New Releases by Ian Watson

Ian Watson is the author of The Book of the Stars (2011), The Book of Being (2011), God's World (2011), Stalin's Teardrops: And Other Stories (2011), The Power (2011).

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The Book of the Stars

release date: Sep 29, 2011
The Book of the Stars
Trapped by the evil Edrick in a locked room, Yaleen is cold-bloodedly murdered. But it is not the end of Yaleen''s story, for she is given a second life - a reincarnation on Earth as a ''cherub''. Soon she encounters Godmind, the megalomaniac artificial deity which controls life on Earth - and maintains a brutal labour colony on the Moon for any who dare to rebel. Bit by bit, Yaleen comes to understand the horrifying project of the Godmind...

The Book of Being

release date: Sep 29, 2011
The Book of Being
The megalomaniac Godmind is still planning to use all the minds in creation to make a vast ''lens'', and if necessary it will burn out all life in the process. Back beside the river and literally born again, Yaleen represents to the guild of riverwomen the perfect proof of salvation, of life after death. In fact, she is desperately searching for a way to save the whole universe from imminent destruction.

God's World

release date: Sep 29, 2011
God's World
The sudden appearance of angelic beings bearing a mystical space drive and a summons to ''''God''s World'''' launches an international crew of scientists on a voyage to the far limits of space. There they become embroiled in an alien war that will decide the fate of all creation . . .

Stalin's Teardrops: And Other Stories

release date: Sep 29, 2011
Stalin's Teardrops: And Other Stories
Ian Watson is one of the most prolific short story writers in contemporary science fiction, with a range and invention that others might envy. In this collection we move from a ghostly occurrence in Catalonia to a memorably hallucinatory and atmospheric tale of eggs and ectoplasm in pre-glasnost Russia. The Times said of Watson that his ''stories are springloaded with effect, compressed with a drama that, in others, might take a novel to eke out'', a judgement confirmed by he dozen stories collected here.

The Power

release date: Sep 29, 2011
The Power
An ancient Power awakes. A modern evil mushrooms into apocalypse. Cocooned in a nightmare world, the village of Melfort waits, as The Power feeds on the death and destruction, fuelling its gross appetite. And the dead rise up.

The Flies of Memory

release date: Sep 29, 2011
The Flies of Memory
Charles Spark is an expert on body language, a bestselling author and a consultant (or walking lie detector) much in demand with industry and government. So when the aliens arrive, who better to join the team that will attempt to understand them? But even though these insectoid aliens - the "Flies" - in their pyramid-ship speak both English and Russian, they seem unreadable. "We have come to your planet to remember it," they say and at first they seem indeed to be a bizarre group of intergalactic tourists. When human beings start to interfere, things begin disappearing. The Dome of St Peter''s in Rome is the first to go, followed by downtown Prague, old Mombasa, Münich, the heart of New Orleans. In an effort to understand what has happened, Spark, and a strange group of pilgrims, embark on a bizarre journey to Mars - where the city of Münich has reappeared in a canyon. And where time, and memory, have become manifest.

The Martian Inca

release date: Sep 29, 2011
The Martian Inca
The Mars Probe has crashed. A triumph of Soviet technology, the first two-way interplanetary probe performed brilliantly until the final stage of its return. Then something went wrong: rather than following its programmed course to a soft landing in its country of origin, the probe crashed in the Peruvian Andes. Now a weird infection beyond the understanding of medical science has wiped out an entire village - except for one man, who, alone and undiscovered by medics, survives. He has awakened to find himself become his own ancestor, and a god. Suddenly the flames of an Indian revolution are spreading South America; he is the Martian Inca.


release date: Sep 29, 2011
He is a financial giant but the Sponsor wants more - he wants to become a super human, to be the modern-day Adam, father to a new generation of humans with heightened DNA. He had the viral injection to change himself, the will to do it, and now all he needs is an Eve to join him on his journey. He thinks he''s found the perfect match in Jean Sandra Norwich, a woman convinced she is trapped between the genes of her mother and daughter. The Sponsor offers her freedom - and so much more, the chance to be the mother of all Superbeings. But she will get more than she bargained for. CONVERTS is a masterpiece of science fiction and Ian Watson has superbly reworked Ovid''s METAMORPHOSES to create an extraordinary futuristic tale.

