Best Selling Books by Friedrich Nietzsche

Friedrich Nietzsche is the author of Thus Spake Zarathustra - A Book for All and None (Wisehouse Classics) (2017), Ecce Homo (2018), El caso Wagner Nietzsche contra Wagner (2002), Au-delà du bien et du mal (1917), Twilight of the Idols.

81 - 104 of 104 results

Thus Spake Zarathustra - A Book for All and None (Wisehouse Classics)

release date: Sep 15, 2017
Thus Spake Zarathustra - A Book for All and None (Wisehouse Classics)
Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Book for All and None (German: Also sprach Zarathustra: Ein Buch fUr Alle und Keinen, also translated as Thus Spake Zarathustra) is a philosophical novel by German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, composed in four parts between 1883 and 1885 and published between 1883 and 1891. Much of the work deals with ideas such as the "eternal recurrence of the same," the parable on the "death of God," and the "prophecy" of the Ubermensch, which were first introduced in The Gay Science. The book chronicles the fictitious travels and speeches of Zarathustra. Zarathustra''s namesake was the founder of Zoroastrianism, usually known in English as Zoroaster (Avestan: ZaraϑuStra). Nietzsche is clearly portraying a "new" or "different" Zarathustra, one who turns traditional morality on its head. Zarathustra has a simple characterization and plot, narrated sporadically throughout the text. It possesses a unique experimental style, one that is, for instance, evident in newly invented "dithyrambs" narrated or sung by Zarathustra. Likewise, the separate Dithyrambs of Dionysus was written in autumn 1888, and printed with the full volume in 1892, as the corollaries of Zarathustra''s "abundance." Some speculate that Nietzsche intended to write about final acts of creation and destruction brought about by Zarathustra. However, the book lacks a finale to match that description; its actual ending focuses more on Zarathustra recognizing that his legacy is beginning to perpetuate, and consequently choosing to leave the higher men to their own devices in carrying his legacy forth.

Ecce Homo

release date: May 01, 2018
Ecce Homo
Ecce Homo: Nietzsches Autobiography by Friedrich Nietzsche. Ecce Homo is the last prose work that Nietzsche wrote. It is true that the pamphlet Nietzsche contra Wagner was prepared a month later than the Autobiography; but we cannot consider this pamphlet as anything more than a compilation, seeing that it consists entirely of aphorisms drawn from such previous works as Joyful Wisdom, Beyond Good and Evil, The Genealogy of Morals, etc. Coming at the end of a year in which he had produced the Case of Wagner, The Twilight of the Idols, and The Antichrist, Ecce Homo is not only a coping-stone worthy of the wonderful creations of that year, but also a fitting conclusion to his whole life, in the form of a grand summing up of his character as a man, his purpose as a reformer, and his achievement as a thinker. As if half conscious of his approaching spiritual end, Nietzsche here bids his friends farewell, just in the manner in which, in the Twilight of the Idols (Aph. 36, Part ix.), he declares that every one should be able to take leave of his circle of relatives and intimates when his time seems to have come-that is to say, while he is still himself while he still knows what he is about, and is able to measure his own life and life in general, and speak of both in a manner which is not vouchsafed to the groaning invalid, to the man lying on his back, decrepit and exhausted, or to the moribund victim of some wasting disease.

