New Releases by Sawyer Bennett

Sawyer Bennett is the author of King (2024), The Forbidden (2024), The Feud (2024), Foster (2024), Callum (2024), Alex (Carolina Cold Fury-Team Teil 1) (2023).

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release date: Sep 10, 2024
Jack Kingston is known for his dominant playing skills on the ice, but off, he’s a down-to-earth guy who values a true connection over a meaningless hookup. I love being a member of the Pittsburgh Titans, even if my teammates are constantly ribbing me about women who they claim are throwing themselves all over me. Could I go for the easy lay? Sure, but that’s not my style. I’m more of long-term kind of guy. Instead, I’m going to keep doing what I do best—killing it out on the ice. Everything else will fall into place…eventually. That time comes sooner than expected, in the most unlikely of ways. At the rink to watch our goalie’s kids play Peewee hockey, I meet Willa Montreaux and somehow, by the end of that interaction, I’ve offered to help her coach the Ice Pups. Altruism or were there other intentions in that offer? A little of both, if I’m being honest. As the time I spend with Willa increases, I am absolutely certain I want even more. She’s gorgeous, sure, but that’s superficial. Willa is also funny, loving, determined and smart. SO smart. Doctor smart. Probably too intelligent for a jock like me, but that’s not going to stop me from shooting my shot. Not looking for anything more than a fling and concerned that she’s too old for me, Willa doesn’t want to venture into anything serious. I’m willing to put in the work and give her the space she needs to come to terms with the fact that the connection we have is far more than physical. Willa and I are end game, but I’m willing to play into overtime if that’s what it takes to walk away with her by my side.

The Forbidden

release date: Jul 23, 2024
The Forbidden
The prince of his family’s Kentucky bourbon empire, Gabriel Mardraggon is a ruthless and cunning businessman. Focused on the continued success of Mardraggon Enterprises, relationships and settling down aren’t even on his radar. After all, he’s the product of two people who always put money before love. Loyal to the family’s creed of winning at all costs, as well as their hatred of the Blackburns, Gabe will never accept peace between the dynasties. Katherine Blackburn is Gabe’s polar opposite—carefree, lighthearted and completely mischievous. Kat works hard as a horse trainer but never hesitates to let her hair down and have a little fun. And lately that has included poking at Gabe and his buttoned-up ways, much to his irritation. Getting a rise out of the cold but gorgeous Mardraggon heir brings Kat unfettered joy, especially given their two families’ ugly history together. Blackburns and Mardraggons are bitter enemies. Any type of relationship would be strictly forbidden. But when Gabe’s business dealings hurt Kat in a way he never imagined, his walls crumble and he’s forced to lay his feelings for Kat bare. Now Gabe has to decide if he’s ready to alter the course of history or walk away from the only genuine thing he’s ever known. The Forbidden: A Mardraggon Novel is an enemies to lovers novel within the Bluegrass Empires series. All books in the series can be enjoyed as standalones.

The Feud

release date: Jun 25, 2024
The Feud
New York Times bestselling author, Sawyer Bennett, welcomes you to Bluegrass Empires, a sweeping series of sexy romance standalones. Set among the rolling hills of Kentucky horse farms and bourbon distilleries, these seductive tales are steeped in bloodline feuds that run deep and without forgiveness. As the oldest of his siblings, Ethan Blackburn bears the weight of responsibility for the day-to-day operations of Blackburn Farms, the largest Saddlebred breeding and training facility in Kentucky. Serious, gruff and solely focused on the success of the family business, Ethan isn’t one to mince words or waste time on anything that doesn’t further his interests. But when his meticulous world is upended by a shadowed secret brought into the light, Ethan is sent into a tailspin. Marcie DeLeon just navigated her way through a bitter divorce, now intent on reimagining her life as a single career woman. She’s not looking to revisit the burden of a relationship anytime soon but when Ethan turns to her for help, she can’t help but lend a sympathetic ear to the handsome and broody man. Ethan and Marcie are strangers who find a common thread to weave them together, creating a bond neither were seeking but both are loathe to walk away from. When Ethan faces a high-stakes battle against his family’s bitter enemy, he knows without a doubt there is nothing he won’t do to win the fight. Ready to give of himself completely, Ethan prepares to face-off with his foe hoping that no matter what the outcome, Marcie will be by his side in the end. The Feud: A Blackburn Novel is a friends to lovers novel within the Bluegrass Empires series. All books in the series can be enjoyed as standalones.


