New Releases by Frank Kermode

Frank Kermode is the author of Creative Lives and Works (2021), Romantic Image (2020), Essays on Fiction 1971-82 (Routledge Revivals) (2015), Essays on Fiction 1971-82 (2015), The Living Milton (Routledge Revivals) (2014).

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Creative Lives and Works

release date: Apr 01, 2021
Creative Lives and Works
Creative Lives and Works: Raymond Firth, Audrey Richards, Lucy Mair, Meyer Fortes and Edmund Leach is a collection of interviews conducted by one of England’s leading social anthropologists and historians, Professor Alan Macfarlane. Filmed over a period of 40 years, the five conversations in this volume, are part of a larger set of interviews that cut across various disciplines, from the social sciences, the sciences to the performing and visual arts. The current volume on five of England’s foremost social anthropologists is the second in the series of several such books. These conversations and talks are interlaced with rich ethnography and interpretations of distant civilizations and the very real practices that enable these tribal societies and cultures to thrive. There are several teaching moments in these engaging conversations which are further enriched by detailed personal experiences that each of the five shares. Sir Raymond Firth gives us an insight into his Polynesian experience, while Audrey Richards and Lucy Mair recall their days in the African hinterland. Meyer Fortes’s account of his tribal study, yet again in the African subcontinent, is mesmeric, while Sir Edmund Leach’s Southeast Asian encounters are just as enthralling. Immensely riveting as conversations, this collection gives one a flavour of how tribal societies live and work. The book will be of enormous value not just to those interested in learning about tribal societies and cultures, and those interested in History, Culture Studies, but also to those curious to gather knowledge about other cultures. Please note: This title is co-published with Social Science Press, New Delhi. Taylor & Francis does not sell or distribute the Hardback in India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

Romantic Image

release date: Jul 15, 2020
Romantic Image
For the past four decades Frank Kermode, critic and writer, has steadily established himself as one of the most brilliant minds of his generation. Questioning the public''s harsh perception of ''the artist'', Kermode at the same time gently pokes fun at artists'' own, often inflated, self-image. He identifies what has become one of the defining characteristics of the Romantic tradition - the artist in isolation and the emerging power of the imagination. Back in print after an absence of over a decade, The Romantic Image is quintessential Kermode. Enlightenment has seldom been so enjoyable!

Essays on Fiction 1971-82 (Routledge Revivals)

release date: Jun 11, 2015
Essays on Fiction 1971-82 (Routledge Revivals)
In this book, which was first published in 1983, Frank Kermode looks in particular at the revived Russian Formalism, a highly original body of literary theory that flourished in the years immediately following the Revolution, and at the work of Roman Jakobson, one of its most distinguished exponents. He discusses its modern ‘structuralist’ descendants, recalling the importance of Roland Barthes and the invigorating effect of his fertile and surprising mind. He considers also the work of Foucault, Laca and Levi-Strauss, as well as that of Jacques Derrida, which uses a novel and de(con)structive method of analysis to question to tacit assumptions on which structuralism is based. In an opening chapter, Professor Kermode surveys his relationship with the new theory, explaining that it is a relation from which he has benefited without ever feeling disposed to join a movement. These essays will be of interest to students of literature.

Essays on Fiction 1971-82

release date: Jan 01, 2015

The Living Milton (Routledge Revivals)

release date: Oct 14, 2014
The Living Milton (Routledge Revivals)
Various aspects of Milton are explored in this collection of essays by scholars whose reputations were, at the time of publication in 1960, perhaps largely based on their writings on more modern subjects. This had the advantage of demonstrating that Milton as a poet is "alive" and that other attempts to represent him as irrelevant to the interests of the modern reader had failed. The essays offer to admirers of Milton and of modern poetry cogent and mature arguments for restoring a great poet to his proper authority in our literary life.

Continuities (Routledge Revivals)

release date: Oct 14, 2014
Continuities (Routledge Revivals)
Continuities, first published in 1968, is a collection of reviews by Frank Kermode that appeared from 1962 to 1967. Kermode discusses a variety of novelists, poets, and critics, including T. S. Eliot, Northrop Frye, Wallace Stevens, Edmund Wilson, and Wallace Stevens. History and politics are two important aspects that are discussed in regards to these writers. This book is ideal for students of English literature.

Puzzles and Epiphanies (Routledge Revivals)

release date: Oct 14, 2014
Puzzles and Epiphanies (Routledge Revivals)
This book, first published in 1962, is a collection of twenty-four essays written by Frank Kermode between 1958 and early 1961, and are all concerned with criticism and fiction. Puzzles and Epiphanies: Essays and Reviews 1958-1961 includes essays on the works of James Joyce, William Golding, E. M. Forster, and J. D. Salinger, amongst many others. This book is ideal for students of literature.

Shakespeare, Spenser, Donne

release date: Sep 13, 2013
Shakespeare, Spenser, Donne
First published in 1971. This collection of essays discusses some of the central works and areas of literature in the Renaissance period of cultural history. Contents include: Spenser and the Allegorists; The Faerie Queene, I and V; The Cave of Mammon; The Banquet of Sense; John Donne; The Patience of Shakespeare; Survival fo the Classic; Shakespeare''s Learning; The Mature Comedies; The Final Plays.

