New Releases by Joseph Conrad

Joseph Conrad is the author of Nostromo - Joseph Conrad (2024), Nostromo - A Tale of the Seaboard (Unabridged Deluxe Edition) (2023), Lord Jim, Joseph Conrad (2022), Amy Foster (2022), THE SECRET AGENT : A SIMPLE TALE BY JOSEPH CONRAD (2022).

1 - 30 of 44 results

Nostromo - Joseph Conrad

release date: Apr 29, 2024
Nostromo - Joseph Conrad
Joseph Conrad was an English-language writer, best known for works like "Nostromo," "Lord Jim," and "Heart of Darkness," immortalized on screen by Marlon Brando in "Apocalypse Now." Of Polish origin but settled in England, Joseph Conrad was considered one of the most important authors in the English language, and "Nostromo" is regarded by critics as his finest work. The novel is set in the fictional South American republic of "Costaguana," which has a long history of tyranny, revolution, and war but experiences a period of stability. The character Nostromo is an Italian expatriate who rose to his position through bravery and is seen as a useful instrument to the local oligarchy. Nostromo is tasked with removing the silver from Sulaco to keep it away from the revolutionaries. Unfortunately, Nostromo''s exploits do not bring him the expected recognition, leading him into corruption and eventual destruction. The captivating work "Nostromo" is part of the collection "1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die."

Nostromo - A Tale of the Seaboard (Unabridged Deluxe Edition)

release date: Dec 06, 2023
Nostromo - A Tale of the Seaboard (Unabridged Deluxe Edition)
This carefully crafted ebook: "Nostromo - A Tale of the Seaboard (Unabridged Deluxe Edition)" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard is a 1904 novel, set in the fictitious South American republic of "Costaguana". Conrad set his novel in the mining town of Sulaco. The book has more fully developed characters than any other of his novels, but two characters dominate the narrative: Señor Gould and the eponymous anti-hero, the "incorruptible" Nostromo. In his "Author''s Note" Conrad relates how, as a young man of about seventeen, while serving aboard a ship in the Gulf of Mexico, he heard the story of a man who had stolen, single-handedly, "a whole lighter-full of silver". But Conrad forgot about the story until some twenty-five years later when he came across a travelogue in a used bookshop in which the author related how he worked for years aboard a schooner whose master claimed to be that very thief who had stolen the silver. F. Scott Fitzgerald said, "I''d rather have written Nostromo than any other novel." Joseph Conrad (1857-1924), was a Polish author who wrote in English after settling in England. Conrad is regarded as one of the greatest novelists in English, though he did not speak the language fluently until he was in his twenties. He wrote stories and novels, often with a nautical setting, that depict trials of the human spirit in the midst of an indifferent universe. He was a master prose stylist who brought a distinctly non-English tragic sensibility into English literature. Contents: Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard Memoirs & Letters: A Personal Record; or Some Reminiscences The Mirror of the Sea Notes on Life & Letters Biography and Critical Essays: Joseph Conrad (A Biography) by Hugh Walpole Joseph Conrad by John Albert Macy A Conrad Miscellany by John Albert Macy Joseph Conrad by Virginia Woolf