release date: May 21, 2024
When Foster McInnis’ ex-wife flakes and he finds himself with full custody of his daughter, the nanny he hires brings a new complication—an attraction he can’t ignore, no matter how hard he tries. I love being on the ice and am grateful for my hockey career, but the off season is my favorite time of the year because it brings me my one true love—my daughter, Bowie Jane. Between my job and my ex-wife living across the country, the time I get to spend face-to-face with my kiddo is limited, though we make up for it with summers full of fun adventures. We’re thick as thieves and take full advantage of our time together, but the distance away from her is killing me. My fortunes change when my ex walks away and I find myself with full custody. But with the hockey season looming, I know I’m going to need help taking care of Bowie Jane. Enter Mary Elizabeth Archer—otherwise known as Mazzy. Highly recommended to me through the Titans’ network, Mazzy crashes into our life like a hurricane. She’s unlike anyone I’ve ever met and to say I’m intrigued is an understatement. But no matter how attractive she is, no matter how I crave to know everything about her, I can’t go there. It’s inappropriate. Just wrong, wrong, wrong, even though she might be the most right thing I’ve ever known. Being the indescribable force she is, there is soon no corner of our lives that Mazzy hasn’t impacted in a positive way. And my desire for more with her becomes far stronger than my misguided idea that I could ever resist this woman. Our attraction burns hot and keeping our eyes, hands and mouths off one another gets harder by the minute. It doesn’t take long for me to know that I’m all in with Mazzy. She’s my end game and, lucky for me, winning is my specialty.


release date: Mar 12, 2024
Callum Derringer was hired by the Pittsburgh Titans to help rebuild the organization after a devastating plane crash left its future unknown. Now that he’s got the team back on track, it’s time to put some effort into his own life. When I accepted the job of general manager with the Titans, it was just the opportunity I needed to prove myself to the sports world. Unfortunately, my career isn’t the only area in which I’ve previously made mistakes and the past is about to come back in a big way. Juniper Ryan is…complicated. Smart, funny and insanely gorgeous, she was my first love and my first heartbreak. But my loss was my stepbrother’s gain and she’s been his wife for five years now. I’ve done a decent job of putting her out of my mind but when Juniper breaks down and calls me for help, I know it’s bad. I’m gutted to learn that she was pushed into the arms of a monster. Vowing to put our past aside, I learn dark truths about my brother and his marriage to my first love. And to make matters worse, I’m beginning to realize the feelings I once had for Juniper aren’t tucked quite as far away as I had hoped. When things take a dangerous turn, I’m willing to put myself in the line of fire to keep my girl safe. I was a fool to walk away from Juniper the first time and I’m a man who knows better than to make the same mistake twice.

Alex (Carolina Cold Fury-Team Teil 1)

release date: Dec 15, 2023
Alex (Carolina Cold Fury-Team Teil 1)
Eishockeystar Alexander Crossman hat den Ruf eines kaltherzigen Spielers, sowohl auf als auch abseits der Eisfläche. Er wurde von seinem alkoholkranken Vater zum Profisport gezwungen und hat keine Hemmungen, den Fans den Mittelfinger zu zeigen. Das Management ist gar nicht amüsiert und stellt Alex vor die Wahl: seinen Ruf durch gemeinnützige Arbeit zu verbessern - oder auf der Bank zu sitzen. Aber Alex weigert sich, zum Aushängeschild des Carolina Cold Fury-Teams verbogen zu werden ... nicht einmal von einer verführerischen Rothaarigen mit mörderischen Kurven. Als Sozialarbeiterin ist Sutton Price an schwierige Menschen gewöhnt - wie Alex, der sein Image aufpolieren soll, indem er Sutton dabei hilft, ein Programm zur Aufklärung über Drogenmissbrauch für gefährdete Jugendliche zu entwickeln. Was Sutton nicht erwartet, ist das arrogante Grinsen auf seinen perfekten Lippen, das ihre heißesten Fantasien anregt. Aber Sutton ist keine Frau, die berufliche Grenzen überschreitet. Außerdem hat Alex nichts mit festen Beziehungen am Hut ... oder etwa doch? Je mehr sie hinter Alex'' Bad-Boy-Fassade sieht, desto mehr sehnt sich Sutton nach dem Mann, der hierbei zum Vorschein kommt. Die New York Times-Bestsellerautorin Sawyer Bennett punktet mit dem ersten Teil ihrer neuen Eishockey-Reihe, die heiß genug ist, um das Eis zu schmelzen.


release date: Nov 30, 2023
Van Turner found fame as part of the Carolina Cold Fury, helping the team bring home a championship. He also found love and married his teammate’s little sister, eventually retiring from the game to enjoy a quiet life in the verdant hills of Vermont. Now, Van’s dark past threatens to unravel his future. I never once regretted my decision to walk away from hockey. I attained what so few in the league are able and retired at the top of my game. Besides, I had the ultimate prize by my side—my gorgeous wife, Simone. We settled into married life in Vermont and were ready to expand our family when I was blindsided by my sociopath of a parent, this time from the grave. Before dying from cancer while in prison, my serial killer father left his private diaries to a journalist. From that one bequest came a tell-all biography detailing his deranged crimes along with a litany of lies meant to ruin my life. Knowing first-hand the horrors of growing up the product of a monster, I know there is no way I can bring a child into this drama. I refuse to allow my kid to suffer the taunting and harassment I did, so I do the only thing I can think of—I walk away from Simone and our beautiful life together. With the knowledge that she will be safe from the publicity of my shameful past and able to find a love she deserves, I return to hockey, joining the Pittsburgh Titans. The long hours on the ice are the only thing that will even remotely keep my mind off everything I’ve left behind and I know that I’ve given Simone her best chance at happiness. But I’m clearly a man who doesn’t learn from the past and I should have known better than to underestimate my wife. The woman doesn’t know how to take “no” for an answer. She’s as persistent as I am stubborn and it’s a battle of wills as she uses all her powers of persuasion to save our marriage. Simone wore me down once, but she won’t do it again. I’m keeping my wits about me and my pants on, no matter how much she tempts me with her sexy ways. But those, my friends, are what they often call ‘famous last words’.

