Best Selling Books by Friedrich Nietzsche

Friedrich Nietzsche is the author of Beyond Good & Evil (1989), Beyond Good and Evil (2012), The Genealogy of Morals, The Joyous Science (2018), The Birth of Tragedy (2021).

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Beyond Good & Evil

release date: Dec 17, 1989
Beyond Good & Evil
One of the most remarkable and influential books of the nineteenth century—Nietzsche''s attempt to sum up his philosophy. In nine parts the book is designed to give the reader a comprehensive idea of Nietzsche''s thought and style: they span "The Prejudices of Philsophers," "The Free Spirit," religion, morals, scholarship, "Our Virtues," "Peoples and Fatherlands," and "What Is Noble," as well as epigrams and a concluding poem. This translation by Walter Kaufmann has become the standard one, for accuracy and fidelity to the eccentricities and grace of the style of the original. The translation is based on the only edition Nietzsche himself published, and all variant reading in later editions. This volume offers an inclusive index of subjects and persons, as well as a running footnote commentary on the text.

Beyond Good and Evil

release date: May 23, 2012
Beyond Good and Evil
DIVThe great 19th-century philosopher refines his previously expressed ideal of the superman in one of his most important works, a fascinating examination of human values and morality. Publisher''s Note. /div

The Genealogy of Morals

The Genealogy of Morals
"The Genealogy of Morals" (Original German Title "Zur Genealogie der Moral: Eine Streitschrift'') is a seminal work in which Nietzsche delves into the historical and psychological origins of moral values, continuing his arguments in Beyond Good and Evil. This book has greatly influenced Modernist thinkers like Sigmund Freud , and Post-Modern thinkers like Michel Foucault. It was very popular in France in the 20th century, further establishing a Nihilistic foundation of central European society. This work, which consists of a preface and three "treatises," is one of Nietzsche''s most influential writings. They are not a collection of aphorisms like most of his other works, but longer, systematic texts with a thoroughly scientific approach: he presents sociological, historical, and psychological theses attacking Protestant Theology. Unlike the classical moral philosophers, Nietzsche does not attempt to derive or justify morality, but rather to trace the historical development and psychological preconditions of certain moral values. Thus, he does not ask how people should act, but why people (individuals or groups) believe they should act in a certain way, or want others to act in a certain way. He uses a genealogical method to trace the development of moral concepts, revealing their contingent and power-laden nature. The book is divided into three essays, each exploring different aspects of morality, including the contrast between master and slave morality, the role of guilt and guilt in the formation of conscience, and the ascetic ideal. Nietzsche''s analysis in this work has had a profound influence on subsequent philosophical and cultural thought, particularly in the fields of ethics and moral psychology. The juxtaposition of a "slave morality" and a "master morality" from the first treatise has become a catchphrase, although this concept comes directly from Hegel''s notion of the slave dialectic leading to absolute freedom. The third treatise, in which Nietzsche offers a detailed critique of ascetic ideals, is fundamental to the understanding of all of his later writings. First published in 1887 by the publishing house C. G. Naumann in Leipzig, Germany, this is a new 2024 translation from this original 1886 German manuscript contains a new Afterword by the Translator, a timeline of Nietzsche''s life and works, an index with descriptions of his core concepts and summaries of his complete body of works. This translation is designed to allow the armchair philosopher to engage deeply with Nietzsche''s works without having to be a full-time Academic. The language is modern and clean, with simplified sentence structures and diction to make Nietzsche''s complex language and arguments as accessible as possible. This Reader''s Edition also contains extra material that amplifies the manuscript with autobiographical, historical and linguistic context. This provides the reader a holistic view of this very enigmatic philosopher as both an introduction and an exploration of Nietzsche''s works; from his general understanding of his philosophic project to an exploration of the depths of his metaphysics and unique contributions. This edition contains: • An Afterword by the Translator on the history, impact and intellectual legacy of Nietzsche • Translation notes on the original German, Latin and Greek manuscript • An index of Philosophical concepts used by Nietzsche with a focus on Existentialism and Phenomenology • A chronological list of Nietzsche''s entire body of works • A detailed timeline of Nietzsche''s life and works

