New Releases by John C. Wright

John C. Wright is the author of Door Into Nowhere (2021), The Lament of Prometheus (2021), One Bright Star to Guide Them (2021), All Men Dream of Earthwomen (2020), Shapers of Worlds (2020).

1 - 30 of 84 results

Door Into Nowhere

release date: Nov 02, 2021
Door Into Nowhere
All Ilya Muromets wanted to do was save the girl. Maybe Penny would get his name right as he swooped in to rescue her from her mad scientist father''s machine. And then they''d get married and live happily ever after. Armed with only a squirrel gun and a samurai sword, he manages to fall into another world entirely. Alone. Without saving Penny. Ilya must fight his way through a nightmarish place called Uncreation, a nothing between something he doesn''t understand, to save himself and Penny. If he can even find her again. And in that alien space, he''ll start to realize why his family never worried about his death, a secret his parents have hidden from him his entire life. Science Fiction Grandmaster John C. Wright leads readers through a break-neck coming of age story as Ilya rushes to rescue the girl and save the world. His trademark imaginative world and over-the-top action will delight fans of his work. Can Ilya escape the Uncreation and find Penny? And what else awaits him in this new world beyond the Door into Nowhere? Read The Door Into Nowhere today to find out!

The Lament of Prometheus

release date: Jun 15, 2021
The Lament of Prometheus
Lament of Prometheus in a nonfiction work in which award-winning science fiction grandmaster John C. Wright sets out to explain the inexplicable: A Voyage to Arcturus written in 1920 by Scottish author David Lindsay, is a fascinating, blasphemous, and magnificent failure.Wright sets out to explore the weird, wild, wonderful world depicted in Lindsay''s forgotten masterpiece, to plumb its depths, decode its symbols, discover its secrets, praise its breathtaking literary achievement, and to name rightly what David Lindsay hid under onion layers of riddles: a striking yet morbid message.

One Bright Star to Guide Them

release date: Mar 03, 2021
One Bright Star to Guide Them
Tommy Robertson was once a king. As a child, he and his three friends found their way to a magical elfin world and saved it from the Winter King. Now a grown man successful in the world, Tommy has all but forgotten his childish adventures. He hasn''t even spoken to those friends in years. Then a silver key and a black cat show up on his front porch, and Tommy starts to remember. Just because he grew up and left Faerie behind doesn''t mean that Faerie is finished with him. Tommy is called to be the hero of England, and for that, he wants his friends at his side. But the real world has weighed them down and they are no longer the children he remembers. And evil things from childhood stories grow older and darker and more frightening with the passing of the years. One Bright Star to Guide Them begins where other fairy tales end. Can Tommy remember the courageous boy he once was, and set aside grown-up things to be a child again to save England? Or will the weight of the world prove to be too much for him and his friends?

All Men Dream of Earthwomen

release date: Dec 21, 2020
All Men Dream of Earthwomen
Science Fiction anthology of short stories

Shapers of Worlds

release date: Sep 22, 2020
Shapers of Worlds
Within these pages lie eighteen stories, from eighteen worlds shaped by some of today’s best writers of science fiction and fantasy, all guests on the Aurora Award-winning podcast The Worldshapers during its first year. Some are international bestsellers. Among them are winners and nominees for the Hugo, Nebula, World Fantasy, Aurora, Sunburst, Aurealis, Ditmar, British Science Fiction Association, and Dragon Awards. Some have been writing for decades, others are at the beginning of their careers. All have honed their craft to razor-sharpness. A teenage girl finds something strange in the middle of the Canadian prairie. An exobiologist tries to liberate a giant alien enslaved on its homeworld by humans. The music of the spheres becomes literal for an Earth ship far from home. A superhero league interviews for new members. Strangers share a drink on a world where giant starships fall. Two boys, one a werewolf, one a mage, get more than they bargained for when they volunteer to fight an evil Empire. A man with amnesia accepts a most unusual offer. A young woman finds unexpected allies as she tries to win a flying-machine race in steampunk London . . . Ranging from boisterous to bleak, from humorous to harrowing, from action-filled to quiet and meditative; taking place in alternate pasts, the present day, the far, far future, and times that never were; set on Earth, in the distant reaches of space, in fantasy worlds, and in metaphysical realms, each of these stories is as unique as its creator. And yet, they all showcase one thing: the irrepressible need of human beings to create, to imagine, to tell stories. To shape worlds.