El caso Wagner Nietzsche contra Wagner

release date: Jan 01, 2002

Au-delà du bien et du mal

Au-delà du bien et du mal
Dans "Par-delà le bien et le mal" (original allemand : Jenseits von Gut und Böse), Nietzsche développe les idées introduites dans "Ainsi parlait Zarathoustra", en proposant une critique plus détaillée de la morale et de la philosophie traditionnelles. Il remet en question la dichotomie du bien et du mal, plaidant pour une compréhension plus nuancée de la morale qui transcende ces catégories simplistes. Ce livre est un examen critique des préjugés et des hypothèses qui sous-tendent la pensée occidentale, appelant à une réévaluation des valeurs et à l''adoption d''une approche plus dynamique et perspectiviste de la vérité et de la connaissance. Publié pour la première fois en 1886 par la maison d''édition C. G. Naumann à Leipzig, en Allemagne, cette nouvelle traduction de 2024 du manuscrit original allemand de 1886 contient une nouvelle postface du traducteur, une chronologie de la vie et de l''œuvre de Nietzsche, un index avec des descriptions de ses principaux concepts et des résumés de l''ensemble de son œuvre. Cette nouvelle traduction de 2024 du manuscrit original allemand, latin et grec contient une nouvelle postface du traducteur, une chronologie de la vie et de l''œuvre de Nietzsche, un index avec des descriptions de ses concepts fondamentaux et des résumés de l''ensemble de son œuvre. Cette traduction est conçue pour permettre au philosophe amateur de s''engager profondément dans les œuvres de Nietzsche sans avoir à être un universitaire à plein temps. La langue est moderne et claire, avec des structures de phrases et une diction simplifiées pour rendre le langage et les arguments complexes de Nietzsche aussi accessibles que possible. Cette édition pour lecteurs contient également du matériel supplémentaire qui amplifie le manuscrit avec un contexte autobiographique, historique et linguistique. Elle offre au lecteur une vision globale de ce philosophe très énigmatique, à la fois comme introduction et comme exploration des œuvres de Nietzsche, depuis la compréhension générale de son projet philosophique jusqu''à l''exploration des profondeurs de sa métaphysique et de ses contributions uniques. Cette édition contient : • une postface du traducteur sur l''histoire, l''impact et l''héritage intellectuel de Nietzsche • Des notes de traduction sur le manuscrit original allemand • Un index des concepts philosophiques utilisés par Nietzsche, en particulier l''existentialisme et la phénoménologie. • une liste chronologique complète de l''ensemble des œuvres de Nietzsche • Une chronologie détaillée du parcours de Nietzsche • Un extrait de l''Ecce Homo de Nietzsche de 1889 en guise d''addendum, dans lequel il réfléchit aux intentions qui ont présidé à la rédaction de l''Ecce Homo, un an seulement avant sa mort prématurée. Pour Nietzsche, "Par-delà le bien et le mal" est le mode de pensée préhistorique (ou présocratique) dans lequel les actions sont jugées en fonction de leurs effets. La morale n''est apparue que lorsque les actions ont été jugées en fonction de leurs intentions - en particulier dans la "morale de l''esclave" du christianisme primitif. La demande de Nietzsche était de revenir à la perspective de l''ère pré-morale ; sa contre-proposition est une nouvelle philosophie de l''"immoralité" liée à la perspective particulière de l''individu, qui a été adoptée sans réserve par le régime nazi et plusieurs autres mouvements génocidaires du 20e siècle. L''Übermench doit dominer toutes choses sans entrave et ne doit pas être gêné par les "faibles".

Twilight of the Idols

Twilight of the Idols
"Twilight of the Idols: Or, How to Philosophize with a Hammer" (Original German: Götzen-Dämmerung oder Wie man mit dem Hammer philosophiert) is a concise and accessible summary of Nietzsche''s critique of traditional philosophy and morality. The title metaphorically suggests the dismantling of the idols, or false truths, that have dominated Western thought. Here Nietzsche outlines the core themes of his late work in ten sections, preceded by a brief introduction. He uses the metaphor of "twilight" to signify the decline of what was previously accepted as truth, which he refers to as "idols. He juxtaposes this with the image of a hammer, suggesting a violent destruction of old beliefs, complemented by the tuning fork, symbolizing a diagnostic approach that reveals the "hollow sounds" of questioned idols. Nietzsche delves into the decay of metaphysics, morality, and religion, criticizing the dualism that has dominated Western culture by dividing the world into true and apparent realms. He focuses on Socrates as an emblem of decline, characterizing him as a pathological figure whose dialectical method marked a detrimental shift in Greek tastes, fostering the rise of the populace at the expense of nobler values. Twilight of the Idols is notable for its concise articulation of many of his central themes, such as the critique of metaphysics, the denunciation of Christian morality, and the celebration of life-affirming values. The text is divided into several sections, each addressing different aspects of contemporary culture and philosophy. This work underscores his rejection of absolute truths and his advocacy of perspectivism; the idea that knowledge is always from a particular perspective and influenced by the individual''s will to power, even though this is, ironically, an extremely dogmatic philosophical perspective which makes a claim of absolute truth. The work was published by C. G. Naumann in Leipzig in 1889. This new 2024 translation of the original 1889 German manuscript includes a new afterword by the translator, a timeline of Nietzsche''s life and works, an index with descriptions of his key concepts, and summaries of his complete works. This translation is designed to allow the armchair philosopher to engage deeply with Nietzsche''s works without having to be a full-time Academic. The language is modern and clean, with simplified sentence structures and diction to make Nietzsche''s complex language and arguments as accessible as possible. This Reader''s Edition also contains extra material that amplifies the manuscript with autobiographical, historical and linguistic context. This provides the reader a holistic view of this very enigmatic philosopher as both an introduction and an exploration of Nietzsche''s works; from his general understanding of his philosophic project to an exploration of the depths of his metaphysics and unique contributions. This edition contains: • An Afterword by the Translator on the history, impact and intellectual legacy of Nietzsche • Translation notes on the original German, Latin and Greek manuscript • An index of Philosophical concepts used by Nietzsche with a focus on Existentialism and Phenomenology • A chronological list of Nietzsche''s entire body of works • A detailed timeline of Nietzsche''s life and works