The Joyous Science

release date: Dec 06, 2018
The Joyous Science
''God is dead ... but given the ways of men, perhaps for millennia to come there will be caves in which his shadow will be shown'' Friedrich Nietzsche described The Joyous Science as a book of ''exuberance, restlessness, contrariety and April showers''. A deeply personal and affirmative work, it straddles his middle and late periods and contains some of the most important ideas he would ever express in writing. Moving from a critique of conventional morality, the arts and modernity to an exhilarating doctrine of self-emancipation, this playful combination of aphorisms, poetry and prose is a treasure trove of philosophical insights, brought to new life in R. Kevin Hill''s clear, graceful translation. Translated and edited with an introduction and notes by R. Kevin Hill

The Birth of Tragedy

release date: Oct 18, 2021
The Birth of Tragedy
The Birth of Tragedy Friedrich Nietzsche - The Birth of Tragedy (1872) is a book about the origins of Greek tragedy and its relevance to the German culture of its time. For Nietzsche, Greek tragedy is the expression of a culture which has achieved a delicate but powerful balance between Dionysian insight into the chaos and suffering which underlies all existence and the discipline and clarity of rational Apollonian form. In order to promote a return to these values, Nietzsche undertakes a critique of the complacentrationalism of late nineteenth-century German culture and makes an impassioned plea for the regenerative potential of the music of Wagner. In its wide-ranging discussion of the nature of art, science and religion, Nietzsche''s argument raises important questions about the problematic nature of cultural origins which

Human, All Too Human

Human, All Too Human
"Human, All Too Human" marks a significant shift in Nietzsche''s thought toward a more naturalistic and skeptical perspective. In this work, he adopts a more critical stance toward metaphysics and religion, exploring the psychological and cultural origins of human beliefs and values. This book is characterized by its aphoristic style and sharp wit, as Nietzsche dissects the follies and contradictions of human behavior. This is one of his largest works, spanning hundreds of topics and figures including Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Spinoza, Kant, Luther, Melanchthon, Darwin, Voltaire, Rousseau, Leibniz, Diogenes, Marcus Aurelius, Montaigne, Pascal, Jean Paul, Hume, Locke, Jean-Jacques, Emerson, Carlyle, Pascal, Bismarck and Schopenhauer. The original 1878 release was printed by Ernst Schmeitzner in Chemnitz, Germany. In 1879, "Assorted Opinions and Maxims" was added as a supplement, and in 1880, "The Wanderer and His Shadow" followed, completing what is often referred to as the first part of "Human, All Too Human." The combined works were later republished in a single volume in 1886, and this new translation is based off of that work. This new 2024 translation from the original German, Latin and Greek manuscript contains a new Afterword by the translator, a timeline of Nietzsche''s life and works, an index with descriptions of his core concepts and summaries of his complete body of works. This translation is designed to allow the armchair philosopher to engage deeply with Nietzsche''s works without having to be a full-time Academic. The language is modern and clean, with simplified sentence structures and diction to make Nietzsche''s complex language and arguments as accessible as possible. This Reader''s Edition also contains extra material that amplifies the manuscript with autobiographical, historical and linguistic context. This provides the reader a holistic view of this very enigmatic philosopher as both an introduction and an exploration of Nietzsche''s works; from his general understanding of his philosophic project to an exploration of the depths of his metaphysics and unique contributions. This edition contains: • • An Afterword by the Translator on the history, impact and intellectual legacy of Nietzsche • Translation notes on the original German, Latin and Greek manuscript • An index of Philosophical concepts used by Nietzsche with a focus on Existentialism and Phenomenology • A chronological list of Nietzsche''s entire body of works • A detailed timeline of Nietzsche''s life and works

The Genealogy of Morals: Bilingual English & German Edition

The Genealogy of Morals: Bilingual English & German Edition
A new 2023 translation into American English from the original manuscript of Nietzsche''s 1887 "Zur Genealogie der Moral" or "On the Genealogy of Morals". This edition is bilingual- the original text is included in the back as reference material behind the English translation. This is volume 8 in the Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche by Newcomb Livraria Press. In tracing the origins of morality, the ruthless philosopher-artist surveys all of human history from a Darwinian-historical perspective first, and then from a phenomenological lens. He does not have the Teleological view of history of Hegel, but rather sees a broken mess of repression and mistakes leading to the modern world, which must all be broken down. His great work is to help society return to a pre-socratic greek warrior society. This and his following works Beyond Good and Evil and The Twilight of the Idols are “the books of the revaluation of all values”.