Hendrix (Pittsburgh Titans Team Teil 7)

release date: Sep 29, 2023
Hendrix (Pittsburgh Titans Team Teil 7)
Hendrix Bateman ist einer der drei Spieler, die nicht im verunglückten Flugzeug der Pittsburgh Titans saßen. Seitdem ist er entschlossen, das Beste aus seinem Leben zu machen. Aber das bedeutet nicht, dass er nicht unter seinen unsichtbaren Narben leidet. Nach dem Tod meiner Titans-Brüder durchlebte ich ein Wechselbad der Gefühle. Ich war am Boden zerstört, aber auch dankbar, überlebt zu haben. Ja, das mag ein paar - okay, sehr viele - Schuldgefühle hervorrufen, aber ich will jeden Tag so leben, als wäre es mein letzter. Bei einem Abend mit Freunden gerate ich ins Fadenkreuz von Stevie Kisner, einer umwerfend schönen Barbesitzerin mit scharfer Zunge und feurigem Blick. Bislang habe ich jede Herausforderung angenommen, also lasse ich mich weder von Stevie noch von ihrem großen Biker-Vater abschrecken, der so aussieht, als wolle er mich umbringen. Angetrieben von zu viel Alkohol und dem lautstarken Drängen meiner Teamkameraden will ich Stevie zeigen, dass ich nicht nur auf dem Eis etwas drauf habe. Obwohl ich zu Beginn nur Spaß haben will, fasziniert Stevie mich. Sie ist höllisch cool und zusammen brennen wir lichterloh. Aber je näher ich sie kennenlerne, desto auffälliger wird, dass sie etwas vor mir verbirgt. Da ich nach meiner letzten gescheiterten Beziehung Probleme habe, anderen zu vertrauen, muss ich entscheiden, ob ich mir von der Vergangenheit die Zukunft diktieren lasse, oder ob ich mein Herz aufs Spiel setze, um herauszufinden, ob Stevie das ist, was ich glaube - mein Ein und Alles. Teil 7 der Reihe rund um das Eishockey Team der Pittsburgh Titans aus der Feder von New York Times-Bestsellerautorin Sawyer Bennett.


release date: Aug 01, 2023
Camden Poe is the last of The Lucky Three, the surviving Pittsburgh Titans who weren’t on the team plane the night it went down. By all outward appearances, he’s adjusted to post-crash life well but inside he’s wrestling with the guilt of living. The catastrophe that killed the Pittsburgh Titans changed my entire world. My teammates were more than my friends—they were my brothers. I mourned their loss with the rest of the nation but then I did as I’ve been taught… I moved on. I focused on returning to the ice with the newly rebuilt team and put the tragedy behind me. Considering the circumstances, I adjusted well. Or so I thought. Now I’m plagued by nightmares of the crash and my play has suffered as a result. Facing the possibility of losing my place on the team, I need to pull myself together and fast. My buddy and linemate, Mitch Brandt died in the crash, leaving his wife Danica and son Travis behind to pick up the pieces of their shattered family. After reconnecting with Danica at a support group meeting, I find myself inexplicably drawn to helping her and her son move forward. What starts as two friends finding solace in one another following a tragedy becomes something more, leaving us both wondering if we deserve this chance. I feel as if I’m walking a precarious line between a man falling for an incredible woman and a man moving in on his dead friend’s wife. But one thing is crystal clear—I’ve found a peace with Danica that I wasn’t sure I’d ever have again. Now I need to find the confidence within myself to push past the insecurities and make sure she knows how important she is to me because if I don’t, I’ll lose the one thing that makes me truly complete.