An Appetite for Poetry

release date: May 23, 2013
An Appetite for Poetry
Frank Kermode is one of the pre-eminent practitioners of the art of criticism in the English speaking world. It has been his distinction to make a virtue – as all the best critics have done – of the necessarily occasional nature of his profession. That virtue is evident on every page of this collection of essays. In one group of essays he asks the reader to share his pleasure in a number of major writers – Milton, T.S. Eliot, Wallace Stevens. In another, he discusses ideas about problems in biblical criticism and their implications for the study of narrative in particular and the interpretation of secular literary texts in general. In them he gives clear accounts of questions relating to interpretation and the debate about canons. A key essay looks at the career of William Empson, a career lived between literature and criticism, between the pleasure of the text and the delight in conceptual issues which is characteristic of so much of the contemporary taste for theory. It is Empson''s career, perhaps, which is the foundation for the polemical prologue to the book, where Kermode challenges those who doubt the possibility (and the necessity) of the cross-over between literature and criticism, and who argue that criticism is mere appreciation, mere connoisseurship, that theory has displaced criticism and has left literature in the dust, that theory is the avant-garde of critical thought. This piece defines the author''s position in the debate about literature and value.

Forms of Attention

release date: Aug 15, 2011
Forms of Attention
Sir Frank Kermode, the British scholar, instructor, and author, was an inspired critic. Forms of Attention is based on a series of three lectures he gave on canon formation, or how we choose what art to value. The essay on Botticelli traces the artist’s sudden popularity in the nineteenth century for reasons that have more to do with poetry than painting. In the second essay, Kermode reads Hamlet from a very modern angle, offering a useful (and playful) perspective for a contemporary audience. The final essay is a defense of literary criticism as a process and conversation that, while often conflating knowledge with opinion, keeps us reading great art and working with—and for—literature.

Concerning E.M. Forster

release date: Jan 01, 2010
Concerning E.M. Forster
A major reassessment of the one of the greatest English novelist of the twentieth century, from celebrated critic Sir Frank Kermode.

Bury Place Papers

release date: Jan 01, 2009
Bury Place Papers
This is a collection of Frank Kermode''s essays for the ''London Review of Books''.

Penguin Classics Introduction to The Figure in the Carpet and Other Stories by Henry James (Penguin Classics)

release date: Jan 01, 2007

Shakespeare kora

release date: Jan 01, 2006

The Age of Shakespeare

release date: May 10, 2005
The Age of Shakespeare
In The Age of Shakespeare, Frank Kermode uses the history and culture of the Elizabethan era to enlighten us about William Shakespeare and his poetry and plays. Opening with the big picture of the religious and dynastic events that defined England in the age of the Tudors, Kermode takes the reader on a tour of Shakespeare’s England, vividly portraying London’s society, its early capitalism, its court, its bursting population, and its epidemics, as well as its arts—including, of course, its theater. Then Kermode focuses on Shakespeare himself and his career, all in the context of the time in which he lived. Kermode reads each play against the backdrop of its probable year of composition, providing new historical insights into Shakspeare’s characters, themes, and sources. The result is an important, lasting, and concise companion guide to the works of Shakespeare by one of our most eminent literary scholars.

Pieces of My Mind

release date: Sep 06, 2004
Pieces of My Mind
Sir Frank Kermode has been writing peerless literary criticism for more than a half-century. Pieces of My Mind includes his own choice of his major essays since 1958, beginning with his extraordinary study of "Poet and Dancer Before Diaghilev" and ending with a marvelous consideration of Shakespeare''s Othello and Verdi-Boito''s Otello. Important essays on Hawthorne, on Wallace Stevens, on problems in literary theory and analysis, on Auden, on "Secrets and Narrative Sequence," and three previously unpublished essays (including one on "Memory" and one on "Forgetting") fill out this rich and rewarding volume. Pieces of My Mind also contains recent considerations of the work of major modern writers--Don DeLillo, Raymond Carver, Tom Paulin, and others. Of Kermode''s last book, Shakespeare''s Language, Richard Howard wrote that it was "a triumph of inauguration and the crowning action of his splendid career of criticism. It is, and will doubtless remain, the first book one should read about Shakespeare''s plays, and with those plays." Pieces of My Mind has equal authority and power, and it will be equally praised.

Pleasure and Change

release date: Aug 12, 2004
Pleasure and Change
The question of the canon has been the subject of debate in academic circles for over fifteen years. Pleasure and Change contains two lectures on this important subject by the distinguished literary critic Sir Frank Kermode. In essays that were originally delivered as Tanner Lectures at Berkeley in November of 2001, Kermode reinterprets the question of canon formation in light of two related and central notions: pleasure and change. He asks how aesthetic pleasure informs what we find valuable, and how this perception changes over time. Kermode also explores the role of chance, observing the connections between canon formation and unintentional and sometimes even random circumstance. Geoffrey Hartmann (Yale University), John Guillory (New York University), and Carey Perloff (director of the American Conservatory Theatre) offer incisive comments on these essays, to which Kermode responds in a lively rejoinder. The volume begins with a helpful introduction by Robert Alter. The result is a stimulating and accessible discussion of a highly significant cultural debate.