Lord Jim, Joseph Conrad

release date: Nov 02, 2022
Lord Jim, Joseph Conrad
Jim este secundul vasului „Patna” şi, din cauza unui accident, vasul este ameninţat să se scufunde. Convins că vasul nu mai are nici o şansă, Jim îl părăseşte alături de ceilalţi câţiva ofiţeri şi se salvează, lăsându-i pe cei de la bord în voia sorţii. Dar „Patna” să fie salvat de un vapor francez, iar Jim şi ofiţerii sunt chemaţi în faţa unui tribunal naval. Ei sunt acuzaţi de încălcarea acelei legi elementare care spune că orice om în stare să acţioneze datorează loialitatea şi sentimentul solidarităţii faţă de cei aflaţi în pericol. Acuzaţia este cu atât mai gravă cu cât inculpaţii erau ofiţerii navei, deci trebuiau să fie ultimii care părăsesc locul dezastrului. Jim trebuie să suporte consecinţele judecăţii, adică anularea brevetului de marinar, dar mai greu de suportat i se par remuşcările, conştiinţa că e un om copleşit de slăbiciuni pe care nu poate să le stăpânească, gândul că a pierdut încrederea oamenilor pe care i-a părăsit când erau în mare primejdie. Strădaniile lui Jim de a-şi ispăşi vina constituie materialul care compune partea a doua a romanului, mai bogată narativ. În timpul procesului, apare un anume căpitan Marlow, personaj care iniţial este confesorul lui Jim, şi care preia povestirea, ducând-o până la capăt. Marlow este cel care îl ajută pe Jim să pornească pe un drum care să-l angajeze din nou în viaţă, să-l restabilească, însă Jim trăieşte cu sentimentul că orice ar face nu este suficient pentru a-şi compensa vina. Abandonează slujba pe care un prieten de-al lui Marlow i-o oferise şi devine curier la firma „Egstrom şi Blake” a unor antreprenori de vapoare, post pe care îl părăseşte, lăsând totuşi o impresie bună în urma lui. Jim nu acceptă toleranţa şi simpatia lui Marlow faţă de el, considerându-le nişte daruri nemeritate, pe care le refuză. Jim mai trece prin astfel de experienţe, însă nimic nu-i uşurează eforturile de a se mântui; el se dăruieşte cu voluptate trăirii vinovăţiei. Marlow vorbeşte foarte expresiv despre drama lui Jim; „e poate un act de eroism prozaic să-ţi arunci pâinea de toate zilele ca să-ţi păstrezi mâinile libere în vederea unei trânte cu o nălucă (...) Dar Jim era într-adevăr nenorocit, căci întregul neastâmpăr nu putea să-l elibereze de obsesia lui”. Ultima încercare a lui Jim este în Patusan. un district îndepărtat al unui stat băştinaş independent din Malaiezia, unde ajunge cu ajutorul lui Stein, un negustor bogat şi respectat, colecţionar de carte şi pasionat de entomologie, prieten al lui Marlow. Legăturile lui Stein cu lumea malaieziană erau afacerile firmei sale şi o femeie băştinaşă, pe care el o numea „soţia mea, Prinţesa”, care murise la naşterea fiicei sale, Emma. Cornelius, un portughez, asociat de-al lui Stein, făcea afaceri dubioase şi prejudicia succesul firmei. Menirea lui Jim este să-l înlocuiască pe acest Cornelius. Jim îşi foloseşte toată inteligenţa pentru a sluji poporul din Patusan, pentru a-l apăra de jaf şi exploatare. Pătrunderea lui Jim în ţinut reprezintă un bun prilej, fructificat de Conrad, pentru descrierea unei lumi exotice care, dincolo de pitorescul ei, adăposteşte oameni cărora eroul li se dedică şi le câştigă astfel toată încrederea. Populaţia din Patusan este victima unui rajah şi a negustorilor albi, care urmăresc doar să se îmbogăţească. Jim se află în război cu ei. Existenţa lui în acest ţinut pare să-i ofere şansa sigură a reabilitării în faţa celorlalţi: „Am nevoie (...) să simt în fiecare zi, ele câte ori deschid ochii, că mă bucur de încrederea lor”, mărturiseşte el. Se întâmplă însă ca Jim să piardă din nou încrederea oamenilor, deşi de data aceasta nu din cauza vreunei slăbiciuni personale, ci din cauza trecutului copleşitor şi, în plus, a încrederii acordate lui Brown, un pirat care este autorul unui atentat odios împotriva oamenilor din Patusan. Acesta îl sensibilizase pe Jim, evocându-i un trecut asemănător cu al lui. Brown este un adevărat geniu al răului care-l duce pe erou la pierzanie. Nemaiputându-şi îndura greşeala. Jim se sinucide, considerând acest ultim act drept împăcarea supremă cu sine. Povestea lui Marlow despre Jim se încheie tulburător: „Jim dispare sub umbra unui nor, cu inima-i de nepătruns, uitat, de neiertat şi uimitor de romantic. Nici în cele mai nebuneşti clipe ale viziunilor lui copilăreşti n-ar fi putut să întrevadă întruchiparea unei victorii atât de nemaipomenite, căci se prea poate ca în clipa ultimei priviri semeţe şi sigure să fi zărit faţa «norocului», ca pe o mireasă orientală, voalată stând lângă el”.