From Barsoom to Malacandra

release date: Jan 21, 2020
From Barsoom to Malacandra
Peek into the heart of Science Fiction!From John Carter''s Mars to that of C. S. Lewis, Science Fiction astounds us with wonder.Science Fiction Grandmaster John C Wright here presents essays on topics both deep and trivial surrounding the strange and wonderful worlds of science fiction and fantasy. Thoughtful, humorous, deep, or absurd, Wright travels the width of the cosmos and plumbs the deeps of eternity through the lens of simple space adventure stories to say what these flights of fancy say about life on earth, and the secrets hidden in the human heart.

The Last Straw

release date: Jan 21, 2020
The Last Straw
Come quibble over a Galaxy far far away!Once, in a theater long ago and far, far away, young audiences thrilled to the nostalgic space epic of yesteryear, known then only as STAR WARS, and were duly enthralled. So much goodwill, so much affection, so much love has rarely been lavished on any franchise. So much money from so many eager fans was never so readily available.And yet, with one potent Deathstar-like blast of mind-breakingly awful film making, the Disney Corporation has managed to alienate that goodwill, spurn that affection, and lose that money. Why? What makes THE LAST JEDI so appallingly bad? What made the film maker think he could win over his audience by insulting his audience?Science Fiction Grandmaster John C Wright laments, analyzes, and autopsies the horrific story-telling of a film that, for so many of us, was the last hope for STAR WARS, the last dime we will ever spend on this once-beloved franchise, and the last straw that broke our patience.

Transhuman and Subhuman

release date: Jan 07, 2020
Transhuman and Subhuman
"Shoot him with an elf arrow!"Learn why this may be author John C. Wright''s most famous line!A collection of brilliant and thought-provoking essays by the science fiction grandmaster John C. Wright. From the history of the Golden Age of science fiction to the ideology of the gender wars presently dividing hard science fiction from urban fantasy-romance, Wright''s commentary is always intelligent, observant, and precisely to the point.In the 16 essays that make up the collection, Wright addresses a wide spectrum of ideas. He considers the darker possibilities of transhumanism, provides a professorial lesson on the mechanics of writing fiction, explains the noble purpose underlying science fiction, and shows how the genre''s obsession with strong female characters is nothing less than an attack on human nature. In every essay, Wright exhibits his compassion, his humanity, and his deep and abiding love for literature.John C. Wright has been described as one of the most important and audacious authors in science fiction today. In a recent poll of more than 1,000 science fiction readers, he was chosen as the sixth-greatest living science fiction writer.

Awake in the Night Land

release date: Nov 23, 2019
Awake in the Night Land
AWAKE IN THE NIGHT LAND is an epic collection of four of John C. Wright''s brilliant forays into the dark fantasy world of William Hope Hodgson''s 1912 novel, THE NIGHT LAND. Part novel, part anthology, the book consists of four related novellas which collectively tell the haunting tale of the Last Redoubt of Man and the end of the human race.

Deep Space Warfare

release date: Oct 31, 2019
Deep Space Warfare
ufeff Since the Cold War, outer space has become of strategic importance for nations looking to seize the ultimate high ground. World powers establishing a presence there must consider, among other things, how they will conduct warfare in orbit. Leaders must dispense with "Buck Rogers" notions about operations in space and realize that policies there will have serious ramifications for geopolitics. How should nations view space? How should they fight there? What would space warfare look like and how should strategists approach it? Offering critical observations regarding this unique theater of international relations, a military professional explores the strategic implications as human affairs move beyond Earth''s atmosphere.