The Gardens of Delight

release date: Sep 29, 2011
The Gardens of Delight
In The Gardens of Delight Ian Watson boldly lands a starship within the hallucinatory terrain of Hieronymus Bosch''s painting The Garden of Earthly Delights, a medieval masterpiece which enchants and horrifies all who see it, for the picture shows what looks to be a paradise of pleasure yet it also displays a terrible hell of torments. And so the ship''s psychologist, Sean Athlone, and two women companions explore the luxurious landscape of giant fruits and birds and strange towers and naked celebrating people, in quest of the godlike alien intelligence that has transformed a planet according to Bosch''s vision, populating it with the colonists from a previous starship.

Under Heaven's Bridge

release date: Sep 29, 2011
Under Heaven's Bridge
A multinational expedition has landed on the planet Onogoro, a cold and dour world circling one star of a binary pair. Their objective is to investigate a strange alien race, known to the human visitors as the Kybers. These aliens, dwelling in a great network of ruined palaces, are partly biological creatures and partly machines, with the ability to switch themselves off at will. Expedition scientists discover that the Kyber''s sun is soon to blaze up in a nova, yet the Kybers are not alarmed.

The Jonah Kit

release date: Sep 29, 2011
The Jonah Kit
When a young Russian boy disappears from a top-secret Soviet research establishment and turns up in Tokyo, he presents a major problem for the American security officials. For the boy appears to be part of a sophisticated experiment and to have the mind of a supposedly dead astronaut imperfectly imprinted on his own. If the boy is to be believed, then the experiment has been extended to a whale. In Mexico, ground-breaking research by Nobel Prize winner Paul Hammond has shown that what we perceive as the Universe is no more than the ghost of the real thing. Signals received by his radio telescope have shown him that the Universe God created no longer exists. Winner of the BSFA Award for best novel, 1977

The Butterflies of Memory

release date: Sep 29, 2011
The Butterflies of Memory
Ian Watson is one of the finest writers of SF and fantasy stories, and Butterflies of Memory is his 10th collection, a selection of stories that are by turns serious and playful, and always wildly imaginative... In the title story, what if mobile phones were to become truly mobile, flying about like butterflies? ''An Appeal to Adolf'' tells of gay sailors on a Nazi battleship many kilometres long during a Second World War unfamiliar to us; ''Lover of Statues'' of an enigmatic alien visiting the only statue of Satan in the world, in Madrid - while in the bubbling stew of faiths which is Jerusalem a doorway opens to reveal capricious godlike beings. And just suppose that Jules Verne undertook an actual journey to the centre of the Earth. Closer to home, in a Midlands town, a man who seems to have suddenly popped into existence tries to discover who and what he is. ''Hijack Holiday'', written a year before 9/11, presciently if bizarrely anticipates events akin to those on that fateful day.

The Fire Worm

release date: Sep 29, 2011
The Fire Worm
Psychiatrist John Cunningham is secretly also "Jack Cannon", author of popular horror novels. Under hypnotic regression, John''s patient Tony reveals a bizarre and horrifying tale of a "past life" lived on Tyneside in the 1950s, involving two schoolboys and a weird creature with paranormal powers lurking in caves beneath Tynemouth Castle. As John regresses Tony through earlier lives as far back as the 14th century it begins to seem that the local legend, captured in folksong, of a malevolent Lambton Worm may have had a basis in fact: that it was, in fact, the salamander of alchemical belief, summoned by an alchemist known as Raymond Lully, and possibly still locked below Tynemouth Castle And while John Cunningham is exploring Tony''s multiple personalities, he begins to experience personality problems of his own, as Jack Cannon beings to assert his own individuality.

Lucky's Harvest

release date: Sep 29, 2011
Lucky's Harvest
When she was a young girl Lucky belonged to a space-going mining commune which came upon an asteroid whose caves concealed the bones of serpentine aliens and humanoids. It was Lucky who discovered that the rock was an Ukko, a mysterious entity which would respond to stories told to it. Centuries later Lucky, altered by the Ukko, is still alive, though capricious and sometimes crazy. By mating with her, her consort Bertel has had his life prolonged for centuries, as will the men who first bed her daughters - Lucky''s harvest.


release date: Sep 29, 2011
When Tom Ryan stops his car late at night on a dark road for a man dressed as a Roman centurion, his first thought is that he''s picked up one of those amateur re-enactors but the man, Marcus Appius Silvanus appears to speak only Latin. He insists the year is AD60 and that the British Queen is Boudicca - and that he and his men of the Fourteenth Gemina are in hot pursuit of her. Tom and his sister Mary shelter the Roman, but inadvertently attract the attention of an unscrupulous journalist. He''s not the only one interested in the Ryans: an IRA terrorist who was once Mary''s lover in Northern Ireland tracks her down to tell her the plane crash which killed her parents twenty years ago was caused by the British security services. Deep in the English countryside, those same servants of the state are busy exploiting the theories of a young prodigy to build ''Oracle'', a probe that can view the past - and, they hope, the future, so that threats to national security can be stifled before they occur.