The Antichrist: Curse on Christianity

release date: Apr 10, 2021
The Antichrist: Curse on Christianity
''The Antichrist: Curse of Christianity'' is a book by the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, originally published in 1895. In section 1, Nietzsche expresses his dissatisfaction with modernity, listing his dislikes for the contemporary "lazy peace," "cowardly compromise," "tolerance," and "resignation." This relates to Arthur Schopenhauer''s claim that knowledge of the inner nature of the world and life results in "perfect resignation, which is the innermost spirit of Christianity." Nietzsche goes on to say that mankind, out of fear, has bred a weak, sick type of human. He blames Christianity for demonizing strong, higher humans. Pascal, he claims, was an intellectually strong man who was depraved by Christianity''s teaching of original sin. Mankind, according to Nietzsche, is corrupt and its highest values are depraved. He asserts that "all the values in which mankind at present summarizes its highest desiderata are decadence values." Mankind is depraved because it has lost its instincts and prefers what is harmful to it.

The Case of Wagner

release date: Mar 04, 2018
The Case of Wagner
In reading these two essays we are apt to be deceived, by their virulent and forcible tone, into believing that the whole matter is a mere cover for hidden fire,-a mere blind of æsthetic discussion concealing a deep and implacable personal feud which demands and will have vengeance. In spite of all that has been said to the contrary, many people still hold this view of the two little works before us; and, as the actual facts are not accessible to every one, and rumours are more easily believed than verified, the error of supposing that these pamphlets were dictated by personal animosity, and even by Nietzsche''s envy of Wagner in his glory, seems to be a pretty common one. Another very general error is to suppose that the point at issue here is not one concerning music at all, but concerning religion.

Thus Spake Zarathustra

release date: Jul 26, 2018
Thus Spake Zarathustra
Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Book for All and None (German: Also sprach Zarathustra: Ein Buch für Alle und Keinen, also translated as Thus Spake Zarathustra) is a philosophical novel by German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, composed in four parts between 1883 and 1885 and published between 1883 and 1891. Much of the work deals with ideas such as the "eternal recurrence of the same", the parable on the "death of God", and the "prophecy" of the Übermensch, which were first introduced in The Gay Science

The Birth of Tragedy by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

release date: Jan 20, 2018
The Birth of Tragedy by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
The Birth of Tragedy from the Spirit of Music (German: Die Geburt der Trag�die aus dem Geiste der Musik) is an 1872 work of dramatic theory by the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. It was reissued in 1886 as The Birth of Tragedy, Or: Hellenism and Pessimism (German: Die Geburt der Trag�die, Oder: Griechentum und Pessimismus). The later edition contained a prefatory essay, "An Attempt at Self-Criticism", wherein Nietzsche commented on this earliest book.