release date: Jul 19, 2019
Ilya, as he has secretly dreamed, is called upon to save the mad scientist''s beautiful daughter. With his squirrel gun, his grandfather''s sword, and his father''s crucifix, Ilya races to save the girl, and, incidentally, the world.So it is, Ilya Muromets is a big, ugly, motherless boy who does not look like anyone else in his Oregon town. His father is often absent on mysterious Church missionary work that involves silver bullets, sacred lances, and black helicopters. One night, Professor Dreadful sends a warning to Ilya that his Many Worlds theory correct, but that his experiments have opened a door that should have remained closed, and his beautiful daughter, Penny, is in trouble. The 2016 Dragon Award-winner for Best Science Fiction Novel, Somewhither is the first part of A Tale of the Unwithering Realm, a new science-fantasy series from science-fiction master John C. Wright. It is an adventure, it is a romance, and it is a coming-of-age story of a young man who is not a man, in a world that is only one among many. It is a tale of a greater and darker evil with longer reach than anything he could imagine, of pain beyond measure, and of the faith required to surmount all three. It is a story of inexorable destiny written in the stars and the stubborn courage that is required to defy it.Get it now!


release date: Jun 19, 2019
NOWHITHER is the eagerly-awaited sequel to SOMEWHITHER, the Dragon Award winner for Best Science Fiction Novel (2016). The tale resumes as Ilya Muromets, nonhuman immortal and would-be hero, and his friends and companions, make a hair''s breadth escape from the endless immensities of the Dark Tower, that unconquerable stronghold and throne of a monstrous, dimension-spanning empire ruled by cruel tyrants and omniscient magicians, only to find themselves trapped in circumstances even worse. They escape a citadel of blood-drinking abominations only to find themselves trapped in a chamber at the sunless bottom of the sea. The invulnerable Ilya also realized he can be hurt indeed when he faces a dread decision faces pitting family love against loyalty to friends, and involves the fates not of his own world only, but all worlds.Grab it now!

The Book of Feasts & Seasons

release date: Apr 18, 2019
The Book of Feasts & Seasons
THE BOOK OF FEASTS & SEASONS is a beautifully mind-bending stroll with a grandmaster of science fiction through the annual Catholic calendar. Over the course of the year, from January to December, the author takes his inspiration from ten different holidays and explores their meanings in a series of stories of marvelous imagination.The book begins with New Year''s Day and "The Meaning of Life as Told Me by an Inebriated Science Fiction Writer in New Jersey." The Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin is represented by "A Random World of Delta Capricorni Aa, Called Scheddi", while "The Parliament of Beasts and Birds" is the story for the Feast of Pentecost. The calendar, and the anthology, culminate on Christmas Eve with "Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus". John C. Wright is not only a deeply religious man, he is a devout Catholic philosopher who regards reason as an intrinsic aspect of his faith. THE BOOK OF FEASTS & SEASONS is an imaginative embodiment of that faith taking many different shapes and forms throughout the vast expanse of God''s Creation.Grab it now!

Video Prompting to Teach Robotics and Coding to Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder

release date: Jan 01, 2019

Count to Infinity

release date: Dec 26, 2017
Count to Infinity
"A novel of the Eschaton sequence"--Cover.

MAGA 2020 and Beyond

release date: Nov 04, 2017
MAGA 2020 and Beyond
Generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on Earth. This was the moment - this was the time - when we came together to remake this great nation so that it may always reflect our very best selves, and our highest ideals. This was the moment we came together to elect Donald J. Trump as President of the United States of America. MAGA 2020 & Beyond tells the tales of a prosperous future where evil is defeated, the border wall is built, society has righted itself, space exploration is common and world peace has been attained. These aren''t just fantastical stories of a farfetched future, they are stories of a future that can be obtained.

The Green Knight's Squire

release date: Jun 04, 2017
The Green Knight's Squire
Gilberic Parzival Moth is a strange and lonely boy who has grown up without a father, raised by a single mother who moves from town to town in fear of something she will not name. When he awakens one night at the Thirteenth Hour, he begins to learn about his true heritage, the heritage of Twilight.

The Dark Avenger's Sidekick

release date: Jun 04, 2017
The Dark Avenger's Sidekick
The nameless girl does not know what she is. She does not even know her name. But she quickly learns that she has enemies who are trying to kill her, as well as lethal skills that no girl her age should know. Also, she can fly. The one thing she knows for sure is that she must learn who she is before the monsters hunt her down.