Chekhov's Journey

release date: Sep 29, 2011
Chekhov's Journey
In 1890 the Russian author Chekhov undertook an historic journey across Siberia to the convict island of Sakhalin. A hundred years later, in an isolated artist''s retreat, a Soviet film unit prepares to commemorate his journey by using a technique that will cause their chosen actor to not only play the role of the playwright, but to believe that he is Chekhov. But the situations Mikhail acts out diverge wildly from known biographical facts when Chekhov hears of an explosion in the Tunguska region of Siberia. Yet the real Tunguska explosion occurred in 1908 - so how could Chekhov have possible heard of it in 1890?

Queenmagic, Kingmagic

release date: Sep 29, 2011
Queenmagic, Kingmagic
In another world, somewhere in space and time, two countries - Bellogard and Chorny - are locked in perpetual war, conducted by magic. Each of the main members of the two countries'' courts - king, queen, prince, bishop, knight and squire - has their own form of magic, and special ways of moving magically. A war may continue for centuries, until one side succeeds in killing the other side''s king, at which point the whole world vanishes, only to reappear and have the cycle begin again. . . Pedino is a young Bellogardian who becomes the queen''s squire and, as part of his training, is sent into a seedier part of the city to uncover a Chornian spy. During his adventures he meets and falls in love with a whore, Sara, who turns out to be a Chornian bishop''s squire. Pedino succeeds in killing the other Chornian bishop - a remarkable achievement for a mere squire; but in the manoeuvres which follow Chorny proves to have outwitted its rival, and Pedino''s whole world is threatened with extinction. There have been many stories modelled on chess games, but none so ingenious and enjoyable as Ian Watson''s latest novel. And, as one would expect from Watson, the story of Bellogard and Chorny is only the beginning. When Pedino and Sara manage to escape the destruction of their universe, they find themselves in a series of even more bizarre worlds operating under still stranger rules, as they seek to discover the purpose of their existence, and the meaning of their universe. Queenmagic, Kingmagic is Ian Watson in sparkling, exuberant form.

Slow Birds: And Other Stories

release date: Sep 29, 2011
Slow Birds: And Other Stories
Where do the metal death gliders come from? To the glass-sailors of the five villages the slow birds that inched over the Earth at shoulder height, appearing and vanishing, were a mystery - until young Daniel climbed aboard one of the scarred Missiles and vowed to find out where it went Ian Watson''s third short story collection is his best yet: a brilliant array of original and imaginative inventions that plunge the reader into strangely familiar new worlds.

Alien Embassy

release date: Sep 29, 2011
Alien Embassy
Lila Makindi grows up in East Africa in a peaceful and harmonious 22nd century world, which has succeeded our own age of extravagance, environmental damage, and warfare. Its citizens know that the Space Communications Administration, better known as Bardo, is guiding the planet benevolently, thanks to contact with wise aliens by means, not of grandiose spaceships, but of psychic travel powered by the sexual techniques of tantric yoga. Wonderfully, Lila is chosen for psychic starflight. But she discovers that in reality mental starflight is spinning a web of protection around the world to safeguard the human race from a malign alien energy force, the Starbeast. Yet is this the true reality? Only when Lila travels to Tibet does she discover the actual, unexpected purpose behind Bardo.

Sunstroke: And Other Stories

release date: Sep 29, 2011
Sunstroke: And Other Stories
This second collection of Watson''s short stories further demonstrates his seemingly inexhaustible imagination. In ''The Thousand Cuts'' the entire human race finds its consciousness blanked out for varying periods, but life seems somehow to have gone on in the missing days, and indeed, previously intractable problems have moved towards a solution. In ''Sunstroke'' a doctor blinded accidentally during the voyage to a seemingly benign new world becomes gradually aware of disturbing changes afflicting her sighted companions. These stories, and many others, confirm Watson''s place in the forefront of contemporary SF writers.


release date: Sep 29, 2011
When Saul and Diane save a wild rabbit from a hungry weasel in a quiet country lane, they inadvertently unleash the vengeance of a bloodthirsty, carnivorous force. Soon their sanity and their lives are at risk - as are the young people of a cell of the Animal Liberation Front with whom they join forces to learn the terrible secrets of their rural village. A visit to a battery chicken shed turns into an animal Auschwitz, where Saul is held prisoner. And a raid on a butcher''s shop brings to murderous life a full size model of the meatman which, armed with a butcher''s cleaver, goes hunting for blood and MEAT!


release date: Sep 29, 2011
The Three Laws of Feministics: 1. Your body is not your own; it belongs to another. Therefore you may not damage it nor, through inaction, allow it to be damaged. 2. You must obey all orders given you by your owner (or in cases of loss of ownership, by any man) even if such orders conflict with the First Law. 3. You may not injure any man, nor through failure to comply with the Second Law, cause him displeasure or mental injury. Women as chattels, as customised sexslaves; bodies freakishly modified to their owners'' dictates, personalities preset to order. Welcome to the world of the Orgasmachine. But Jade and Mari escape their masters and dream of revenge, of revolution, of freedom.