Ecce Homo

Ecce Homo
"Ecce Homo: How One Becomes What One Is" is Nietzsche''s greatest autobiographical work, in which he reflects on his life, his philosophical development, and the significance of his writings. In this work, Nietzsche presents himself as a figure of profound insight and radical challenge to conventional morality and belief. He provides an overview of his major works, explaining their themes and intentions, and asserts his role as a philosopher of the future who has transcended the limitations of his time, biology and history itself. "Ecce Homo" is Latin for "Behold the Man" and is used in the Vulgate in John 19:5. It''s important to note that in some German translations of the Bible, this Latin phrase is often used, so Nietzsche''s readers would have known exactly what the Latin meant. In the title alone, he is essentially calling himself Jesus, or the Anti-Christ. In this later period of his life, strong megalomania took hold of him, and Ecce Homo is a shining example of this. Nietzsche employs a variety of rhetorical strategies, from sardonic humor to grandiose declarations in mimicry of Voltaire, to articulate his sense of mission and his critique of contemporary society. Characterized by unapologetic self-adoration and critical reflections on his intellectual opponents, the work provides a clear window into Nietzsche''s self-perception and his vision of his philosophical legacy. The manuscript was not published during Nietzsche''s lifetime due to his mental collapse in early 1889. The first publication occurred in 1908, edited by Raoul Richter and published by C.G. Naumann in Leipzig. This new 2024 translation of the original 1888 German manuscript includes a new afterword by the translator, a timeline of Nietzsche''s life and works, an index with descriptions of his key concepts, and summaries of his complete works. This new 2024 translation from the original German, Latin and Greek manuscript contains a new Afterword by the translator, a timeline of Nietzsche''s life and works, an index with descriptions of his core concepts and summaries of his complete body of works. This translation is designed to allow the armchair philosopher to engage deeply with Nietzsche''s works without having to be a full-time Academic. The language is modern and clean, with simplified sentence structures and diction to make Nietzsche''s complex language and arguments as accessible as possible. This Reader''s Edition also contains extra material that amplifies the manuscript with autobiographical, historical and linguistic context. This provides the reader a holistic view of this very enigmatic philosopher as both an introduction and an exploration of Nietzsche''s works; from his general understanding of his philosophic project to an exploration of the depths of his metaphysics and unique contributions. This edition contains: • An Afterword by the Translator on the history, impact and intellectual legacy of Nietzsche • Translation notes on the original German, Latin and Greek manuscript • An index of Philosophical concepts used by Nietzsche with a focus on Existentialism and Phenomenology • A chronological list of Nietzsche''s entire body of works • A detailed timeline of Nietzsche''s life and works

The Antichrist

release date: Dec 01, 2014
The Antichrist
The Antichrist (German: Der Antichrist) is a book by the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, originally published in 1895. Although it was written in 1888, its controversial content made Franz Overbeck and Heinrich Köselitz delay its publication, along with Ecce Homo. The German title can be translated into English as both "The Anti-Christ" and "The Anti-Christian".

The Joyful Wisdom

release date: Jan 19, 2018
The Joyful Wisdom
The Joyful Wisdom is a book by Friedrich Nietzsche, first published in 1882 and followed by a second edition, which was published after the completion of Thus Spoke Zarathustra and Beyond Good and Evil, in 1887. This substantial expansion includes a fifth book and an appendix of songs. It was noted by Nietzsche to be "the most personal of all [his] books", and contains the greatest number of poems in any of his published works.

The Birth of Tragedy & The Genealogy of Morals

The Birth of Tragedy & The Genealogy of Morals
Skillful, sophisticated translations of two of Nietzsche''s essential works about the conflict between the moral and aesthetic approaches to life, the impact of Christianity on human values, the meaning of science, the contrast between the Apollonian and Dionysian spirits, and other themes central to his thinking. The Birth of Tragedy (1872) was Nietzsche''s first book, The Geneology of Morals (1887) one of his last. Though they span the career of this controversial genius, both address the problems such as the conflict between the moral versus aesthetic approaches to life, the effect of Christianity on human values, the meaning of science, and the famous dichotomy between the Apollonian and Dionysian spirits, among many themes which Nietzsche struggled throughout his tortured life.