City Beyond Time

release date: Apr 04, 2017
City Beyond Time
Metachronopolis is the golden city beyond time. Ruled by the Masters of Time, who can travel freely throughout the multitudinous time lines of Man''s history, the city is a shining society of heroes and horrors. For the arrogant Masters, who steal famous men and women out of the past and bring them to the eternal city for their amusement, are not only beyond time, but beyond remorse and retribution too. CITY BEYOND TIME: Tales of the Fall of Metachronopolis is John C. Wright''s mind-bending and astonishingly brilliant take on time travel. Utilizing a centuries-spanning perspective, Wright expertly weaves a larger tale out of a series of smaller ones. Part anthology and part novel, CITY BEYOND TIME is fascinating, melancholy, frightening, and a true masterpiece of story-telling by one of the most important and audacious authors in science fiction today. John C. Wright is the Dragon Award-winning author of SOMEWHITHER, THE GOLDEN AGE and AWAKE IN THE NIGHT LAND.

The Vindication of Man

release date: Nov 22, 2016
The Vindication of Man
The Vindication of Man is the epic and mind-blowing continuation of John C. Wright''s visionary space opera series surpasses all expectation. Menelaus Montrose, having renewed his enmity with his immortal adversary, Ximen del Azarchel, awaits the return of the posthuman princess Rania, their shared lost love. Rania brings with her the judgment of the Dominions ruling the known cosmos, which will determine the fate of humanity, once and for all. Vindication or destruction? And if it is somehow both, what manner of future awaits them? At the Publisher''s request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

Iron Chamber of Memory

release date: Oct 06, 2016

Great Loop Fingertip Facts

release date: Jun 10, 2016
Great Loop Fingertip Facts
If you don''t have the time, or don''t like to read. . . But you need all the basic essential facts about cruising the Great Loop - this is the one for you! It is a power-packed condensed version of Capt. John''s Best Selling "Once Around Is Not Enough." It contains only the facts and nothing but the facts! You get answers to over 100 most essential Frequently Asked Questions about cruising the Great Loop. The answers of which are clearly, understandable and easy to read in their Q&A format. Additionally, you get over 100 brilliantly supportive tips and valuable suggestions about the best boat choices, living-aboard, and cruising the Loop safely, comfortably and confidently. With seven Loops in five different boats, both sail & power, this is your chance to learn from the best with the most experience. It is short, concise and to the point. James Peoples Senior Editor

Japanese Use of Force

release date: Jan 01, 2016

Null-A Continuum

release date: Nov 03, 2015
Null-A Continuum
Continuing A.E. van Vogt''s World of Null-A In this heart-stopping sequel to A.E. van Vogt''s World of Null-A, Gilbert Gosseyn, the superhuman amnesiac with a double brain, must pit his wits once more against the remorseless galactic dictator Enro the Red and the mysterious shadow-being known as The Follower. And he must do it while he is being hurled headlong through unimaginable distances in space, in time, and through alternate eternities to fend off the death and complete the rebirth of the Universe itself! At the Publisher''s request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

Dark Discoveries - Issue #31

release date: Apr 30, 2015
Dark Discoveries - Issue #31
Fiction 1. 2-Dava by Lisa Tuttle 2. Dissecting the Alien by Gregory Benford 3. The Herple is a Happy Beast, or, "Neighbors are Delicious " by Paul Di Filippo 4. Spark by R.B. Payne 5. That Part of the Brain by John Shirley 6. The Scepter of Nowhere by John C. Wright Non-Fiction 1. "A Conversation with Paul Di Filippo" by K. H. Vaughan 2. "The World of Neil Clarke" by K. H. Vaughan 3. "The Future Event of Global Transcendence" by Aaron J. French 5. "Trans-Beauty: An Interview with Nelli Kowalik" by Leah Jung 6. Horror in a Hundred Stories 7. "A Virtual Fireside Chat with David Brin: Intelligent Aliens and What it Means to be Human" 8. "Introduction to Bizarro" by Bizarro Pulp Press 9. "PKD" by Ted Hand 10. "Hubbard, Parsons, and Scientology" by Mike Lester 11. "World Horror Convention 2015 Wrap-Up" by John Palisano Columns 1. Double X Chromosome: "Metawoman" by Yvonne Navarro 2. "What Makes Not-So-Good Horror...Not So Good" by Michael R. Collings 3. "What the Hell Ever Happened to...T. Chris Martindale" by Robert Morrish 4. "Transhumanism and Video Games" by Richard Dansky 5. Murmurs in the Dark: "Frankenstein Transcendent" by Donald Tyson 6. Gary Braunbeck Column