The Royal Air Force at Home

release date: Jun 19, 2010
The Royal Air Force at Home
"Military public relations endeavors ultimately seek to build a sense of common interests and aims, and so generally foster good relations with the people they defend, and there in ensure a stable society. The armed forces when engaging on any public relations exercise, have traditionally sought to provide an entertaining spectacle. For years this has been typified by parades, bands, mock battles, drill displays and other relevant feats of military prowess which have captured the imagination of the public and inspired potential recruits. The 20th Century brought a new dimension to the field of warfare and subsequently added a new strand to the fabric of public ceremony and displays by the armed forces. That new dimension was the arrival of powered flight.Display flying began within five years of the Wright Brothers making their milestone first flight. The first events staged in Britain which centered on demonstrations by flying machines, were organized by the town councils of Blackpool and Doncaster and were held within days of each other in October 1909. 1920 was the year that the first of the famed and legendary Hendon Air Pageants was staged, and this is where military air shows traditionally began. The Hendon Displays were organized and staged by the still fledging Royal Air Force and it was probably due in no small part to the prestige and spectacle of this fresh new dimension of military pageantry, together with other like events held at RAF airfields through the next two decades, that the very existence of the RAF was saved from the threat of abolition. The history of the RAF''s commitment (one that compares almost uniquely with other air forces) toward display flying through the years after World War II has now come of age. This account of their record in this often overlooked but then again traditional field of military customs, describes and illustrates the major public RAF events since 1920."

Therapeutic drug monitoring

release date: Jan 01, 2010

The Inquisition War

release date: Dec 01, 2009
The Inquisition War
The phenomenal trilogy is back in print! The Inquisition War is the classic story of Inquisitor Jaq Draco and his desperate mission to uncover a plot that will bring mankind to its knees before the Dark Powers. Written by award-winning author, Ian Watson, The Inquisition War explores areas of the Warhammer 40,000 mythology that few other authors have dared to tackle! Collected in this omnibus is the seminal trilogy of Draco (previously released as Inquisitor), Harlequin, Chaos Child and two linking short stories which together make the legend of The Inquisition War complete.

The Homeopathic Miasms - A Modern View

release date: Dec 01, 2009
The Homeopathic Miasms - A Modern View
A review of the homeopathic theory of miasms, taking Hahnemann''s groundbreaking hypothesis as the starting point, and extending it to include positive as well as negative traits, exploring how miasms can and do contribute to a growth in human consciousness.

Out of Season

release date: Jul 02, 2009
Out of Season
Fictional comedy drama set in the English holiday town of Blackpool in the off season. A very funny, fast-paced plot that contains sex, drugs, violence, gangsters and plenty of laughs as a teenage boy gets into a world of grief and very dangerous people when all he wanted was to impress the girl of his dreams.

The Rolling Stones

release date: Sep 01, 2007
The Rolling Stones
Recorded at Olympic Sound Studios, London, The Rolling Stones'' seminal album of 1968, "Beggars Banquet", was regarded as marking a return to form for the group - going back to their rhythm and blues roots with tracks such as "Sympathy for the Devil" and "Street Fighting Man". The latest in a challenging series which focuses on the recording sessions that set new standards and changed the course of musical history, this is essential reading for any Stone fan.

African Whiteboy

release date: Jan 01, 2006
African Whiteboy
A fascinating true story of a white boy''s thoughts and adventures growing up in the dark years of African apartheid, and of his daring escape to the American dream.

Who's Missing Out?

release date: Jan 01, 2005
Who's Missing Out?
This document was produced by the authors based on their research for the report "Who''s Missing Out?: Access and Equity in Vocational Education and Training" [ED495192] and is an added resource for further information. The original report explores access to vocational education and training (and university) currently and historically over the past 20 years. It reports that those young people most likely to miss out on vocational education and training include those with disabilities, young people still living at home, children from single-parent families and those families with a history of parental unemployment. This support document contains the following appendices: (1) Behind the Label; (2) FLOW; (3) Animation Program; and (4) Statistical Details.
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