Best Selling Books by Raymond Carver

Raymond Carver is the author of Where I'm Calling From (2015), Beginners (2015), Will You Please Be Quiet, Please? (2015), Cathedral (2015), What We Talk About When We Talk About Love / Beginners (2015).

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Where I'm Calling From

release date: May 25, 2015
Where I'm Calling From
The final story collection from “one of the great short story writers of our time” (The Philadelphia Inquirer) features classic stories from Cathedral, What We Talk About When We Talk About Love, and earlier volumes. • “Among the masterpieces of American fiction." —The New York Times Book Review By the time of his early death in 1988, Raymond Carver had established himself as one of the great practitioners of the American short story, a writer who had not only found his own voice but imprinted it in the imaginations of thousands of readers. Where I’m Calling From, his last collection, includes seven new works previously unpublished in book form. Together, these 37 stories give us a superb overview of Carver’s life work and show us why he was so widely imitated but never equaled.


release date: Sep 15, 2015
From “one of the great short story writers of our time—of any time” (The Philadelphia Inquirer)—comes the original manuscript of the seminal 1981 collection, What We Talk About When We Talk About Love. Raymond Carver is one of the most celebrated short-story writers in American literature—his style is both instantly recognizable and hugely influential—and the pieces in What We Talk About…, which portray the gritty loves and lives of the American working class, are counted among the foundation stones of the contemporary short story. In this unedited text, we gain insight into the process of a great writer. These expansive stories illuminate the many dimensions of Carver’s style, and are indispensable to our understanding of his legacy. Text established by William L. Stull and Maureen P. Carroll

Will You Please Be Quiet, Please?

release date: May 25, 2015
Will You Please Be Quiet, Please?
The first collection of stories from “one of the great short story writers of our time” (The Philadelphia Inquirer) breathed new life into the American short story, showing us the humor and tragedy that dwell in the hearts of ordinary people. "[Carver''s stories] can ... be counted among the masterpieces of American Literature." —The New York Times Book Review "One of the great short story writers of our time—of any time." —The Philadelhpia Inquirer "The whole collection is a knock out. Few writers can match Raymond Carver''s entwining style and language." —The Dallas Morning News


release date: May 25, 2015
PULITZER PRIZE FINALIST • Twelve short stories that mark a turning point in the work of “one of the true American masters" (The New York Review of Books). “A writer of astonishing compassion and honesty … His eye is so clear, it almost breaks your heart.” —The Washington Post Book World A remarkable collection that includes the canonical titular story about blindness and learning to enter the very different world of another. These twelve stories “overflow with the danger, excitement, mystery and possibility of life.” —The Washington Post Book World

What We Talk About When We Talk About Love / Beginners

release date: May 14, 2015
What We Talk About When We Talk About Love / Beginners
A Vintage Shorts “Short Story Month” Selection • From one of the most celebrated short-story writers in American literature, the story that launched a thousand homages, in word and film—a haunting meditation on love and companionship, and finding one’s way through the dark. “What We Talk About When We Talk About Love” is included here with its unedited version, “Beginners,” which was originally submitted to Carver’s editor, Gordon Lish. In this eShort, readers can compare both versions of this iconic work of fiction, gaining insight into Carver’s aesthetic and the foundations of the contemporary American short story.

All of Us

release date: May 25, 2015
All of Us
A rich collection of poems from not only “one of the great short story writers of our time” (The Philadelphia Inquirer), but one of America’s most large-hearted and affecting poets. Like Raymond Carver’s stories, the more than 300 poems in All of Us are marked by a keen attention to the physical world; an uncanny ability to compress vast feeling into discreet moments; a voice of conversational intimacy, and an unstinting sympathy. This complete edition brings together all the poems of Carver’s five previous books, from Fires to the posthumously published No Heroics, Please. It also contains bibliographical and textual notes on individual poems; a chronology of Carver’s life and work; and a moving introduction by Carver’s widow, the poet Tess Gallagher.

Call If You Need Me

release date: May 25, 2015
Call If You Need Me
The complete uncollected fiction and nonfiction, including the five posthumously discovered “last” stories, published here in book form for the first time—from “one of the great short story writers of our time—of any time” (The Philadelphia Inquirer). Call If You Need Me includes all of the prose previously collected in No Heroics, Please, four essays from Fires, and those five marvelous stories that range over the period of Carver’s mature writing and give his devoted readers a final glimpse of the great writer at work. The pure pleasure of Carver’s writing is everywhere in his work, here no less than in those stories that have already entered the canon of modern literature.