The Architect of Aeons

release date: Apr 21, 2015
The Architect of Aeons
The epic and mind-blowing finale to this visionary space opera series surpasses all expectation: Menelaus Montrose, having forged an uneasy alliance with his immortal adversary, Ximen del Azarchel, maps a future on a scale beyond anything previously imagined. No longer concerned with the course of history across mere millennia, Montrose and del Azarchel have become the architects of aeons, bringing forth minds the size of planets as they steer the bizarre intellectual descendants of an extinct humanity. Ever driving their labors and their enmity is the hope of reunion with their shared lost love, the posthuman Rania, whose eventual return is by no means assured, but who may unravel everything these eternal rivals have sought to achieve. John C. Wright''s The Architect of Aeons is the latest in his millennia spanning space opera.

Sci Phi Journal Issue #1

release date: Oct 01, 2014
Sci Phi Journal Issue #1
Sci Phi is an online science fiction and philosophy magazine. In each issue you will find stories that explore questions of life, the universe and everything and articles that delve into the deep philosophical waters of science fiction universes. This month we have, An original Novellete from author John C. Wright, The Ideal Machine, a tale of aliens from a distant star come to visit an old country church and offer our world a chance for the future. Original Science Fiction stories fromJoshua M. Young - Domo - A story of a Robot who wonders if he has a soulDavid Hallquist - Falling To Eternity - Can a Blackhole help you get away with murder?Frederick Best - Cosmic Foam - What is beyond the visible worldJane Lebak - Abandoned River, Dry Water - What do you do when life throws you a curve ball?Original Essays byDavid Kyle Johnson - In Defense of the Matrix Saga: Appreciating the Sequel through PhilosophyJames Druley - Star Trek''s Prime Directive : Moral Guidelines, Exceptions and AbsolutesStephen S. Hanson - Personhood in H.Beam Piper''s Little FuzzyDaniel Vecchio - "I am Groot": An Aristotelian Reflection on Space Aliens and SubstanceRuth Tallman - Endangered Species: Exploring Transhumanism, Genetic Engineering and Personhood Through the World of Sweet ToothAnd a book review by Peter Sean Bradley, Monster Hunter International by Larry Correia.

The Judge of Ages

release date: Feb 11, 2014
The Judge of Ages
The year is 10,515 AD. The Hyades Armada, traveling at near lightspeed, will reach Earth in just four centuries to assess humanity''s value as slaves. For the last 8,000 years, two opposing factions have labored to meet the alien threat in very different ways. One of them is Ximen del Azarchel, immortal leader of the mutineers from the starship Hermetic and self-appointed Master of the World, who has allowed his followers to tamper continuously with the evolutionary destiny of Man, creating one bizarre race after another in an apparent search for a species the Hyades will find worthy of conquest. The other is Menelaus Montrose, the posthuman Judge of Ages, whose cryonic Tombs beneath the surface of Earth have preserved survivors from each epoch created by the Hermeticists. Montrose intends to thwart the alien invaders any way he can, and to remain alive long enough to be reunited with his bride Rania, who is on a seventy-millennia journey to confront the Hyades'' masters, tens of thousands of light-years away. Now, with the countdown to the Hyades'' arrival nearing its end, del Azarchel and Montrose square off for what is to be their final showdown for the fate of Earth, a battle of gunfire and cliometric calculus; powered armor and posthuman intelligence. Judge of Ages is the wildly inventive third volume in a series exploring future history and human evolution from John C. Wright. At the Publisher''s request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

The Hermetic Millennia

release date: Dec 24, 2012
The Hermetic Millennia
A kaleidoscopic vision of future history and human evolution, as witnessed by the one man who may hold the key to humanity''s salvation against an approaching alien threat.

Count to a Trillion

release date: Sep 25, 2012
Count to a Trillion
The first book in an all-new space adventure!
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