Amy Foster

release date: Sep 16, 2022
Amy Foster
DigiCat Publishing presents to you this special edition of "Amy Foster" by Joseph Conrad. DigiCat Publishing considers every written word to be a legacy of humankind. Every DigiCat book has been carefully reproduced for republishing in a new modern format. The books are available in print, as well as ebooks. DigiCat hopes you will treat this work with the acknowledgment and passion it deserves as a classic of world literature.


release date: May 22, 2022
Mr Verloc, the secret agent, keeps a shop in London''s Soho where he lives with his wife Winnie, her infirm mother, and her idiot brother, Stevie. When Verloc is reluctantly involved in an anarchist plot to blow up the Greenwich Observatory things go disastrously wrong, and what appears to be "a simple tale" proves to involve politicians, policemen, foreign diplomats, and London''s fashionable society in the darkest and most surprising interrelations.Based on the text which Conrad''s first English readers enjoyed, this new edition includes a full and up-to-date bibliography, a comprehensive chronology and a critical introduction which describes Conrad''s great London novel as the realization of a "monstrous town," a place of idiocy, madness, criminality, and savage butchery. It also discusses contemporary anarchist activity in the UK, imperialism, and Conrad''s narrative techniques.

Heart of Darkness (A Classics Novel by Joseph Conrad)(illustrated Edition)

release date: Feb 27, 2022
Heart of Darkness (A Classics Novel by Joseph Conrad)(illustrated Edition)
"The reading of all good books is like conversation with the finest (people) of the past centuries." - Descartes A new edition of Heart of Darkness, the 1899 masterpiece by Polish-British novelist Joseph Conrad about a voyage up the Congo River into the Heart of Africa. The story is narrated by Charles Marlow, recalling his obsessive quest to locate the ivory trader Kurtz, who has become ensconced deep in the jungle managing a remote outpost. As he ventures further and further down the Congo, Marlow finds himself and his surroundings become increasingly untethered. Heart of Darkness has been widely re-published and translated into many languages. It provided the inspiration for Francis Ford Coppola''s 1979 film Apocalypse Now. In 1998, the Modern Library ranked Heart of Darkness 67th on their list of the 100 best novels in English of the twentieth century. Literary critic Harold Bloom wrote that Heart of Darkness had been analysed more than any other work of literature that is studied in universities and colleges, which he attributed to Conrad''s "unique propensity for ambiguity." Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) was a Polish-British writer, regarded by many as one of the finest English-language novelists of the 20th century. An early modernist, his narrative style, anti-heroic characters, and focus on the psychological lives of his protagonists were extremely influential on other authors. Conrad''s experience as a Polish emigre to Great Britain also brought a unique perspective to his novels, often set on the outskirts of the British Empire with a focus on the costs of imperialism and colonialism. Among his most popular and influential works were Heart of Darkness (1899), Lord Jim (1900), Typhoon (1902), Nostromo (1904), The Secret Agent (1907), and Under Western Eyes (1911). A 19th century classics literature edition.

Nostromo: a Tale of the Seaboard by Joseph Conrad Annotated

release date: Jun 25, 2021
Nostromo: a Tale of the Seaboard by Joseph Conrad Annotated
Set in the imaginary South American republic of Costaguana, this work is an illustration of the impact of foreign exploitation on a developing nation. As Sulaco, site of an English/American controlled silver mine establishes its independence, its ideals are inevitably compromised. So don''t wait! Scroll up and buy now.

The Secret Sharer - Joseph Conrad

release date: Jun 15, 2021
The Secret Sharer - Joseph Conrad
The Secret Sharer is a short story that takes place at sea, near the Gulf of Siam, and is told from the perspective of a young nameless Captain. The captain is unfamiliar with both his ship and his crew, having only joined their company a fortnight earlier. The Captain is furthermore unsure of himself, questioning his ability to fulfill the role of such an authoritative figure.

Nostromo: A Tale of The Seaboard

release date: Jan 01, 2021
Nostromo: A Tale of The Seaboard
First published in the year 1904, famous English traveller and colonial writer Joseph Conrad''s novel ''Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard'' is set in the fictitious South American republic of Costaguana.