Friction: Reeve and Leary's Story

release date: Jun 27, 2023
Friction: Reeve and Leary's Story
Leary Michaels has no problem using her feminine charms to daze her legal adversaries so they don’t see her coming in for the kill. On her most personal case yet, she finds herself battling an attorney who’s just as skilled, seductive and shamelessly determined to beat her at her own game. As a partner at Knight & Payne, I know what it takes to succeed—hard work, long hours and occasionally turning up my female powers of persuasion. I’m not afraid to show a little skin if it’s going to get me what I want and I’ve been known to ignore the ethics rules a time or two. The opponent on my current case is nothing but a sleazy corporate lawyer willing to sell his soul to the devil to help his rich clients get richer by sticking it to innocent people like my client. No matter how devastatingly handsome Reeve Holloway is, I have zero qualms messing with his head… both above and below his belt. I’ve deviously planned out our first meeting and one excruciatingly long elevator ride at the courthouse leaves me with my stockings down, Reeve begging for more and the two of us on a decidedly unethical path to the bedroom. As the case and our dalliance go on, I find that my initial impression of Reeve couldn’t be further from reality. What starts as a couple of workaholics blowing off steam turns into something deeper than we ever wanted. But pillow talk can be dangerous when you’re walking a moral line and Reeve’s law firm has made it clear they’ll stop at nothing to win. When the gavel comes down on our case, I can’t help but feel as if I’m losing everything I’ve worked so hard to attain. As our hearts become more entwined, can we find a way to battle in the courtroom or will the friction cause our love to burn to ashes? NOTE: Friction: Reeve and Leary’s Story was originally released as Friction by Montlake in 2015. This tale of two attorneys battling it out in the courtroom received a fresh polish but the story remains the same—smart, sassy and smoking hot.

The Pittsburgh Titans Digital Boxed Set (Books 4-6)

release date: Jun 17, 2023
The Pittsburgh Titans Digital Boxed Set (Books 4-6)
The Pittsburgh Titans organization suffered a devastating loss when their team plane crashed, killing everyone on board. Join the team as they rebuild their lives both on and off the ice. Coen: Coen Highsmith was a league star, but he lost more than his team the day the Pittsburgh Titans’ plane crashed. Can he be saved from his downward spiral of guilt and regret to become the man he once was? Coen and his grumpy attitude are about to clash with his sunshine neighbor in this enemies-to-lovers standalone. Drake: Drake McGinn turned his back on hockey after the league betrayed him. Will the Titans be his chance to clear his name and take back the career he once loved? Drake is a forbidden bad boy and his billionaire boss standalone romance. Cannon: Cannon West left his hockey playing days behind to care for his dying wife but has since found success on the other side of the bench. Now, as the youngest head coach in league history, he’s hoping to lead the Pittsburgh Titans to a winning season. Cannon is a friends-to-lovers standalone romance about facing fears and taking chances.


release date: Jun 06, 2023
Hendrix Bateman is one of The Lucky Three, a trio of players who were not on the Titan’s team plane the night it crashed. Feeling as if he’s been given a second chance, Hendrix is determined to make the most out of his life, but that doesn’t mean he’s not suffering from scars that can’t be seen. When I lost my Titan brothers in the crash, it was a mixed bag of emotions. I was devastated and grief stricken, but I was also grateful to be alive. Yeah, that might cause a little—okay, a lot of—guilt, but now I’m determined to live each day as if it’s my last. A night out with friends puts me in the crosshairs of Stevie Kisner—the devastatingly beautiful bar owner with a sharp tongue and a fire in her eyes that lets me know she has zero tolerance for guys like me. I’ve never been one to back away from a challenge, so I’m not dissuaded by Stevie’s tough as nails attitude or her big biker dad who looks like he wants to kill me. Fueled by too many shots and the raucous urging of my teammates, I set out to show Stevie I’ve got game both on and off the ice. While I shouldn’t be looking for anything more than a good time, I can’t help but be captivated by Stevie. She’s cool as hell and we burn hot together. But the more I get to know her, the more I can tell she’s holding something in reserve, and let’s just say I’ve got some trust issues after my last disastrous attempt at a relationship. Now I need to decide if I’m going to let my past dictate my future or if I am willing to put my heart on the line to find out if Stevie is exactly what I think she is—my everything.

The Ruin of Gods

release date: Apr 11, 2023
The Ruin of Gods
A demigod ready to commit for eternity. A god who isn’t ready to commit at all. An unseen danger that may kill them both. u200bu200bu200bFor centuries, I’ve traveled the realms, fighting wars, providing peace, causing havoc and everything in between. I’ve also sown my wild oats across those realms, taking pleasure when and where it’s offered. It’s a work hard, play harder lifestyle but I’m just the demigod to do it. Zora is the god of Life but before that she was a mortal held captive, growing up without love or affection. Raised in the pits of Hell, she was a pawn in a sinister plan to destroy the world. Tossed into the life of an immortal deity, Zora is understandably closed off and confused about who she is and where she fits in. But the one place she fits perfectly is in my bed and the more time I spend with her, the more I’d like to keep her there permanently. My attempts to win over the ethereal beauty are thwarted when a nefarious plan begins to unfold, leaving Zora missing and me scrambling to solve a mystery no one saw coming. As an immortal, time is of little importance but becomes a precious commodity where saving Zora is concerned. I’ve lived centuries never knowing true love, but I know one thing with absolute certainty—Zora is what I need to complete my eternal life. Now I need to make sure she lives long enough to realize the same about me. The Ruin of Gods is a standalone romantic fantasy novel about learning to love—both ourselves and another—within The Chronicles of the Stone Veil series.