The Will to Power

release date: Jan 26, 2017
The Will to Power
''This world is the will to power - and nothing besides!'' One of the great minds of modernity, Friedrich Nietzsche smashed through the beliefs of his age. These writings, which did much to establish his reputation as a philosopher, offer some of his most powerful and troubling thoughts: on how the values of a new, aggressive elite will save a nihilistic, mediocre Europe, and, most famously, on the ''will to power'' - ideas that were seized upon and twisted by later readers. Taken from Nietzsche''s unpublished notebooks and assembled by his sister after his death, The Will to Power now appears with previous errors corrected. Translated by R. Kevin Hill and Michael A. Scarpitti with an Introduction and Notes by R. Kevin Hill


release date: Feb 08, 2024
"Genealogy of Morality" or "Genealogy of Morals" was published in 1887 by the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. The work criticizes the prevailing morality by studying the origin of moral principles that have governed the West since Socrates. Nietzsche is against all kinds of logical and scientific reasoning applied to morality, and therefore carries out a fierce critique of speculative reason and all Western culture in all its manifestations: religion, morality, philosophy, science, and art, among others. Originally written as a "complement and clarification of Beyond Good and Evil," as stated in the introduction of the first edition, "Genealogy of Morals" became one of Nietzsche''s most influential and controversial books, and Nietzsche himself is considered one of the most influential and important modern thinkers.

On the Genealogy of Morals

release date: Nov 07, 2013
On the Genealogy of Morals
The companion book to Beyond Good and Evil, the three essays included here offer vital insights into Nietzsche''s theories of morality and human psychology. Nietzsche claimed that the purpose of The Genealogy of Morals was to call attention to his previous writings. But in fact the book does much more than that, elucidating and expanding on the cryptic aphorisms of Beyond Good and Evil and signalling a return to the essay form. In these three essays, Nietzsche considers the development of ideas of ''good'' and ''evil''; explores notions of guilt and bad consience; and discusses ascetic ideals and the purpose of the philosopher. Together, they form a coherent and complex discussion of morality in a work that is more accessible than some of Nietzsche''s previous writings. Friedrich Nietzsche was born near Leipzig in 1844. When he was only twenty-four he was appointed to the chair of classical philology at Basel University. From 1880, however, he divorced himself from everyday life and lived mainly abroad. Works published in the 1880s include The Gay Science, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Beyond Good and Evil, On the Genealogy of Morals, Twilight of the Idols and The Antichrist. In January 1889, Nietzsche collapsed on a street in Turin and was subsequently institutionalized, spending the rest of his life in a condition of mental and physical paralysis. Works published after his death in 1900 include Will to Power, based on his notebooks, and Ecce Homo, his autobiography. Michael A. Scarpitti is an independent scholar of philosophy whose principal interests include English and German thought of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, as well as exegesis and translation theory. Robert C. Holub is currently Ohio Eminent Scholar and Professor of German at the Ohio State University. Among his published works are monographs on Heinrich Heine, German realism, Friedrich Nietzsche, literary and aesthetic theory, and Jürgen Habermas.

The Portable Nietzsche

The Portable Nietzsche
The works of Friedrich Nietzsche have fascinated readers around the world ever since the publication of his first book more than a hundred years ago. As Walter Kaufmann, one of the world’s leading authorities on Nietzsche, notes in his introduction, “Few writers in any age were so full of ideas,” and few writers have been so consistently misinterpreted. The Portable Nietzsche includes Kaufmann’s definitive translations of the complete and unabridged texts of Nietzsche’s four major works: Twilight of the Idols, The Antichrist, Nietzsche Contra Wagner and Thus Spoke Zarathustra. In addition, Kaufmann brings together selections from his other books, notes, and letters, to give a full picture of Nietzsche’s development, versatility, and inexhaustibility. “In this volume, one may very conveniently have a rich review of one of the most sensitive, passionate, and misunderstood writers in Western, or any, literature.” —Newsweek

