updated and extended book celebrating the music and art of the legendary Talk Talk. This edition includes interviews with Paul Webb and Lee Harris as well as the full transcript of Mark Hollis''s final interview about the band.

Fire TV

release date: Feb 01, 2018
Fire TV
Learn how to hook up and navigate around Amazon Fire TV. Get connected to your WiFi, sign up with Amazon Prime or Netflix and start enjoying your content with this fully illustrated guide. Find your favourite music, play games and run apps right from your TV. James takes you through the basics of operation with plenty of photographs, screenshots and illustrations to help you understand what you''re doing. If you want to get up and running quickly and easily, this is the guide you need.

The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Volume 2

release date: Nov 07, 2015
The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Volume 2
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

A 1940s Childhood

release date: May 01, 2014
A 1940s Childhood
Do you remember collecting shrapnel and listening to Children’s Hour? Carrying gas masks or sharing your school with evacuees from the city? The 1940s was a time of great challenge for everyone who lived through it. From the hardships and fear of a World War, with Britain’s towns and cities were being bombed on an almost nightly basis, to the trauma of being parted from ones parents and sent away to the country to live with complete strangers. For just over half of this decade the war continued, meaning food and clothing shortages became a way of life. But through it all, and afterwards, the simplicity of kids shone through. From collecting bits of shot down German aircraft to playing in bomb-strewn streets, kids made their own fun. Then there was the joy of the second half of this decade when fathers came home and fun things started up again. This trip down memory lane will take you through the most memorable and evocative experiences of growing up in the 1940s.

1950s Southampton Childhood

release date: May 01, 2013
1950s Southampton Childhood
The 1950s was a time of regeneration and change for Southampton. For children growing up during this decade, life was changing fast. They still made their own toys and earned their own pocket money, but, on new television sets, Andy Pandy (1950) and Bill and Ben (1952) delighted them.With rationing discontinued, confectionary was on the menu again and, for children, Southampton life in the 1950s was sweet. If you saw a Laurel and Hardy performance at The Gaumont Theatre, or made dens out of bombed-out buildings, then you’ll thoroughly enjoy this charming and nostalgic account of the era.


release date: Jan 01, 2013
From the momentous to the outlandish, this little book brings together past and present to offer a taste of Southampton. Learn about the movers and shakers who shaped this fantastic town. The great and the good; the bad and the ugly. Small wonders, tall stories, triumph and tragedy. Best places and the worst places. Origins, evolution, future. Written by a local who knows what makes Southampton tick.

Water Covers All Sins

release date: Jan 01, 2012
Water Covers All Sins
Water Covers All Sins James Marsh Banksiadale was an idyllic timber mill town, near Dwellingup and Pinjarra, in the south-west of Western Australia. In its heyday and climaxing in the early 1960''s, it was the gem of all mill towns with its own electricity supply, piped fresh water to all houses and a peaceful, well-behaved community, not even needing a resident policeman. Today, it does not exist. Everything changed in 1963 when the mill mysteriously burnt down, all workers had to leave, and the mill houses were swallowed up and covered by the waters of a new dam, the South Dandalup dam. Other problems emerged when it was discovered some 40 years later that two local residents had been murdered and disposed of in a mill house which was submerged along with other buildings when the dam was fl ooded. Three detectives have to work painstakingly on various clues to try to track down the killers in this cold case.

Growing Up in Wartime Southampton: Someone Else's Trousers

release date: Nov 30, 2011
Growing Up in Wartime Southampton: Someone Else's Trousers
This is a story spanning some of the most turbulent decades in recent world history. James Marsh was born during the first year of the Second World War and many of his infant years were spent in air-raid shelters outside his home. Bombs rained down from the German Luftwaffe as they tried to destroy the city of Southampton, which has now been James'' home for more than sixty years. The gritty determination, community spirit and, above all, the humour, with which the local community faced the difficulties of war, have stayed with James throughout his life. Moving on to describe the harsh lessons learned in 1940s and ''50s schooling and subsequently describing his teenage years in the merchant navy, this book explores how growing up in the post-war years was both a challenge and a lot of fun.
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