Carver Country

release date: Jan 01, 1994
Carver Country
Raymond Carver''s gritty texts, combined with Adelman''s photographs of Carver''s people and haunts, re-create the world of this major writer, bringing to life the bleak, blue-collar towns, people, and places that became the inspiration for much of his work. 113 duotone photos.

Where Water Comes Together with Other Water

release date: May 25, 2015
Where Water Comes Together with Other Water
Winner of Poetry Magazine’s Levinson Prize • An illuminating collection of poems from the middle of Carver''s career that “function as distilled, heightened versions of his stories, offering us fugitive glimpses of ordinary lives on the edge” (The New York Times). "The stories poems tell are so wonderfully self-contained, so self-evident, so gracefully metaphorical." —The Village Voice "There is a severity of language, an understatement of emotion, that endows the poems of his first major collection with the feel of extraordinary experience. To read them is to have the sense this man has lived more than most of us. We trust him because of the plainly conversational diction and the lapel-grabbing rhythms.... They are very moving, very memorable." —Poetry

Conversations with Raymond Carver

release date: Jan 01, 1990
Conversations with Raymond Carver
The twenty-five interviews gathered here, several available in English for the first time, include craft interviews, biographical portraits, self-analyses, & wide-ranging reflections on the current literary scene.

All Of Us (Mandarin Edition)

release date: Feb 25, 2014
All Of Us (Mandarin Edition)
《我们所有人:雷蒙德·卡佛诗全集》 This complete edition brings together all the poems of Carver''s five previous books, from Fires to the posthumously published No Heroics, Please. It also contains bibliographical and textual notes on individual poems; a chronology of Carver''s life and work; and a moving introduction by Carver''s widow, the poet Tess Gallagher. 本书涵盖了雷蒙德·卡佛一生创作的所有诗歌作品,文学价值尤为珍贵。卡佛诗歌具有其小说所有的美德:对于物质世界的深切关注,将广阔情感压缩在朴素瞬间的非凡能力,以及谈话式的亲切的诗歌声音。同时,他亦创造了一种奇妙的卡佛式的诗歌语调:柔软而克制,朴素而深邃,微妙地掌握着语言的尺度与抒情的适度。这种迷人的气息,像一层薄雾,淡淡地笼罩在卡佛的每一行文字中。卡佛的爱和感伤都隐藏在这种柔软的冷叙述里。


release date: May 25, 2015
From “one of the great short story writers of our time—of any time” (The Philadelphia Inquirer)—comes more than sixty stories, poems, and essays, including two early versions from the seminal collection, What We Talk About When We Talk About Love. "Show[s] the enormous talent of Raymond Carver beginning to take hold." —San Francisco Chronicle A wide-ranging collection by the extravagantly versatile Raymond Carver. Two of the stories that were later significantly revised in What We Talk About When We Talk About Love appear here in their original form, revealing clearly the astounding process of Carver’s literary development.

What We Talk About When We Talk About Love (Mandarin Edition)

release date: Feb 25, 2014
What We Talk About When We Talk About Love (Mandarin Edition)
《当我们谈论爱情时我们在谈论什么》 In his second collection of stories, as in his first, Carver''s characters are peripheral people--people without education, insight or prospects, people too unimaginative to even give up. Carver celebrates these men and women. 《当我们谈论爱情时我们在谈论什么》是雷蒙德·卡佛优秀的短篇小说集,由17篇短篇小说组成。讲述了如餐馆女招待、锯木厂工人、修车工、推销员和汽车旅馆管理员等社会底层的体力劳动者的生活。这些普通人有着普通人的愿望,做着再普通不过的事情,但他们发现自己在为生存而挣扎,无法达到在常人看来并不远大的人生目标。他们的生活中充满了窘困和不如意,婚姻破裂,失业,酗酒,破产。卡佛用“极简”的遣词、冷静疏离的叙事,表现了现代社会中人的边缘性以及现代人脆弱的自我意识。本书的出版,为美国短篇小说写作注入了新的生命,并为卡佛赢得了“美国的契诃夫”的称号,使他成为美国继海明威之后受到模仿最多的作家。