Beyond Good and Evil By Friedrich Nietzsche

release date: May 15, 2014
Beyond Good and Evil By Friedrich Nietzsche
Supposing that Truth is a woman—what then? Is there not ground for suspecting that all philosophers, in so far as they have been dogmatists, have failed to understand women—that the terrible seriousness and clumsy importunity with which they have usually paid their addresses to Truth, have been unskilled and unseemly methods for winning a woman? Certainly she has never allowed herself to be won; and at present every kind of dogma stands with sad and discouraged mien—If, indeed, it stands at all! For there are scoffers who maintain that it has fallen, that all dogma lies on the ground—nay more, that it is at its last gasp. But to speak seriously, there are good grounds for hoping that all dogmatizing in philosophy, whatever solemn, whatever conclusive and decided airs it has assumed, may have been only a noble puerilism and tyronism; and probably the time is at hand when it will be once and again understood what has actually sufficed for the basis of such imposing and absolute philosophical edifices as the dogmatists have hitherto reared: perhaps some popular superstition of immemorial time (such as the soul-superstition, which, in the form of subject- and ego-superstition, has not yet ceased doing mischief): perhaps some play upon words, a deception on the part of grammar

The Gay Science

The Gay Science
The book Nietzsche called "the most personal of all my books." It was here that he first proclaimed the death of God—to which a large part of the book is devoted—and his doctrine of the eternal recurrence. Walter Kaufmann''s commentary, with its many quotations from previously untranslated letters, brings to life Nietzsche as a human being and illuminates his philosophy. The book contains some of Nietzsche''s most sustained discussions of art and morality, knowledge and truth, the intellectual conscience and the origin of logic. Most of the book was written just before Thus Spoke Zarathustra, the last part five years later, after Beyond Good and Evil. We encounter Zarathustra in these pages as well as many of Nietzsche''s most interesting philosophical ideas and the largest collection of his own poetry that he himself ever published. Walter Kaufmann''s English versions of Nietzsche represent one of the major translation enterprises of our time. He is the first philosopher to have translated Nietzsche''s major works, and never before has a single translator given us so much of Nietzsche.

On the Genealogy of Morals and Ecce Homo

release date: Apr 28, 2010
On the Genealogy of Morals and Ecce Homo
Masterful translations of the great philosopher’s major work on ethics, along with his own remarkable review of his life and works. On the Genealogy of Morals (1887) shows Nietzsche using philsophy, psychology, and classical philology in an effort to give new direction to an ancient discipline. The work consists of three essays. The first contrasts master morality and slave morality and indicates how the term "good" has widely different meanings in each. The second inquiry deals with guilt and the bad conscience; the third with ascetic ideals—not only in religion but also in the academy. Ecce Homo, written in 1898 and first published posthumously in 1908, is Nietzsche''s review of his life and works. It contains chapters on all the books he himself published. His interpretations are as fascinating as they are invaluable. Nothing Nietzsche wrote is more stunning stylistically or as a human document. Walter Kaufmann''s translations are faithful of the word and spirit of Nietzsche, and his running footnote commentaries on both books are more comprehensive than those in his other Nietzsche translations because these two works have been so widely misunderstood.

Twilight of the Idols

release date: Jul 17, 2019
Twilight of the Idols
"Twilight of the Idols means that the old truth is on its last legs," declared Friedrich Nietzsche in this 1889 polemic. Forceful in his language and profound in his message, the philosopher delivered the nineteenth century''s most devastating attack on Christianity. Intended by Nietzsche as a general introduction to his philosophy, it assails the "idols" of Western philosophy and culture, including the concepts of Socratic rationality and Christian morality. Written while Nietzsche was at the peak of his powers, less than a year before the onset of the insanity that gripped him until his death in 1900, this work''s proximity to the end of the author''s career renders it a distinctive portrait from his later period. The source of the famous dictum, "Whatever does not kill me makes me stronger," it blazes with provocative, inflammatory rhetoric that challenges readers to reexamine what they worship and why.