Shakespeare's Language

release date: Aug 01, 2001
Shakespeare's Language
In this magnum opus, Britain''s most distinguished scholar of 16th-century and 17th-century literature restores Shakespeare''s poetic language to its rightful primacy.

Pleasing Myself

release date: Jan 01, 2001
Pleasing Myself
Frank Kermode has a strong claim to be Britain''s most distinguished literary critic. Over the course of a long career, he has written on a enormous variety of English literature, most recently William Shakespeare''s plays. This collection should be of keen interest to lovers of that literature, and also to those interested in post-war British intellectual life. For as much as these essays exemplify the tension, the patience and the insight of a great critic, in their defense of proportion and clarity they are also works of ethical importance.

Cleanth Brooks and the Art of Reading Poetry

release date: Jan 01, 1999

The Reader's Companion to Twentieth-century Writers

release date: Jan 01, 1995
The Reader's Companion to Twentieth-century Writers
Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy in a Nutshell provides a concise overview of a popular therapeutic approach, starting with the ABCDE Model of Emotional Disturbance and Change. Written by leading REBT specialists, Michael Neenan and Windy Dryden, the book goes on to explain the core of the therapeutic process: - Assessment - Disputing - Homework - Working through - Promoting self-change. As an introduction to the basics of the approach, this updated and revised edition of Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy in a Nutshell is the ideal first text and a springboard to further study.

A Reader's Guide to the Twentieth-century Novel

release date: Jan 01, 1995
A Reader's Guide to the Twentieth-century Novel
Can you remember what happens at the end of 1984? Or what triggered Quentin Compson''s suicide in The Sound and the Fury? Perhaps you need to know who won the National Book Award in 1960, how many times the Booker Prize has been awarded to non-British writers, or what novels people were reading the year the Titanic sank. The answers to all these questions, and many more, can now be found in A Reader''s Guide to the Twentieth-Century Novel. Wide-ranging and authoritative, A Reader''s Guide to the Twentieth-Century Novel is a unique and invaluable guide to modern fiction written in English. Arranged chronologically from Joseph Conrad''s Lord Jim to E. Annie Proulx''s The Shipping News, it contains detailed accounts of some 750 novels from the United States, Britain, Ireland, Canada, Africa, India, Australia, New Zealand, and the Caribbean. All of the century''s major novelists are represented, alongside less-celebrated writers whose work has been unjustly neglected; such beloved children''s authors as A.A. Milne, Frances Hodgson Burnett, and Kenneth Grahame, and such popular authors as Agatha Christie, Ian Fleming, Daphne Du Maurier, and others whose work has left a definite stamp on readers'' imaginations. Each lively entry supplies a summary of the plot, places the novel in a biographical and historical context, and provides a provocative critical assessment. Written by a team of thirty-eight contributors made up of critics, biographers, novelists, historians, academics, and literary journalists, all entries are fully cross-referenced and supplemented at the end of the book by brief biographical notes on all authors and by helpful alphabetical indexes of novels and authors. Interwoven with the entries are also 150 short extracts illustrating the voice and style of many featured novels, from Rudyard Kipling''s Kim to Roddy Doyle''s Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha. The chronological arrangement of the Guide gives readers fascinating insight into the sorts of books people were reading at any given period, and each year is prefaced by a selection of contemporary events from the worlds of the arts, science, and politics, revealing the background against which novels were written and published. This arrangement also allows readers to trace the literary history of twentieth-century fiction and to follow the development of individual authors. A celebration of modern fiction and an indispensable aide-memoire, A Reader''s Guide to the Twentieth-Century Novel is a book to be read for pleasure as well as consulted for reference.


release date: Jan 01, 1994

The Literary Guide to the Bible

release date: Jan 01, 1990

History and Value

release date: Jan 01, 1988
History and Value
Frank Kermode here returns to the literature of his youth to ask why we seem to have forgotten how urgent and powerful this literature was during a time of economic crisis and imminent world war, discussing bourgeois left-wing writing in England in the 1930s--and, to a lesser extent, in the United States--and addressing the more general question of how literature dies or survives and how we decide whether to attribute value to it.

The Art of Telling

The Art of Telling
Frank Kermode assesses the revolutionary transformations in literary criticism over the last fifteen years and places them in historical perspective. Examining novels ranging in scope from a 1907 bestseller to the avant-garde works of various periods, he includes such writers as Conrad, Ford Madox Ford, Michel Butor, and Thomas Pynchon.

The Classic

The Classic
Frank Kermode attempts to determine the criteria for classical literature through an analysis of the social and intellectual importance of great works of the past.

The Genesis of Secrecy

The Genesis of Secrecy
An examination of some enigmatic passages and episodes in the gospels.
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