Joseph Conrad - Amy Foster

release date: Oct 09, 2020
Joseph Conrad - Amy Foster
Classic shortish story by Conrad that relates his self-thought alienation from British society, as a young foreign man survives a shipwreck off the coast of Kent, England only to be shunned by most of the townsfolk. The one exception is the loving, if dull-witted, Miss Foster.Includes a biography of the author.

Heart of Darkness

release date: Mar 03, 2020
Heart of Darkness
Jane Eyre. Heart of Darkness. The Scarlet Letter. You’re familiar with these pillars of classic literature. You have seen plenty of Frankenstein costumes, watched the film adaptations, and may even be able to rattle off a few quotes, but do you really know how to read these books? Do you know anything about the authors who wrote them, and what the authors were trying to teach readers through their stories? Do you know how to read them as a Christian? Taking into account your old worldview, as well as that of the author? In this beautiful cloth-over-board edition bestselling author, literature professor, and avid reader Karen Swallow Prior will guide you through Heart of Darkness. She will not only navigate you through the pitfalls that trap readers today, but show you how to read it in light of the gospel, and to the glory of God. This edition includes a thorough introduction to the author, context, and overview of the work (without any spoilers for first-time readers), the full original text, as well as footnotes and reflection questions throughout to help the reader attain a fuller grasp of Heart of Darkness.

Heart of Darkness (Legend Classics)

release date: Jan 31, 2020
Heart of Darkness (Legend Classics)
“No, it is impossible; it is impossible to convey the life-sensation of any given epoch of one’s existence—that which makes its truth, its meaning—its subtle and penetrating essence. It is impossible. We live, as we dream—alone.” Regarded as one of greatest English novels of the twentieth century, Heart of Darkness tracks the aftermath of a disturbing voyage up the Congo River. This provocative novel, inspired by Joseph Conrad''s own experiences, touches on economic, social and political exploitation. Almost one-hundred years after publication, this timeless classic provided the inspiration for Francis Ford Coppola''s 1979 film Apocalypse Now. The Legend Classics series: Around the World in Eighty Days The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn The Importance of Being Earnest Alice''s Adventures in Wonderland The Metamorphosis The Railway Children The Hound of the Baskervilles Frankenstein Wuthering Heights Three Men in a Boat The Time Machine Little Women Anne of Green Gables The Jungle Book The Yellow Wallpaper and Other Stories Dracula A Study in Scarlet Leaves of Grass The Secret Garden The War of the Worlds A Christmas Carol Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Heart of Darkness The Scarlet Letter This Side of Paradise Oliver Twist The Picture of Dorian Gray Treasure Island The Turn of the Screw The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Emma The Trial A Selection of Short Stories by Edgar Allan Poe Grimm Fairy Tales The Awakening Mrs Dalloway Gulliver’s Travels The Castle of Otranto Silas Marner Hard Times

Joseph Conrad - Heart of Darkness (Illustrated)

release date: Oct 30, 2019
Joseph Conrad - Heart of Darkness (Illustrated)
''Heart of Darkness'' is a small, but perhaps the most famousadventure story written by Joseph Conrad. The narrative is writtenon behalf of the sailor Marlowe, who tells the reader about his pastadventures.In the African wilds, there is an illegally operating elephant bonemining company. While crossing the continent, Marlowe travels to oneof its divisions. As he is getting closer to his destination, the maincharacter hears more and more stories about some almighty Kurtz, anagent of the company, whom the locals mention with fear and hatred.What awaits Marlowe after meeting him?Pretty illustrations by Vladislav Trotsenko provide you with newimpressions from reading this legendary story.


release date: Oct 30, 2019
The novel "Lord Jim" is recognized as Joseph Conrad''s best work. But what does the author think? Here is a quote from his preface to one of the editions of the novel: " I have been asked at times whether this was not the book of mine I liked best. I am a great foe to favouritism in public life, in private life, and even in the delicate relationship of an author to his works. As a matter of principle I will have no favourites; but I don''t go so far as to feel grieved and annoyed by the preference some people give to my Lord Jim''''.Pretty illustrations provide you with new impressions from reading this legendary story.Illustrated by Vladislav Trotsenko

Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad (Illustrated)

release date: Sep 03, 2018
Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad (Illustrated)
Presenting Heart of Darkness (Large Print Edition) by Joseph Conrad. This classic is part of The Great Books Series by Golding Books. An allegorical novel (or precisely a novella) like no other, Heart of Darkness is a masterpiece of psychological fiction and one of many classic sea stories from Joseph Conrad, though the action predominantly takes place on the Congo River. Charles Marlow captains a steamboat for an ivory trading company, and grows obsessed with ivory trader Kurtz, who has turned himself into a charismatic demigod of the local tribes. Heart of Darkness examines what it means to be civilized, and in asking questions about imperialism and racism it suggests much about who people at the time called "savages" and who is the cause of darkness. It is one of the most gripping and incisive of dark classics, and is also an excellent introductory point to classic and complex short novels or more serious literature (including its suitability as young adult literature). Golding Books'' Great Books Series, along with its Essential Series, comprises a wide variety of classic, influential and important books. These two series aim to champion not only remarkable and recognized literary achievements, but also to highlight the meaningful and significant works of lesser-known authors. Get your copy of the titles through convenient online purchase as an eBook or in paperback (including some Large Print editions). Joseph Conrad was born Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski in the Russian Empire (now Ukraine, and once part of the Kingdom of Poland) in 1857. Because of his father''s attempts at farming and political activism, the family moved repeatedly (such as to Warsaw, Vologda, and Chernihiv) and Conrad was home-schooled. An aloof and often depressed man, 20-year-old Conrad attempted suicide by shooting himself in the chest with a revolver. Born a Russian subject, he was granted British nationality in 1886 after joining the British merchant marine in 1878, and eventually settled in Kent, England. About half of his 19-year merchant marine career was spent at sea; he achieved captain''s rank after working in numerous crew roles. His most popular novels include The Nigger of the ''Narcissus'' (1897), Heart of Darkness (1899), Lord Jim (1900), Typhoon (1902), Nostromo (1904), and The Secret Agent (1907). After suffering throughout his life from issues with his physical and mental health, Conrad died of a likely heart attack at the age of 66.

Joseph Conrad, Lord Jim

release date: Aug 22, 2018
Joseph Conrad, Lord Jim
Joseph Conrad''s Lord Jim, first published in England in 1900, has long been acknowledged as a very difficult book for readers to understand, especially on the first read. However, those who have taken the time to understand the book acknowledge that the effort is worth it. Lord Jim, which Conrad began as a short sketch, grew into a novel that is widely recognized for its modernism-its tendency to buck the conventional narrative trends of its day. The most obvious technique that Conrad used was a shifting form of narration, in which the reader hears a tale first from one narrator, then another, and finally from several disparate accounts.

Joseph Conrad, Nostromo

release date: Aug 09, 2018
Joseph Conrad, Nostromo
A gripping tale of capitalist exploitation and rebellion, set amid the mist-shrouded mountains of a fictional South American republic, employs flashbacks and glimpses of the future to depict the lure of silver and its effects on men. Conrad''s deep moral consciousness and masterful narrative technique are at their best in this, one of his greatest works.

Almayer's Folly: a Story of an Eastern River by Joseph Conrad

release date: Feb 23, 2018
Almayer's Folly: a Story of an Eastern River by Joseph Conrad
Almayer''s Folly is about a poor businessman who dreams of finding a hidden gold mine and becoming very wealthy. He is a white European, married to a native Malayan; they have one daughter named Nina. He fails to find the goldmine, and comes home saddened. Previously, he had heard that the British were to conquer the Pantai River, and he had built a large, lavish house near where he resided at the time, in order to welcome the invaders. However, the conquest never took place, and the house remained unfinished. Some passing Dutch seamen had called the house "Almayer''s Folly". Now, Almayer continually goes out for long trips, but eventually he stops doing so and stays home with his hopeless daydreams of riches and splendor. His native wife loathes him for this.

The Shadow Line a Confession by Joseph Conrad

release date: Feb 19, 2018
The Shadow Line a Confession by Joseph Conrad
The Shadow-Line is a short novel based at sea by Joseph Conrad; it is one of his later works, being written from February to December 1915. It was first published in 1916 as a serial in New York''s Metropolitan Magazine (September-October) in the English Review (September 1916-March 1917) and published in book form in 1917 in the UK (March) and America (April). The novella depicts the development of a young man upon taking a captaincy in the Orient, with the shadow line of the title representing the threshold of this development.The novella is notable for its dual narrative structure. The full, subtitled title of the novel is The Shadow-Line, A Confession, which immediately alerts the reader to the retrospective nature of the novella. The ironic constructions following from the conflict between the ''young'' protagonist (who is never named) and the ''old'' drive much of the underlying points of the novella, namely the nature of wisdom, experience and maturity. Conrad also extensively uses irony by comparison in the work, with characters such as Captain Giles and the ship''s ''factotum'' Ransome used to emphasise strengths and weaknesses of the protagonist.

Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness

release date: Aug 31, 2017
Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness
Heart of Darkness centers around Marlow, an introspective sailor, and his journey up the Congo River to meet Kurtz, reputed to be an idealistic man of great abilities. Marlow takes a job as a riverboat captain with the Company, a Belgian concern organized to trade in the Congo. As he travels to Africa and then up the Congo, Marlow encounters widespread inefficiency and brutality in the Company''s stations. The native inhabitants of the region have been forced into the Company''s service, and they suffer terribly from overwork and ill treatment at the hands of the Company''s agents.

The Nigger of the Narcissus

release date: Jul 28, 2017
The Nigger of the Narcissus
How is this book unique? Font adjustments & biography included Unabridged (100% Original content) Illustrated About The Nigger of the Narcissus by Joseph Conrad The Nigger of the ''Narcissus'': A Tale of the Sea is a novella by Joseph Conrad. Because of its quality compared to earlier works, some have described it as marking the start of Conrad''s major, or middle, period; others have placed it as the best work of his early, or first, period. The title character, James Wait, is a dying West Indian black sailor on board the merchant ship Narcissus sailing from Bombay to London. Wait, suffering from tuberculosis, becomes seriously ill during the voyage, and his plight arouses the humanitarian sympathies of many of the crew. However, the ship''s master Captain Alistoun and an old sailor named Singleton remain concerned primarily with their duties and appear indifferent to Wait''s condition. Off the Cape of Good Hope the ship capsizes onto her beam-ends with half her hull submerged, and the crew clings onto the deck for an entire night and day, waiting in silence for the ship to turn over the rest of the way and sink. Alistoun refuses to allow the masts to be severed, which might allow the hull to right itself. Five of the men, realizing that Wait is unaccounted for, climb down to his cabin and rescue him at their own peril. When the storm passes and a wind returns, Alistoun directs the weary men to catch the wind, which succeeds in righting the ship. Later in the voyage Alistoun prevents a near-mutiny led by a slippery Cockney named Donkin. Wait eventually succumbs and dies within sight of land, as Singleton had predicted he would.

HEART of DARKNESS by Joseph Conrad

release date: Jul 24, 2017
HEART of DARKNESS by Joseph Conrad
If you are seeking for the classic books to read..Yes, this is worth reading.. READ, THEN YOU SAY AWESOME..

The Shadow-Line a Confession by Joseph Conrad

release date: Jul 16, 2017
The Shadow-Line a Confession by Joseph Conrad
"The classic book has always read again and again.""What is the classic book?""""Why is the classic book?""READ READ READ.. then you''ll know it''s excellence."

Nostromo a Tale of the Seaboard by Joseph Conrad

release date: Jul 15, 2017
Nostromo a Tale of the Seaboard by Joseph Conrad
"The classic book has always read again and again.""What is the classic book?""""Why is the classic book?""READ READ READ.. then you''ll know it''s excellence."

Joseph Conrad's Greatest Works: Heart of Darkness, Lord Jim, and Nostromo

release date: Apr 26, 2017
Joseph Conrad's Greatest Works: Heart of Darkness, Lord Jim, and Nostromo
Heart of Darkness, published in 1899, is considered by many to be the most famous work written by Joseph Conrad. The novella centers around a voyage up the Congo River into the heart of Africa by Marlow, the narrator of the story. Marlow tells his story to a group of friends while they are anchored on the River Thames in London. Conrad is able to masterly weave the story to show certain parallels between London and Africa.Lord Jim, published in 1900, is a novel that centers around the life and adventures of the title character, a young British seaman who must come to terms with his past. The book also features the character Marlow.Nostromo, published in 1904, is a novel that is set in a fictitious republic in South America. The book has often been recognized as one of the best novels of the 20th century and it is notable for having great characters such as the title character and Charles Gould.Joseph Conrad was a Polish-British writer who is considered to be one of the greatest authors in English literature. Conrad''s books contain much of the elements seen in 19th-century realism but his modernistic writing also influenced many great authors that followed including Faulkner, Hemingway, and Orwell. Conrad wrote classics in many different genres and many of his works were based off his experiences at sea as a British merchant marine.