The Genealogy of Morals: A Polemic

release date: May 28, 2024
The Genealogy of Morals: A Polemic
The Genealogy of Morals: A Polemic by Friedrich Nietzsche is a thought-provoking and controversial work that delves into the origins and evolution of morality. Originally published in 1887, this three-essay collection has sparked intense debates and critical analysis, making it one of Nietzsche''s most influential and enduring works. In this book, Nietzsche sets out to challenge and uproot traditional moral systems, particularly those rooted in Judeo-Christian beliefs. He argues that morality is not objective, but rather a human construct that has been imposed on society by those in positions of power. He rejects the notion of an absolute right or wrong and instead presents a genealogical approach to understanding the development of morals. The first essay, "Good and Evil, Good and Bad," explores Nietzsche''s concept of the "slave revolt in morality." He posits that the values of good and evil were originally defined by the ruling class as a means of controlling and subjugating the weak. In this way, the concept of good was associated with qualities such as submission, obedience, and meekness, while evil was associated with strength, independence, and power. Nietzsche argues that this system of morality has been internalized by the masses, leading to the suppression of their natural instincts and desires. In the second essay, "Guilt, Bad Conscience, and Related Matters," Nietzsche delves into the origins of guilt and how it has been used to control and manipulate individuals. He argues that the concept of guilt was created by those in power to maintain their dominance over the weak. This essay also explores the development of the concept of the soul and the role it has played in shaping morality. The final essay, "What is the Meaning of Ascetic Ideals?" delves into the ascetic ideals of self-denial and renunciation. Nietzsche argues that these ideals have been imposed on society in order to suppress the natural instincts and drives of individuals, creating a society of weak and sick individuals. The Genealogy of Morals is a scathing critique of traditional morality and a call to reject these inherited values and create new ones based on an individual''s own instincts and desires. Nietzsche''s ideas have greatly influenced modern philosophy, psychology, and sociology, and his work continues to be a subject of debate and analysis. However, it is important to note that this book has been subject to criticism for its provocative and often controversial ideas. Some argue that Nietzsche''s rejection of traditional morality and emphasis on individualism can lead to a dangerous and amoral society. Others question the validity of his historical analysis and the generalizability of his theories. The Genealogy of Morals is a challenging and thought-provoking read that forces readers to question their deeply ingrained beliefs about morality. It is a polemic against societal norms and a call to embrace one''s own instincts and desires. Whether one agrees or disagrees with Nietzsche''s ideas, this book remains a crucial piece of literature that continues to influence philosophical discourse.

The Anti-Christ

release date: Apr 29, 2013
The Anti-Christ
Here is Friedrich Nietzsche''s great masterpiece The Anti-Christ, wherein Nietzsche attacks Christianity as a blight on humanity. This classic is essential reading for anyone wishing to understand Nietzsche and his place within the history of philosophy. "We should not deck out and embellish Christianity: it has waged a war to the death against this higher type of man, it has put all the deepest instincts of this type under its ban, it has developed its concept of evil, of the Evil One himself, out of these instincts-the strong man as the typical reprobate, the ''outcast among men.'' Christianity has taken the part of all the weak, the low, the botched; it has made an ideal out of antagonism to all the self-preservative instincts of sound life; it has corrupted even the faculties of those natures that are intellectually most vigorous, by representing the highest intellectual values as sinful, as misleading, as full of temptation. The most lamentable example: the corruption of Pascal, who believed that his intellect had been destroyed by original sin, whereas it was actually destroyed by Christianity!" -Friedrich Nietzsche

THUS SPOKE ZARATHUSTRA - A Book for All and None (World Classics Series)

release date: Jan 13, 2024
THUS SPOKE ZARATHUSTRA - A Book for All and None (World Classics Series)
In Friedrich Nietzsche''s seminal work ''Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Book for All and None'', the reader is taken on a philosophical journey through the teachings of the fictional prophet Zarathustra. Written in a unique literary style that combines prose, poetry, and aphorisms, Nietzsche challenges traditional morality and explores concepts such as the Ubermensch (Overman) and the eternal recurrence. This book is considered a cornerstone of existentialist and postmodern thought, influencing generations of thinkers with its provocative ideas and lyrical prose. Friedrich Nietzsche, a German philosopher and cultural critic, drew inspiration from his own personal struggles and experiences to write ''Thus Spoke Zarathustra''. His rejection of traditional Christian values and his exploration of the human condition shine through in this work, which remains one of the most important contributions to Western philosophy. I highly recommend ''Thus Spoke Zarathustra'' to readers who are interested in delving into complex philosophical ideas presented in a poetic and thought-provoking manner. Nietzsche''s masterpiece offers a treasure trove of intellectual stimulation and challenges the reader to question their own beliefs and values.

Selected Letters of Friedrich Nietzsche

release date: Jan 01, 1996
Selected Letters of Friedrich Nietzsche
Originally published: Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1969.
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