release date: Jan 03, 2023
Drake McGinn turned his back on hockey after the league betrayed him. Will the Titans be his chance to clear his name and take back the career he once loved? After I made the decision to divorce, my ex-wife set out on a smear campaign against me, telling anyone who would listen that I was betting on hockey and throwing games. It wasn’t surprising that my ex told the lies, but the fact that the media, league, and fans chose to believe her baseless claims was unforgivable. I walked away from it all and never looked back. Having settled into life as a single dad to three boys, I’m content. I have more money than I could ever need, and plenty of time to do whatever I want, whenever I want, and whoever I want. So when Brienne Norcross, the team owner for the Pittsburgh Titans, shows up at my house with a job offer, I have no problem turning her down. But the no-nonsense billionaire, with sinfully seductive red lips and killer heels that would look hot as hell thrown over my shoulders, won’t take “no” for an answer. Now I need to find balance between hockey, my boys, and the explosive chemistry Brienne and I can no longer deny. A cast-off hockey player and the league’s only female team owner? I can think of a million reasons why it could never work but can’t bring myself to care about a single one of them. Game on.


release date: Jul 05, 2022
Veteran player Gage Heyward retired from the league following a successful career. Now the Titans need him, but does he have what it takes to get back on the ice and pull this team together? After achieving the goals I set for myself, I walked away from my professional hockey career. It was a tough decision, but the right one at the time. When the Titans organization approached me about joining the team they were rebuilding following a devastating plane crash, I felt a passion for the game and a competitive spirit I hadn’t felt in years. The opportunity to make a huge difference to a lot of people spoke to me, and I accepted their offer and headed to Pittsburgh without a second thought. Jenna Holland is also new to town, having moved from Phoenix to Pittsburgh to take a job with the Titans. Her past has left her with scars—both physical and emotional—and she’s slow to trust others. But the more I learn about Jenna, the more I want to know. The more I need to know. Because the beautiful blonde with honey gold eyes and a wall around her heart has me enamored. My game on the ice is the best it’s ever been, but it’s my game off the ice I’m focused on these days. Because while Jenna may not be willing to take a chance, I know the potential is there for something big. Something life changing. Now I just need to convince her to take the shot.

Codename: Disavowed

release date: Jun 24, 2022
Codename: Disavowed
Das Schicksal geht oft seltsame Wege. Die Jameson Force Security Gruppe hat gerade die Benachrichtigung über eine enttarnte CIA-Agentin erhalten, die aus Mittelamerika befreit werden muss. Mir läuft es kalt den Rücken herunter, als ich erfahre, dass die Agentin Greer Hathaway ist – meine ehemalige Verlobte. Nach unserer Trennung vor über zehn Jahren hege ich immer noch bittere Gefühle gegenüber Greer und dem Ende unserer Beziehung. Doch das ändert nichts an der Tatsache, dass ich Greer einmal über alles geliebt habe. Deshalb sitze ich ohne zu zögern im nächsten Flugzeug, um mich auf eine Rettungsmission zu begeben. Außerdem hat Greer mir einmal das Leben gerettet, also ist es jetzt an der Zeit, den Gefallen zu erwidern und mit der Vergangenheit abzuschließen. Zum ersten Mal seit dem Ende unserer Verlobung stehen Greer und ich uns von Angesicht zu Angesicht gegenüber - und da sind nicht nur Wut, unbeantwortete Fragen und Bedauern, sondern auch die unbestreitbare Chemie, die anscheinend immer noch zwischen uns besteht. Wird das Versprechen einer neuen gemeinsamen Zukunft ausreichen - oder werden uns die gleichen Hindernisse wieder trennen? Teil 8 der Jameson Force Security Group-Reihe von New York Times-Bestsellerautorin Sawyer Bennett.

The Shadow Princess

release date: Jun 07, 2022
The Shadow Princess
Living an idyllic life in Wyoming, Thalia Clairmont is completely unaware that her world is about to be turned upside down. Step into the next dimension with The Shadow Princess, the newest story in The Chronicles of the Stone Veil series from New York Times bestselling author Sawyer Bennett. My name is Thalia Clairmont and I am heir to the throne of Vyronas. A title that was unknown to me after the love of my life, Bastien Dunne, had me stripped of my memories and sent me through the veil into another dimension. He maintains it was for my protection after my parents were killed and our kingdom was overthrown, but I see it as a betrayal. Overwhelmed by my feelings of both love and anger for Bastien, I quickly understand that things aren’t what they once were. Vyronas is at war and an evil sorceress has claimed my throne by casting her blood magic to subjugate my people. With my memories returned, I realize Bastien isn’t the man I once loved and has instead become a distant, hardened warrior whose heart is as cold as ice. My magic alone cannot defeat the blood sorcery, so I delve into the deepest shadows to find a way to regain control of my kingdom. Can I defeat evil without succumbing to the darkness? And will Bastien and I be able to reclaim the love we once shared? I am the Shadow Princess and it’s time for me to reclaim my throne. The Shadow Princess is a standalone second chance romance with a fantastical flourish within The Chronicles of the Stone Veil series.