Call If You Need Me (Mandarin Edition)

release date: Feb 25, 2014
Call If You Need Me (Mandarin Edition)
《需要时,就给我电话》 Call If You Need Me includes all of the prose previously collected in No Heroics, Please, four essays from Fires, and those five marvelous stories that range over the period of Carver''s mature writing and give his devoted readers a final glimpse of the great writer at work. 本书为卡佛小说﹑散文﹑随笔和书评的合集,所选文章以类相从,全景敞视般地展示出卡佛风格的多样性,从而使读者得以窥见其一生文学创作的丰富维度。此书还特别收录五篇新近发现的卡佛生前未结集的短篇作品。阅读卡佛,读者可见其对现代社会中底层人边缘性的关注,其实也是自身经历的一种言说,时至今日仍可引起绝大多数人共鸣。此合集沿袭了卡佛一贯的风格,文风冷峻,看似削到嶙峋的文字之中其实蕴含无尽深意。

Short Cuts

release date: May 25, 2015
Short Cuts
From “one of the great short story writers of our time” (The Philadelphia Inquirer)—nine stories and a poem that offer a searing portrait of American innocence and loss—and formed the basis for the film “Short Cuts” directed by Robert Altman. With deadpan humor and enormous tenderness, this is the work of “one of the true contemporary masters” (The New York Review of Books). Features stories from the collections Will You Please Be Quiet, Please?, Where I’m Calling From, What We Talk About When We Talk About Love, and A New Path to the Waterfall; including an introduction by Robert Altman.


release date: Oct 12, 1987
"Carver''s gifts as a storyteller shine through his poetry" (Los Angeles Times) in this collection that moves from the beauty of the world to thoughts of mortality and family and art. One of Raymond Carver’s final collections of poetry, this collection “has the astonished, chastened voice of a person who has survived a wreck, as surprised that he had a life before it as that he has one afterward, willing to remember both sides” (The New York Times Book Review).

Elephant and Other Stories

release date: Jan 01, 1989

Fires (Mandarin Edition)

release date: Feb 25, 2014
Fires (Mandarin Edition)
《火》 A disparate collection of work bound by a unity of vision and obsession. 本书收入卡佛的短篇小说、随笔及诗歌。小说方面,卡佛特别不满意《纽约客》文学编辑利什对《洗澡》、《所有的东西都粘在他身上》和《咖啡先生和修理先生》的删节,他改了标题,大量修改内容,都收入《火》里。《谎话》、《木屋》等短篇小说则是首次有中译本。诗歌方面,收录《你们不知道什么是爱》、《在克拉马斯河附近》、《我父亲二十二岁时的照片》等著名作品。随笔方面,有《关于写作》、《我父亲的一生》、《火》等文学爱好者期待已久的篇目。

No Heroics, Please

release date: Jan 01, 1992
No Heroics, Please
This volume of previously uncollected work represents the final legacy of one of the great and truly American writers of our time. It includes five of Raymond Carver''s early stories (including the first one he ever published), a fragment of an unpublished novel, poems that have previously appeared only in small-press editions, and all of his uncollected nonfiction. Included here as well is Carver''s last essay, "Friendship" about a London reunion with Richard Ford and Tobias Wolff. Arranged chronologically, this book affords an intimate and comprehensive thirty-year vision of a great writer in the process of becoming himself.

In a Marine Light

release date: Jan 01, 1987

Cathedral (Mandarin Edition)

release date: Feb 25, 2014
Cathedral (Mandarin Edition)
《大教堂》 Cathedral is a collection of short stories that overflow with the danger, excitement, mystery and possibility of life. These similar stories, very skillful within their narrow limits, were written with a dry intensity, and moving, at their climaxes, from the commonplace to the unnerving. 雷蒙德·卡弗是近年美国杰出的短篇小说家。六七十年代的美国社会动荡、思潮澎湃,作者从忧患困顿中脱颖而出,十年间发表了好几部集子,都属畅销。他的作品写的几乎全是社会中下阶层,失业无告,婚变心碎,贫病自弃之人。写作手法也颇为独特,人称“极简派”或“峻削派”。其作品曾多次获奖,屡屡被选做经典语文读本,并被译成二十多种文字。《大教堂》是卡佛的短篇小说集,1983年出版后,日文版和英国版随即出版并被提名普利策奖。本书中文译本是首次授权出版,由青年作家、芝加哥大学文学博士肖铁倾心翻译。

Raymond Carver: Collected Stories (LOA #195)

release date: Aug 20, 2009
Raymond Carver: Collected Stories (LOA #195)
Collects legendary and controversial works by the mid-twentieth-century writer including posthumous, unedited, and previously unseen versions, in a comparative anthology that offers insight into the influence of editor Gordon Lish.

A New Path to the Waterfall

release date: Jan 01, 1989
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