Lord Jim (1900). By: Joseph Conrad

release date: Jan 24, 2017
Lord Jim (1900). By: Joseph Conrad
Lord Jim is a novel by Joseph Conrad originally published as a serial in Blackwood''s Magazine from October 1899 to November 1900. Plot: Recovered from an injury, Jim seeks a position on the Patna, a steamer whose journey is to carry 800 "pilgrims of an exacting faith" to a Red Sea port. He is hired as first mate. After some days of smooth sailing, the ship hits something in the night and begins taking on water. The captain thinks the ship will sink, and Jim agrees, but wants to put the passengers on the few boats before that can happen. The captain and two other crewmen think only to save themselves, freeing a boat. The helmsmen remain, as no order has been given to do otherwise. In a crucial moment, Jim jumps into the boat with the captain. A few days later, they are picked up by an outbound steamer. When they reach port, it is well known that the Patna and its passengers were brought in safely by a crew from a French gun ship. The action of the captain is against the code of seamen, abandoning both ship and passengers. The others on the small boat leave before the magistrate''s court is convened; Jim is left to testify. All lose their certificates to sail. Brierly is on the panel of the court, a captain of perfect reputation, who commits suicide days after this trial. Captain Marlow attends the trial and meets Jim, whose behavior he condemns, but the young man intrigues him. Marlow listens to Jim, then finds him a place to live, in the home of a friend. Jim is accepted there, but leaves abruptly when an engineer who also abandoned ship appears to work at the house. Jim works as a ship chandler''s clerk in ports of the East, always succeeding in the job, then leaving abruptly when the Patna is mentioned. In Bangkok, he gets in a fight. Marlow realises that Jim needs a new situation. Marlow consults his friend Stein. Stein sees that Jim is a romantic and considers his situation. Stein offers Jim to be his trade representative or factor in Patusan, shut off from most commerce, which Jim finds to be exactly what he needs. After his initial challenge of entering the remote settlement of Malay and Bugis, Jim finds success. He overcomes Sherif Ali, befriends the downtrodden fishing village, and builds a solid link with Doramin, the Bugis friend of Stein, and his son Dain Waris. For his leadership, they call him tuan Jim, or Lord Jim. Jim wins this respect by relieving them of the depredations of the bandit Sherif Ali and protecting them from the corrupt local Malay chief, Rajah Tunku Allang. Jim wins the love of Jewel, a young woman of mixed race, and is "satisfied... nearly." Marlow visits Patusan once, two years after Jim arrived there. He sees the success. Jewel will not believe that Jim will stay, as her father left her mother, men always leave, and she is not reassured that Marlow or any other will not arrive to take him from her. Her mother married Cornelius, previously given the role of factor by Stein for her benefit. Cornelius is displaced by Jim and resents it, though he treats his stepdaughter cruelly and stole the supplies Stein sent for sale. He is a lazy, jealous, brutal man. When the marauder arrives, Cornelius sees his chance to get rid of Jim. The marauder Captain "Gentleman" Brown, short on food and evil in his ways arrives in Patusan. The local defence led by Dain Waris holds Brown in place while Jim is off on a trip inland..... Joseph Conrad (Polish pronunciation: [born Jozef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski; 3 December 1857 - 3 August 1924) was a Polish-British writer regarded as one of the greatest novelists to write in the English language.