The Complete Legal Affairs Series

release date: May 23, 2022
The Complete Legal Affairs Series
The law has never felt so hot! These lawyers might be all business in the courtroom (well, mostly), but it’s no holds barred when court isn’t in session! A fling with the boss, enemies who don’t hate each other as much as they thought, a rockstar, and a pesky woodpecker make this a series you don’t want to miss! The Legal Affairs series includes: * Legal Affairs: McKayla’s Story * Confessions of a Litigation God: Matt’s Story * Clash: Cal and Macy’s Story Book 1 * Grind: Cal and Macy’s Story Book 2 * Yield: Cal and Macy’s Story Book 3 * Sexy Lies and Rock & Roll: Evan and Emma’s Story * The Pecker Briefs: Ford and Viveka’s Story

The Complete Wicked Horse Vegas Series

release date: Apr 22, 2022
The Complete Wicked Horse Vegas Series
Everything is bigger and brighter in Las Vegas, and The Wicked Horse Vegas is no exception. The exclusive club has taken up residence high above The Strip, and friends, lovers, and strangers alike are finding their deepest pleasures within the club’s glamorous walls. Sin City can’t compete with the decadence at The Wicked Horse Vegas. The Complete Wicked Horse Vegas Series includes the following standalones: * Wicked Favor * Wicked Wish * Wicked Envy * Wicked Wedding * Wicked Choice * Wicked Knight * Wicked Angel * Wicked Secret * Wicked Billionaire

The Complete Last Call Series

release date: Apr 22, 2022
The Complete Last Call Series
The drinks are cold but the nights are scorching hot at The Last Call! Things in the Outer Banks are heating up as these friends find love in a series of sexy standalone books—friends who become more, a second chance for a wrongly convicted felon, a dark past filled with tragedy, an undercover mission that blurs professional lines, a woman who has sworn off relationships and the man who proves her wrong. Get it all and more in The Last Call series! The Complete Last Call Series includes the following standalones: * On the Rocks * Make It a Double * Sugar On the Edge * With a Twist * Shaken Not Stirred

The Complete Off Series

release date: Apr 22, 2022
The Complete Off Series
A hockey player, a marine, a rockstar, and a firefighter walk into a bar…oh, there’s no punchline. Those are just some of the heroes you’ll find in the Off Series. Enemies who become more, instant attraction that burns hot, a long-distance relationship that spans the globe and more can be found in the Off Series! The Complete Off Series includes the following standalones: * Off Sides * Off Limits * Off the Record * Off Course * Off Chance * Off Season * Off Duty

Code Name: Revenge

release date: Apr 19, 2022
Code Name: Revenge
When Kynan McGrath approached me about joining Jameson Force Security, I jumped at the chance. Just call me Dozer Burney, one half of the genius duo who keeps the team at the forefront of security technology. The move from NASA to Jameson also put me back on the east coast, closer to those who mean the most to me. Jessica Anderson has been my best friend since college. A single mom who found herself mixed up with a dangerous man years ago, she’s been living a safe, quiet life in Miami after helping police put him behind bars. We both knew her safety, and that of her daughter, was reliant on him staying locked up. So when I see an alert that he’s escaped from his maximum security prison, I know where he’s heading to exact his revenge. Now it’s a race against time to get to Jessica before he does. Protecting her with my life is easy, because there’s one thing I’ve never admitted to anyone, not even myself—I have been in love with Jessica Anderson since the day I met her. And if we both make it out alive, I’ll make sure she knows it every day for the rest of our lives.

Codename: Tiara

release date: Feb 25, 2022
Codename: Tiara
Ich bin aus drei Gründen Mitarbeiter der Jameson Force Security Gruppe geworden: Die abwechslungsreichen Missionen, die Gefahr und das Geld. Ich bin definitiv nicht Mitglied des Teams geworden, um ein überteuerter Babysitter für eine verwöhnte europäische Prinzessin zu sein. Fragen Sie jeden, der mich kennt, und er wird Ihnen sagen, dass Jackson Gale durch und durch ein Abenteurer ist. Doch hier bin ich, nach einer Reise um den halben Erdball, und bin der Bodyguard von Prinzessin Camille aus dem Hause Winterbourne. Sogar ihr Name klingt hochnäsig. Als ich in Bretaria ankomme, wird mir klar, dass Prinzessin Camille nicht meinen Vorurteilen entspricht. Camille ist schön, intelligent und die pure Verkörperung von Eleganz und Anmut. Aber unter ihrer perfekten Fassade ist sie fröhlich, abenteuerlustig und sexy wie die Hölle. Eine unwiderstehliche Kombination! Je näher Camille und ich uns kommen, desto offensichtlicher ist, dass sie und ich zwar in vielerlei Hinsicht vereinbar sind, unser Schicksal jedoch nicht. Sie hat eine Pflicht gegenüber der Monarchie, und ich bin nur ein durchschnittlicher Amerikaner, der sich in eine Prinzessin verliebt hat. Jeder sagt, wir können niemals ein Paar sein. Doch wie kann man die andere Hälfte seines Herzens einfach zurücklassen? Teil 7 der Reihe rund um das Sicherheitsteam der Jameson Force Security Group von New York Times-Bestsellerautorin Sawyer Bennett.