Thus Spoke Zarathustra: Illustrated Edition

release date: Jan 07, 2022
Thus Spoke Zarathustra: Illustrated Edition
Thus Spoke Zarathustra is a philosophical novel by German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, published in four parts between 1883 and 1891. As one of the most influential works in modern nihilism, the book follows the life, speeches, and travels of Zarathustra, the originator of Zoroastrianism. Thus Spoke Zarathustra argues man should seek to perfect himself during his life on earth, surpassing societal standards of morality and goodness. The ideal is - man transforming himself into the "Übermensch," a more evolved, superhuman-like state of being. Thus Spoke Zarathustra argues every man should follow his own path not dictated by societal conventions. This work is fundamental in guiding existentialist thought and the study of modern philosophy.


release date: Jun 25, 2016
When Zarathustra arrived at the nearest town which adjoineth the forest, he found many people assembled in the market-place; for it had been announced that a rope-dancer would give a performance. And Zarathustra spake thus unto the people:I TEACH YOU THE SUPERMAN. Man is something that is to be surpassed. What have ye done to surpass man?All beings hitherto have created something beyond themselves: and ye want to be the ebb of that great tide, and would rather go back to the beast than surpass man?What is the ape to man? A laughing-stock, a thing of shame. And just the same shall man be to the Superman: a laughing-stock, a thing of shame.Ye have made your way from the worm to man, and much within you is still worm. Once were ye apes, and even yet man is more of an ape than any of the apes.Even the wisest among you is only a disharmony and hybrid of plant and phantom. But do I bid you become phantoms or plants?Lo, I teach you the Superman!The Superman is the meaning of the earth. Let your will say: The Superman SHALL BE the meaning of the earth!I conjure you, my brethren, REMAIN TRUE TO THE EARTH, and believe not those who speak unto you of superearthly hopes! Poisoners are they, whether they know it or not.Despisers of life are they, decaying ones and poisoned ones themselves, of whom the earth is weary: so away with them!Once blasphemy against God was the greatest blasphemy; but God died, and therewith also those blasphemers. To blaspheme the earth is now the dreadfulest sin, and to rate the heart of the unknowable higher than the meaning of the earth!Once the soul looked contemptuously on the body, and then that contempt was the supreme thing:-the soul wished the body meagre, ghastly, and famished. Thus it thought to escape from the body and the earth.Oh, that soul was itself meagre, ghastly, and famished; and cruelty was the delight of that soul!But ye, also, my brethren, tell me: What doth your body say about your soul? Is your soul not poverty and pollution and wretched self-complacency?Verily, a polluted stream is man. One must be a sea, to receive a polluted stream without becoming impure.Lo, I teach you the Superman: he is that sea; in him can your great contempt be submerged.What is the greatest thing ye can experience? It is the hour of great contempt. The hour in which even your happiness becometh loathsome unto you, and so also your reason and virtue.The hour when ye say: "What good is my happiness! It is poverty and pollution and wretched self-complacency. But my happiness should justify existence itself!"The hour when ye say: "What good is my reason! Doth it long for knowledge as the lion for his food? It is poverty and pollution and wretched self-complacency!"The hour when ye say: "What good is my virtue! As yet it hath not made me passionate. How weary I am of my good and my bad! It is all poverty and pollution and wretched self-complacency!"The hour when ye say: "What good is my justice! I do not see that I am fervour and fuel. The just, however, are fervour and fuel!"The hour when ye say: "What good is my pity! Is not pity the cross on which he is nailed who loveth man? But my pity is not a crucifixion."Have ye ever spoken thus? Have ye ever cried thus? Ah! would that I had heard you crying thus!It is not your sin-it is your self-satisfaction that crieth unto heaven; your very sparingness in sin crieth unto heaven!Where is the lightning to lick you with its tongue? Where is the frenzy with which ye should be inoculated?Lo, I teach you the Superman: he is that lightning, he is that frenzy!-When Zarathustra had thus spoken, one of the people called out: "We have now heard enough of the rope-dancer; it is time now for us to see him!" And all the people laughed at Zarathustra. But the rope-dancer, who thought the words applied to him, began his performance.

Thus Spake Zarathustra Illustrated

release date: Jun 29, 2020
Thus Spake Zarathustra Illustrated
Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Book for All and None is a philosophical novel by German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, composed in four parts written and published between 1883 and 1885.

The Antichrist by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

release date: Nov 11, 2017
The Antichrist by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
The Antichrist is a book by the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, originally published in 1895. Although it was written in 1888, its controversial content made Franz Overbeck and Heinrich K�selitz delay its publication, along with Ecce Homo. The German title can be translated into English as either The Anti-Christ or The Anti-Christian, depending on how the German word Christ is translated.

Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

release date: Sep 03, 2017
Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
Title: Beyond Good and EvilAuthor: Friedrich NietzscheLanguage: English
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