Almayer's Folly : a Story of an Eastern River (1895). By: Joseph Conrad

release date: Jan 24, 2017
Almayer's Folly : a Story of an Eastern River (1895). By: Joseph Conrad
Almayer''s Folly, published in 1895, is Joseph Conrad''s first novel. Set in the late 19th century, it centers on the life of the Dutch trader Kaspar Almayer in the Borneo jungle and his relationship to his mixed heritage daughter Nina. Plot: Almayer''s Folly is about a poor businessman who dreams of finding a hidden gold mine and becoming very wealthy. He is a white European, married to a native Malayan; they have one daughter named Nina. He fails to find the goldmine, and comes home saddened. Previously, he had heard that the British were to conquer the Pantai River, and he had built a large, lavish house near where he resided at the time, in order to welcome the invading country to the native land. However, the conquest never took place, and the house remained unfinished. Some passing Dutch seamen had called the house "Almayer''s Folly." Now, Almayer continually goes out for long trips, but eventually he stops doing so and stays home with his hopeless daydreams of riches and splendor. His native wife loathes him for this. One day, a Malayan prince, Dain Maroola, came to see Almayer about trading, and while there he falls in love with Nina. Mrs. Almayer kept arranging meetings for Nina and Dain. She wanted them to marry so her daughter could stay native, because she was highly distrustful of the white men and their ways. Dain left but vowed to return to help Almayer find the gold mine. When he does return, he goes straight to Lakamba, a Malayan rajah, and told him that he found the gold mine and that some Dutchmen had captured his ship. The rajah tells him to kill Almayer before the Dutch arrive because he is not needed to find the gold now. The following morning, an unidentifiable native corpse is found floating in the river, wearing an ankle bracelet very similar to Dain''s. Almayer was distraught because Dain was his only chance at finding the secret mine. (The corpse was actually of his slave, who had died when a canoe overturned. Mrs. Almayer suggested that Dain put his anklet and ring on the body.) Mrs. Almayer planned to smuggle Dain away from the Dutch, so he would not be arrested. She snuck Nina away from her father, who was drinking with the Dutch. When he awoke from his drunken stupor, a native slave girl told him where Nina had run away to, and Almayer tracked her to Dain''s hiding place. Nina refused to go back to avoid the slurs of all the white society. During all this arguing, the slave girl had informed the Dutch of Dain''s whereabouts. Almayer said that he could never forgive Nina but would help them escape by taking them to the mouth of the river, where a canoe would rescue them from the Dutch. After they had escaped, Almayer erased the lover''s footprints, and went back to his house. Mrs. Almayer ran away to the rajah for protection, taking all Dain''s dowry with her. All alone, Almayer broke all his furniture in his home office, piled it in the center of the room, and burned it, along with his entire house, to the ground. He spent the rest of his days in "[His] Folly," where he began smoking opium to forget his daughter. He eventually died there..... Joseph Conrad (Polish pronunciation: born Jozef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski; 3 December 1857 - 3 August 1924) was a Polish-British writer regarded as one of the greatest novelists to write in the English language.

Amy Foster (1901) by Joseph Conrad

release date: Nov 28, 2016
Amy Foster (1901) by Joseph Conrad
Polish author Joseph Conrad is considered to be one of the greatest English-language novelists, a remarkable achievement considering English was not his first language. Conrad s literary works often featured a nautical setting, reflecting the influences of his early career in the Merchant Navy, and his depictions of the struggles of the human spirit in a cold, indifferent world are best exemplified in such seminal works as Heart of Darkness, Lord JimM, The Secret Agent, Nostromo, and Typhoon. Regarded as a forerunner of modernist literature, Conrad s writing style and characters have influenced such distinguished writers as F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, William S. Burroughs, Hunter S. Thompson, and George Orwell, among many others. Many of Conrad s novels have been adapted for film, most notably Heart of Darkness, which served as the inspiration and foundation for Francis Ford Coppola s 1979 film Apocalypse Now

The Secret Agent Joseph Conrad

release date: Oct 11, 2016
The Secret Agent Joseph Conrad
It is an excellent mystery book for individuals who are going to stimulate their brain.

Joseph Conrad - Nostromo: a Tale of the Seaboard

release date: Sep 01, 2016
Joseph Conrad - Nostromo: a Tale of the Seaboard
In the time of Spanish rule, and for many years afterwards, the town of Sulaco-the luxuriant beauty of the orange gardens bears witness to its antiquity-had never been commercially anything more important than a coasting port with a fairly large local trade in ox-hides and indigo. The clumsy deep-sea galleons of the conquerors that, needing a brisk gale to move at all, would lie becalmed, where your modern ship built on clipper lines forges ahead by the mere flapping of her sails, had been barred out of Sulaco by the prevailing calms of its vast gulf.
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