Erik (Arizona Vengeance Team Teil 2)

release date: Feb 07, 2022
Erik (Arizona Vengeance Team Teil 2)
Die Arizona Vengeance entwickeln auf dem Eis den Ruf als eines der besten Eishockeyteams. Aber der Ruf eines Spielers außerhalb der Halle könnte ihn davon abhalten, zu punkten ... Ich habe unglaublichen Spaß mit meinen neuen Brüdern bei den Arizona Vengeance. Wir sind zwar ein neu gegründetes Team, aber nach einigen großen Siegen weiß die ganze Liga, dass sie sich vor Erik Dahlbeck in Acht nehmen muss. Erik Dahlbeck bin ich. Die einzige Person, die mich anscheinend nicht so toll findet, ist Blue Gardner, die verdammt heiße Flugbegleiterin in unserem Teamflugzeug. Ich würde ja gerne mit ihr in den Mile-High-Club eintreten, aber abgesehen davon, dass sie mir lauwarmen Kaffee bringt, lässt sie mich nicht mal ansatzweise an sich heran. Was auch immer ich getan habe, um Blue zu verärgern, meine Teamkollegen finden es urkomisch. Schließlich sind wir daran gewöhnt, dass die Frauen uns in Scharen zu Füßen liegen. #puckbunnies Als ich Blue auf dem Boden wiederbegegne, bin ich verblüfft, als ich erfahre, wie sie ihre freie Zeit verbringt: Sie kümmert sich um ihren behinderten Bruder. Diese Frau hat so viele Facetten, die ich mir nie hätte vorstellen können, und ich kann es kaum erwarten, sie zu enthüllen. Und das ist ein vollkommen neues Gefühl für mich. Aber zuerst muss ich einen Weg finden, diesen eiskalten Blick zum Schmelzen zu bringen. Denn so sehr ich auch versuche, so zu tun, als wäre es mir egal, was Blue von mir denkt, wie kann es einem egal sein, wenn man sich in jemanden verliebt? Teil 2 der Reihe rund um das Team der Arizona Vengeance von New York Times-Bestsellerautorin Sawyer Bennett.


release date: Jan 11, 2022
After suffering a horrific injury that threatens to end his career, Baden Oulett is about to learn that sometimes a fresh start is just what the doctor ordered. I worked my whole life to achieve one goal—play professional hockey. As part of the defending Cup champion Arizona Vengeance, I was living my dream until one split second decision destroyed it all. Instead of lacing up my skates and hitting the ice, I’ve spent my days in rehab and physical therapy just so I could walk again. When a coaching opportunity with the Pittsburgh Titans is presented to me, I find myself with a career I had never considered but which allows me to continue being part of the sport that I love. While my injuries are physical, the same can’t be said for the woman I rescued. Suffering from wounds that can’t be seen, Sophie Winters has withdrawn from the world in fear and guilt. I didn’t know Sophie before that fateful night and have only met her once since, but I refuse to let her face her demons alone. Determined to be a friend, I support Sophie in the only way I know how… by simply being there. Through our shared trauma, Sophie and I begin to find peace within one another. As we grow closer, what started as friendship becomes more intimate until our broken pieces become one. But can a love born of anguish endure, or will the pain of our past prove too much to overcome?

Code Name: Disavowed

release date: Dec 14, 2021
Code Name: Disavowed
Life works in mysterious ways. Jameson Force Security has just received notice of a disavowed CIA agent in need of rescue in Central America. My blood runs cold when I learn that agent is none other than Greer Hathaway—my former fiancée. Having gone our separate ways more than a decade ago, I still have bitter feelings toward Greer and the demise of our relationship. Those feelings don’t change the fact that I loved her more than anything, so I’m on the next flight out to embark on a rescue mission. Besides, Greer once saved my life, so now it’s time to return the favor and put her firmly in my past. Face-to-face for the first time since ending our engagement, Greer and I are left with not only anger, unanswered questions and regrets, but also the undeniable chemistry we apparently still have. Will the promise of a new future together be enough, or will the same obstacles tear us apart again?

Bishop (Arizona Vengeance Team Teil 1)

release date: Nov 10, 2021
Bishop (Arizona Vengeance Team Teil 1)
Bishop Scott, Co-Kapitän des Arizona Vengeance-Eishockeyteams. Gar nicht so übel, oder? Dies gehört zu meinem Neuanfang mit dem frisch gegründeten Team der NHL, und das bedeutet: Neue Teamkollegen, neuer Trainer, neue Stadt und einen großen neuen Vertrag. Im Grunde kann ich es kaum erwarten, meiner alten Truppe zu demonstrieren, was ihnen künftig entgeht. Aber zuerst beschließe ich, die Stadt zu erkunden. Es stellt sich heraus, dass die Mädels in Arizona verdammt heiß sind, und ich habe das Glück, jemanden zu treffen, der das Gleiche sucht wie ich, und zwar eine Nacht voller anonymem, unvergesslichem und unverbindlichem Sex. Unsere Nacht hat jedoch ein Nachspiel, denn mein One-Night-Stand hat ein eigenes Büro im Arizona Vengeance Stadion. Und nun wird mir klar, wer das Mädchen ist: Brooke Perron. Die Tochter meines neuen Trainers. Plötzlich machen wir genau da weiter, wo wir aufgehört haben, und fallen leidenschaftlich übereinander her. Doch dann kommt ihr Vater - mein Boss - herein. Und bevor ich etwas sagen kann, stellt Brooke mich als ihren Verlobten vor! Klar, sie hat mir gerade den Arsch gerettet. Aber warum habe ich das Gefühl, dass Brooke meine ganze Welt auf den Kopf stellen wird? Vielleicht liegt es daran, dass sich diese falsche Beziehung viel zu echt anfühlt ... Teil 1 der Reihe rund um das Arizona Vengeance Eishockey-Team.

Jameson Force Security Boxed Set Books 4-6

release date: Nov 07, 2021
Jameson Force Security Boxed Set Books 4-6
The suspense continues as Jameson Force Security as they do the dark and dangerous jobs no one else wants to do… Code Name: Hacker Bebe Grimshaw spent years behind bars after being caught hacking nuclear codes for a crime syndicate, but her job at Jameson has given her a second chance at doing the right thing. But things aren’t what they seem when she learns, Griffin Moore, the handsome stranger she met in the park has been sent to kill her. Code Name: Hacker is an enemies-to-lovers romantic suspense standalone. Code Name: Ghost Malik Fournier was captured and his teammates killed in a mission gone wrong. Following his rescue and return home, he continues to be riddled with survivor’s guilt. Anna Tate lost her husband in that mission, but she offers him the comfort he doesn’t think he deserves, but from which he can’t walk away. Code Name: Ghost is a forbidden romantic suspense standalone. Code Name: Rook Cage is more of a ‘here for the night’ than a ‘here for forever’ kind of guy, so what’s the harm in telling a lie about his job? Jaime Dolan’s the woman he never knew he needed in his life and when he marries her without telling her the truth, he has some serious explaining to do. Code Name: Rook is a ‘can he save his marriage’ second chance romantic suspense standalone.

Code Name: Tiara

release date: Sep 07, 2021
Code Name: Tiara
I joined Jameson Force Security for three reasons: the missions, the danger, and the money. I definitely didn’t join the team to be an overpriced babysitter for a spoiled princess. Ask anyone who knows me, and they’ll tell you Jackson Gale is an adventurer through and through. Yet here I am, halfway across the world, watching over Princess Camille of the House Winterbourne. Even her name sounds stuck up. After arriving in Bretaria, I realize that Princess Camille is nothing that I expected. Beautiful, smart, and sophisticated, Camille is the very picture of elegance and grace. But under her perfect façade, she is funny, adventurous, sexy as hell, and impossible to resist. And that is a dangerous combination. The closer Camille and I become, the more obvious it is that while she and I are compatible in many ways, our destinies are not. She has a duty to the monarchy, and I’m just an average American who’s fallen for a princess. Everyone says we can’t be together, but how does one walk away from the other half of their heart?


release date: Jul 20, 2021
Jett Olsson isn’t looking for anything serious and she’s not looking for anything at all, so why does it seem so hard to keep it professional? I love my life—the thrill of being on the ice as part of the Arizona Vengeance, the rush of winning, the adoration of the fans. And if that adoration means I don’t have to spend the night alone, well even better. I’m content being single and always ready to mingle. But the day Emory Holland walks into a Vengeance team meeting my attention is caught like never before. I can tell right away she’s full of smarts and sass, and the fact that she’s hot as hell sure doesn’t hurt either. She immediately shuts down my advances, so I opt for the road less traveled—straight to the friend zone. My approach works like a charm, and when she invites me into her bed for a no-strings, friends-with-benefits arrangement, I vow to give her everything I have. She’s been hurt before, and if I’m able to help her heal while giving her a spectacularly satisfying time *pats self on back*, then I’ll be happy. Or at least that’s the lie I keep telling myself as the time ticks down on the final buzzer of our “relationship”. Now the real question is, can I score the winning goal in a game neither of us realized we were playing?
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